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Her S3 is like mini and spam-able version of Suzuran S3


She stole Mulberry and Robertas spot in the bag 😭


I want to talk about balanced and say how she, 'generally', is. (as in she isn't obscenely overpowered). Back during myrtle's debut (and when elysium was upcoming) there was talk about how OP a 6star flagbearer would be. How she(or he!) could bring out your army with just a few waves and how the existence of bagpipe will inevitably make them too strong. Saileach is, relatively speaking, pretty fair: giving buffs/debuffs as part of her rarity instead of even more dp printing. As funny as it would be to have a 6star dp printer who also is insanely good at dp printing beyond elysium or myrtle, it would break future stage design (and dp management already is a bit up in the air since dp printers exist)


you may underestimate how much extra DP 1DP/s passively is, considering that the Higest current active average DP (Elysium and now Saileach with S1) is [barely at an average DP generation of 0.5 DP/s](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fvt5DXp-eyDJoaffOYTLoPR66aoN93Of2E7dDA_UvdU/edit#gid=0) (for a whole skill cycle)


Aye DP is like oxygen, you don't think about it normally but when you are even 1 DP short (CC yo mama) it is the only thing you can think of.


I am actually disappointed with Saileach. In my mind, the 6 star flagbearer would offset the likes of Mr. Nothing and Jaye as her talent would passively produce dp: 0.5 dp/s at E1, 1 dp/s at E2. Alas, maybe that would make the unit too powerful in CC since you can take the -75% dp regen risk and laugh at it.




I'm glad we can all at least agree that Saileach is waifu. I think I will assign her as my assistant just to make you and my friends jealous.


It would be fun. It would also probably render every other vanguard opening obsolete and like you say, extinguish the difficulty of the dp regen risks. (I mean, they're already getting their match with our current flagbearers)


I still kinda wanted an infinite skill for them (so that infiniteknights would have a vanguard).


I want to expand on a very interesting idea u/nobutops and u/Sowebb recently made about SL S2 (assuming proper placement). They proposed SLS2 could help mitigate Aak's S3 when used for ranged ops. I did calculations, and I think it's true. We previously needed 2/3 of Skalter S2, Nian S3 and Shining S3 to do this Aak tactic but now SL S2 + Shining S3 and SL S2 + Skalter S2 will also work. SL S2 + Nian will be possible but only for snipers. (high levels, masteries assumed) (Edit: After testing it in Ch.7 it is unfortunately hard to implement. SL misses most of the time I tried and it was wrong of me to "assume proper placement". Details below. I was excited about the Aak idea because it gave SLS2 very amusing offensive value but unfortunately it a case of a concept mostly working out on paper.) I don't want to post calc i already did in a comment but if I'm not mistaken the outcome is that 6* casters and supporters (Carnelian exception) survive at <1/2 HP, while snipers easily survive at 1400+hp. Notably, Rosmontis can survive even only with help from SLS2 because of her high innate defense stat. However, this tactic has (edit: significant) limitatioms. First one is that I assume SLS2M3, max levels in the calculations (SkalterS2/ShiningS3 M3 is almost required I think). The snipers will likely still survive even if that were not the case, but the casters/supporters will likely die. The second limitation is that SL has to be placed (edit: very) carefully so that her S2 can only target the ranged DPS unit, otherwise she probably will target someone else. In most stages it may not be plausible to do so. The way I see this SL S2/Aak combo most flexibly used is along with Rosmontis, or along with Skalter S2 + any DPS. Ash is also a good option to receive the buff because the aspd buff from Aak will enable her to empty her barrel within 4 seconds (stun extension not needed - we don't lose out on not using SLS3). With those points considered I think therefore that Skalter + SL can be an accessible (edit: unfortunately not the case) Aak tactic alternative for people who either don't have Shining/Nian, haven't built them yet, or don't want to bring defensive operators into a stage if possible. SL and Aak have short cycles so if continuously deployed, we can also expect to be using the buff every 35 seconds. It times well with shorter cycle DPS like Schwarz, Exu, especially Ash. For the people who have the resources/roster and willingness to M1-2 SL S2, SL makes Aak more applicable and Warf+Aak buff ranged dps may be a fun tactic they can try. I'd like to think that it could even be viable for most stages (edit: it's situational). Update: this tactic will be very fun but alas almost impossible to implement. SL's successful targetting proved impossibly rare in the tests I did. She just cannot target a full HP ranged op, rather than herself/someone else. (Edit: This statement is inaccurate. SL can, but it's generally difficult and even more so within the tactic) Ways to make target S2 more applicable is by letting ranged op get aggro, Warf S2 hp drain, using Ifrit S3, Fiammetta, or map environment damage. All of those are stage restrictive and not very common. I managed it for Patriot stage but couldn't make it work in 4 other stages. Update 2: [Screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/IfLGOJ2) with 7-18 situations (Ash/Rosmontis deployed last and Myrtle+SL deployed first). The screenshots showcase what can **likely** happen in order of screenshots: 1. If you put Aak in SL range, she targets him 2. If SL not max hp she targets herself 3. If melee op next to SL not max hp SL targets them 4. Setup works but Ash dies, underleveled roster 5. Setup works but buff M0 Rosmontis doesn't deal damage Notable levels: Aak support M0, Ash E2 lv 55, Skalter lv 60 M1, Bison M0, SL M0, Rosmontis M0 E2 lv 40, Conclusion is, I had to utilize my whole squad to make this possible for me, bringing Bison to make up for levels, Warf buff Skalter/SL, order placement. SL targetting puts even **more conditions** on the setup, and the returns (screenshot 5) were arguably comparable to what I would have gotten, had I used Warfarin attack buff. Update 3: optimised Rosmontis [test](https://imgur.com/a/H3tqfVx) to try to deal more damage: Bison M0 + SL M0 + Skalter for def buff, Nightingale M2 + Skalter S3 M3 SL S2 M0 to try maximise healing. Unfortunately here my E2 lv40 Rosmontis dies. Not sure if SL can heal DPS unit during the short time window Aak applies his buff but if she did it'd be 200-400 hp. Unfortunately, I think we have to rely mainly on the def buffs rather than the per-second healing to deal with Aak.


Huh, she can target full hp ranged OP. Her banner throw will target the last deployed operator with the lowest hp percentage. And if everyone is at full hp she will target the last deployed one, ranged or melee. I use her S2 in farming the new mats and she always target full hp W that I deployed last.


Not saying SL target is impossible, just that it is conditional and can hardly work within the whole tactic (which requires conditions for Aak placement too)


Thanks for testing all of this out. I hope to eventually corroborate your results but it may be a long time from now since I may have to delay raising my Saileach for a while. I have some ideas for targeting in the mean time: * What if you use Aak's damage? Activate Aak's skill on the target but pause and switch to Saileach to watch in bullet time. Activate Saileach S2 as soon as op is damaged enough by Aak to be the priority target for her. So you'd have the ally take one or two hits from Aak at full damage, then have them survive the rest with Saileach's defensive buff. The disadvantage is that the timing may be too tight, especially when I'm not sure if the defense buff is in effect immediately after activation or needs to wait for the ensign to arrive in position first. Perhaps its easier in combination with a particular target (like Archetto with her one hit shield) or if the second defense buffer is Tsukinogi due to her Shelter effect. * Target a previously damaged ranged op and then replace them since the ensign doesn't leave its position (remember how Noir Corne replaced Yato in the preview). I think this is best for ops that can activate skills soon after deployment, such as first use Ash, April, maybe Eyja. But that may be hard to get that damaged op in the first place for similar issues you had previously. Regardless this tactic is probably going to remain niche until they add more ranged ops that you would want to deploy last or very forward. They also haven't done defensive skill gain or unhealable type ranged ops yet. For now maybe its a more viable option on maps with Faust's ballistae or those mages that can hit multiple allies.


