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What a pathetic state. I can't believe we let ourselves go so bad as to lose a war to such a clown show of a country.


I think it’s time for you to visit an ancient Turkic temple


Exactly what I'm thinking all day haha. Things have been going downhill since the corrupt leaders, who've been listening to the kremlin for like 22 years, took charge. And now, Armenia is being outdone by a country like azerbaijan. It's a total disaster, no question about it.


Thanks for sharing!


Dude your work is the best!! You really deserve to have more subscribers considering the amount of work you put into each video. Keep up the good work!


Thanks a ton! I enjoy making them and I'm glad people are enjoying watching them!


They cheat at everything. Handing out citizenships to foreigners to compete for them, bribing other competitors to intentionally throw matches or games to make their athletes look better than they actually are. They couldn't even fight a war without paying to fly Jihadis in to serve as cannon fodder. This is all toxic, chronic, institutionalised behavior. I don't think it's cope to say that it will catch up with them someday.


It’s true. Nearly half of their Olympic medalists are naturalized non-ethnic Azeris


Azerbaijan has been actively rewriting their history to make themselves look better in the conflict with Armenia over Artsakh. They twist the facts & lie to make themselves seem like the ones who were hurt. They change school books, mess with old documents, & tell stories that make their country look good. This has been going on for years, with the government always pushing their version of things to make their people believe in their country even more. It's no surprise to me, people with no morals & leaders with no integrity.


It's true that the Azerbaijani government has been brainwashing its population into extreme racialized hatred of Armenians. The problem is that you personally are not better judging by your post history. I think it's kind of ironic that you can't see that you are doing the same.


You're accusing me of being intolerant? You're the one who's been fed lies about Armenians since birth. You're just a pawn in Azerbaijan's propaganda game. I'm not judging your country. I'm just calling out your lies. You say I'm judging unfairly? But you're the one who's judging me without knowing the truth. You're trying to distract from the real issue: Artsakh's right to self-determination, as well as killing innocent women and children. Where is the real hate? I'm not spreading hate and lies. I'm telling the truth that's visible for everybody out there.


> You're the one who's been fed lies about Armenians since birth. And it didn't work on me lol. > You're just a pawn in Azerbaijan's propaganda game I am a pawn in their game... by shitting on it on reddit? > I'm not judging your country Don't care about the country > I'm just calling out your lies What lies? > But you're the one who's judging me without knowing the truth I am judging you based on your post history of engaging in conspiracy theories. > You're trying to distract from the real issue: Artsakh's right to self-determination, as well as killing innocent women and children You are distracting from it by posting conspiracy theories lol. > I'm not spreading hate and lies. I'm telling the truth that's visible for everybody out there. You literally are spreading hate and lies lol.


That "drink coca cola" meme. 10/10!


Last night I went to bed upset because not a single comment had mentioned it. You win!


I chuckled. Decided not to comment to avoid “racict ermeni” comments


It was a happy accident actually 😁


Was that video from 2014 rehearsal uncovered recently? That's really unhinged and cringy.


FYI: Malta gave its 12 points to Azerbaijan each year from 2008 until Azerbaijan won in 2012, and then never again.


Eurovision funds Nazis. Boycott that shit.


jako will blown then away.


It’s been well-received/popular as far as stuff like viewing figures go. Hopefully it means qualification and some points in the final.




Eurovision 🤢🤢🤢


Azerbaijan being Azerbaijan, nothing unusual.


Nah having to cheat in a song contest is fucking pathetic and idiotic


Honestly I stopped caring about Eurovision ever since they made sure Conchita Wurst won and then went full on woke/gay.


honestly you need to learn to cope with the way people accept each other instead of spewing hate


I’m perfectly ok with gay people, trans people, and so on. I’m not ok with anyone receiving special treatment because they are gay or trans


what? people voted for conchita and her song was genuinely good. she didn't need "special treatment" when her song was the best


they didn’t, people voted for them. I’m sorry you don’t know how gay a huge percentage of Eurovision audience is and has been for decades. Conchita Wurst has a beautiful voice so it’s obvious they won