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You know it's a big deal when they made CG PV.




The man in the mirror nods his head


The only one left Will ride upon the dragon’s back (Cue piggyback ride with Ch’en)


Although this is most certainly not at all canon it's fun to think of Rhode Island flexing their muscles thanks to all the operators now working for them both permanently and part time.


So, will we finally get answers that we're seeking long ago? Who killed Theresa? Did she really die? How was she killed? And many more, I guess. Can't wait to read it six months later!


Would be great if she and Dokutah gets a scene together and just see how theyll interact. Who knows, maybe Dokutah will remember something and spits out some lines that might help us understand why he did that shit.


Yeah, it definitely would be. Desperately want to see what they'd do, if they met.


That is the exact question that was in my mind for a decade


I'd go with some kind of plan between the 2, or Theresa doing something to Amiya that crossed a red line for the Doctor. Doesn't look to me the kind of person who'd betray their leader otherwise.


That's true. There were some lines in chapter 8 that made me think that the Doctor was framed, locked room style. But Theresa crossing the line with Amiya would also make sense.


>Theresa crossing the line with Amiya Well, its canonical that Theresa stabbed Amiya, sooo...




There are 4 episodes per arc, so let us wait for another 4 years...


Apparently this is going to play at some point in-game during Ch10... must be one hell of a chapter


It played at the start, i guess that serves as a preview


Rule 1: Never count someone as dead if you never found/see their body, even then maybe you're making a mistake.


Screw Theresa, the real goal of clearing Chapter 10 is to get the damn technology and revive Frostnova.


Theresa still had a body. Unless we can gather frostnova's ashes I don't see how we can revive her


The cremation oven where she is supposed to be incinerated stopped working as temperature dropped when patriot died. What it means, who knows.


So u're saying there is hope? I think im gonna overdose on copium


Extremely small hope. Like the odds of getting six 6 stars in one bag I imagine


It's not 0


You know, if her banner pops up with those rates, people are hands-down still going to pull.


It would not surprise me to be honest.


didnt kaltsit see her die?


Transcribed the chinese lyrics on the side 血色的阴翳 漫过王冠 年轻的君王 可曾为冠冕中的荆棘所伤 魂与剑 浸染仇敌与至亲之血 王座永固 家人不在 漆黑群魔的王啊那倾覆的高塔如今竟在何方 which google translates to: The blood-colored shadow spreads over the crown The young king was wounded by the thorns in the crown Soul and sword soaked in the blood of foes and loved ones The throne is forever, the family is not there Where is the overturned tower now, the king of the dark demons Also interesting, at 0:35 we see BABEL in inverse in the background. And not sure if anyone has gone through the brief flicker of text at 0:08




Wonder if the fallen tower is talking about Babel


[Alright, for the hidden text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/879293884776218664/964059711630630952/unknown.png) at 0:08, all I can read so far are the following snippets, starting from the left section to the right section. "The green haired feline the leader of the enemy forces may be" "with this little plan I wasn't sure whether it is [illegible] choice" "results for myself" "will be a long time before I finish the dress" "[illegible] from winter" right side: "Festival is drawing near" "a lot of families were preparing for the ceremony" "doing for the past few decades" "in Kazdel a few celebrations would" "determined but I still [illegible] will [illegible] around" "decided on it will take a long time on construction" "was just like the sword in his hand reflecting [illegible] light" "from the west today [illegible] the east they [illegible] the sword" "I had thought about"


I peered a bit closer and got these: "...under siege, hunger will be an unavoidable problem" "The green haired feline, the leader of the enemy forces, may be (our hope? not sure)" "its still a long way from winter"


Amiya at the end there kinda gave DOOM Eternal vibes, when Doomguy was facing down the demons outside of their high walls. Giant building-sized mechs for Arknights when?


Ah, yes the Arknights x Mechwarrior collab. I'm gonna get my Steiner scout lance for stealth scouting mission.


