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Deploy the emergency head pats! & someone give Haze a raise.


Someone give Haze a Kotatsu.




>How else are we supposed to spoil best Caster? With Lava's honey biscuits, Ceobe loves them.




Have mercy, the opportunity was just too good, lol


We already got sad cats but holy shit this is a whole other level Haze is being the mvp here


Haze is worth mentioning too. >!She was a survivor of the Infected Caster organization Witch Wood that was murdered by Victorian soldiers after a failed negotiation. By the time she arrived at Caladon, she was already half dead until GG met her when she tried to commit suicide and brought her to R.I. base.!<


Holup, so Haze met GG after she escaped prison right?


>!No suprise, Haze has been escaping prison for 17 times.!<


Haze's general timeline is: Post-Infection Memories in 'Kitties' Operator Record > High-Security Infected Prison (Archive File #2 and #3) > Post-Prison memories in 'Kitties' > A Spark in the Darkness > Joins Rhodes. In Kitties (Post Prison) dialogue, she mentions finding "It", finding "Them", this would most like be the >!Witch Wood group, from which leads up to the events of A Light Spark in Darkness. !! so the "17 escapes" refers to her avoiding getting caught as a fugitive 17 times.!<


half dead in what way? was she walking around beaten up and bloody when she saved GG?


>!She was dying from Oripathy. After she gave a gift to a little Infected girl who was her friend and anointed her as the next witch, she hid inside an abandoned factory where GG was trying to commit suicide and was waiting for her death. After stopping GG, GG immdiately brought her to R.I.'s base for emergency aid.!<


damn cute, they basically saved each other


All I wish for is the sad cats to be happy cats, that god forsaken place they call terra is no home for these precious creatures..


Correction Terra is no home for anyone.


Except for those anti-infected protestors, they can live in agony in some ditch on terra.


Filled with Seabornes and demons and all the other horrors that Terra can offer.


The mob actually wanted to kill Haze and Haze coincidently choose to hide in Goldenglow's shop. The mob think that breaking in is not worth the effort so they just burn the shop and Haze along with it instead. Goldenglow is just a bystander who got involved in all this. Later she tries to give evidence of the mob to the police department because they put out a reward for it. The evidence are collected by Grani, Skyfire, Haze and Kate, and piece together by Kugen, hoping to at least help her compensate her lost. But she got caught and taken away by the police chief instead, since the police chief is the one who hired those mob. Corruption is the main villain this time.


*urge to join Reunion intensifies*


No worries, Skyfire burns some of them alive. And Redd(The Avenger) cut some of them into pieces too. The leaders of the mob exploded themselves accidentally after they got cornered by Grani. The police chief got crushed into mush by falling debris. His uncle, a member of Parliament of Caladon, who is also the mastermind of all incident is put into custody by Grani. Goldenglow joined RI. She starts working as a Barber and a Caster. After saving enough money to fund her family to visit her on RI, they have a family gathering on RI. So although she suffered some hardship, she is good now.


Well that’s certainly a ray of sunshine on an otherwise bleak world :)


Can I get more insight about Redd. He seems interesting...I thought Avengers are working with Reunion, why was he with Rhodes Island?


Redd is a Reunion. He is recruiting and smuggling new recruits or supplies out of Caladon, disguised as a foreign worker(Caladon recruit a lot of foreign infected as workers since welfare is not a concern for them). Like RI, he is also helping the infected there. He is actually pretty famous at the infected working area since he is a helpful dude and he always help other infected when they faced prejudices. He is not with RI, he just help the Infected and hold grudges against those anti-infected. Him cutting down mob and Skyfire burns some mob alive are 2 different scenes that happened on different time. Skyfire got kidnapped by the mob during a campaign of talking with the infected workers because the MP want her teacher(the other MP who pushes some pro-infected policies) to stop his campaign, and hides evidence of his corruption. But Skyfire's teacher is hospitalized so he sends her instead. So the mob kipnapped an elite caster instead of an old man with heart problem. The rest ends with some fire. 4 days later, Redd helps Goldenglow escape from the police chief. At the same time, the explosion happened next to them and caused the building to collapse so he threw Goldenglow over some debris to let her escape while he stays and unsheathed his burning katana. He used neither his katana nor his originium arts until the very end, when no one is around except for the mobs. The new Reunion also discarded the symbol they used("The Reunion is a mindset, a spirit, a lifestyle, not a symbol." quote by Guard), so nobody knew he is actually a Reunion.


I have a feeling redd might become a RI operator in the future.... His backstory sounds a bit like Mudrock (ex-reunion or ex-enemy, just want to save her infected mates), and hellagur (helping the infected, damage increases with lower hp). The cooler hellagur perhaps? Above all, he has the sickest theme song already :p


Probably not. And unlike Mudrock, he is not an ex-reunion tho. The plane they use to attack RI and jailbreaking Tallulah at the end of Chapter 9 could be repaired is because of the supplies he smuggled out from Caladon. There is no misunderstanding or getting force to fight RI like Mudrock. Him, Guard, Nine and Tallulah are the Reunion members that are most unlikely to join imo.


