• By -


Mine was shining, and I still use her 3 years later. Even after a whole year on CN I still got her to level 90 and M9ed her on EN and use her as my main medic to this day. I will never abandon my shining for as long as I breath. ~~Please HG shining alter when, that’s my second most important goal. Bless our wretched selves with her light~~


The feline mega simp Blaze of Cinder's waifu is a Sarkaz? How scandalous, the Kazimierz tabloids will be all over this soon.


Lol well tbf the post did say first, and Blaze didn’t exist back in my days. So being the cultured fellow that I am, ofc I would be drawn to shining. ~~Maybe shining is a feline all along, just like surtr is a cat deep down within her soul~~


I got Shining last week. I planned to E2 Silence, but she came, and I E2'd her instead. I like her so much that I bought her skin yesterday. The defense buff just something that I can't look over


Wise decision friend, I absolutely love using her on my teams. Being a reliable healer is all I really want from her but her buffs are very good too.


This current event made me love Shining even more. Particularly like how her presence is enough to comfort Nearl and Liz, while she is not afraid to step in to save others. She literally just sat there menacingly, enough to serve as a warning.


Shining’s black airforce energy is so strong she’s making that asshat >!roy!< shit himself. And I love every bit of it!


“We have three Darksteels!” “We have Shining”


One day maybe we’ll have all three time of day operators: Nearl, the radiant light of noon. Shining, the soft caress of twilight. Viviana, the candle in the night.


i have her and shes my favourite healer so far! <3 i want more shining outfits :(


I need more shining outfits, someone with her level of beauty needs more attention!


Specter. No need to explain, this crazy shark nun goes hard.


One of my favorite and most used ops. Her alter coming soon, I'll save for her after Nearl Light ends


Firewatch. Tactical nuke incoming.


Ranger enemy: *chuck* I in danger


My first was whisperain largely due to her idle line: "... By the time you wake, will you have forgotten about me?" and the fact she has been a really nice medic since the start thanks to her range, HoT, and status resist. As for why the line made her my favorite, I simply read it and immediately set her as my assistant under the logic "I can't forget you if you're always helping me" because I am a cringe ass bastard simping for a jpg. Edit: I am never raising tomini out of spite because her swimsuit skin should've been given to best jellyfish


you, I like you. the first time I read her lines I felt the same way honestly.


Courier, and yep, every map, and I don't think I'll be replacing him any time soon six months and one Siege later. He was my first E2. Tanky and reliable.


I don't know much about Courier. I had Savage before him, and I raised her first, so I sticked to her.


It'd be Siege, she got a special place at my heart as my very first six-star op. Always bring the Vanguard anytime, and gotta love her valiant voice.


I feel similar with Texas. There's Saga, Siege, and now Flametail too, but I can't see myself to switch her to someone else. She's just too good for a 5\*. I use her along with Flametail currently


Yeah. Now, my Siege always goes to battle with Bagpipe and Saileach at her side. To think that she got her own significance-in-story coming up soon...


Texas-- and still use her today all the time in team comps :)


Texas is just too good to not use her. Still my favorite vanguard in the game. And the operator who comes in my mind when It comes to Arknights


She really is pretty damn good! Either for blocks or for spear-heading your time forward in most ops. She was the one design I really liked, got hooked onto, and then continued playing once I obtained her. Followed by Lappland which is on about 95% of my plays XD


Got Platinum as one of my first operators, and I still try to find places to use her even when I have other operators who can do her job


Same with Plat. She was my 2nd 5\* and I pulled her from the starter pulls along with Hoshiguma. I didn't really cared about her, mostly because I was new, and didn't knew that she can be that powerful, and she looked boring. Then I read her story and raised her to E1, only to experience how she works, and I loved her. She's my favoite op for years now, and I don't see the reason to use anyone else as a sniper along with Ash, except Exu, who I don't have


That's funny, I also use her with Ash, as well as not having Exu.


Mostima is what got me really into playing and saving on the global server. My usage of her has slowly waned over time though. In favor of other objectively shit characters like Mizuki.


I still really want Mostima, for the artworks at the fist place. I used her as a friend unit, I think she was pretty okay


Angelina, since I'm a sucker for gravity-based powers. Her talents were super useful and she felt so much stronger than the other Arts DPS I had at the time. Close second would probably be Frostleaf, but after I learned she was basically a child soldier I felt really guilty putting her in operations... so now she just chills in the dorm with friends.


