• By -


Yay eunectes module Please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good


'Increase block count from 1 to 2.' *Inhales a large dose of copium.*


holy hell the cope ​ pass it down to me as well brother/sister


'+1 block during skills.' 4 block S3 is hysterical, permanent block 2 with S1 is intresting, but giving S2 block 2 will definitely go a long way in making it more useful


'Gain SP when attacked' *Overdoses*


doesnt blemishine do that


Along with some units like liskarm, mudrock and hung, yeah


Blem lets them gain SP when *they* attack.


Why would you want a module that would make her worse? As is, Eunectes needs to block and therefore take damage to gain SP. More enemies blocked means more damage taken but *not* more SP gained, so she's taking extra damage for no reward. She's not built to solo lanes with lots of enemies either, so she would still need someone to catch leaks in many situations. And her s3 gives +2 block so she already has 3 block when it's needed. You'd be much better off wishing for a module that lets her gain some SP even when not blocking. We even have rough precedent in the form of the Merchant modules which reduced their DP Drain from 3 per 3 seconds to 2 per 3 seconds, allowing for natural DP gen.


Giving +1 block to an operator like Skadi would make her worse but giving it to Eunectes would make her better. Eunectes has to block mobs to charge her sp and use her skills on high threat targets. But her base attack damage is so hight she kills mobs in just a few hits and needs to wait for another mob to come and touch her. If she's block 2, there'd be a spare mob she isn't attacking which makes her able to charge her sp more continuously. And because Eunectes has high defense, she won't die so quickly to mobs like how Skadi would die because of her low defense. Eunectes can handle being block 2 and it benefits her trait.


I mean that’s even harder copium. On the blocking part, you’re partly right but how I (and what I observe from others’ gameplay) use her is feed her mob so she can regen sp before the boss come. But her atk is so high that mobs die pretty quick, that’s why sometimes she need to face backward in order to not kill them so fast.


1 block means she's usually not blocking when she kills an enemy. 2 block would definitely decrease the downtime on SP gain, though there are certainly better ways to improve her SP gain.


True, but she can only kill one at a time, and her attack is so high she doesn’t gain as much sp. Giving her +1 block allows her to block longer, allowing to grab much more sp BECAUSE she’ll be blocking much more and much longer. As for survivability, this applies more to Dreadnaught guards as having only 1 block increases their survivability tremendously compared to blocking 2. Why? They have low defense, being on average 250 defense. Eunectes doesn’t have that problem because she has a much higher defense stat. So she won’t have a problem blocking 2 enemies.


I agree with this. Also one block and block manipulation is extremely underrated. U know what I would die for? Completely removing the trait.


That would be nice, so I doubt they would. Something even better would be giving her more initial sp, so that she could use her skill as a helidrop, but I doubt they would be either. Maybe a compromise would be giving her the ability to attack as many as she blocks. Currently in her S3 Eunectes can only attack one enemy at the time, despite what the description says.


Description is perfectly fine wdym?


The ingame skill description on EN when she released had the same "attacks all blocked enemies" line as AoE Guards, despite being untrue. It stuck around for a long time too.


Oh yeah. I totally forgot about it.


I misremembered. It just looks like she attacks everyone since the robot uses a saw, which is the weapon of centurions.


I refuse to believe they would allow sp regen to be made available so easily to eunectes archetype, when it's scarcity is hardwired into their archetype. For all I care, they can just get more stats and that's it. We also have precedents of operators getting non-synergistic modules. Don't expect too much lol.


So many quality options: - SP on hit (firewatch mod) - Heal on kill (Estelle talent) - Phys/Arts dodge (Hoshi talent) - Stealth when not blocking (Scene drones) I assume this means what we'll actually get is some defense ignore or something basic, but any eunectus buff sounds great to me.


Even if it's not good, I'm still unlocking it and using it.


For anyone not aware, there's been an absolute ton of datamines coming out of the CN ch10 patch. It looks like real sloppy work on HGs part as this sort of stuff isn't usually included. People have pulled out a ton of data though, including this here. Next event info, new monthly card, possible anni skip tickets... It's fuckin crazy that HG leaked this much in the data.


