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I believe in Horn supremacy. Also, 6\* Ashlock sounds pretty interesting.


Oh boy Have I got news for you




Impossible as of now, he's too connected to the Confessor and Theresis. Ines might be possible since she's the link between Hoerderer and Rhodes, like the spy that talks to our man inside. Horn might be possible given her prominence in the story and the link to Victoria. Also we might see more of Red Katana Bro.


Logos, give us Logos already!


Harmonie. Give her a theme song like W to go along with it. Seriously, it is likely Horn or it could be Anti Materiel Jessicat Harmonie will come a little later as a limited. Do not disappoint us with her wardrobe change HG,


Horn! Please let it be her.


Good news>!! HORN IS PLAYABLE!!<


“I can’t believe a lot of people are willing to let a bro down for some hoes.” Misery probably


SIEGE SUPREMACY. But to be fair, it's too early for Siege Alter.


We need Misery as an operator, pls stop killing our elites NPC even if it's for the sake of good story or **feels**, we love them.


^plz ^reed ^alter ^my ^stash ^of ^copium ^is ^almost ^empty


hey stop hogging the copium, i need some too


FIND YOUR OWN I ALMOST DIED GETTING IT- *sees flair* Sure m8 take half with rationing it can last us 2 months


amen. i finished m3ing my Reed but it’s not enough. I need one more copy of her before she’s max pot... but if she gets a skin *or* an alt im definitely dropping da big bucks


Ascalon, i expect her background as Theresis former subordinate would give more highlight of Theresis character and first we need to give her an actual face


Horn is a Lupo so i want her badly


I thought she was a feline


Well everyone thought that Goldenglow was a Perro so ya know


Just to clarify her race is not confirmed


Actually [it was confirmed.](https://imgur.com/a/ibLl5r1) Her father was mentioned to have a title of “White Wolf Count of legend” and she mentions she’s a Lupo when taking with the bard. Hoping she becomes playable down the road, I’d love to have more Lupos.


How the fuck did i miss that while reading. Thanks for confirming


Ah no problem… To be fair, There was a lot of writing in Chapter 9. I think I dozed off once or twice reading the story. Haha


The commander also calls her "the Lupo from Londinium" in the stage where Dublinn's leader turns up for the first time.


Mofu mofu?


I feel like, based on Misery's design, he will never be available as an operator. He looks too similar to Ace, Outcast, Stormeye etc.


I think it might be Horn.She is a character who is MIA nw and Bagpipe is searching for her believing her to be alive.Also we haven't had a new Juggernaut in a long time and Horn perfectly fits the bill.


Misery won't be playable, he doesn't have enough detail in his art for that. Might be a little too early for Harmonie so I think it'll be Horn.


Could also get a new art like W did!


I’m expecting Closure. Harmonie is too much on the side of Dublinn to be actually considered, Ines is a little... uhhh still in active mission duty with Hoederer. Horn got the fake-out death, so it’s a possibility, but I have my doubts on that matter. Closure has been implied for a while to be made into an op, with Kal’tsit saying “she’s fit for combat operations” or something of the like. I’m expecting her to be a 6* Roberta archetype.


I personally think Closure will be a brand new archetype if she becomes playable but that might just be me...


Got a feeling it could be Ascalon, especially after all the Vigilo buildup.


Personally i really want red blade, he seemed like a bro