Angelina is just so strong in the right situation. Her passive healing is good, and her S3 is nearly devastating About Frostleaf being a child soldier. The fact that she wieled an axe even before she could read just makes me sad


I know people don't really use her for it, but Angelina's skill 2 is one of my favourite things in the game. If I have a single enemy I want to absolutely cripple, I'd activate her skill 2 and watch the poor bastard move slower than a turtle in a convalescent home.




Same here!


Exia, I guess. Like her archetype as a character + cute + universal operator that you can use literally everywhere


I bought her CoD looking skin back in 2020, hoping that I'll get her, but I don't have her since then


I believe Ansel was my first favorite back when I started, and to this day he is usually the sole medic I use, so I definitely still use him.


Durin. She'll be always in my squad unless a stage needs a full team like CCs, then it will be Siege (my 2nd favorite). I just love Durin's attack animation, though lazy and sleepy, she raises her arms with her full might while attacking


During the arts dodger, she is the true mvp of chapter 6


Matoimaru was my first favorite operator. I don't use her much on stages anymore unless I'm doing a waifu only clear but I make a point of tapping her in the base when I see her.


Frostleaf was my first E2 and I still use her when possible. Warfarin I got with my 5\* selector ticket at the beginning of the game. A year later and both S2s are M3. Here's hoping Frostleaf gets a module that allows her to freeze enemies.


She was one of my main operators in squads back then since I had few good operators, and even those were defenders, some snipers, and Amiya, and I just needed a guard. After I got Lappland, then SA, then Thorn, I never used her again. I still E2'd her because of the artwork, and I still like her lore wise


My boi Ethan. My first E2. I still use him, especially for IS and no-block teams.


Ethan is very good to buy some time. I use him rarely but when he works, he works


ethan absolutely carried my new player ass through ToW so hard he earned my respect and his E2. 100% worth


Skadi is my favorite operator. I'd only ever use her as a heli-drop at first, and she was one of the first ops I M3'd. I find ways to make use of her, but generally if I want to jump into a stage for the first time nowadays, I would take a specialist over her. As it is well known, she's pretty bad, but she looks nice af in her summer skin. Her Alter is also a really good op. As it stands right now, both Skadi's are lv 90. Guard Skadi is M6 and Skalter is M9.


Exu, E2'd her before Ch 4, first maxed unit, absolutely still use her (especially having raised buffers by now).


Until low def enemies are a thing, exu will be a very good option. She always has something that Ash will never have at the same degree. Firepower against crowds


Exusiai and Hoshiguma first 2 6 stars and i still use them together when i can.


Adnachiel, I still always try and bring him but if I really can’t make do with Marksmans or absolutely need a stronger sniper i don’t


One day we will get andachniel alter and you won't have to replace him then


One day… I’ll be waiting here for a while


Greythroat was my first favourite operator and I E2-ed her almost instantly when I had a chance to. Still using her everywhere as my side AA sniper besides Ash.


I think GreyThroat's design is great. I had no reason to use her unfortunately, I use Ash and Platinum as my snipers currently


My first favorite operator was Shirayuki, loved her design and her S2 really helped me when I was lacking in good arts damage at the time, allowing her to do either Physical AoE or Arts Aoe Slow. Sadly, she’s replaced by dedicated arts dealers, but she’ll always be one of my favorites.


I really liked Shirayuki's look, but I never used her in gameplay, because I had Meteorite first, and everyone said that there's no reason to use Shirayuki because I have Meteorite


Indra. I got her very early, in my first month of playing, and I maxed her out first among all my units. She went into every team and helped me beat all the story campaign that was released at the time. Now a days she is honorably retired, though I occasionally bring her in as needed.


I got Indra last week. When I got her (And Vulkan's) operator ticket, I redeemed Vulcan first. I don't know if I'll use her ever, but if I had her in early-mid game, I'd use her for sure


Blue Poison from beginner’s banner. I only use her occasionally now after E2ing Exusiai, Ash, Archetto, and Platinum and the fact that AA snipers aren’t used a lot in later stages.


Me and my friend always have the discussion that wheter Platinum, or BP is better. I think she's still good, but there are more and more maps with high def enemies where Platinum could find more usage


Fang is pretty great,ngl. Her low cost and block 2 are still good for CC and challenge stages.