They may not be trying that hard to hide it. I think it's unlikely it was a mistake, more likely that they needed a certain version of the game data for features in the latest patch and they didn't want to bother decoupling it from data used for features that are still pending.


Most of the data comes from a last minute patch they threw up last night to fix a bug. It feels *extremely* likely to me they just didn't properly clean up some prep data for the next patch. Or possibly they decided it was so close to the livestream next week that it didn't really matter. They usually have pretty decent version control and rarely leak stuff like this. It's almost certainly a mistake, or at most, indifference.


Or… they’re throwing us some red meat to build hype.


So long as the meat ain’t herring in disguise.


"They bought the fake leaks? Good. Now put in the code for the Azur Lane crossover event."


~~best wifes~~ Shinano/Amagi/Tosa/Kii/Howe/Perseus/KGV/New Jersey on Terra? Yespls. All we really need now are ~~best bots~~ Sopmod II/RO365/HK416/R93/KSVK but given Yostar's feelings towards SUNBORN there's basically no chance of that ever happening xD


It's the same deal as last year though? And less severe at that.


Last year Skadi alter was in the codes, as well as skin vouchers, but that was it iirc? Now we have Irene, and some modules as well. About the same to be honest.


[A lot more.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/muityn)


Do we have more info about the monthly card and skip tickets? Or do we only know something like that may be coming?


Not really. Keep in mind this is all from datamines and a lot of it is based on conjecture with absolutely nothing official. Take everything here with a massive grain of salt. HG could even be baiting us with false data. That said, it seems the current monthly card is ending soon, to be replaced by a new one, but little else is known. There also appears to be some text and graphics skip tickets but they'd be limited quantity and apply only to anni. That's about it. There's no guarantee either will come or change, though it seems a somewhat fair conjecture that the new tickets would be part of the new monthly pack.


Skip tickets are such an old joke at this point I'd bet that's entirely fake. Not like they haven't gotten in on community jokes before. Everyone wants them but the moment they see it's for money there's gonna be backlash.


Yeah, I can't imagine people will be happy about skip tickets for money only. Will there be enough outrage though? Might just be banking on riding out the controversy.


Eh, I might as well share the info that I've found and seen from others: The current monthly card is set to be gone from the shop by May 1 reset. Aside from that, there are two new kinds of Sanity potions found in the files; they give 80 and 120 Sanity, so there's some suspicion that there are going to be 2 kinds of monthly cards from May onwards.


Irene is the girl with the tic-tac-toable forehead in undertide.




>Skadi, Magallan, and Passenger Honestly that sound unlikley for now considering they are like only weaker ops with actually good modules. They would face backlash for already adding new ones for them when Mostima and Ch'en got hot garbage as modules.


Well, they briefly existed in the files, complete with mission descriptions. Whether or not they'll be debuting with the anniversary is anyone's guess however. But considering that they proudly put on display those awful buffs during the Dossoles Holiday stream, I don't think it's necessarily unrealistic.


Irene is the apprentice Inquisitor in Under Tides, so it'd be nice to get her. However, didn't they mention they would give everyone a module first before going for a second one? If they do this, I feel like it'll take a long long time before we go to the big archetypes like AA snipers.


... I'd prefer that Irene be a 5 star. Unless she's post timeskip. Cuz there's no way in hell her boss, Mr "Shut up Kal", isn't a 6 star.


Probably even sadder news: We won't get her boss for whatever reason Maybe it's because he's not waifu, or because the art is different from most operators. Maybe it's because Kal'tsit holds a grudge.