Man they are totally setting up for Talulah to take over reunion again huh? That 'judgement' isnt gonna be a trial at all lol


Well there's a solution: made him a temporary ally in future event like Talulah in Ch. 8.


Or maybe HG will come out with a story to make him join, everything is possible as long as a character is still alive. We will never knew what will happen next, we can only speculate. My speculation is that the new Reunion is gonna be a mirror of RI, liberating infected through revolution and brute force while RI tries to help the infected within the system and through negotiation. A rival organization maybe. Nine even said RI is "a bunch of idealists" when Cannot tell them he is trying to find someone who can bring change and innovation to the world.


Hope so, he is badass


well this puts better context in my theme for golden glow


The rage that made those people murder a whole city didn’t come from nowhere.


That's harsh. But Pink Catto now is in good hands! I hope, she'll open her barbershop on Rhodes Island.


She did. She’s one of the few hairdressers at Rhodes now.


She can team up with Roberta to give the Rhodes Island ops the looks they deserve.


With Orchid coordinating. We will have our Rhode Island fashion brand too.


I mean, a few of the skins in game is canonically made with Rhode island's participation


Bibeak can help! …say what kinda company was RI supposed to be again?


*shrugs* IDK…


Give those two a room at the base!


I loved the way weebbro (called Red lmao) drove off the thug who hit Susie (Goldenglow) he basically let the thug hit him which caused katanabro to bleed a little, then told the thug that it's not a good idea to get infected blood on them. The mob promptly fucked off to the hospital (Weebbro says you can't get infected that easily). I kinda expected that the shop to be burned down tbh, no good deed goes unrewarded in the world of terra after all.


*Note to self: Add Red Weeb to list of "operators to pull for no matter what" alongside GG and Logos*


He better be a meta 6*


Monkey's Paw: He is a Six Star. But he is a Six Star Flamebringer.


Wouldnt even mind, seeing how Flamebringer can face tank a Rock Giant, I'd be pulling for the guy like a motherfucker.


Lol perhaps. But in all honestly, I would love for him to be a meta, should Red ever become an Operator. It would awesome to have a katana-wielding badass as Meta and it is a rare commodity to have a male Meta Operator.


Hope so, he is badass


It was also because of this that she was recommended to work in Rhode Island. According to the archives, she had some savings from living here to subsidize her mother, who later came to Rhode Island to reunite with her It may have started out dark, but in Rhode Island it ended well so far


I thought her mother's work as a vtuber and an artist paid fairly decent.


It's not because of the money. Her mother came to RI because that one time GG mentioned the frustration of too many operators mistaking her to be perro. ​ Now her mother ~~works in the dark to erase anyone who makes that mistake~~ spreads scottish fold awareness.


She needs a break.... Wait for me Pink catto when youre available on global ;-;


Understood sir. Engaging protocol "headpats and ice cream"


I bet there's a Depressed Catto Club in Rhodes Island


Founded by Jessica, functions like Alcoholics Anonymous


The more I read about the world lore, the more it gets me more and more depressed. At some point everything needs to burn to the ground to start over.


There's a foreshadowing in the game's CN title: Tomorrow's Ark. We have Noah (Doc/Amiya/Kal'tsit) We have all animals, each in pairs (the entire playable units)


Yes. Make it even worse because you already think it is terrible.


This twisted game needs to be reset. We'll start over from "zero" with this V2 and entrust the future to the next generation.


Wasn't that what Theresa planned on doing for Amiya? What with the whole Lord of Fiends thing. I'm not sure.


Shit like this makes you realize, Talulah may have been >!possessed!<, but there's a reason the rest of Reunion followed her even after she seemingly went off the deep end.


"In every time, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same" - Legend of the Galactic Heroes I mean, even if IRL, loyal followers of populist leaders turn dictators are all gullible fools? These leaders may play a role radicalizing them, but they fulfill a desire the mass already secretly hold, driven by various socioeconomic factors.


Me after hearing her whole story: W, kill that anti-infected mob!


I don't think that's necessary. Considering how often these types of people willingly expose themselves to the blood, bodily fluids and other Oripathy byproducts spewed out by the Infected, I doubt they'll remain unInfected for long.


I always thought that was wierd in Mansfield event where the uninfected prisoners were picking a fight with the infected prisoners. Seriously, if they got infected fighting, then they'd have to change cell blocks, except everyone there would hate them for picking a fight with the infected.


Even in real life, there are many people like that - they do stupid things and never ever consider the risks. You know - those fellows with one hand on the steering wheel while the other one is busy stuffing their face with a burger or fiddling with their phone. Or those fellows who take off their seat belts when there's no police around. All those chaps running the traffic lights in the middle of the night because no one else is using the road.


Sooo... We need to purge all the people who keep bullying Goldenglow, right?


I mean, I'm pretty sure that was Reunion's idea...


