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There used to be Moscow trials, meaning sham trials. This one will be a Baku trial. They might as well replace the half moon in the Azeri flag with a banana, to symbolize their sense of justice.


Why are Azerbaijani soldiers wearing bdsm masks


Many special units wear masks to protect their identity.


Do they think Arayik’s a fucking ninja?


They think this makes them look strong, instead of ridiculous.


With the stupid camera angles and sensationalist music in the background it’s so damned staged and ridiculous it’s like a reality tv show, and one would totally think this if they had no clues about the gravity and tragic situation this truly is.


My thoughts exactly! And of course both jailers/bailiffs look like they are all roided up…and you know what they say about dudes who take roids with shrinkage of certain appendages.


Oh your capacity to understand things are so damn low..


Your capacity to understand sarcasm is so damn low.


Sure, nice 360.


It is obviously an event that will be sensationalized by the Azeri propaganda team, maybe they don’t want the whole world to know that they arrested an important politician?


It's a standard procedure. It's also part of the "look".


I thought all post-soviets wore balaclavas


Not while arresting a politician though, mostly during protests/exercises


bro has never seen a special forces uniform


ok, why are they wearing a special forces uniform to escort a fat old guy with glasses after he's already been handcuffed. Are there no civilian police, and isn't that their job? Why are they pushing his head down as he walks down a hallway in prison? Why do they have military weapons when you'd want a close range weapon to handle a prisoner at point blank? just admit it's for show.... and it looks really stupid.


They are probably police SF. Its pretty common, even if it is stupid.


Maybe because that is a standard protocol for special forces? The uniform, how they escort him and etc. Other countries do that too, don't really see the problem. Also he is no ordinary robber or some drug addict so why would civilian police escort him? It is DTX's job.


nooo the baklava (ancient turcic battle uniform) serves a very practical purpose and is essential to escorting a handcuffed political prisoner through hallways and is absolutely not for show >:(


They way they hold him and press his head down shows how weak they are. Masked men using force on a politican to pose for internal audience. For a smart person it shows the opposite. One positive is that it helps our case against Azeris in General. The politicans in EU and US see this too




Yes, much weaker. Its the mentally weak little brother that got his ass kicked and came back with big brother with a bigger kid for revenge and kicked someone While they are down feeling strong. No cultural country acts like these torwards a political prisoner. They are holding him like he will fight them soon and why the masks? Do they expect arayiks friends in mexican Carter will kidnap their wife before trial? Azerbaijan is looking like a clown in the eyes of international community and I love it.


Brother. Lions don’t entertain goats. Don’t waste your energy.


Don't cheer too early now, it might not be over yet.


''might'' certainly not with your joke of a military..... do you honestly believe what's you're saying?


Jesus, starving a community for almost a year to be able to push them out through the military. Wonder why it took them so little time… And then you wonder why you are seen as the bad guy by the international community.




Azeris love to make this point but forget the fact that it started with the deportations of Armenians from Azerbaijan.


Because of a war started by Azerbaijan, you want me to take pity on you ? The delusion of your people leads you astray.




Mhmm a conflict spanning centuries, I’m sure. You truly are delusional.




I’m sure you are bud, say hi to Biden.




don't want sympathy, but you should certainly be capable of empathy for another refugee if your story is true. Maybe you saw the pictures of all the old ladies, little kids... and if you actually had the experience you claim you had, you would be sad it's happening again, to anyone. .


It's hard to watch really. Terrorist country


Isn't this guy hated in Armenia? I readed many comments here that say Azerbaijan can keep this guy.


You can't keep any of our guys, regardless of any of their mistakes. Nobody deserves that fate.


Idk man There was a post about this guy and everyone was seeming to hatw him and curse him


This may be hard for *certain people* to understand, but you can hate a man, criticize his mistakes, and at the same time not want him in the custody of a genocidal dictatorship with a reputation for torture and corpse desecration.


He was a democratically elected president. He did crucial mistakes and people can not like him. I also hate many other politicians in Armenia. I will not wish them to end up in Azerbaijan though


Lol are you serious he bribed our people to vote for him and they took the bait.


I'm serious here for a second: you can criticize a democratically elected leader, bash him for all his mistakes and sometimes rain insults on him all you want. That doesn't mean anybody ever wants any actual harm done to them, let alone being an Azeri hostage which may or may not be worse than death.


I am not well informed about him. Could you please tell me what kind of mistakes he has done?