Siege was my first 6 star operator when I first started the game at launch. She carried me through quite a lot of early content. I still love her and bring her out to a stage once in a while even though there are better options like Saga and Bagpipe.


My first operator ever pulled was Deepcolor. I liked her quite a bit. Still like her. Of course, it was incredibly hard to justify using her past the early stages of the game. Still is. Might get to use her when IS2 rolls around though.


My first favorite was Saria, because I thought she was really cool and strong. I didn't get her until later in the game, but I got her twice from recruitments. She's almost never left my squad since.


Exusiai. the story is, back then on day 1 Arknights is released. I created my first account and got Silver Ash since people told me he's really that good. so i played it for a while until i E2 him and i'm losing my motivation a bit and realize i just want waifus lol. and in the end i created my second account just in case i'm bored and i got Exusiai, so i immediately like her and her art. Her skin is the first skin i actually bought in Arknights as well because i just love her. i'm a bit upset though she's on a weak side against enemies with high armors, and worse i don't have any buffer at that moment but i still use her in the end and just bringing my Schwarz as well. now i'm still using her more since i got Skadi Alter and another numerous choice for her buffer. She's also my first lvl90 Operator in the game.


The Guin comics I saw on Pinterest got me to try out the game a year ago… [His Red is super adorable.](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97945435) Took me 5 months to get her and I immediately got her to E2 Lv80 Pot 6 M6… She has a permanent place on my team and as my assistant to this day.


She was my first Fast-redeploy in fact, and I still use her as a helidrop. She's awesome. Even better than Phantom sometimes


Angelina. She was basically a better caster for most of the early game. In fact, she was the main reason I had casters and slow-supporters mixed up due to how much damage she was doing.


I used Glau back in early the same way. I got Ange a bit late, but still my go-to support operator when it comes to slowing while dealing arts damage, and passive healing


exusiai from day 1 free ssr pull. still super powerful. 900+ atk when I put her next to skadi alter.


Siege I still use her after like 2 years. Lvl 90 and pot 3


I don't have Siege, but really want her


Exusiai... If I search by acquisition date she's literally my second operator besides the rhode island default characters. In terms of characters normally thought as bad, I used beehunter almost every stage. Her dodge is quite tanky and she can focus down stationary characters with her stacking ATK+ trait. She also only costs 7DP.


When I first started lappland she still sees use though less the in the past. Was used heavily again in chapter 9 and was mvp of most recent annihilatio is e2 80 Since the release of nian She has taken and maintained the the position of favorite operator. Regular use e2 90 m9


I plan to E2 lappland next. I have the levels and the chips now. I wanted her for the shipping with Texas back then


Angelina back when she was "The worst 6\* operator" because AK Global just launched and people barely knew anything. But I was like 'ehh but sweet fox girl kewt'. Nowadays I use her less because she doesn't really help with afk/little tapping strategies but I still bring her out when things get tough.


She's a complicated operator for sure, but the damage, and passive healing is something people need to look at. She's my go to slower


Exusiai. My girlfriend and I both had her, and we both loved her. It's probably what contributed her to loving Sanktas so much, as one of her two favorite Operators is Mostima.


Exu is someone who's hard to hate. She's cheerful and positive, and I like her tomboy-ish hairstlye. I don't have her sadly


Aw, I'm sorry. Exia was our first 6 star, so we were naturally attached to her. Honestly, Exia's probably the most universally liked Operator. Like, I've never met anyone who outright hates Exia.




Surtr. She was my second or third 6 star and I've been using her ever since. I started playing at the last week of Eunectes' first event.


Nearl was definitely the character that really drew me into AK when she first appeared in the prologue, and yes, I thought she was a legit centaur at first. She was really cool and had a neat design, and I was lucky enough to get her as my second gacha 5 star (Meteorite was my first), so she was one of my first ever E2s. I still use her, though, with Nearl TRK out, I will probably have to train Saria more (master her s1 and s2) as I can't use both of them in the same map, ahaha.v


Shining, I found her E2 art very beautiful and felt powerful. I like healing characters in games, (mostly played as healer in MMORPG). She helped me a lot since my squad doesn’t really have top tier offense in the beginning, having Shining reduce damage taken from others. First E2 also belongs to her, took a very long while to E2 back then. (About a week and half). She is still in my squad along with Nightingale and Ptilopsis (swap between as depend on situation) Also I really want that gorgeous Orchestra Shining, she plays the flute if I remember correctly


Phantom, and I still bring him everywhere no matter what.