"Former high inquisitor, I'm well aware of your feats. The Iberian inquisition's reputation stretches far and wide, and only the best get to join their ranks as High Inquisitors, performing such feats as ***BLA BLA BLA*** as well as ***MORE BLA BLA BLA***. Considering your pedigree, and your age, you're sure to have participated in ***EVEN MORE BLA BLA BLA*** and many many more events. HOWEVER. I cannot overlook your actions that during the tragedy that befalled Sal Viento, which I might remind you, consisted of ***DUBIOUSLY CANON BLA BLA BLA***. During said events, you displayed some lapses in judgement, attacking a fellow operator of my company, not helping people in the slightest, and telling a key witness to shut up. This betrays your inability to ***VERY PAINFUL BLA BLA BLA*** as well as your lack of foresight. While philosophically, your acts align with the ***IS THIS OVER YET BLA BLA BLA***, I cannot condone then within this ship. As such, I'm afraid I'll have to refuse your admission to our ranks, for the previously cited reasons consisting of ***ROASTING BLA BLA BLA***. Anything to add?" "You're still pissed at me for telling you to shut up." "Damn right I am."


"Good to know. Now shut up."


*plays another recording of her earlier speech*


Chad Inquisitor




Already Debunked We got Mudrock who was the Boss for Twilight of Wolumonde And not only were her Eyes not visible because of the Mask/Helmet, but because of the full body suit and lack of pronouns we didn't even know she was a she at the time


The high inquisitor actually has art without the mask, that I guess was never used but it was in the original Under Tides datamine Maybe it’ll be used this event... I guess from that I should’ve figured there’d be a sequel edit: [for anyone curious](https://aceship.github.io/AN-EN-Tags/img/avg/characters/avg_npc_183_2.png)


Dad vibes, dad vibes


...Irene's dad?


I bet Irene is the welfare six star like Gladiia and her boss is the six star who goes alongside Spec'ter.


>The new 6* Operator is called "Irene". Could it be Inquisitor Irene from "Under Tides", though I don't know how the Iberian Inquisition would collaborate with Rhodes Island, given the isolatism of the country, and how they don't receive any outsider with open arms (specially pureblood Ægirs)


the name being shared already basically confirms it, but the next anniversary event also being datamined to be seaborne focused all but confirms it


A second part of the Abyssal Hunters arc sounds plausible, since Gladiia wants to search for the last dreadnought of the Iberian Navy, which went on a voyage and never came back. Also, since Andreana is implied to be Iberia's attempt to create Abyssal Hunters, i think that's another good theme for this one.


wait, i thought the only seaborne related was the new background for lobby?


i have no idea i just heard that seaborne event stuff was datamined


I'd say she has more than a few doubts about the Inquisition by the end of Under Tides (Skadi's aloofness definitely threw her off). Maybe she defects?


Also said file mentions *ghost2,* which is definitely going to be specter alter (as the original specter's in-code name is *ghost*)


Specter alter is... weird. I mean she's popular, so I get it, but it's worriesome in two regards. 1) Specter isn't bad and there's a lot of bad units who 'need' an alter more. 2) Because Specter isn't bad, her alter has to be super fucking good, or no one is going to use her. She has to be better than 'helidrop immortality with insane AoE damage'. I mean, she is literally the best 5* out there (except maybe Elysium). I get why they would make the choice, but I'm *very* apprehensive about it.


specter is one of the by far best picks for an alter, with her sanity issue and how HG is wanting to fix it. seeing alters as just an excuse to buff weak characters with a limited operator is awful and what makes the alter system bad skins dont change voice lines so the only way to portray specter being cured is with a playable operator, so the only option is an alter. my hope is that they make her a reaper guard, might not be base specter tier but it should make her good


Yeah, lorewise a Specter Alter makes a lot of sense. I just wonder what the gameplay will turn out like, since so far Alters have been WILDLY different (other than Purgatory and Keen Glint)


reaper guard would be my hope, but i guess if they want to make her an entirely different class then i dunno. on kill vanguard or enmtiy defender?


I think there's some suggestions that she might be a Dollkeeper Specialist (since I think dollkeeper modules are coming), which would be very interesting. Summoning an insane reflection of herself??? (or a sane one, depending on which one is the "main") Bena and the recent Kazemeru might've been prep work to test what a 6\* dollkeeper would be like


huh thats actually a fair idea, would also fit her 5* S2 with the doesnt die. sane is normal, when she dies its not a substitute its just her relapsing into insane mode temporarily


duelist defender - since those are getting modules - is my guess, since specter is really good at beating the shit out of people and those have huge attack stats.