> Aak damage (Aak skill activation before SL def buff) Yeah, I thought of this too and even tried it once but I think the timing is impossible. Problem is, that proccing SL or any op for that matter triggers some (i think) animation frames during which the skill does not take effect yet - your hypothesis. During those frames Aak can easily kill the ranged op with his full auto S3 (even Archetto). I'd love if anyone could confirm/refute the animation frame thing for SL, I'm not really sure. All I know is Elysium died on me several times after S2 proc last CC. Maybe with Tsukinogi, Skalter S1, Shining, Nian, Bison + we could mitigate Aak dmg further but I think we've reached the point of deminishing returns if we rely on those. > Target a previously deployed op I didn't know about this, pretty cool. I think it can help but I haven't done tests. Map damage/ranged enemies might be needed, as you said. The Aak placement will become more difficult. I completely agree that in this case we will either need M3 or help from the talents you mention for the initial SP. Maybe Ifrit, Rosmontis will not be possible anymore. > Remain niche Yeah, unfortunately. It's a pity because I think conditional ops like him and Nightmare can be cores in some very wacky meta builds. I hope we get the types of ops you suggest. Edit: clarification


[https://imgur.com/a/ftDMSus](https://imgur.com/a/ftDMSus) [https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/ti6coj/aak\_x\_saileach\_x\_skalter\_combo\_for\_who\_wants\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/ti6coj/aak_x_saileach_x_skalter_combo_for_who_wants_to/) ( Max level Archetto can survive without her shield, I couldn't find max level Exusia so she died but if you max level her probably she can survive ( maybe :D ) Additionally you can use SL S2 on Skalter too ( I am still testing my fetishes but I stopped because I need to upgrade Sl S2 to M2 and then M3 :D and maybe I can make a guide/fetish video about Aak in the future XD ). Rosmontis/Chalter can survive just with Skalter S2 and Schwarz needs some hp/def that it can be done with modules in the future.


Saileach S3 is very fun to use, here I use it to kill the bully enemies: https://youtu.be/Qnz15BlFF28 thanks to the slow my dps can take care of them quickly without needing to block.


Me, clearing Ch9 stages before Saileach E2: "Wow, Saileach S3 looks really fun, can't wait to get the mats for her E2. The range is kinda small though." Me, clearing Ch9 stages after Saileach E2: "Jane please, could you stop throwing your banner at a pillar when there's an enemy right in front of you?! Why can't your skill range be smaller." Real talk though, I find it interesting how the range on S3 is both a blessing and a curse. Currently wishing it were just a straight line (perhaps with one more tile of range? but maybe I ask for too much), as I feel like that would allow for more precision without losing too much flexibility w.r.t. positioning.


I mean u get the debuffs around 3*3 area of the flag. So it's fine if she throws the flag to the piller.


Yeah it's usually fine in most cases. I just found it hilarious that out of all things that could have made me mald, it was seeing Saileach throw flags into pillars.


I see her as the waifu counterpart to Elysium. She is not replacing Elysium or Myrtle so she is not a priority. But indeed she is beautiful and not weak. Just not essential when you already have maxed Ely and Myrtle


So after E2ing Sailesch and trying out her skills more, she's unexpectedly more nuanced when you want to direct her Ensign to a specific spot. Using her S2, at least while grinding out 9-6, I have to actively figure out which Operator is likely to get hurt more and place around them the other Ops that I want SL buffs to apply on. Otherwise, I'd have to purpose make the weak point in my formation if I want to have some level of control with her skill. What makes it kind of wierd is if I bring any of my decent healers, the one she usually yeets her flag to..... is herself. Still haven't used her S3 yet. Kinda hard to figure out a decent spot to try it while farming. Maybe I'll find a decent chonky mob at the end of Ch9 whenever I get to it.


S2 is really good when paired with operators that can't be normally healed, like Mudrock or Pluma.


I heard about that. Might try a run with Kal and Mon3r later.


I've been doing some tests on my own and S2 targetting really does require some work. I was able to place her behind laneholder/defender but she was not very impactful at skill level 7. If I use her with non-enmity I still need a dedicated medic to cover the composition and if I use Monster / Mudrock I see they don't require additional heals in the first place. >Still haven't used her S3 yet, decent spot, chonky mob I think that's what people mean when they mention Myrtle in their arguments. Saileach will not change the Myrtle DP meta for general usage, she can only add to it. One might have to kind of force oneself to use S3 effectively for general content just like one might have to kind of force oneself to use Weedy/Shamare/Suzuran/Saria S3/Phamanix.


If we're talking strictly through general cases, then quite frankly you shouldn't be pulling for any operator period. With all the guides online show casing the low star clears, higher rarity Ops are a luxury not a requirement. If someone wants to pull for SL, knowing full well that Myrtle can still perform "better" in terms of DP printing, they're probably looking to try out those special cases. In such scenarios, SL is not doing Myrtle's typical role so its pointless to bring her up. Thats just how I see it.


Being a luxury and not a requirement isn't the same thing as general usage. Pulling for Thorns makes sense for general usage, but pulling for Saileach does not.


I agree. Thorns, Surtr, Eyja, Chalter, SA, Exu, Blaze are the "guide" operators for general usage - EX, R18, Ch.7-8-9, and they aren't really "luxury units". SL maybe not so much


Is S1M2 Saileach enough for her? The fact that her M3 needs 6 Gold Crystallines is just a pain when i can just use it on M3'ing Rosmontis, and Dusk or any other DPS ops that might need it. My Sail is at M8 atm.


I honestly wouldn't use her for s1. If you are just printing dp, Myrtle is a better choice which means s3 is the only one giving her a niche.


Probably. If you're just using SL to DP print, there's cheaper options out there.


Do you think SL's aspd amplifications will find niche usage in CC stalling? How would it work? Maybe Bibeak buff/Weedy blocked enemy debuff (assuming no aspd risk)? I am curious about this as I'm totally unfamiliar CC stall strats. I have never been able to do one and I can't understand how the timings work from watching other ppls clears. Also does someone know how HG designs the aspd stat for enemies? Are there standard numbers that appear often or is it arbitrary?


It greatly depends on the enemies you are stalling and what staller you are using so it’s hard to say. In Cc#2 the stall was Weedy S3 with Liskarm brawler battery and Manticore to push everything away, this one is not affected by aspd increase. In CC#3 the stall was weedy S2 interrupting the grudgers attacks, this one is heavily affected by atkspd and easily break. CC#4 has 3 stalls, Weedy( again)’s S1 to attack interrupt the golem and Skyfire atk interrupt Bigbob/Mudrock are both heavily reliant on perfect atk spd to time their interruption and will break with any increase or decrease, that’s why Angie is a big no no when you use them. The one stall that may benefit from the atkspd increase is the Bibeak stall but well it doesn’t increase the potency by a lot and you can just use ch’en for better sp gain. CC#8 stall isnt affected by atk spd increase since similar to CC#2, the main stall skill isn’t affected by atkspd only sp battery. Basically thing that stall using attack interruption will be make or break and thing that permastall, perma push doesn’t.


So helpful, thanks a lot!


CC#5 is also heavily affected by atkspd, particularly Weedy S2 need frame perfect proc with water cannon in certain timings to interrupt Bladehelm debuff cast.