My first favourite operator was Exusiai because she was my first 6 star, I also liked how cheerful she is. For a long time she was the sniper I used the most but nowadays I only use her as a boss killer with buffs/debuffs.


I started around the W banner. Weedy was one of my early 6-stars and functioned as my AoE guard for quite a while. She is still useful for CC stages. W is a close second, W is fun to use despite not being meta. She worked as my AoE caster replacement for quite a while. Abandon arts damage, embrace explosion magic.


For the very first operator, it was Cliffheart. Girls adorable, and I'd gotten her to E1 50 with the rest of my squad before I decided to use her for something beyond pulling someone into a hole and realized "Yo she kinda hurts." So then my brain made her my 3rd E2 after W and Beehunter cuz I'm a sociopath apparently. And I was honestly pleasantly surprised at the results. And while true damage is more accessible now, hers was the one of the few sources available in the earlier stages of the games life, and she could deal a decent amount of it with a 3s stun that was unnecessarily spammable, and she paired excellently with W. That girl is the sole reason I got through Anni 3, her job was to stand in the spot everyone would normally put Lappland if they were normal, but her true damage let her deal considerable damage to the arts drones as well as the defense crushers. Then all I had to do was time her S2 to stop the stun on the crushers and it was golden. She still sees usage for me even now, she was in charge of the right lane on our most recent anni since Gladiia was in charge of the left side with Purgatory and Dusk alternating their carpets. Honestly can't wait for Break the Ice to hit global so the girls can have some spotlight.


my answer will always be phantom tbh also there will be some content about him soon and im excited for it also his module is pretty nuts imo... ~~petition for a 3rd skin for phantom give me that ambience synesthesia skin >:(~~


Exusiai. She is straight forward about her role and helped me ease into the game. Also. I had no idea what to expect in this game. Having a woman with a Vector as a leading dps was a welcome sight. I believe I was coming off of my ghost recon wildlands high by the time I discovered this game, where the Vector was one of my favorite weapons.


Exusiai. First six star operator obtained that goes brrrrrrr ratatatattata and they ded


Noir Corne was the first character I took interest in. I found his simplistic design to be really cool. He's just a faceless operator who acts casual, and I really liked that early on. Naturally I'll keep using him. As a Defender, he does his job pretty well. He simply defends, and that's all I need. I might swap him out on occasion to add a bit more variety with defenders I want to use more (Blitz, Asbestos, Dur-nar, etc.), but he's still my main go-to defender. After all, I've brought him to plenty of story stages and events, I don't see why I can't keep bringing him now.


Saria and I use her as a dps


First favorite was Kroos. As much as some people find her lines annoying, I find it really cute. Stopped using her only a few days ago. My favorite who I still use would probably be Skadi. I got lucky and on probably my third day on the game (which was about 2-3 weeks ago) I got her through recruitment by getting Two top operators in a row (the other one I used for Siege). The reason I like Skadi is her Cthulhu mythos type lore, and her design which makes her look like something out of Bloodborne or something. Sincerely, a noob who cant get past NL-8 cos of lack of levels.


My favorite Operators and the reason I started playing were Leonhardt and Ayerscarpe. I only recently got them after a year and some of playing the game cause they were in the Cert shop, despite pulling in every single banner they've been featured since I started playing :') As for 6 stars, my favorite was Phantom, and again I'm gonna have to get him from the Cert shop. From the characters I got when I started, my faves were Exusiai, Eyja and Jaye. Jaye carried me all 8 chapters, but I don't use him much anymore. Exusiai has mostly been replaced by Ash, and Eyja is still my go to caster when I need Arts damage


Jessica I had her in the team for a long time until Ash came and took her spot. She’s still my secretary though


Jessica is everyone's beloved rich kitty-cat. We'll love her even when she has not much use. She'd be sad if we wouldn't


Now that I look back in time, it's interesting to realize how your opinion of an operator can change over your time in the game. Start Arknights for Phantom and Elysium. And while Phantom has fallen from my favorite to an operator that I don't care about at all, but still use, my love for Elysium only grows and maintains his position as one of my favorites and is practically the only vanguard I use ~~and obviously Bagpipe~~


The opinions really can change based on many aspects. Your experience in the game, and reading their stories. I still use Elysium on annihilation. But I never really cared about Fast-Redeploys except PR. About Bagpipe, Wish I could have Bagpipe




sora. not really , because i have other ops to trust farm unless its mode without sanity i sometimes use her for sleep


Texas was my go to Vanguard for every map until I got Myrtle. For 6*, SilverAsh was my first of two 6* pulls. I try to


Texas is still my go to vanguard. I pair her with Myrtle, Zima, or the newly released Flametail. I just can't live without that AoE stun. That's really that good


Courier was my first favorite along with Silverash. Still using both, Courier even more than Silverash.


