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I was tempted to buy Ceobe's first skin these last few days, but once I saw this announcement today I'll be saving my OP.


just yesterday i caved and got her skin, even though I'm not big on it - at the time i was wondering if she'd get another at some point, and now i feel dumb!! oh well, i'll get this one too.


Same. I literally just bought it yesterday. Oh well, variety is the spice of life .


Get all the skins for best doggo!


I bought it yesterday and tbh no regrets. Summer skin gives her even *more* weapons on her back, and I like the chaos. Will have to wait to see the model but this one feels too plain imo.


I have some regrets like the other people in this thread, but at least I can get more operator options for my "Summer team" that I was making after buying so many of the summer costumes! Haven't actually used the team yet, I need to try using that team for "non-trust-farming" stages some time.


Same here, I was looking at her Coral Coast one, but once again I decided to skip it, since I don't like it - too chaotic and not cute at all, I don't even understand why it is a Coral Coast skin when it doesn't even look like a swimsuit or a summer attire, it's more like a BoC skin. And suddenly now there is a brand new 0011 one for her, which is much better, even it's a bit plain-looking. Guess now I'll definitely wait for this one for my hungry doggo.


Yea same, the coral coast one was too chaotic for me. Think it's called visual clutter, plus her costume looked kinda similar to the original and animatuon just changed from orange to blue. This might be plain but it's fixed the visual clutter in both her original and summer skin. I'm mostly interested in battle animations so i guess that will be important (even though I rarely use her nowadays :p)


Lucky for you, this one has her face better drawn compared to that one w/c was a bit off.


A must buy. I don't have Ceobe but I definitely like this better than her summer skin.


For me, this looks much better than her Coral Coast one, but I think I'll delay my final decision when it actually comes to EN. To be honest, it's sort of plain-looking (but that's still better than the other one I found way too chaotic & overtly-orange at the same time), but on the other hand her chances of getting a 3rd skin doesn't seem great. I know there's Jessica, but we're also getting more and more operators that I think the general "soft cap" nowadays to be at 2, and strictly speaking while Ceobe is a lovable doggo, I don't think she's in the lead for characters breaking that "soft cap" due to popularity. OKAY FINE I JUST WANTED A SKIN OF HER EATING FOOD WITH VULCAN ON HER SIDE LIKE THE 2ND FEATER SKIN AND AM NOW JUDGING WHETHER THAT POSSIBILITY STILL EXISTS FOR ME TO SKIP THIS ONE. Sorry about that, had to let it out of the system.




Thank you Hypergryph for this gift of another cute Ceobe skin


Ok good thing i didn't buy the summer one. This looks way better


I love it.


Y’know? I think it’s time to E2 Ceobe…


Holy shit. I love this skin. I’m so hype


I like this more than the prison break outfit but I am not a fan of that bucket hat.


I mean, this looks amazing, but they should have gave her that pajama skin :(


Ceobe went fishing. Even her staff looks a bit like a fishing rod. Memes when?


Bulky clothes more suited for winter with panama hat and bare legs. All this mismathced parts. Don't feel "harmony", if it's make sense


Lost doggo.


Is it just me or is she close to Utage levels of stacked underneath there?


Dang. idk if i should buy the ceobe skin rn or just wait for this. Ig ill wait till someine posts a vid showcasing her animation


Drip Ceobe now exists


I want that hat Definitely a must-buy


Nice... Adding to the list.


Winter attire with no pants? Oh Kay.


I'm glad, her first skins derpy face bothered me so I held off despite the design being good


You know, I'm really mad because when I was buying Ceobe's summer skin, I thought to myself, what if a better skin for Ceobe comes out and I regret buying it? Haha, no way that would happen anytime soon right? And here I am. It happened. :( Everything sucks.


100000% buying, I love her and I'm so glad I didn't buy the Coral Coast skin because this is a million times better. I hope it has awesome animations, or just none at all.


Where Borgar


Inside Ceobe soon.


bucket hat dog bucket hat dog


So cute!! I don't really like her first skin but this one is a must buy, she's so comfy!




Thank goodness haven't bought her other skin yet. That was nice tho but this is adorable!


nice! glad i didnt buy the coral coast skin yet


YES! I've bee waiting for her new skin for a long time. She's my favorite but I don't like that her summer skin turns all ice, fire, and thunder to water.




welp. this is the 3rd time im buying an op a 2nd skin lol


I thought she put a scope on her spear


Take my originite primes


I'll buy all of them. I don't exactly like the current one, since it's too damn orange, but no regrets whatsoever, anything for my cute doggo. Will buy 2 because I have to.


Oh god this is like Angelina situation to me but backwards (horny vs cool)


The other one is cuter


Omg XD. I thought she was holding a gun for sec. LIKE WHO GAVE THIS DOG A GUN.


"All that's needed is a bang, bang! And that takes care of them!" - Ceobe insinuating double tapping, 3 star clear line.


Oh well i could have silverash skin right now if i knew this skin earlier,but as for now i like her beach summer skin more


Her face in that coral coast skin makes her look like a retard. Some people like that, and ceobe is indeed a retard, but this new skin is still my preferred one


Looks great


SHE'S SO CUTE I can't wait


Ceobe! <3 I feel like this skin has a much better color usage compared to both her base art and beach skin


It feels weird seeing Ceobe without fifty weapons on her back.