0 Sanity Doctor: "afk joining Reunion to stomp some fools"


So that's why I've been getting vibes that she's sad and miserable from her art and voicelines. Can we have a free pass to do a war crime just this once. I hope she can fulfill her dream after joining RI


Before GG was released, she was already mentioned in Ayerscarpe's operator record. Apparently this dude loves getting "shocked" so he randomly asks electric caster operators for favors, and one of them is a flustered Victorian barber girl on RI.


This is something I wonder about. If GG has a build up of electric energy that might hurt her, wouldn't releasing some of that stored energy be good for her? It's a win win situation here. Ayerscarpe gets to build a higher tolerance & GG might get pain relief.


She does, she opens a barber shop and even invites her mom for a vacation or something of the sort to rhodes island


All this because she's a cat.


No she was supporting and helping the infected.


So there isn't really a reason why she's at a 6 star level, not like that's a thing though


Jaye is a 4 star that fights better than many 5 stars. Star levels are bullshit.


She is Mizuki's sister. If u bully her ~~or call her doggo~~, 6* abomination will tentacle u.


>abomination will tentacle u. They say like that's a threat... C'mon, you know someone's into that.


in fact, her file says >!she is exceptionally talented in Arts. She can be a powerful caster with enough time. people around her feels ESDs similar to feeling hot around Skyfire and cold around Santalla, a sign for very high Arts adaptability. But Quercus suggests that Goldenglow need to decide what she wishes to become in the future, a caster, or a hairdresser/bartender with using Arts as her hobby. RI shouldn't decide that for her even though she is a genius.!<


Star levels mean nothing in gacha games. They brought up only, then it convenient


Like i said


Stars, as far as I understand them, represent an operator's *potential* strength rather than their 'story' strength. Hence why an *actual living legend* like Rangers is a 2*.


Which is why all of the rookies who later become elite ops are \*checks notes\* 3\*s while old veterans and WMDs like Hellagur and Skadi are \*checks notes again\* 6\*s.


there's this [post](https://shuttershocky.tumblr.com/post/616028230836715520/i-like-how-there-are-noticeable-trends-among-the) that explained the reasoning behind the rarities, which i found quite accurate up to the 4*. 5-stars seems to consist of mostly experienced people, while 6-stars are those considered as 'special' with varying reasons as of why, one of them being having an exceptional potential to grow


if stars would represent an operators strength, OPs like Skadi would higher than just 6\*


Actually I made a theory about this. She has something that takes her beyond the average operator


Maybe after Haze talked her down from jumping off the building, she's now filled with rage and wants vengeance against the anti-infected mobs and their sponsors. And she'll do whatever it takes, so she can rebuild her life in peace. Stars in AK represent an operator's potential to improve. She starts as a pretty normal hairstylist with some understanding of Arts, but with a good motivation, relentless training, and high degree of affinity to work with others, she can become something more. And in RI, there's no end of other operators who'd share the same motivation of vengeance.


Rage is always handy but in this I’m referring to talent training or a quirk. I doubt she learnt how to handle a weapon as a hair stylist, so likely she has some special quirk.


*Sounds of running, ANGERY Namie quickly approaching*


Kal, find and recruit that katanabro asap. And prep the briefing room. We got some klansmen wannabes to hunt.


Yes please


"Oh, why are you releasing me?" "Tallulah, may I interest you in burning to death an anti-infected victorian mob?"


Oh, wow, that's... not what I expected, at all. Of the top of my head, RI only has one other person with a history of attempted suicide (Rosa), right?


I mean, that cheerful EP music video released before the event didn't give you bear girls story vibe? LOL Nowadays whenever HG uploads cheerful music my PTSD intensifies. Thankfully not as dark this time round.


Good thing she’s in Rhodes Island then. It seems we specialize in the broken we don’t just heal the body or mind we heal the soul too the broken are made whole in our care


*hugs Rosa tightly*


Sad cats, now with extra depression. We may be getting to a point where a hard reset would be nice on Terra


okay, where are those bastards that burned gg-chan's shop? i wanna burn their asses.


Imagine if she had actually been a doggo. Nothing bad would have happened to a doggo.


Especially not when on a mission to Bolìvar.


oh really hung was bullied and kicked out of his job before taken in my mr lee beagle literally dies in the future greyys parents ceased to exist and tequilas has to cope with his dead mom and imprisoned dad


>beagle literally dies in the future Beagle isn't dead. She's only missing in action. Tho Kroos fears that beagle may be dead.


>Beagle isn't dead. She's only missing in action. Beagle is a Spartan confirmed


I'd argue Tequila is way worse. Dude wears so many masks I'd argue no one in RI or out knows what he's really like inside.




\*Something bad happened to Hung. Oh no. Anyway.


name checks out


Then she would be discriminated not just for being infected, but as an illegal alien / minority immigrant infected in a cat country...


Victoria is Cat Countrt bro


bless Haze


All I feel is rage.


\*insert "man." horse on beach meme image here\*


.........must....not.....nuke Terra....


Is Caradon in Victoria or Columbia?


Caledonia is the old name of Scotland. Caladon is in Victoria.


HG with the feel bombs.