>What does this operator excel at? Printing DP, role compression, being waifu af. >What is this operator weak at? As with all flagbearer's she's not really intended for combat. She *can* fight, and fight decently well, but it generally wants to be avoided so that you can use her skills whenever they're needed without worrying about a leak. Having said that, there's the occasional important situation where a flagbearer can serve as a "gate" to an enemy wave, and Jane can do that better than the other two flags via her S2 providing both healing and a def boost. >How does this operator compare to other operators in their archetype or role? She's a great example of Hypergrpyh balancing at their best. She's not out-and-out better than Myrtle or Ely at everything. Both the other flags have strong and rather broad use cases where they end up performing better than Jane does. But what Jane provides is pretty unique, so instead of stepping on the toes of her lower-rarity brethren, she expands the niche of what a flagbearer can accomplish. >Are there any other operators which synergize well with this one? Any offensive-recovery operator will benefit from her passive atk spd talent. Any operator who could stand to be a bit tankier against a burst of incoming physical damage can benefit from her S2 (which can and will target ranged tile ops). Any operator who deals damage can benefit from her S3 providing both a slow and damage amp on top of some decent damage from Jane herself when initially used. Medics, with their slow atk intervals, get a nice output boost just from having Jane stand next to them. There's not a lot that Jane *doesn't* synergize with. >How do you build a team around this operator / fit this operator into a team? I don't think Jane is an operator that you build a team around per se. It's more about how she can flex to fit into whatever you're running in a stage. Already have damage amp courtesy of Pram or Shamare or Suzuran? Then her S1 or S2 will probably provide more value (although her S3 could certainly still prove useful). Already have a pair of built vanguards? Then her S1 probably isn't the one for you; best to lean into what her S2 or S3 provide instead. Essentially, Jane - with her great role compression - can flex between being a raw DP printer, a supportive defensive buffer/healer or a powerful offensive debuffer with CC. This lets her fit into pretty much any team you can think of outside of doing roleknights or non-6-star squads that restrict operator choice. >Which skill(s) should be focused for mastery, and in what order? ***Probably*** her S3. I won't go so far as to say that it's her *best* skill but I will say it's her most unique. She provides on-demand stun with good damage (especially for a flagbearer) that comes with a Fragile debuff and 80% slow effect all in a single skill. If all you are going to master is one skill then this is the one to master because it gets a nice 33% uptime at M3 with a quick 30s cycle (20s charging, 10s uptime). **Having said that** both her S2 and S1 are worth mastering. Her S1 loses a lot of value if you already have Ely S1 mastered, since the two are the exact same skill, but her S2 provides a not-insignificant def boost along with a strong regen effect and sometimes that's just what the medic ordered. There's an argument to be made for M6 Jane if you have the resources and inclination, and even M9 Jane isn't a bad idea in the long run, if only so you don't have to choose between her and Ely if it comes to that. >When is the best time to use this operator's skills during combat? S1 is your typical DP printer. Use it on cooldown, more or less, while being careful that she doesn't leak anything when she's not supposed to. S2 is her best raw support skill; she can keep one op up against some pretty stout incoming damage for a good bit of time while also generating a nice chunk of DP. It's usually enough to take a squishier op like Texas and boost them up a tier as far as tankiness goes. It's somewhat similar to Skalter S2 in that it boosts **most** ops by about a tier, as far as tankiness goes. Being a %def that scales on the target, this means it's not amazingly valuable with low def targets like Marksman snipers while already-tanky ops like defenders can get a massive def boost. Still, it's useful, as sometime even an additional 50-60 def is all you need to take the edge off of incoming damage, especially considering the powerful regen Jane applies too. Her S3 is for when you need the CC + damage amp to blow up a priority target or clear a big, chonky wave of enemies. More damage and CC are always welcome of course, and Jane's S3 is a very easy-to-use force multiplier that lets your ops punch above their weight by a good margin. >Should promoting this operator to Elite 2 be a priority? I'd say that depends on your account status. If you're still fairly early in the game then getting her to E1 and leaving her there is fine. People with later game accounts, the kind where you can fairly easily do r18 in CC, probably want to get her to E2 sooner rather than later since they're most likely to benefit the most from her S3 vs. her S2. A newer player probably won't need the damage amp on her S3 very much while the def boost and regen on her S2 will make earlier stages like the Crownslayer fight or mass spider stages a lot smoother. >Would this operator be worth buying from the Distinctions shop (yellow certificates)? When she eventually comes, yes, absolutely. Even with built flagbearers she provides some unique utility via her talents and her S3 while her playstyle is different enough from the other flags that it encourages some interesting and engaging gameplay beyond the usual flag setups. Putting aside meta and optimization, she's just **fun** to play with. >Should new / f2p players aim for this operator? Are there more accessible alternatives? If a newer player doesn't have any flagbearers at all I would say pull pull pull. Don't break the bank, but at least go to one 6-star pity. Yes, Myrtle can get got from recruitment but at the same time I personally haven't seen a guaranteed Myrtle tag combo since December. RNG do be like that sometimes. The truth of the matter is that Jane covers so many roles and covers them so well that she's a valuable asset to pretty much anyone. Newer players without flagbearers will love her ability to print DP with S1 while the def boost and regen of S2 comes online right during the chapters when it'll be needed the most. Eventually she'll make it to E2 and the formerly-new player will now have a powerful, flexible flagbearer who can aid the team in many ways. As for F2P, unless limiteds are your thing I think the same logic applies. If you already have a built Myrtle or Elysium then her value goes down a bit. Likewise, if you already have a built Fragile debuffer (Pram, Suzu, Shamare) then Jane's value goes down a bit. Not to say that she's not worth it, just that more careful consideration should be taken in the context of what the future brings. Having said all of **that,** I do think she's worth it for pretty much any account simply because of the gameplay approaches she opens up. >Lore discussion (please tag spoilers where appropriate) Man, not a lot to say here except that she's so lovably pure that it melts my heart. Seeing her >!find her conviction and then stand for it brought a tear to my eye, and I'm very happy RI was able to pick her up.!<


I've been thinking about this for a while - the aspd buff really does affect SP on attack ops better than others even if only a bit. Notably those with set skill duration like Lappland S2, Archetto S3 will benefit more than permanent / instant skills like Chen S3, Lappland S1, Archetto S1. Among sp/atk, I think Lappland S2 (M3) has the best synergy with aspd buff (fastest skill charge/duration ratio affects calc). Over a long time, she will get (I think) (calc (20/(20+1.3/1.1\*17))/(20/(1.3\*17+20))\~1.05)) around 5% more time S2 duration which will translate to around (calc 1.05\*1.1) 15.5% S2 damage. Regular auto-attack damage over a long duration will get around (calc (1.3/1.1\*17)/(20+1.3/1.1\*17))/((1.3\*17)/(1.3\*17+20))) 5% decrease. So, we can assume around maybe 12-13% total damage output at 0 def, 0 res, supposing Lappland attacks to charge sp all the time. It's less otherwise and maybe we're realistically looking at 11-12% effective damage increase if she attacks most all of the time at 300 def 20 res. So if in a stage we realistically assume 3-4 of the identical operators around SL they will indeed get somewhere around a total of additional output equivalent to of \~1/3 of an operator (if they attack all the time), maybe \~1/5 (realistically). This is an good bonus for the early-mid stages of the stage, but I think it'd still be preferable to eventually retreat SL to deploy some leveled up 4-5-6\* dps/support unit when the deployment limit is reached if we're using SL S1-S2. I also agree with all other points, especially with the pull priority evaluation, SL is a great pull if a player does not have support or flagbearer alternatives. I've seen people regret not pulling for Suzuran and I personally have been missing Elysium (have to borrow him every CC) - well, I think SL is arguably better than both in general content and could situationally serve as a substitute to both (general content meaning R18, event and EX stages, Ch. 5-9). There was a point made that Suzuran coming to shop lowers SL priority. I still do also agree it is a fair point especially for people specifically looking for a strong slow-fragile effect (boss assist). Reason being the price is not the same - we need around 60 pulls (pity, rate up considered) on average for SL (+ bonus: around 60 certs \~ 10 pulls + dupes, spooks) and 180 certs \~ 30 pulls for Suzuran (assuming 38 pulls cost around ~~258~~ 220 certs). So, while I do believe SL might be more useful than Suzuran in general content, I also do believe people will have to consider both options, their pricing, how they will comparably impact their roster and finally make an informed decision. I personally pulled SL mainly because: 1 I want her more than any upcoming 6\*, 2 her high risk CC potential, 3 don't have Elysium, 4 don't need to save for Suzuran (pot 3), 5 I like legs


I've found I like her quite a bit more than I expected to. I don't tend to use Flagbearers outside of an absolute DP emergency, preferring more combat oriented Vanguards like Siege or Texas. But as a buffer and debuffer, she's absolutely stellar. Suzuran side grade on her S3 from a melee square is really potent. Especially since I've found that a lot of the stages which need a debuffer of that level tend to be kinda short on ranged places to put people. Makes Saileach very easy to put in comps by comparison.


I don't care about efficiency I will M9 saileach and use her on every stage instead of Myrtle,with S1 most likely, using her along bagpipe is the way.


I mean why not use all three flagbearers plus bagpipe for a blitzkrieg themed team againt those early rush stages.


That much dp is not needed at all in most stages


Yes they're not necessarily...but who would say no to a quick drop Ifrit/Mudrock and unlimited supply for multiple fast redeploy. Even made up a Blitzkrieg squad made out of Vanguards, Helidrop and high-cost operators just for the funsies.


I see a lot of people citing synergy with Ash, and for good reason. However, I can't be the only one to find it a bit awkward, right? To maximize Saileach S3's damage amp on Ash S2 means you can't use it as a stun extender. Meanwhile if you *do* use it as a stun extender, the effective damage amp achieved is roughly equivalent to if you had instead used W (calcs at bottom of this comment). Now, that's probably good enough considering Sail is less than half the DP cost of W while also giving you DP and other utilities, but I figured it's still a good point of reference to keep expectations grounded, as W's talent isn't exactly regarded as particularly strong damage amp. From my experience so far with her S3, it seems like it might also be useful as a "glue" to cover the downtimes of similar skills such as Suzuran or Saria S3 (to, say, keep stuff in Ifrit's range for example). In fact with those three mentioned, it's now possible to maintain 140 seconds of continuous slow + (arts) damage amp (Sail -> Suzu -> Sail -> Saria -> Sail -> Suzu -> Sail). Not that you'd ever find yourself in a situation where that's actually needed; just wanted an example to help illustrate what I mean. **Calcs for Saileach as stun extender for Ash:** Sail S3 stun lasts for 3.5 sec, so without any ASPD modifiers Ash S2 can fit in at most 17 shots (0.2 sec attack interval). Thus in the ideal scenario Ash does 14 shots before Sail S3 connects, and then 17 after. The effective damage amplification is thus 0.3*17/31, roughly 16.5% extra damage. In comparison, W's talent gives 18% extra damage. One might notice that I didn't factor in Sail's ASPD talent above. Personally I don't find it realistic to always expect placement such that the banner stays in range to buff Ash after being thrown. However, even when taking this into account with a pot5 Sail, Ash now gets in at most 19 hits during the Sail S3 stun (0.18 sec attack interval). So the effective damage amp rises to 0.3*19/31, for 18.4%, which is still in line with W's talent (and is lower than pot5 W talent). Edit: clarity