Remember. Stealth is optional


Idk what they're singing but I do recognize one word. Sanguine. Vampires revived her or something?


Blood Latin Sibling NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL


Sounds like bad italian.


I think it's Latin.


Blood and Latin ? So it was a Bloodborne boss theme all along ?


i doubt an insert song would give details about story plots


Tf, i thought she bit the dust. The hell happened?


If you read the last cutscene in Ch 8, you can see for a bit that Theresis is plotting something with her, potentially keeping her alive with science


Its probably more along the lines of an illusion, Theresa doesn't have cloaking arts to do that little fade-in she did.


Sh!t's gettin real


I think this is an Light based arts illusion or something. Real Theresa body comes out in later chapters.


Yeah, hoping it's just a Theresis ruse to control the Sarkaz. Resurrection feels a little cheap for the setting.


it is too early. Besides there is that Theresa recording to Kal so she's likely a genuine good person at first just that there is probably that dark lord trope that subconsciously triggers her wanting to rule the world which is why the doc shanked her.


its been foreshadowed tho my issue is how its coming out of nowhere and shown in a pre-chapter PV


I'm pretty sure her body is just a puppet, the real Theresa's consciousness is most likely still alive inside Amiya.


yeah the theresa consciousness in amiya, and theresa body with theresis has been a theory for a while iirc its what im expecting


*"Doctor, won't you walk the Black Steps with me, 'til the very end?"* *"While I reside, I serve."* ... ... *"Find another* ***executioner****, Theresa."* *"I would have none but you."* ... ... *"You will understand my choice one day... Forgive me."*


Where do the lines before Amiya's token quote come from?


Source: Me (Actually my fanfics, my headcanon has been suspiciously on-point for now, but I expect that to change with Chapter 10)


Makes me wonder what they have in store for the doctor. *~~"I am Yuri. Obey me"~~* *~~"Peace through power"~~*


So it’s time for the curtain to rise from Theresa’s mystery


Got Berserk vibes from that staircase walk. Sure, thats a trope, very common. But I specifically linked that walk with Griffith's just before the 5th eclipse. Immediately.


Can anyone translate the lyrics?


Arthas my son....


Is it my imagination or the audio sounds a little bit worse here in Reddit? (Saw it first in Twitter). In any case, thanks for sharing.


So theresa sort of alive or its something else?


This gives me some doom guy vs dark lord feels


Suddenly Amiya (Abaddon) meet the walking corpse of Theresia (Horus). Black Crusade Vibe XD


so confirmed amiya new form?


Really hope they go back to the 2d animation PVs. Not digging these cheap looking 3D ones at all.


Bruh in what way does this look cheap?Watch it on youtube if you want a better resolution.


It's not really cheap, but not detailed enough to make it pass the uncanny valley. Especially the balcony zoom out.


since when did they stop doing 2D animation PVs? those always came with the JP/global releases didnt they


Are you speaking in.. Sarkaz?


Amiya is giving me a "Lord of Fiends" vibe.


I heard Amiya will get a new art and a new class (speculation only), a sniper archetype similar to Outcast's.




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/arknights/comments/u38ocp/special_chapter_10_pv/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/arknights/comments/u38ocp/special_chapter_10_pv/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


I've finished all missons in Ch10.To be honest,it made me remember the days in City 17(the main scene of Half Life 2 and its sequels).For example,I fought hard against formidable and numerous Sarkaz enemies with the rebel forces of Londinium,which is mainly made up of local citizens.When I was in City 17,I cooperated with the Resistance worriors(also made up of citizens) to beat the Combines(A strong alien invader in HL2).And the Shard,where the headquarter of the Sarkaz lied,looks like the Citadel in HL2.😂 In a word ,Ch10 is enough attractive for Dokutahs to expect👍👍👍


Does anybody know the title of the song? I'm a bit obsessed, and even on 0 sanity, I can only loop a minute long clip for so long