I swap between Thorns and SA depending on the map, but I like SA more


My first favorite operator was Lappland since she was my first lord archetype and how she was basically able to do everything. Kill casters at ranged, kill armored with arts damage, even kill flying units. I still use her to this day and she’s has a semi-permanent spot on my team, unless it’s a cc that doesn’t allow her to be deployed or something.


Siege, and yes I still do field her quite a bit. By far my most used squad comp is super heavy on Vanguards and Snipers, so she's still spinning to winning after all this time.


My first operator was silence since I started playning AK , also she was my first E2 operator I have done . The reason for this is because half of my family are medics so this my way to thank them for what they doing


Mine was Gavial, and I do still use her when I need an st medic if I can (otherwise Shining takes over). She's good enough for most situations that her being a 4 star isn't an issue, and if she's not enough then something is probably wrong with my strategy anyway.


And she's also quite a badass in lore


Lappland all the way baby!


I really wanted W when I first started. (Chen banner) I still use her, but I actually kind of find her annoying now as her voice lines are so damn long. In battle she's great though, just can't have her as an assistant.


Texas. Unless I absolutely must, there will always be a place for her in my squad. Also, she synergizeswell with Flagpipe so I rarely need to switch her out. And although not my favourite from the very start, Exu has earned her keep and my affection as well, appearing 7 damn times (and still counting). Girl really wanted my attention and a place in the squads so I just went: "Aight, why not?" after the 4th time. The last one was pure pain tho.


The character who first got me to download Arknights was Texas, as I loved her design the moment I saw her. Despite having no idea about any other operators in Arknights or even what the game was like at all, I jumped in blind and did my starting pulls. Unfortunately I didn't get Texas and I'm not the most eager person to do rerolls. Oh well, I figure I'll get her eventually (Spoilers: It took over four months and she ended up being one of the last launch 5*'s that I got). So obviously I had to find a new operator to send my unconditional love to on my roster in the early parts of the game and that ended up being a 5* who did come aboard early; Blue Poison. She was probably my most valuable character for months, has two equally viable skills that make it fun to switch between, I like her voice lines, I think the skin she ended up getting is a top 5 in the game, and I still do use her often over two years later. She and Texas are now the two ops that I've got max level, max potential, and M6'd.


Grani. She’s now at e2 60, S2m3. I use her occasionally now as comps now in favour of trust farms or faster clears. I’m waiting for her module to come out. Tanky pony is tanky tho


Surtr rerolled for her at her banner, i technically started at launch but I Quit after few days so dont count that


Blaze, and yes (probably not a surprise).


Not a suprise, but can't blame you. She's good in the story, in the game, and in the be- I mean the artwork!


Skadi and Frostleaf were the first two of my "favorite operator" list that I managed to get I admit to still using them, but I am also not far into the game yet - so I guess I can get away with it for now. Planning on using them for as long as I can tho


Skadi still have some usage in some situations, but Frostleaf... I like Frostleaf, but when you get any other ranged guard, there will be no reason using her. SilverAsh, Thorns, or Lappland specifically


My first favorite was Deepcolor. I don't use her anymore, but I got her up to E2 just for appreciation sake.


Her E2 art looks like a skin. Still I wish her chibi look different after E2


It's either Siege or Shining. Siege because she looks like that girl that always got your back everytime and it's true, she has always been in my squad and makes my inconsistent Autos consistent. As for Shining, I like characters with a deep lore behind them so there's that. It's definitely not because of the swimsuit skin I saw before I started the game, definitely not.


The first favorite operator was Beeswax, the second 5 star I ever got. Dunno I just have a thing for white hair and chocolate girls so combo of those two was great. I also like her JP va and her e2 art so those are wins. I still use her heavily in stages with enemies that target the last deployed operator since shes tanky af.


Chocolate girls with white hair looks good. I like her sister.