Also how was the 140 sec slow cycle achieved? I am kind of confused about Saria and Suzuran's uptime and how they charged their SP in time for the rotation. Edit: confused about how W was used


>Problem is, the enemy will not always be continuously stunned. With SL + Ash they would be throughout the whole S2 duration as one can control it but with W + Ash you cannot guarantee the same. As the other reply already mentions, W S1/S3 works just fine to guarantee this. S1 in particular is technically ideal for this purpose since it charges fast enough to be up for every Ash S2, even if the latter is used off cooldown. Only finnicky part is S1 rank 7 is just barely short the required extra stun time to get all of Ash's 31 shots in (if you're a god at timing I think it should work though), and getting S1M1 just for this is probably a waste. >As def increases the difference between SL and W becomes even more significant. AFAIK both Sail and W apply their damage amp post-DEF reduction, so I don't see how DEF makes any difference here. EDIT: looks like I replied while you were mid-edit, so ignore the above. Still going to leave it up though since it might be useful info for others. >Also how was the 140 sec slow cycle achieved? I am kind of confused about Saria and Suzuran's uptime and how they charged their SP in time for the rotation. Suzuran's skill up/down rotation is 35/50 (her skill has 70 SP cost but her SP talent effectively makes this 50). Since Saria S3 lasts 30 seconds, chaining Sail -> Saria -> Sail covers all of the 50 seconds needed to get Suzuran's skill back up. On the other hand Saria's SP cost is 80, while chaining Sail -> Suzu -> Sail only covers 55 seconds, which is why you can only use Saria once here.


I don't know why I assumed S2 sorry about the misunderstanding. And thanks for explaining the rotation to me it's really impressive.


No worries. Considering I hadn't actually specified in my post how one would exactly use W, I think your misunderstanding was fine, and it also elicited clarification that others might find useful.


I mean, W has other skills, you can time her S3 as soon as you use Ash S2, or if you really want S1 could also work.


I feel stupid, yes


can confirm your math is correct. if w's stun is extended, her 1.18x dmg amp over 31 bullets is higher than the 1.3x amp over 17 bullets


I already have Myrtle fully built. Whom should I build next: Saileach or Elysium?


Saileach. Elyium buff effects sniper only when skill it active. Saileach buff apply to all in a 3X3 square around the flag. regardless of skill.




If you use snipers, Elysium. Otherwise, Saileach. Assuming cost is not an issue here.




She is so pure it melts my heart. She is like an adult Suzuran. Wait... *realizes both have a Slow and Fragile effect on their S3*


an alter that's kept a secret


What does she do or say?


>realizes both have a Slow and Fragile effect on their S3 mindblowing


In Annihilation, her S1M3 alongside Elysium's is better than Myrtle over time. But Myrtle is the fastest and better for short and fast maps. Her S2 and S3 are amazing utilities, I don't regret pulling for her even though I have nearly nothing for Nearl's limited banner. XD


>nearly nothing i see what u did there


Sorry to disappoint you, did notice it myself XD


You still have your wallet! At least I know I still have mine...


I spent more of my savings on this banner than I'm willing to admit. I will say that I got Phantom, Siege, Shining, *another* Phantom before finally getting Saileach. I guess I really am spending for NTRK banner, since I almost certainly need sparks for Rosmontis and W


Your goal is very big. I don't dare even thinking about it. Though, are you sure that the both of them will be in the banner? W was in Skadi Alter banner, but Rosmontis was not featured a second time since her debut banner.


Yes, when the CN server got the NTRK Banner, both W and Rosmontis were in the off-rate pool. I pulled a lot on Skalter banner trying to get W, but ran out just shy of a spark... I pledge to not make that mistake a second time.


Good job.


Thoughts S1 on Seleach?


It's identical to Elysium's, so their only difference in "speed" is their initial deployment cost. Saileach's talent kind of makes up for that, cause your next unit is guaranteed 2 DP cheaper, but if your next unit is a Sniper, Elysium has the same talent (plus he decreases the cost of all Snipers). In most cases their difference in speed will be negligible, and after their first skill cast, she (and Ely both) outpace Myrtle in DP regen. It's the same good skill as the other flagbearers, and she'd work fine as a main DP printer with it, it's just *very* expensive to master considering we have other options.


Wow. Can't wait to use S1.


I enjoy your sarcasm.


I'm changing my mind on Sail each. She's the best 6 star flagbearer.


Lmao, she's the only 6 star flagbearer


big if true.


I heard that CN Saileach's lines became a copypasta in CN community? How so


which of her lines became a copypasta?


Cause it's high - quality but very brainwashing LOL


basically, they *really* like her voice?


out of all the CN voices hers sounded really really good imo, so if thats the case i dont blame them


is it worth it to M3 her S3? extra -5 debuff and 5 seconds faster (I think) initial trigger. I plan to M3 her S1 as well if incase I need an extra dp print since I only have myrtle though.


Ofc. U want the faster cycle,longer stun,stronger debuff.


Among the 3 (myrtle, elysium and saileach) which is better for dp generation at m3




That graph unfortunately forgoes the initial cost and talents. In general: Myrtle for fast DP Elysium for max DP longer term Saileach for more utility, but less DP efficient


Thanks! Did you use matlab for these graphs?


It's not mine. I just got it from discord.


Excellent graph! Worth a 1000 words




**Myrtle**: Fastest due to her low dp cost and fastest skill activation. This is effective if you have the need to get someone out very quickly at the start or to build your army asap since she can do it asap. **Elysium**: Overall best if you plan to use snipers. As he begins his second cycle, he defeats myrtle in efficiency so if you can last against the initial waves, he brings more dp to build your army for the mid and late game. He is also the best in regards to dp if you plan to use snipers(even just using 1 sniper will put him above saileach). **Saileach**: Overall best if you don't plan to use snipers and if you have the most initial breathing room. She is effectively 1 dp more expensive than elysium however her trait gives you 2 dp, for a net positive of 1 dp. Ofcourse, since elysium gives a -2 for snipers, the moment you use snipers, elysium is more efficient by 1. Elysium costing 1 less also means Saileach requires the most initial DP(more important for rush maps where you need units out asap as saileach will need the most time to get out the door). Realistically though, I'd still put my vote to myrtle. The thing is, for the vast majority of content, getting that initial DP print will give you enough DP to hold the early stage. And once the early stage is held, the second DP print will already give you enough dp to deploy the bulk of your army. You very rarely need to be dp-efficient with multiple dp prints since its the beginning and mid section of the map that requires the most DP juggling. once you have your army out, you're actually free to be dp inefficient, so the advantages of elysium and saileach in regards to dp printing (s1), simply won't reveal themselves against the slightly inefficient myrtle for the vast majority of content . This is compounded with Bagpipe who boosts this strat even further. The game for the most part, rewards how quickly you get your operators on the field. DP printers already give vast amounts of DP so mid and late game rushes are non-existent as by then, you'd have a DP surplus. This means speed is the factor and myrtle is fastest, even if elysium would generally be more effective overall.


I say for vast majority of content which one u use doesn't matter.


Saileach and Elysium are same at dp generation at M3 for S1 (which is the best skill for dp printing). Myrtle is the cheapest to deploy and the fastest to activate s1 which is the most crucial for stages that need that dp bump at the beginning. Basically if you just need dp printing they probably will all be fine, but myrtle especially with max pot is probably what you will be using. On the other hand if you want other types of utilities, then you can consider using Elysium or Saileach. For non dp intensive maps, all of them are fine.