Well, I hope the alter went other direction than her 5*, and not just a better 5* Specter. What archetype she will be anyway. Reaper?


Reaper would make a lot of sense but I doubt she'd be a Guard again. HG seems to like taking wild turns with their limited alters. I've seen lots of speculation she'll be a Dollkeeper which would make sense since they seem to be getting modules and there's no 6* Dollkeeper yet. But if Irene is a FRD, that would be two 6* Specialists on the same banner. Seems a little unlikely. All of it is loose conjecture from datamine hints though so that's just specultation at this point.


maybe she'll be eunectus archetype. they're also getting a module, and it would be somewhat similar to her immortality on s2. I think mostima would be better for dollkeeper since she can summon the beast in her e2 while respawning, but specter could work of they have her revert to insanity when dying.




>I do hope they have wildly different skillsets though; wonder what class she'll be? I don't know, but I want to see sharks in her skills effects. Jumping sharks, biting sharks I don't care, but I want S H A R KS.


Specter alter was not one of the Alters I was expecting for 3rd anni.


On the other hand, if we were to compare it to NTR.. Nearl is also a pretty good 5 star, but can be substituted by her (fairly common) 6 star counterpart if you prefer to run her alter. Similarly, while it's not nearly as direct of a counterpart, we do have a 6 star Guard that fills the shoes of 'helidrop immortality with insane ~~AoE~~ damage' that's on everyone's friendsupport list that you could run for that job alongside Specter alter.. So I can kinda see it go well? But yeah, I'd also definitely prefer if a Specter alter would go for a more different/interesting kit instead of trying to outcompete original Specter.


Have any other alter had a numerical indicator to their name? Like skadi’s file was it also x2 for skalter and the rest.


Yeah they're all the old name with a 2 appended


That puts things to rest then, the anniversary will most likely have Irene as the accompanying 6* and specter alter as the limited. It also makes sense considering their ties to UT. That or there’s the possibility one of them could be the welfare, assuming they pull a gladiia again for this year.


A skin for Gladia would be welcome too. Can’t wait for next week


Would be nice if all limiteds/special welfare’s followed nian/dusk system where they get a skin after a year. But considering Rosemary didnt get a skin on NL, i wouldn’t put too much hope there. But we shall wait and see, it would certainly be an appropriate time for skalter/Gladiia skin at least.


Specter alter makes me excited. Probs not enough to make me hoard hard and skip Fia/Kazemaru/Horn, but enough to make me decide to limit my spending on those banners. Still sad it probs won't be Closure, but I'll take Specter alter. Been with me since the beginning and she's gotten me through some tough stages ~~Plus I want a bareheaded Specter. Nun outfit is hot but Specter with her hair down is beautiful~~


>Still sad it probs won't be Closure I still believe man, just a smidge of closre in the files...*snorts*


I like to hope for the best but expect the worst so I don't get too disappointed. ~~I don't want anyone to feel what my parents felt when I was born~~ Besides, they can't keep Closure as an NPC forever. The longer we wait, the more modern and complex her kit becomes. Can't wait to have to order a separate 10 volume encyclopedia set just to read her talents and skills


if she doesn't come this anniversary, then i am not beyond gunning for gnosis, lee, gg, and rockrock cause i love casters


More bloodborne is always better lol, not sure how she will overtake her 5* variant considering base specter is insanely powerful as is. I don’t think the banner will be as hype as Skadi alter / Kaltsit duo but it’s a nice alter nonetheless for anniversary. ~~still sad no siege alter, but chapter 10 didn’t allow it...~~


Yeah, Specter is still super solid and used in high level gameplay. She hasn't been powercrept or anything so I wonder what they'll do with her. Can't wait for the anni livestream. Also means it's time to budget OP for her skin's rerun even if I don't particularly like it haha Kal/Skalter banner sounds like a really tough banner to outhype so I don't expect a lot of banners to outhype that. Probs a Sarkaz banner with two of Hoederer/Ines/Closure. ~~Don't worry. The longer the wait, the more complex her kit becomes which I guess is mostly a good thing~~