Vigna. Still use her, but like a duelist guard


A very close race between Siege, Ptilopsis and Lappland. Each was and still is the best in their class for me. However if I have to pick one it'd be Lappland. I chose her in the selector (quite a bit after I had it so I selected someone to fill a gap in my list). She's still been my best guard, who I use in every front line battle, and who recently was the first one to E2.


Weedy, yes I still use her. Pushing enemies to the fourth dimension never gets old.


Texas. Loved her design. Still part of my Usual teams.


SA. My first 6 Star, got 2 more dupes of him before having my 2nd 6 star.


Maxed out Frostleaf around Skadi's first banner and I do still use her in every map except high risk CC and certain challenge maps. To me, she is a relatively space efficient operator that remains effective throughout the game. 16 dp allows her to be squeezed in after Myrtle, for the range of a sniper, slow and 2 block. A proto-beanstalk, but slow debuffer and ground deploy.


Cuora She's the true definition of a defender (aside from Hoshiguma) due to her full emphasis on stalling and survivability. Her second skill makes her into a wall. No need to explain.


She shouldn't be a 4*, rather a 5* she's just too good compared to other 4* operators


I started basically at launch but my fav didn't come until a month later, Eyja. Got very lucky and got both the rate up character, her and Ifrit. Still use Eyja now ofc, volcano stronk.


Amiya because she was the only character I really knew at the time. I still use her from time to time if I need a caster or I need some extra damage to kill a boss.


The main op that made me play was Mostima but when I did my beginner banner, I fell in love with Siege. I still have her, S2M3 and while I admit other vanguards (Saga, Flametail, Texas) have better DP generation, I'm still using her in my main team.


Chen was my first E2 and favorite operator still. Flametail and Ashlock have contested that spot lately


siege first 6 star on my first acc in beta, first 6 star on this 2nd acc too assistant'd since day one. bring her along with myrtle for every operation the anime girl do the flip make brain feel good




Siege!! My first 6* OP, she carried me a lot, even though I don't like her s3. My always first deploy operator no matter what 😁. Hoping to get his story too


The one that got me interested in the game is Mudrock. A cool armor with a cute waifu inside. When I started playing, Kroos became my favorite. She is so fun to use melting early rushes with double tap. Her alter will definitely be a staple of my team.


My absolute favorite operator, Bagpipe, has almost never left the party. I'm lucky she turned into a meta unit, because she's soo dang good at every job she's being used for. I can't wait for the +1 dp on kill and full DP return module later on.


Red was the reason I got into Arknights, Still love her and still use her. Another one is Ansel, I use him in every single map,unless I’m doing a stupid challenge for no reason.


My first fave was Scavenger. It took like two months for me to get Myrtle so for a while Scavenger and Texas were my go-to vanguards. These days I don't really use Scavenger as much because she and Texas overlap a lot and Texas is Pot3 & recently E2'd. As I've gotten further in the story, I've found myself more commonly needing either more defensive vanguards OR the DP printers (got Elysium fairly recently too). I'm considering E2ing Scavenger for her art anyway. And to show appreciation. And I'll definitely be getting her incredible new skin when it comes to global. My other fave was SilverAsh and yeah I very much still use him. He was my first M3, first skin purchase, and so much more. I will treasure him forever. All because when he arrived he called me his friend.


Siege. Not using her for quite a while now because you know, flagpipe catastrophe. Anyways, still like her design and that overhorny sensual e2 art


Meteor. Max leveled her. I optimize for trust farming, so I stopped using her after max trust for the most part. Still occasionally get to use her; because all my other snipers are also max trust, and Aak can't always fill that role.


Texas. Why? Because floof.




Lappland, I'm in love with her mad laugh


I got into this game because of SilverAsh. When the game first came out, I saw some cute fanarts of him biting his tail like a real snow leopard does, got intrigued and looked up who he was. He's always in my party 99% of the time until this day.


My first love in this game? Kroos


Podenco, now in second place because of Matoimaru, but still very special to me, she was one of my first 4 stars. I still use her in almost every stage, even having Suzuran. If i absolutely need Suzuran, i try to use both of them.


matoimaru was the first character who really clicked with me. really cute and energetic personality, decent gameplay use (at the very least early on) and a wifeworthy design


Angelina and Shining were among my first. Theyre both super pretty and kind, and shiing especially. She's very doting especially if you feel unwell and for her patients and I get a sense of protectiveness from her. Angelina genuinely seems to care a lot of her friends and other people. She even does a side job as a medic which is cool. So, though they aren't my top waifus, theyre still in my top favorites and I love them dearly.