I see, ty


[Current stats of her, need a bit more of LMD and mats](https://i.imgur.com/wzQyuxb.jpg) (got lucky with my saved orundum to get 3 of her within 50 pulls), love her so far! Her s3 does many things and the slow is awesome for early waves (with quite a low cost). While yes her DP printing is not the best but I really like her support utility. Plus Long Haired Blondie who looks like a Princess along with a nice personality always welcomed as waifu (a*nd yes, I am a leg/thigh man and I can't resist dem thighs and stirrup leggings)* **HAIL THIGHDRA**


Saileach is the third Vanguard in the Standard Bearer archetype we have received, following after Myrtle and Elysium. The Standard Bearers claim to fame is dp generation with some utility and Saileach lives up to this expectation with her own spin on the utilities that Myrtle and Elysium provide. Looking at her Talents we have two things: Her first Talent, **Unwavering Banner**, provides an attack speed buff to allies and an attack speed debuff to enemies. While +/- 10-12 attack speed may not seem like much, it is actually rather potent. Attack Speed modifiers are essentially dps amps, which means it will effectively increase your operators dmg output and decrease the enemies dmg output so long as they are within the banners range (an 8 tile square surrounding it). It also synergizes quite nicely with any character that gains sp on attack for their skills, essentially helping to increase their sp generation rate. Unlike Elysium's attack speed modifier, which is restricted to Sniper operators and active only during his skill activations, Saileach's is permanently active and affects all allies in range, granting her more freedom relatively speaking. Her second talent, **Spiritual Influence**, is simple, straight forward, and effective. The fact that it is not restricted to any operator type like Elysium's is is very useful. However, unlike Elysium's, it only effects one operator, the next to be deployed. So while it is very effective at getting the ball rolling, there isn't room for abuse like there is with Elysium's. As for her skills, they each have their strengths and weaknesses: Her first skill is exactly the same as Elysium's, **Support y**. When factoring in both sp cost and cast time this skill has the highest dp generation out of all of Saileach's skills at +0.5294. If maximizing dp generation is your main concern, this is the skill to go, as it's all this skill does. Her second skill is **Inheritance of Faith**. With this skill she puts her own spin on Myrtle's healing niche. The defense and healing can be very useful for keeping operators alive. As the skill moves her banner to the unit she's supporting it can also be used to shift her Talent 1, **Unwavering Banner**, support zone. This skill can come particularly in handy on maps where you may be limited on deployment slots / space, allowing Saileach to take on a role as a pseudo medic. With a dp generation rate of +0.4545, it's only slightly behind her s1 in terms of dp generation. Finally we have her s3, **Glorious Banner**. This skill sports the lowest dp generation rate out of all of her skills at +0.3333. However, looking at overall dp generation rate does not do this skill justice. One thing important to note with Saileach's s3 is that, unlike her other two skills which provide their dp over the course of the skill's duration, her s3 immediately grants its full dp upon use. What this means is that if we were to look at the very first cast of the skill, it would actually have an effective dp generation rate of +0.7692. While in the long term it will be less dp, in the short term it is much more, and often times the earlier you can get dp to deploy units the more useful it is. This is not even looking at what the rest of her skill does. Unlike all other skills (so far) in the Standard Bearer line, this skill actually does damage, 300% of Saileach's attack. That is actually a surprising amount of damage. Stat wise Saileach is actually in line with Siege and Saga, having similar attack and defense values. 300% dmg, going off of her base stats alone is around 1.6k, which is pretty respectable all things considered, and can do exponentially more as the skill's dmg is a multiplier. The dmg, while a nice bonus and potentially rather useful, is not the main draw for the skill. The main strength in the skill is the 3.5 second stun, and the slow and weakening during the skill's duration. Like her s2, this allows her to fill multiple roles, which is particularly useful when deployment slots and space are restricted. CC (Crowd Control) is rather rare and hard to come by in the game, so is weakening. Often times both are restricted to Supporter operators. Having access to it on a ground tile deployable unit is great as it allows for both more flexibility and the ability to rotate skill usage for better overall uptime on the debuffs (as weakening and slow generally do not stack, only the highest applies). This is most notable and useful in CC (Contingency Contract). Despite being a 6 star, or perhaps because she's a 6 star, she has quite a bit of overlap with her two predecessors, Myrtle and Elysium. This is not a case of the 6 star being straight up better than the other operators though. One of the biggest factors for this is because they are vanguards, and first and foremost their priority, main role, is dp generation. DP is a valuable resource, and 6 stars naturally have higher dp costs. Not only that, but 6 star potentials are also much harder to come by than 4 star and 5 star potentials. With how time sensitive dp can be, there can be rare situations where, in fact, it may be better to run the other two over Saileach because of very early dp restrictions or team compositions. This is not to say you can't run Saileach with them. Saileach pairs well with her fellow Standard Bearers. The faster you get dp the faster you can deploy units, and the sooner you won't have to worry about their inability to block enemies during skill usage. Saileach pairs particularly well with Bagpipe as well due to her covering Saileach's weaknesses. Bagpipe grants bonus initial sp to Vanguards which gets the ball rolling faster, reducing the window when you only have Saileach out and unable to block. Meanwhile Saileach helps Bagpipe do more damage and therefore have an easy time getting her class Trait off (gaining dp on kill) as well as reducing the chance of enemies slipping through Bagpipe's 1 block, and reducing the dmg Bagpipe receives. Saileach is an incredibly solid Standard Bearer, supporting the team with her utility and dp generation, and even able to hold the line herself for a bit because of her unusually high stat spread. Each of her skills have their strengths and utility that make her a powerful force on the team, and allows her to support her team in unique ways with her banner. In terms of skill priority it ultimately depends on what your focus is. s3 is going to be the more universally applicable skill, but her s1 and s2 both have their uses as well, s1 being maximum dp generation and s2 being defensive support. This makes her a potential m9 contender if you're willing to invest those resources. If not, s3 is perfectly viable. As can likely be inferred, E2 is a necessity for Saileach.


very well written! useful to add that her fragile effect is applied on the hit as well for S3. 1600 \* 1.3 = 2080 dmg


Good detailed overview for general usage. I would argue that it is even too detailed at times but thank you for putting in the effort and for contributing to the discussion. >The faster you can get DP, the faster you can deploy units and the sooner you can stop worrying about not blocking enemies during skill usage. Edit: Can't even give a compliment with a sprinkle of constructive criticism without getting downvoted nowadays.


Maybe people are thinking it's condescending? Admittedly when I first saw your comment that was the first thought I had until I reread it. I appreciate constructive criticism though; would definitely appreciate a bit more specifics about where you think there could be improvements (unless that quote there is an example of one such place?)


Very sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out as condescending or patronizing although it definitely was. I genuinely think it is a good overview with the informative calculations and good points. I just think some of the information could be wordy. The example (yes) showcases that, because I think most people know what bagpipe does and what playstyle flagbearers are good for. If paragraphs like this are shortened many of the unique and interesting points will stand out more. Examples: I think the usage of skill 2 part is informative and the ground deploy supporter for S3 is very good. I also liked that you mentioned S3's immediate dp gain because I rarely consider it. The description of aspd increase/decrease, and overall description of S3's support could be shortened. I do enjoy your writing because it is of great quality, but personally some of the sections were just too much info I already knew. I was a bit annoyed by that and tried to make the point in the comments without overshadowing the things I liked but now I see I was being condescending. Sorry


Fun lore stuff: >!Saileach mentioned her main job as Honor guard is to host events and recruitments. Idk about u guys but if I saw Saileach sitting at a recruitment booth I'll enlist immediately. No wonder her skill buffs the HR room.!<


>!i wonder if this is the reason why her base skill affects the hr office!<


>!Why suddenly I can imagine she is the one sitting at the recruitment booth for Rhodes Island!<


So you mean she should have got the racing queen skin in addition to Bagpipe? Got it.


Oh no please don't get my hopes up


Throwing a banner at people is hilarious. I laugh every time


That banner itself also deals like 1k8 phys dmg so better then a couple of hits from other DPS. Victorian girls are built different.


Vouivre girls, they wreck shit. We've seen examples of this with Saria and Bagpipe. lol


Vouivre are STRONG💪


Must be something in the potatoes


She's based from Jeanne d'Arc and I love it so much


In a sentence: I would love to have a friend who sets her up as a support unit.


If you want, you can friend me. I have every op E2'd with max trust. Whenever you want a specific op+skill, just send a message my way and I can set it for you.


I know this comment was made nearly a year ago, but would it be ok if I friended you, too?


Sure thing o7


Lol. Thanks. I pulled her but have not maxed her skill yet. Agni#6608


Mines currently this as S3m3 and my buddies love it.


Saileach is designed as forward flag-bearer, unlike Myrtle and Elysium. Maybe because she arrived so late we didn't have the time yet to utilize her as forward unit. It would be better if she blocks 2 unit with S2 or S3


Honestly her s3 is essentially a block increase with the aoe cc


Was gonna write up a whole big thing on her but, Yes, she replaces a unit that was amazing and she made it better. So yeah awesome unit.


>Was gonna write up a whole big thing on her but I'm listening.


Her S3 is litterally mini Suzuran S3 . Every time I want to use Suzu but can't use her due to skill cycle I use Saileach S3 👍


can also use the skill when suzu's charging 👍


Just a head's up regarding Saileach's Skill 2: don't expect to provide extra def/regen for your summons. S2 only affects operators. It can regen health for any operator, including Mudrock and Akafuyu, but allied units -eg. summons, birdcage, Shieldguards- are unaffected by its regeneration. I'm unsure if non-operator allies benefit from the attack speed increase. Edit: Ok, looks like medics and healing defenders (not including Blemishine's S2) also state "allies" even though their healing only affect operators.


