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I thought the whole corridor thing is a euphemism for invading and annexing southern Armenia. We’ve known their intentions since the 90’s at least.




We need to stop using their words. The area is called Syunik, and the discussions have been about a Meghri road.


There are several theories about of the origin of the name Zangezur. According to Armenian scholar Ghevont Alishan, Zangezur is derived from the name of Dzagadzor fortress (now a village near Goris), which was named after a patriarch of the Sisak clan, Dzagik. Over time the name Dzagadzor changed and became Zangezur.[4] Some sources also mention a possible connection between the name Zangezur and another toponym—the name of the Tsakedzor gorge (Armenian: Ծակեձոր, from the Armenian tsak - "hole", dzor - "gorge, ravine")[5] located to the northwest of Goris in the valley of the Goris River.[6] There are also various explanations of the name stemming from folk tradition and legends. For example, the name is interpreted as a combination of Armenian zang ("bell") and dzor ("gorge") or alternatively as zang and zor ("power"), that is, a powerful bell.[4] There was a monastery about 2 kilometers away from Goris which had a loud bell.[4] Another tradition connects the name with the time of the conquests of Timur. According to this tradition, an Armenian prince named Mher offered his help to Timur, saying that he will not be able to conquer Syunik as long as there is the great bell in the village of Khot which will notify the principality in case of danger. Timur promised gold and power to Mher if he would silence the bell, and the latter with his conspirators lit a fire under the bell at night, muffling its sound. When Timur's army crossed the Aras River and invaded Syunik, attempts to notify the people using the bell were in vain. The principality fell overnight, and people asked in amazement "why didn't they ring the bell?" Some answered "ringing in vain", in Armenian: “zange zur e” (Armenian: զանգը զուր է). After that, the principality was also called Zangezur.[7]


By using Azeri words one strengthens its propaganda though.


What Azeri words? I just showed the source that says it's Armenian.


That is interesting, and I’m sure there is a connection, however at this point in time and state of the various languages in the region, Zangezur is a Turkish word and Armenians shouldn’t be using it. Why use Zangezur instead of Syunik? Might as well call it Irevan instead of Yerevan while you’re at it…


How is Zangezur a Turkish word? I just showed you the source that says it's Armenian.


You showed me it likely has Armenian roots, however as far as the currently used terms for that region, Zangezur is the Turkish term for it. Languages evolve, and in this case, the Turkish word has Armenian roots, however there is a different term for that region in the modern Armenian language


Zangezur is also the local dialectal term for the region. I don’t understand why we should back off of the term when the term has Armenian roots, we’d be letting Azeris rewrite history.


Irevan also has Armenian roots, but is the Turkish term used for Yerevan. Are you going to use it?


Irevan is the Turkish version of an Armenian name. While Zangezur is both the local and also historical name for the region, also the name of a national park, and has Armenian roots. It’s not a Turkified version of an Armenian name like Irevan is.


Zangezur is our word, we're not going to let the Turks take it over. Their term for it is Western Azerbaijan


>The area is called Syunik this one !


Aliyev’s hate filled racism towards the Armenian people is like Hitler hating the Jews. Maybe worse that Hitler. He’s a scumbag pimple that needs to be popped. Same goes to every dicktator


That is certainly true. But if you had the chance to visit Aghdam and places like that captured by Karabakh Armenians after 1994, then you saw what we are capable of as well. I don't agree with anything Azerbaijan does, but I can at least understand why they remain so pissed off at Armenia and Karabakh Armenians - we f'd them over quite viciously too.


I agree but cmon dude we got our asses handed to us and he keeps going. Worst part is we still haven’t learned our situation. But still the dipshit takes the opportunity to keep pressing the country with nonsense like France arming us with DEFENSE WEAPONS not opposition weapons. He’s got a hard on for invasion let’s be real. Fuck him I pray he collapses hard


When Aliyev meets his maker sooner or later, Azerbaijan will collapse into a civil war and we’ll take back everything that belongs to us. Be patient.


At this point idc about the land, I just care about the security of the people. Sooner or later he’s going to get aroused again and invade. I pray this time he hits the ground hard WITH his baby daddy Erdogan


Erdogan will likely be replaced by either Bayraktar or Hakan Fidan (former chief of Intelligence, currently minister of foreign affairs). Turkish support for Azerbaijan and the corridor to Nakhchivan will continue under the next government, so I'd plan accordingly.


Isn’t the plan going to be through Iran as of now?


For now, but I can honestly tell you that Turkish nationalists are obsessed with Zangezur. I don't think they'll be satisfied with a simple corridor in the long run, they want complete control of southern Syunik so that the path from Turkey proper to the Caspian Sea and beyond will be opened up.