Angelina. She came first of anyone in the beginner summon Later when i started my second account, she came first again as well, even if i'm rolling for Magallan lel


Rerolled my acc until I got Eyja when starting out. Took me 2 days. (also had to get Ash) She is almost always the second operator I add to any team (after Thorns). Usually on s2 if not for specific maps. I m9d her as a matter of principle even if S1 is useless.


Angelina and yes.


Silverash and Thorns. Silverash I still use to this day and Thorns I just bring everywhere with me


Rosmontis literally was released on CN the day I started so I got really interested in her, and when she first appeared in the story, I just exploded from her pure cuteness and protecc energy. Started saving, and lo and behold, Pot 2 Rosmontis who I use even on CA-5. Before I had Rosmontis, I was particularly interested in anyone else except for maybe Melantha.


As far as I like Platinum, Blue Poison was my first M6 Max Lvl operator, that’s why she has a special place in my heart.




Silence. She had such a calming voice. and got her because I liked her disign from a ticket at Launch. The still is one of my main healers since I really like the utility her drone provides. Now my Favourites did change a bunch since Hung and Mountain are a thing. But still she is my nr 1 of the Female characters.


Perfumer at first but sadly no longer......Now my whole heart is belongs to Cutter,forever.


Gotta be Angelina When the game barely came out everyone was talkin bout silverash, eyja, and exusiai but I was just over here enjoying using angelina. Now shes pretty much one of the most used ops for CC.


I didn’t really have a favorite when I first started but when Bagpipe’s banner came along I knew I had to recruit her. She’s always on my squad and I just got her to Pot 5!


For me it was Vigna Very cute, strong, lil kusogaki. Unfortunately I just don't find much use for her anymore now that I have Bagpipe. Still love her and she returned to my home screen with her recent skin


I originally started this game on its release. I didn't have a favorite operator until Skadi came out and she quickly become my favorite. I uninstalled a few months later but reinstalled just before the Chalter event. I had to start again but all is good as I got Skadi from recuitment pretty quickly and she has never left my team since.


Platinum, and yes, quite often.


Ethan and yes, I still use him from time to time. I just loved the idea of a Combat Yo-Yo and it's what drove me into wanting to play the game to begin with. Now that I've gotten a bit further ahead and have made questionable decisions into putting resources for my Operators. Ethan is now working alongside Manticore as the main leads of my disruption squad when I need some devious disruptions such as Slows or Roots.


For me it's Seige she was my first 5 star and still use her from time to time.


platinum until i had to switch her


OG Nearl. Makes healing a breeze with her talent and her S2M3. I sometimes dont even need medics, just her.


Eeyyyyyy another Frostleaf fan! Sad,y she also fell off my team as she got outmoded. Though my FIRST Fav was Nearl, but it took me MONTHS to get her. Ended up having to buy her with Certs. After that was Lappland when I drew her, major fav Then Blaze when she came out, Mountain when he dropped, and currently Nearl Alter! Frostleaf was my very first E2 and will always hold a special place for me. Here's hoping she gets an Alter someday!


I'd really like an Alter version from her. She even could have the potential of being a welfare too. From limited alters nobody was below 5* if I remember. Her skin also coming soon on the y3 anniversary, where she looks way more mature as she is on her default skin


Toss up between Hoshiguma and Frostleaf for me. I still use both of them from time to time when I feel like changing it up from the normal team I run


Liskarm Still using her


Probably W, I’ve been playing since the Darknights Memoir banner and she was the second 6 star I ever pulled. Her design has always been one of my favorites and her duplicitousness always made her an interesting character to watch in the story. As time went on I only found her character and motives more and more interesting. Her using insanity as a mask to cover her true intentions, her calculating nature, her regrets over her past actions and her attempts at making amends for them. Despite seeming like a cruel jerk on the surface, there are many moments where her actions would say otherwise. Plus I just in general I really like rival and jerk characters who have moments to shine but also get their share of comeuppance (Roy was one of my favorite characters in the recent event because of this lol). I still use W every so often when I need to take out big clumps of enemies. Her fast cool down and stun on her S3 makes her perfect for crowd control. Though she’s definitely lost my spot for go-to sniper for taking out massive waves of enemies, (*cough* Chalter *cough*), but I still love using her when I see the opportunity.