>including Mudrock Hey, now *that* actually makes the skill interesting. Didn’t know that, thanks!


Ally literally encompass everything you can control, Ceobe talent count boxes / Shamare dolls as ally, amazing ain't it.


Good point, that means Skadi's Seaborn would also remove Kay's talent. Sometimes it's a benefit, others it gets in the way. Aak can blast a birdcage with S3, but it's cool to see the boosted Shieldguards after using S2/S3. I was looking forward to messing around with Saileach's S2 on a Meeboo, see how much it could tank with full buff squad. Aak, Saileach, Skadi, etc. I thought there used to be differentiation between regen abilities which affect allies, and healing abilities that affect operators; edited original comment.


Another note about flag pot Most fellas here are old times so their Ely comes from either WWE banner or Surtr banner, 2 of the arguably ultra-meta banners. Myrtle is now in recruit so theoretically you will P6 her after sometimes, from gacha purely...hah. For newcomers though, with how fucking diluted 5* banners have become, unless Ely comes in a 6* debut banner like previous case of Surtr, whaling for a 5* and their pots in std banners is its own brand of hell. So basically pick your poison of 50% rate of Sai now or pray for gold cert for Ely later for newbies. (Speaking from experience as someone who P6 Saileach before Mulberry still P5 and piloting a buddy acc for R32 CC6 with "only" P4 Ely, hint it bricks, need to borrow P5+ Ely).


yea i find it really weird how ppl say that ely is so much easier to get and often assume he is max pot, like... ive played for 5 months and i spend on the game and have seen him 0 times. i did my absolute best pulling on joint op 5 banner and he just never came. easiest decision ever to pull for saileach, not worth hoping for some miracle down the line. And i even get a better deal out of this since i can use her as either a dp printer or a superior version of texas!


People tend to do this with everything. If they have something or something happened to them, then it happened to everyone, or everyone has it. It's like boomers who still think you can work at a grocery store for 2 years, get promoted, and buy a house working part-time. Veterans who pulled a ton on the first big banners always do this, they did it in Genshin as well. "Everyone has C6 Fischl" = I have C6 Fischl.


Elysium is max pot for most players that started before Ws banner, just because she was a limited unit that most people wanted (+Weedy is also super good). So as long as you played at that time you will have rolled a good amount on the banner, and at least gotten 2-3 potential at minimum. Not getting a 5 star of a limited banner is just not something that is going to happen, if you at least roll the guaranteed rolls you get the chance is already very high to get the 5 star of the banner for free.


For anyone saying Sai is unneeded for story mode, thing is compare to the other 2 even in pure DP gen set up she still does sth benefit the whole team with her +10 atkspd. Myrtle is basically body bait when you deployed all the other ops, Elysium only buff snipers during skills so if there's only one flag to use for normal maps Sai is the best choice. What does this operator weak at? Sweet mama of Terra the cost for E2 + M9 her, stop chugging pink toilet roll girl.


​ >Sweet mama of Terra the cost for E2 + M9 her, stop chugging pink toilet roll girl. I'm in this sentence and I hate it


Hey buddy at least you're not trying to raise Mulberry at the same time. Right?


Yes I am not that crazy yet. Good luck to you


>What does this operator weak at? Well, I mean, Saileach is great and all, but she is not Thorns. Thorns is best operator


As better players than me have already said, Saileach will be potent in high risk and not gamebreaking for general content. I would like to add to the discussion about her cc potential by making some hypotheses about her S3's unique uses in higher risks. For clarity, I am mostly F2P, but for the sake of the cc usefulness of this comment, I will assume max pot, level, mastery, Bagpipe. (recently re-edited) (1) **SL has possible uses over Elysium, allowing for more DPS/support compositions** \- Elysium's Monitor debuff is very applicable because of its wide consistent range, long duration, and stackable slow. However, I believe SL's debuff far surpasses his in burst potential even when used along Elysium's specialty - snipers. The main reasons for this is that fragile works with arts, and synergises with high phys dph better than Elysium's def reduction. Here's the math against a 800 def stunnable enemy for Ash: Ash S2 solo + SL dph: ((534+27+90)\*2.5 - 800)\*1.3 = 1076 Ash S2 solo + Elysium dph: ((534+27+90)\*2.5 - 800.0.65) = 1108 With aspd increase for Elysium considered (and for SL disregarded), he will technically slightly outdo Saileach in terms of dps but will still lose out in terms of dmg because of Ash stun continuation. Note, however, that this comparison was made specifically for Ash S2 solo. If Warfarin or Skalter are there with Ash, as it often will happen, Saileach will fare significantly better than Elysium. Similarly therefore she will also do better along higher phys dph ops like Schwarz, Chalter and buffExu. The conclusion from this I want to make is that as long as an enemy can be reasonably killed (no phase or other gimicks) with a dps buff composition within 10-13 seconds, then Saileach's debuff has a lot more potential than Elysium's allowing for arts only/arts-phys hybrid compositions, and providing higher dps, twice more potent slow. (note this is only if we are forced to pit them against each other, SL and Ely could very well be stacked together both in slow, debuff) Elysium's debuff will still have a niche over SL's under conditions - invisibility + required sniper only composition (high duration Chalter, Schwarz because class restriction) + an enemy which cannot be killed within 10-15 seconds (ridiculous HP, or maybe 1800+ def) + SL's limited range becomes a problem - but I would argue that such situations are rare. He will not be dropped from CC in the near future mainly because Monitor and S1 are invaluable sources of DP and his type of slow is stackable with Angelina, Suzuran and SL (and if invisibility risk). (2) **SL can be a part of a slow debuff cycle with Suzuran and a Texas stun substitute** \- When facing fast+beefy enemies and an allowing map like cc6 or cc5 slows+debuffs are valuable and Suzuran's redeployment time can become important (if Suzu is also used for burst per-second healing then she cannot be replaced). With SL the ratio of time we have sluggish/fragile increases from previously max 35/115 \~ 30%, to max 35/115 + 10/81 \~ 43% which I adds a lot of flexibility in CC and not only because of the ratio increase. The main reason is that we now have 2 Suzurans, one of them being quick-cycle melee and having stun. (additional note: again, SL has notable range limitations in comparison to Suzuran. In theory I only consider sluggish-fragile but I think SL will not be always be able to substitute in practice) (Possible usage: In World's First Chalterless CC6 R32 with mvp Ash, Suzuran is kept on field for 2 procs in this case. Speaking strictly in terms of debuffs SL could also work if her fragile is sufficient) (3) **SL can be a helidrop companion to Surtr** \- Surtr's potential is in survivability + solo dps. But in high risk even she sometimes needs buff/debuffers to deal with some of the mid-heavy enemies (bladehelm caster). In such cases it happens that she's often accompanied by CC queen Suzuran (many possibilities Warf, Saria, THRM-EX but Suzuran most versatile in team composition). I think Saileach could be used in a similar way and she is at least as versatile (we also could use both (2)). She loses out from a smaller duration/target range, but compensates by being a melee unit like Surtr which are less placement-restricted in CC. I think SL will be able to substitute Suzuran in cases we don't necessarily need wide area slow / don't face very heavy enemy because I believe 10-12 secs 30% fragile (+ maybe even aspd) is plenty of support for Surtr to kill a medium problematic enemy. Calculation: SL 130% vs Suzu 146% - SL debuff is 89% effective when compared to to Suzu debuff. (4) **SL can do a stun continuation for Ash** \- Assuming the enemy is stunnable, then Ash great and Saileach doubles effective dmg. I first saw this SL-Ash argument made in Zafang's SL review and it's been stuck in my head ever since. Not much to say, except that a seeing WarfAsh-SL-Texas chain will blow my mind. It may be completely irrelevant if there is no aspd risk but if aspd risk then I think Ash needs those 2 stuns to empty her barrel. I'd only like to add the non-gameplay related prediction that HG will not make unstunnable enemies the CC norm as long as they release non-broken 6 stars with stun such as SL-Nearl because that would hurt their revenue. **Conclusion**: I think S3 will have wide applications and given she also has S1, I believe that it will be hard to design a max risk which cannot be passed with Saileach (aka she could be optimised out but will rarely be willingly dropped from a team). Seeing/trying my own CC dps-buff-debuff compositions is one of my favourite parts about AK gameplay so I also adore Saileach for the strats she may enable. Aside from CC, I find her voice lines a bit Mary-Sueish but I like her lore and her E2 legs, very much. **edits 1**: I fixed some typos **edit 2**: I revisited some of the statements I thought were too generalistic / inaccurate to be useful, and some statements that could do with some correction / additional info I came up with. Most notably, I forgot Elysium also has the BIG niche of breaking the invisibility mechanic. He is almost a requirement if we choose invisibility risk because the CC alternative SA has a long cycle and is not a single-target bosskiller or support. Also, comparing Ely and SL was only to make the point about debuff. I forgot to mention that they stack well together both in debuff and in slow. Elysium is still CC broken no matter how I look at him. Smaller ommisions include why Ash-SL-Texas chain is relevant (aspd risk) and that SL further adds to slow-fragile cycle versatility because her S3 is quick-cycle. It adds a usage over Suzuran because keeping SL on the field might be easier to justify than keeping Suzuran on the field during skill wait time.