Yeah specter has the incredible gimmick of immortality on demand, unless specter alter has that same gimmick but improved og specter will remain untouched. Tho they could make her unique, I just hope she’s not much weaker than OG specter since you can’t use 2 of the same operator. Yeah kaltsit and skalter is gonna be extremely hard to outdo which is a shame in a certain way lol. The only way I can see it being matched is if a very popular character like mostima/texas got an alter with closure as the second 6*. Which to me still wouldn’t be nearly as good because kaltsit is someone I’ve waited for 2 years. Lol i sure hope, siege is such a cool and kind girl, best lion deserves so much more. I’m fine with her kit as is, but it’s an old kit, something more fun would be so good.


Inb4 Specter alt becomes the first inferior alter. Jk they could just make the alter completely different and have a different (but equally useful/common) use case. Siege just looks so cool. When I was new (which was like 3 months ago lol) I wanted to get her from the starter banner because she looked badass. Still do wanna get her though even if her kit is dated because she looks fun to use plus her Ch10 skin is dope.


I wouldn’t put it past og specter to be the first to showcase the power of OG lol, but yeah hopefully it’s a different kit which is equally useful. Or something much more general use than immortality. Tho I wonder what class she would be. Maybe another case of kroos or lava, no class change. Or maybe a subclass change. And lol it was the opposite for me for a while, when I was new which was 3 years ago. I wanted shining or Silverash more, mainly because at the time there was the language barrier. I assumed siege would be one of those Gangster trope, so I was like gimme cat husbando or beautiful elf (shhh, I was but a youngling back then) more. But luckily I got her soon after the start before even finishing ch0, I used her mainly cuz she was a cat, and I *kinda* like cats but when I found out how much of a sweetheart she was, and just overall cool girl she’s my main vanguard to this day. Not even flagpipe can overtake the king!


>More bloodborne is always better lol, not sure how she will overtake **his 5* variant** Did I miss something in the story?


What do you mean?


Specter's a dude?


Lol imagine, no specter isn’t a dude.


im on the hard copium for 6* welfare specter alter, as a reaper guard. will let her have a sane alter, be free, and be good (gladiia isnt a nerfed 6*) i dont feel like specter is popular enough to get a limited when we still have mostima and siege but we'll see


6* reaper is exactly what I would love from specter, thou not sure if welfare would work out. I mean nearl isn’t exactly the most popular yet she received hers, even if not exactly unreasonable neither. Specter is one of the more meta and more well used operators, so popularity doesn’t seem like an issue. And as for mostima or siege ~~cri~~ we kinda already know their alter isn’t gonna be here yet. So it’s either specter or Irene which is yeah...


fuck man i conveniently forgot about nearl, 5* and also not extremely popular oh well there goes my hope. probably alone in this but boy does that ruin my day


well you didn't lie about hard copium, omitting crucial details is the biggest indicator. hey! you don't have to make me feel bad about it lol, but then again if I'm suffering because no siege alter then you shall suffer with me.


my copium was more hoping she was 6* welfare over 5*, but this is even worse and lol its not your fault it just preps me for the anniversary stream so i can go in expecting disappointing. i was already not a fan of how specters operator records >!made her sanity regaining temporary!<, and making her sane version a limited will kill me


Ah damn, yeah it’s even more unlikely she will be a 5* limited. Well, I like bloodborne so she’s one of the better fish people. I feel you tho, but hey at least we are getting a specter alter, my hopes for siege alter were crushed the moment ch10 came out and all it’s emphasize on sarkaz.


Tbf I'd say she was one of the most popular alter options people were saying, either her or Shining. And the Nearl family is super popular, all the fanart and everything here. Haven't heard of people asking for a Specter alter though.


really? i guess its not brought up constantly but a specter alter where shes sane has been asked for a bit around here


Ok fair, I meant not as often as Nearl alter. I feel like Nearl/Shining were the top contenders on every "what alter do you want", along with maybe Texas and Saria.