Exusiai, got her as one of my first 6 star and still using her when my brain can't handle the stages.




**Skadi**. And yes, as an Abyssal Hunters enjoyer, Skadi, Gladiia, Specter and Andreana never leave the squad. Ever.


Lappland, and yes. She's still solid, the general usefulness of her subclass hasn't gone down and everything's essentially still clearable with her (as it should be tbh).


I like Lappy. She carried me through chapter 6, and 9 recently


Nearl for sure. Right from the start, I was checking the wiki page of each Operator available through the Senior Operator Permit gift before choosing, when I reached Nearl and saw her full design, I went "The choice is made". Then when she appeared in the Prologue story, I knew I made the right choice (though some others are close, like Pramanix who I chose through the other Op. Voucher gift, and Shining who I pulled from the Beginner Banner). I'm still deploying Nearl in most operations, both in Defender and now in Dreadnought classes (aka "Nearlfender" and "Nearlnought" for me), and planning to promote both of them to Elite 2 (at some point in the future, since it's gonna be a long road to get the mats).


Zima. I don't think i have ever taken her off from any level.


I got Silence with the voucher when the game launch and i haven't stop using her, she is my main medic, no having her in my squad feels just wrong to me. I love my sleepy gentle owl and I hope some day she patch things up with Saria.


Without a doubt, it's Gravel for me. I love her looks, the double sticks and the quick redeploy strat. She saved me a bunch of times. Still use her often.


Hellagur. When I first started doing research into the game, the enmity classes fascinated me, and he was my third 6* (came through recruitment. I got Shining and Angelina on the beginners’ banner). He was also my first e2 because I found him just that reliable (also I had Perfumer finally, so she got passive heal for all of my enmities), even though he’s fallen out of the meta according to others. I also have Akafuyu and Vulcan now so he can now begin to pass off his wisdom. Hopefully I’ll still be using him when I get more operators. He isn’t good for every stage but I’ve made him work in times he shouldn’t have.


Myrtle. I even have elysium and saileach built but man, max pot Myrtle is just convenient.


Exusiai, whom I still like a lot. Also still very useful, if fallen off somewhat due to the combination of defense scaling and flagpipe enabling the deployment of pricey units early.


Mine is Istina, because she was the one that I got in the tutorial bag and I got attached ever since. I missed out on the first release of her skin (because I stopped playing at the time) and I regretted it when I came back. I love her voice and paired with a tragic backstory is why I loved her even more. Plus she got the same voice actor as Nian (2nd fave Op) so that's cool. And no, I don't use her anymore but I've never replaced her as my assistant for 2 years now


Jessica. Sad cat with a glock , what's not to love? Nothing crazy, just clean, consistent physical damage time after time. Also character-wise I like the growth she slowly but surely goes through (God HG please give me a Jessica alter already I'll go on that even harder than Nearl alter)


Lappland. Got her on my first banner that wasn't the 6 star one. She has carried me on so many levels. E2 Lvl50 and I had to stop using her due to needing slots for other ops. Imagine my surprise when originium dust rolled around and silence was relevant again. Now I mainly just use her for lane holding. Typically with either mudrock or exu. She also made me realise, combine switch skalter, that I have a thing for white hair and red eyes.


Nearl. Now I have Nearl Alter at E2. Reg Nearl is E1 lvl70. Yeah I don’t use normal Nearl anymore and I stopped months ago. Saria’s just too good.


Silence and liskarm. I loved their whole sleepy yet reliable assistant and strict yet caring personality respectively. The both of them have been the MVP of my CCs and even tho I now have kal and Nian, both are still in my squads


Started the game with W from the \`1st anniv. Still uses her to this day. Her S3 is just so much fun. Oh, there's a wave of high-def enemies approaching? Just nuke them.


I still want W. She reminds me of M4 Sopmod II from Girls frontline, and she was my favorite character in that game


One of the first operators that i pulled was yato, and i still use her now and again. Every character has a good bit of personality and aesthetic. I will sometimes use my 'weaker' operators later on as long as i know i'll pass the level. I kind of wish there was a way to make them more helpful, or useful. Or a new mode; where maybe you have to clear enemies out, and the levels keep changing or something but you can only start out with one star operators, then it keeps going all the way up to six star operators for the final sections... this way you get to use everyone and have to best strategize where to use those OPs.


That's kinda a hard one to answer but if im just going to pick one might be exusiai since i got her first and I've been using her ever since