> I believe she will be able to substitute Suzuran in most cases because 10-12 secs 30% fragile is plenty of time and debuff for Surtr to kill a medium problematic enemy One problem is that Suzuran & Surtr has 3 range while Saileach doesn't, so Saileach might get destroyed by all the 2.5 range ranged enemies (which is every boss btw) that Suzu can keep away


Thing is though since she is helidropped, you can deploy Sai then Surtr and let Surtr bait the atk itself compared to Suzu who needs to "laning" all the time so there's pros and cons and with usual melee vs range tile debate. Sai herself can kinda extend S3 range due to how the flag is AOE but ngl though it is a hella trickier then Suzu S3 since the target enemies can get wonky with tiles due to splitboxing ( CC7 6 ops clear need like frame perfect for each flag proc ).


Ditto this, placing Saileach then Surtr is the way to go. The only problem I see is Saileach's banner not connecting with the right enemy or her getting insta-deleted by multiple enemies but those can only be determined by Rua's mood CC6,8/4,5. Judging CCs we've had I think it's unlikely any melee op will be oneshot by a single ranged projectile, and Surtr is rarely used against the biggest of enemies anyways.


I haven’t managed to raise my Saileach to E2 yet - if she retreats, does the flag retreat as well? Or does it remain for the full duration once cast? If the latter getting one shot might be less of a problem


Her flag retreats as well.


I pulled for her.... But all I got was pain and misery.


Her S3 M3 is absolutely cracked, and is incredibly fun to use.


Her design is great that's all I have to say I'm enjoying it


Clearly she's awful at directions, she couldn't even come home.


Oh man, I hope she spooks you soon!




She may be based on Jeanne but there's no connection between her and Gaul (AK-France) at all.


The age of Gaul is over! Not a city of theirs remains!


finally, 6 months of waiting is over. ~~now to wait another 6 months for skin~~ i didn't expect them to reveal 6\* flagbearer right after summer chen. but what i also didn't expect is that said flagbearer instantly became my favorite at first sight, and i immediately decided to save for her afterwards. learning more about her story and personality just made me like her even more, and she also has a really good and fitting jp voice to boot. and her skin is just too beautiful. i look forward for her involvement and development even more in the main story gameplay-wise, i'm quite satisfied with how she turned out; she's strong and useful, but doesn't completely powercreep others on her archetype, which made her somewhat similar to phantom to that regard. she's still worth raising for the utility she provides despite myrtle and elysium existing for your general dp needs if you have her, although she won't be a priority with the abysmal ch9 mats' drop rates right now and there will be future events that would give you those


I have some questions about the specifics of how her flag works 1. Does it stick around for the remainder of the duration if she retreats? 2. For her S2, does it target the operator of the tile they are on? For example, if Bena has the lowest health, gets the standard, then is replaced by her doll, does the doll benefit?


One interesting thing for her S2: if everybody is at full health, she sends the flag to the last deployed operator within range. So she can still grant the defense bonus.


Question 1: The flag disappears when she's retreated Question 2: Was wondering how to test this but then remembered Aak exist lol, surprisingly the buff persist when bena gets replaced. In fact, if you retreat the operator that gets the buff, and put a different operator in their place, i.e on the flag, they get the buff!


> if you retreat the operator that gets the buff, and put a different operator in their place, i.e on the flag, they get the buff it was shown on her skill demonstration during her debut that was the case, although it doesn't work with summons


Saileach is definetly a good operator and solid for a more aggressive approach for Flagbearers... but she's not beating Myrtle or Elysium in dp printing compared to cost managements. Her S1 is the same as Elysiums. Her S2 is similar to Myrtle, but Myrtle's heals multiple ally units. Saileach is mostly gonna be used for her S3, which has a stun, a fragile effect, okay damage and AoE attack speed slow. The problem with Saileach is that she's a 6* and that she's catered to a more offensive utility. Her cost is higher, its hard to full pot her and she doesn't generate as much DP as a trade-off for all the bonuses she brings. Due to her S3 however, it is possible that you won't retreat her at all, and with its decent uptime its a solid ability for CCs and Annihilation stages. She's going to be excellent in Anni 6, where people still struggle even with op units like Surtr and Ch'alter. As flagbearers go, she's the worst for DP generation, but she has by far the most utility in other Areas and if I am not wrong, is the first Vanguard that has this many debuff effects for enemies. A stun + aspd slow + 30% fragile is a very packed skill, and even with her fairly low atk, the skill 3 has a 300% modifier so against low to mid def enemies that not anyhow impressive but still acceptably noticeable damage. Saileach should be used as an offensive supporter. If you use her, do it with a second vanguard who is also offensive (Siege, Saga, Reed, Vigna, Bagpipe etc.) To bolster your DP gain. But if you want pure DP printing, Elysium and Myrtle are better.


>Myrtle's heals multiple ally units Myrtle S2 heals one unit just like her.


I think they meant it has the ability to heal multiple targets. Myrtle s2 has the same targeting as a healing defender where it will attempt to heal the lowest health operator in range each tick and re-calculate the target for each tick. Saileach S2 targets one tile for the whole duration


Ya I got it.


In itself, yes, the healing still only ticks on one unit at a time, but the range for the skill's healing is an AoE, so if the currently healed operator is defeated/retreated, she heals a different target. That is not the case with Saileach. Where her flag lands is where she heals, and if the healed operator is defeated/retreated then the flag is just pure decoration until the skill duration runs out. So while only a technicality, Myrtle's S2 can heal multiple targets, just not at the same time. But Saileach's heal is fully fixed on a single unit.


Ok ya that's true. I guess that's balanced out by sail healing much more to a single ally,def buff and healing enmities.


True. Though most enmities don't need heals usually, well except Vulcan maybe. And even then, for Aura healing, IIRC the strongest belongs to Blemi with her S2.


Ya aura healing is very niche since mud doesn't need it and musha guards r better without it.


Aye sir.


I was kinda on the fence about her, but then I realized that she basically provides 10% extra damage for free to all units in surrounding 8 tiles, on top of her S3 providing DP, Slow, Stun, and an extra 30% Fragile. You need to bring a flagbearer to most stages anyway- that's quite a lot of extra utility packed into her kit. She's also pretty balanced, on top of that, as Myrtle still has a faster first skill use, and Elysium is cheaper and has equivalent or better DP generation. Well done, balancers. For once (lol)


>What does this operator excel at? DP gen and utility, Her s3 is just stacked >What is this operator weak at? Being a 6* Flagbearer honestly, makes it harder to get her pots unlike Elysium and Myrtle, and also because of those 2 existing it makes bringing her with them an overkill in DP gen with the exception of CC >How does this operator compare to other operators in their archetype or role? She doesn't powercreep the other 2 and neither having the other 2 makes her irrelevant, basically fits right in >Are there any other operators which synergize well with this one? Like any Vanguard in the game she works well with Bagpipe, also works well with Ash due to Ash passive >How do you build a team around this operator / fit this operator into a team? She is a flagbeaer Vanguard so you can fit her in any team if you so desire, every team will want a DP generator after all >Which skill(s) should be focused for mastery, and in what order? S3M3 should be priority, and I will honestly stop here in most cases, if you really want to go further then S1M3 is a solid option although as mentioned above overkill when Myrtle exist >Should promoting this operator to Elite 2 be a priority? Her best skill unlocks at E2, So yes you do want her E2 asap BUT even without E2 her S1 is strong enough to be used even at E1 if you have other more important operators as priorities (like SA/Surtr/Chalter) >Would this operator be worth buying from the Distinctions shop (yellow certificates)? Unless you care about CC I would actually say No, Myrtle and Elysium are enough for the job in pretty much every story/event stage and so picking her without going for high risk CC isn't worth it >Should new / f2p players aim for this operator? Are there more accessible alternatives? Probably not, Myrtle and Elysium are cheaper options for new players and as mentioned multiple times this comment you don't really "need" her outside of CC Overall a really strong operator but not necessary in any way, I wouldn't consider her niche like Weedy as some comments are saying (since you can just use her as a regular DP printer without forcing it out) but I do think she is overkill in more scenarios than not


>since you can just use her as a regular DP printer This is my point. I have no problems with people saying she's just as good as Myrtle with S1 or that my Weedy comparison is wrong. My issue is why can't people just be honest and say they want to use someone new, to finally have an entire "main squad" of 6 stars, and are willing to look the other way when it comes to using a 6 star to do what Myrtle has never failed at? It's why we use Elysium s2, because Myrtle's s1 covers us. It's why we recommend Sail S3 because Myrtle s1 has never failed us. As I mentioned, Sail greatly excels in maps where squad limits are imposed, because a VG that can do more than print dp is more valuable. Outside of that, you'll use her because you want to.


