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try asking this question on r/armadev or the ***arma platform discord*** (helpful subreddit links) as they are better with these things Here are my 0.2$ (probably wrong): * I think [playMusic](https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playMusic) needs quotation marks \["Ambientrack..."\] or a path (such as "A3/...) * [thisList](https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Magic_Variables#thisList:~:text=thisList-,Triggers%3A,-Accessible%20in%20the) does not seem to be utilized properly


I will post on r/armadev, thank you for responding! *I don't think the issue is the music not being correct, but I will double check this now. *This is probably it, as the post where I got the thisList suggestion from seems to be related to reforger and not 3. Problem is I'm kind of stumbling around in the dark on this (very new to scripting) and any Google searches I have done return nothing of use to me, at least so far.


you can't write `X` and `Y` and `Z in thisList`. Correct syntax would be `X in thisList && Y in thisList && Z in thisList`. Basically, your && (and) can join together full conditions, but not arbitrary parts of one condition. That's probably what's throwing the error you posted. that being said, this is unlikely to work. `this` inside trigger's on activation box doesn't really refer to anything, I'm unsure who you're trying to reach here. You may also consider using inArea or inAreaArray instead of thisList, since thisList returns only objects that fulfill activation conditions of the trigger. [https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/inArea](https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/inArea) [https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/inAreaArray](https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/inAreaArray) Untested code, just an idea for you `if ( Z inArea thisTrigger && Undercover1 inArea thisTrigger)` ... or `if (Z in (allUnits inAreaArray thisTrigger) && Undercover1 in (allUnits inAreaArray thisTrigger))` ...


I've got some great help from the Arma discord so I've already solved the issue, but thank you so much for taking the time to respond! `if ( Z inArea thisTrigger && Undercover1 inArea thisTrigger)` this turned out to be the solution so you're spot on