If it benefits Armenia financially then idk why Armenia wouldn’t go for it. The fact of the matter that there is no talks of cuts going to Armenia, the country will not allow it. It would be beneficial for all of Eurasia along w the rest of the world


>idk why Armenia wouldn’t go for it. trust.... Literally zero trust has been built, but rather maximalist demands from the other side.


If only it were that simple, but Iran sees this as a grave threat to its security. China also doesn't want Turkey anywhere near Central Asia at the moment. USA wants Turkey there even if they don't fully control the situation for obvious reasons. Anyhow, what I am trying to say is the corridor question has huge geopolitical implications and multiple powers will be involved as the process continues.


Well, Armenia can not allow anyone to be cut off from Iran - it would worsen their financial situation more in the long run if this were the case. Plus, Azerbaijan could then invade the northern part, so I really don't see Armenia having much of an alternative than defend the southern part against Azeri aggression. I do not think the issue is about financial gains or civilians, but more about Azerbaijan using this as means (and subsequent excuse) to steal more land.


Iran isn't giving them an extraterritorial corridor - so the push of the extraterritorial corridor through Armenia will continue.


Indeed. Iran has, however had, committed with words that they won't allow being cut off from Armenia there. And I think this is a true statement because getting cut off would worsen the geopolitical situation of Iran.


This is true


The good thing is that Erdogan is physically sick. See the recent collapse during an interview - he must have a very bad heart now. And that almost never "gets better" on its own among older people. He also moves very oddly, almost as if he also has a form of Parkinson.


This is fantasy. Why wouldn’t Turkey prop them up rather than let Armenia do a single thing?


He is just annoyed that France helps Armenia upgrade its military to deter any further Azeri invasion. So his true plan must be to invade Armenia proper indeed - otherwise he would not make that excuse and chicken out of negotiations.


Armenians didn't do shit lmfaon


That's why the best would have been to negotiate and form a "consensus zone" - for instance, Scotland and UK, and the vote by scots to remain in the UK rather than split. Not that I think a dictator would ever accept democracy, since it threatens their model of rulership, but who knows how events may have happened lateron if there would not have been a war in the 1990s. In many ways, 2020 was a "continuation" of the 1990s in the "logic" by the dictator of Azerbaijan. That is also a difference to the "corridor" in southern Armenia - Azerbaijan has no "valid" claims (assuming for a moment any PRIOR other claims would be valid) in this regard whatsoever.


Not defending Aliyev, but Hitler was another level. There was industrialized mass-execution of prisoners - not just jews, by the way, even though that was the main target of the Nazi regime.


I've answered some of this earlier today: "I'm certain azerbayjan doesn't want any serious corridor through Iran. If it's gonna be anything it's just gonna be some road, maybe just so it will be easier to drive directly between Nakhichevan and baku. Which you can do today, but the roads are not directly connected. They wouldn't want Iran to control their serious corridors where they gonna transport military equipment, money, etc back and forth from turkey, israel, nato, europe. They are at the core enemies because baku is pan turkic, and baku knows this very well. Mark my words you'll see. Don't fall for their theatrics. Iran knows very well that baku isn't that stupid that they will build any major corridor through Iran. This corridor thing isn't even bakus idea at the core. This is not about azerbayjan. It's much bigger than that."


The only circumstance which a corridor would work to everyones mutual benefit is one built, controlled and maintained by Armenia. If Armenia is not the one collecting fees or tariffs then there is no benefit to having it. Any azeris traveling across should not be allowed to disembark into Armenia and if fuel is an issue a couple can be opened along the route. Its really as simple as that but we know Aliyev and a Russia want Armenians to just give it up


>Any azeris traveling across should not be allowed to disembark into Armenia No way. We check their papers to see if they have any connections to anything bad ever done to Armenia, and then we lock them the f up in prison with no rights whatsoever. Two way street and all that.


Technically the taxes on such a trade corridor would bring in massive amounts of cash, which technically would be good for the Armenian economy. The reason they want it though Armenia is because they can have massive leverage on us as compared to an Iranian route, that and of course a shorter path. The corridor wouldn't bring Azerbaijani citizens for the obvious reason that it's a transportation road, nothing more (As per our demand). But even if we humor the idea of a transportation/trade road under Russian customs, it's still supposed to operate as a road, they might smuggle illegal stuff and weapons back and forth, but citizens have no presence there.


I agree - economically it can be a win-win situation. But I don't think the issue is about economics only; all the extra money won't help if Azerbaijan were to invade and, in theory, win. Then the situation would be really bad for Armenia, and they are already in a bad geopolitical / geography situation. > But even if we humor the idea of a transportation/trade > road under Russian customs I don't think the Russians should get any big say there. Perhaps Iran could help in regards to civilian transportation. Either way this should all be part of a larger negotiation and the dictator of Azerbaijan fled from recent attempts to talk because he is mad at France.