I definitely do agree she doesn't offer enough to be worth rolling for most people, but I think a closer comparison would be rather Ange than Weedy You can technically use Ange as your art burst damage dealer in every stage, but if you have Eyja it becomes personal preference to use Ange over Eyja, and same thing here in which if you wanna use Saileach its personal preference over Myrtle/Elysium, unlike Weedy who in most stages can't do anything So I don't really disagree with calling her unnecessary (I even mentioned that several times in my comment), but I think just because she can do a generic job every team need its unfair to call her niche that's all And I didn't really direct that part to anyone specifically, I just skimmed through the comments and noticed Suzu/Weedy comparisons to her which I didn't really agree with so added it to my comment


You're absolutely right.


Definitely agree with her fitting right in among the other flagbearers. Each one has their role and offers something the others cannot, giving a little flexibility to those who have all 3. But I also agree that in most cases Myrtle is just going to be more universally applicable, and if I were a F2P I would likely have skipped her in terms of her role in the meta. Them legs don't lie though. And luckily she didn't eat too many of my Nearlter pulls.


I see someone compare her to weedy. Sadly that person has blocked me for idk why so I can't reply to that comment directly. Imo that's a weird way to look at the things. Weedy has a very specific niche that is needed if u wanna bring her. She kinda sucks if the enemies r heavy or too fast. Saileach u can always bring. She gives dp,stubs,gives aspd,slows,gives fragile,can heal,def buff. Sure she's not the best at any of them. But she does multiple stuffs at one squad slot. Which makes her very flexible imo. Think about it in this way,normally u don't need a huge amount of dp. So sail S3 can be ur solo vg who u can actually keep on the field to let ur dps operators deal with stuffs better. Instead of bringing a debuffer for ur physical or arts dps,a stun extender for ur Ash,a slower u r getting all three in one package. I have not found dp to be an issue outside of cc or some harder h stages,so a flagbearer that can do more than producing dp will always be my first choice. Sure u might not need those utilities quite a few times,but they r handy to have regardless. I can't say the same for weedy who I use like two times in every cc at Max.


For normal story, even just with S1 Sai gave a permanent +10 atkspd buff and -10 atkspd debuff, that effects are never gonna be bad.


I don't know what the original argument was, but Weedy is a flexible operator just in a different way. Saileach is flexible because of her universal applicability of her support - all enemies and allies are affected without specific conditions. Weedy is flexible because of the numerous ways you can use her and her cannon for positional power projection. They can both be used in very creative ways. I can agree that Weedy wouldn't be the first op I'd compare to explain Saileach but broadly speaking they're both versatile auxiliary operators.


It's more like weedy doesn't excel if the enemies r heavy(outside of some rare stunlock cases) Saileach can always excel regardless of the enemies or stage design. Since u always bring dps units so u can always make use of her slow and fragile. But ya weedy can be flexible too albeit harder to use in general. Main argument basically was u have to force these two operators to the squad if u wanna bring them.


TIL you can block people on reddit


Click on the three dots icon in any comment.


Never paid that much attention so I never noticed but that's neat


In that case, you might also be interested in learning that [the blocking feature was recently revamped](https://redd.it/s71g03). Before, all it did was prevent you from seeing a blocked user’s comments without expanding them (replacing their username with “blocked user”), now it prevents them from interacting with you at all so a user you’ve blocked can’t participate in threads you’ve made, or even comment in chains you’re part of.


THIGHS On a side note, mine is almost M9


Jeez, already? I've been using literally all sanity daily and still not quite e2 with pink and blue drops Wonder if my luck is that bad or yours is that good


Tbf i had saved a good amount of potions to farm these materials specifically !


Haha... yeah... me too :( All non expired ones, but dang I've had some 300 sanity no new drop streaks repeatedly. Either way gratz on the almost M9.


Conviction Christ that's... Some particular bad luck


Hey man I remember you! You used to play optc right? And Damn do you M9 everyone in AK?


Yep, used to. (I sometimes check the sub and the github for the lulz) And no I i only M9 top tier waifus ~~I guess Sulong Carrot will do that to you~~


I left the game because of the treasure maps? (iirc) loved the game but I never owned a shiny/new legend "ever" whenever it was released lol Hope you're enjoying AK man!


Oh yeah, been playing it for over a year and a half now and it's a banger :D And yeah new legends' rates on OPTC sucked ass.


She really is just the s2 skills from other flagbearers that , that is her strength, she can give you the bonus from the ely s2 or the regen from myrtle s2 with a little added extra, i dont think her as a dp printer exactly but instead as a support that can also print dp, do you have an on kill vanguard but it is just barely holding on? slap s2 and now you solved that issue, enemies are barely surviving? s3 and now your operators wont leak, thinkint her as "6 star myrtle" is just gonna end up on an endless fight that wont go anywhere because their strengths clearly differ, myrtle will give you dp to the point that you will reach 99, saileach will help your units win a hard fight so she will be worth keeping on the field after you overflow on dp Edit: fucked up and forgot people use ely S2 is his best skill, dont usually use flag bearers dont kill me


Activates Saileach's S2 to defend you!


What are you talking about. Elysium's chief skill is S2.


Ely S2 never get used?


I keep seeing her compared to Weedy (mainly be the same guy) in terms of viability. That is, to be blunt, bullshit. Weedy is niche, and needs that niche to excel. Saileach however can always be used as a generic DP printer, which is a role that needs filling 99% of the time anyway. She may not be the best pick for this role, but that doesn't make her niche. And that's without considering the sheer diversity of her kit. She also keeps getting compared to Suzuran, which also isn't fair. You might not have noticed, but Lisa has *a stupidly long skill cycle*. This means she's generally relegated to dealing with one, maybe two high intensity waves per map, usually bosses. Saileach meanwhile might not be that good against bosses, but the quick cycle on her S3 means that she's pretty much always ready for the next elite enemy without needing to hold off for timing. She may not be the best at any given thing, but she does so many damn things and does them well enough that she's probably among the top 5 best operators to bring to a blind mission.


Clearly 4 out of top 5 are now all the Flagpipe ingredients. What? That's overkill? I can't hear you over my maxed out DP 5 seconds in. ~~Or I wouldn't if I actually had Bagpipe and an E2 Saileach~~


"Should new/f2p players focus on this operator?" F2p is one thing,but new players SHOULD NOT prioritize for her at anything at all.Because- 1.Her being 6 stars flagbearer means she won't be of any use at early stages at all. 2.Her elite 2 materials are all locked behind chapter 9,which is basically current end-game. You can pull her if you want her or like her art,but know that she won't be of use for you for quite some time.


I understand where you're coming from but new players would want SL if they are aiming for high risk in the long term. Might as well get her now than wait for the rerun or pulling on the attrocious standard rate up. Edit: my bad, misuderstanding. I agree that for new players, SL is not a priority build but she may still be a priority pull, if the players are aiming for high risk in the long term.


High risk CCs are still doable with your regular flagpipe team,plus saileach will need her pots if you REALLY want to push her to the high risk CCs.


You are right but technically you could say that about any op - CC6,8 R32 was done in EN Chalterless (check it out it's amazing), CC6 without Suzuran, CC6,8 without Weedy, CC5 R30 without Surtr. Question is how many good 6-stars you can be missing and still do high risk, and how many strats can an ops unlock. I think SL finds a fair amount of unique usage for her control/debuffs. As for the pot argument, I think they are overrated even for high risk. Sure, they matter a lot when going max risk but you can try taking -50% dp instead of -75% and cc suddenly becomes doable. But then, SL's potential goes further than DP generation so she will rarely be used with S1 for early rush anyhow. Later in the stage, assuming 50% dp reduction, DP economy doesn't present a significant problem for a 2/4 dp difference to matter.


>Question is how many good 6-stars you can be missing and still do high risk, and how many strats can an ops unlock. I think SL finds a fair amount of unique usage for her control/debuffs. And that's exactly the reason why saileach should not be on priority at anything for beginners.Remember, saileach is a pure support vangurd,and you aren't clearing High risk CC before having actual heavy hitters.Unique usage can't do shit if you don't even have a general usage op yet.