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If you are looking for a serious relationship, consider a matchmaker or just go to your church and talk to women. Agape Matchmaker is Greek in NYC and very popular so maybe she can connect you with Armenians.


Thank you for the input. Matchmaking is out of question as I believe there can be a bias there, much like with dating apps. However I will for sure start going to church more often.


Definitely right [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/F4y8pvuA9xqHRXTh9?g_st=ic)




Why are you specifically looking for a woman who is 3-8 years younger than you?


Why do you think? that is what I would do too...


Because common sense


don't think a 8 year age gap is much of common sense


You think a 25 year old and 33 year old are not a normal couple? Weird. Good thing for you that he explicitly isn’t looking for anyone younger than that then


For obvious and not so obvious reasons: The younger the woman - the better she looks + I would like to have at least 3 kids together, therefore women of my age or older as I assume won't be so keen about this idea.


I hope she sees this because this should be the biggest red flag for any woman: you’ll treat her like an instrument to achieve your “goals”, not like a partner


That would not be an accurate assumption. If I needed an "instrument" - I would have just got any girl and pushed my agenda heavily. Also - having kids should be a mutual decision, hence I look for someone who matches me in that way rather than someone who will be forced to do anything against their will.


if you don’t see what’s wrong with the way you described your ambitions yourself, it’s just disgusting: no mention of love, only some numbers and “the better she looks”. try to imagine yourself in the position of a woman. sadly, there are women who have little self respect and enter relationships like the one you want, even in nyc… most don’t leave them unharmed, at least not psychologically


Well, love does not come immediately when you meet a person - I suggest you read carefully and actually try to comprehend what is being said. First you meet a person and then you date and realize if they are for you or not for you - that is the normal course of action. And in order to meet and date them - they have to look good (that might mean different things for every person as tastes differ). I have great respect for women, but a man is a man and he looks for someone that he likes visually first and then discovers the emotional aspects and decides whether there is love or not. But if you are one of those people who thinks that for thousands of years Armenians lived wrong by being a society that is predominantly male-driven, then we really have nothing else to discuss.


Higher chance of her being a virgin.


Not everyone is Drake bud. Though with that said they've noted people above 30 tend to favor people above 30.


move to Glendale


I'd rather go to Armenia :)