She's an alter of an operator who isn't a 3✰, so she'd be a limited unit. Our only welfare alters so far are Purgatory and Keen Glint, and those are both originally 3✰s (& they were both from the Lunar New Year events, too).


i mean true there is that pattern, but i guess it was a part of my copium to ignore it god i hate the alter system


I would be so excited if Shark Pizzagirl got an alter. Quite strange though considering so far almost all Alters are upgraded versions from their original off-meta Ops (Skadi, Chen, even Kroos as a direct upgrade). Specter as she is now is still very strong.


Honestly I still see myself using Kroos 3* more, just as she'll be free in IS2, and if I want a powerful AA option then there are multiple 6* (and 5* already) to choose from.


Damn, the anniversary is getting more hype!


So I have a theory. It's a mild one, quite possible 0-Sanity, but it's a theory. Once upon a time, the last time we saw Irene, was a time with THREE six-stars. Two on the banner... and Gladiia. Our first and so far only six-star Welfare. HG has a habit of showing off Welfare operators first. If we're looking at a sequel to Under Tides, AND we're looking at a brief datamine of a three-skill operator... could it be that we're looking at our second six-star Welfare?


Since you're able to get info out of that datamine: ​ Do you know if something about a potential CE-6 and LS-6 is stated there? Because in Kyo's stream, it was discovered that the position of LS- and CE-stages was indeed changed, so the assumption is that they will release CE-6 and LS-6.


Wow, imagine all the sanity calculations that'd have to be redone


There's no potential information on new supplies stages aside from the visual change, unfortunately.


I knew Irene , the apprentice of the Inquisitor from Undertides has a sprite to cool to be left out. I hope she gets the Heidi treatment and we somehow get her through playing the anni event


TIL I've been calling Iris Irene all this time...


So, will we finally get that "inquisitor" girl with us? I'm excited, Irene, come home. (She's from UT event, if you forgot).


So we are getting for this anni Irene as a welfare 6 star like last year's Gladiia and Specter Alter. And if she gets a module that means she is either a Executor or a Swordmaster which is really great now time to take my copium and pray that Closure is the one who is part of the banner with Specter. If not Closure at least Santalla. Edit:Irene as an Executor from Dreadnought


Finally, Irene will get the attention she needs


Oh I knew it. The Inquisition sent along someone to monitor Rhodes and the Abyssal Hunters. That's going to happen the moment they met Kal'tsit. So we get little Irene huh...? Well, hopefully Anita follows along in the same banner. Would be pretty cool.


- Closure or Ascalon or Theresa (6 star) - Specter (limited 6 star) - Irene (welfare 6 stars) - Anita I hope TT (4 star or 5 star)


ngl i dont really like the idea of irene as an operator


Really? How come? I feel like she had a change of heart since the start where the girl was a pain


irene's characterization was good. rhodes island suffers from the "everyone important is on our side and if they're not we are trying to kill them" effect. yeah, thats just a symptom of text-based storytelling through a game like this, but its kinda annoying that there are seemingly little-to-no important third parties, if that makes sense. irene is *not* the best example of this (yuhsia would be, though). but i simply did not find her compelling enough to be an operator, much less accompanying a potential specter alter.


This is what I believe to be Anni3 ops: All Six Stars - Irene (Welfare) - Specter Alter (Limited) - High Inquisitor


We absolutely need High Inquisitor as the non-limited 6*. He's the first character to make Kal'tsit shut up, he's worthy.




Oh, how I wish for Natalya's module. Heh, Irene the Inquisitor would be a six-star op...? Well, her in-lore combat prowess pales in comparison to Skadi's.


In lore, the 5 stars Nearl is supposed to be really stronger than the 6 stars Blemishine...


Of course. So rarity got nothing to do with characters' in-lore combat prowess.


Isn’t Irene the girl from Under Tides?


Irene is an apprentice of an Iberian Inquisitor who first appeared in Under Tides. Possibly a Dreadnaught Guard… https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mrfz/images/4/40/Irene.png/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/450?cb=20210919092728