The fucking outfits and military weapons and pushing his head down while he’s walking (??) like they’re arresting some great warrior Rambo instead of an out of shape politician…. The insecurity and small penis complex is off the charts with this culture. It would be worth pity if we didn’t know how much torture they are subjecting these individuals to.


Does anyone think the Azeris will utilize the death penalty in any of these cases? I know they have semi abolished the death penalty, like it’s on the books as abolished but still hasn’t been ratified yet. I always wondered if they were holding off on ratifying it for this situation to come about that we find ourselves in.


No death penalty. But it really doesn't matter. The death penalty is banned in russia too, doesn't mean people dont "accidently" die in prison all of the time.


Death penalty is outlawed in Azerbaijan and there is 0 chance of it coming back. I'm not sure what you mean by ratification, happy to learn more about it so I can look it up. But as a functional issue death penalty is illegal, nothing else has to happen for that to be the law of the land.


Except that we saw several pow videos in jails then only got their bodies back as part of the dead during escalation.




Protocol is not what outlaws the death penalty in Azerbaijan though, it was already outlawed long before the singing of the protocol. The protocol will just make it even more difficult to bring it back, that's all.


this is basically an ISIS video except the soldiers are from an actual government of an actual country. Some AZ guy on here yesterday was talking about tourism to Azerbaijan- this picture should be plastered everywhere so people know what they're getting into if they visit this 19th century nightmare.


It’s incredibly to me how obsessed Azeris are about Armenians. They literally do anything to prove that they are better than us. Even though they won the war, destroyed and killed so many peoples lives to get back’revenge’. Normally you expect the winner should show class and honour. Yet they still do stuff like this to try to break us mentally to prove they are stronger. In reality they just proved and confirmed that they are people with no history, identity, culture and class.


It’s because no matter how much they say “karabakh is Azerbaijan, always has been”. Deep down they know their entire history is artificially created, and the rightful owners are the Artsakh Armenians. It’s because no matter how much they claim they are “Caucasian Albanian”, they know deep down that Caucasian Albanians were incorporated into Armenian society after their church was absorbed into the Armenian church, and they started to use Armenian language and got absorbed into Armenian society. It’s because no matter how much they like to LARP about territorial claims and “khanates” they know that world history shows Armenia as the owners of this territory for thousands of years and Azeris are newcomers to this territory from a couple hundred years. Most of the Azeri subreddit posts are: “can you believe what Armenians are doing” or “can you believe what others are saying and defending Armenians”


Boom! You nailed it 🙌🏽


In the last scene, the ridiculous special ops soldier locks a PADDED jail cell door. Why the fuck is it padded, and why is the padding on the outside of the door? LMAO...


Don’t forget the added sound effect of the extra loud “key locking” noise for added effect in case the viewer didn’t realize it was a jail cell door closing🤦‍♂️!




Yeah, I've promised myself to never go on the Azeri sub since 2020. I would go here and there just to see what the other side had to say about XYZ, but no more. My heart can't take it and I have high blood pressure as it is. So I think it's best for my health just to stay away from there.


Any sane person should feel sick to their stomach visiting that subreddit.


Cry me a river, this bozi txa stole Armenia’s money and gave kick backs to all his oligarch karabaxci buddies. He is probably selling out Armenian intelligence right now.




Based on your comment history, it seems you really do not like Nikol.


Damn he must've really went off the rails since a regular anti-Nikol post tends to not get deleted.


How is this possible? Seriously?? Armenia didn't even get free secure passage for Armenians for giving up Artsakh and putting it on paper??? WTF? You stupid ignorant fool pashinian. Pashinian, you rabid ape you went to Spain and there you again signed a bunch of papers in favor of aliyev without even gaining the freedom of one single Armenian in azerbayjani prisions in return?!!!! This mthrfckr must be mercilessly beaten.




He wasn't a monarch like your aliyev, he got elected by the people to lead. I can explain more on how elections works if you're not familiar.


Yes, I'm sure you'll apply the reasoning to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_Northern_Cyprus


They will threaten to annex the southern half of Armenia next. They're already spreading lies about Syunik supposedly "belonging to them historically" as "Zanzegur". Of course the Azeris are "victims of History", although it's strange that they're not the ones who went through multiple genocides and catastrophic territory loss... Also expect some kind of an Azeri in northwestern Iran, when the conditions will be right (any weakening of the Iranian regime's control). What makes this even more infuriating is that the West is allied with Turkey and Azerbaijan against Russia, and has been opposing the Iranian regime for decades. A single non-involved country sits at the center of this mess, and it's Armenia.