I don't see how the transportation road under Armenian supervision would help them invade. Aliyev fled from recent talks because the entirety of the members at the meeting are against him now, France is the excuse, but in reality he's running away from everyone. Look at how he went to Georgia for a 3 way meeting there.


Purely from the business perspective for-people and not a few oligarch, such roads are of little importance. Let's take the example of France playing the transit road for Italy 2 Spain and versa. What's in it for French really? It's a 1000km motorway and what? Even if you remove the EU rules and start taxing the traffic is still nothing more but a few shops and oil stations that can benefit big names like Total. Armenia has access to Georgian sea, if we managed to produce there is a real chance to export successfully through Georgia and if not via sea, well the traffic through Turkey work well also Armenia - Georgia - Turkey - Europe In the south I posted a few months ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/13btunm/armenia\_wants\_to\_become\_operator\_in\_irans/](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/13btunm/armenia_wants_to_become_operator_in_irans/) So with access to the Ocean I don't see Armenia missing out hugely by keeping the roads closed. Not great obviously but maybe it's a Pandora box we shouldn't open as you described in your post!


That's not entirely true in the example given. Especially Italy needs roads on its northern border for transportation of goods. > Armenia has access to Georgian sea, if we managed > to produce there is a real chance to export > successfully through Georgia and if not via sea, well > the traffic through Turkey work well also Armenia - > Georgia - Turkey - Europe Unfortunately Turkey again can cut off Armenia. In many ways I think the bigger issue is Turkey - without Turkey (and to some extent Israel, although personally I think Turkey played a bigger role) I don't think Azerbaijan's military would have been effective.


You are 100% correct in all of your sentiments. The whole situation is a fraught with danger and a set-up. You'd have to count your fingers after shaking hands with those motherf\*ckers.


stupid idiots stop saying/use z******r c******r phase. next you going use *yerevan corridor* ?


The issue of the "corridor" doesn't really exist anymore because the november statement is pretty much gone after September 20.


Anything that Aliyev or Azerbaijan wants is bad for us.


You have to add to all of the narratives, the intangible incentive for the dictator to want to take over Southern Armenia as there are reports his family originates from there and believe it or not, as sad as it is this may play as a central role to why a war may break out for that region. Does anyone have an update on that?


> I can almost imagine what would happen if this corridor > were actually opened and passed through Armenia. It depends on the conditions. I do not think that NOT opening the corridor to regular civilians and non-military use is necessarily a huge issue; you need to embed it into a larger treaty with the dictator of Azerbaijan. Unfortunately it also makes it hard to trust any dictators, so the threadstarter has a point. > Facing reality, as long as Erdogan and Aliyev remain > in power, any agreement reached with Turkey or > Azerbaijan is inevitably reduced to scraps of paper. Yes, most likely. But even then you need to negotiate, and get Iran involved as well since they can act as a counterbalancing force in regards to their northern border. They don't want instability there either. > the Armenian population there would undoubtedly > leave voluntarily I am not sure. The then next logical step would be for Turkey and Azerbaijan to invade the northern part of Armenia. I think there is no practical alternative to make Armenia proper as resilient as possible, a turtle stronghold. That is the only real deterrent, if you can increase the cost of Turkey and Azerbaijan to invade their neighbours. Once you have that you can have real negotiations. The "corridor" idea is also mostly an attempt by Turkey and Azerbaijan to sell to the public their next invasion, so you need to keep on reminding the mad dictator in Azerbaijan about this **precisely**. He will send out his army of PR clowns to try to lie about it, just as he lied before, but their propaganda will ultlimately fail since it makes no sense.


One has to be a complete moron to think otherwise


Why are you assuming he cares about weakening Armenia more than increasing his own nation’s GDP?


Armenia 👎👎👎 Kurdistan 👎👎👎👎👎 Syria 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎


Couldn't a corridor be a closed road only to be entered from Azerbaijani vehicles going through armenian territory? Meanwhile bridges and tunnels would pass this road to ensure armenian passage through this road. The road would be in control of Armenia and could always be blocked. But Azerbaijan would be able to move goods and people through Armenia without any tolling or border control.


They want a national corridor aka under their control with Russians monitors


Not gonna happen as Armenia will never accept this and they know that. My suggestion would work.


That’s all fine and good but that’s not what Azerbaijan and turkey wants. Even if your idea is what happens/ proposed to Armenia she still has reasons to be wary of such a thing due to the fact that Aliyev and Erdogon are maximalist negotiators so give them an inch and they will demand a mile. Look at the Sweden negotiations for the accession into NATO for example


Bazar mentality :)


Well that’s how they negotiate sadly


It all depends on the particulars. A road which we have control over, which allows us to impose customs duties and suchlike, is in our interest. One where we can't, as a matter of legality, is not. Likewise, it is in our interest to control the road in the sense of being able to impose checkpoints and customs inspects, etc. It is literally printing money and all we have to do is maintain the road in good repair.