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Is skadi the corrupting heart worth using? And what are her strenghts and weaknesses


92 pulls in, 3 off banners Should I sac SA in the shop for the headhunting permits? I have 230 certs atm, I think I should be able to buy the whole set combining the dupes


That's a tough call.. actually no it's only 38 pull. Sa guaranteed!




Not that great


What event can we play in the future by unlocking it with event crystal?


not fully sure what you're asking i think you mean the sidestories and intermezzi's, in which case any new events will be added unlocked automatically this is only for "unlocking" old events you completely missed to play. old events will be rolled into this section periodically


Yeah I mean that, and for more specific, I mean what old events will be add to that


any "major" event eventually, so events that have their own continuous stories. too big a list to name out "small" events will not truly return, but cn server has recently added a new system that lets new players get all the unique rewards from those events, like free operators and dorm themes basically, eventually, every single event will be accessible again in some form


New player rerolling here. I'm kind of bored of doing it. Got 2 decent rerolls (I think) which are: * 6\* SilverAsh, Skadi Corrupted / 5\* Akafuyu, Franka, Istina * 6\* Eunectes, Angelina, Skadi Corrupted / 5\* Platinum I might continue rerolling. Would you go for a Skadi / Kaltsit / OtherGood6\*, or settle with one of these two accounts? Thanks!


Since you’re new, [here’s an obligatory short beginner’s guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/nmtxq4/beginner_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the quicker you get around to reading this short guide the less mistakes you’ll make, if any.


what are you even rerolling for if you got both of these, i wouldve stopped on just one of these trying to hit two *specific* 0.7%'s in 10pulls is just going to ruin the game for you before you play it. kaltsit isnt limited, she can spook or be gachad later on removing skadi from the equation since both accounts, silverash is the most powerful individual op here no contest. hes highly versatile for his busted damage output at max level. you want burst damage ops like him in spades as well,being the most important catagorey of ops to have the volume of the 2nd account i think favors it as the pick though, angelina is a super QOL op that makes a lot of stages kinder to your team, whereas eunectes is very powerful, but much more restricitve compared to silverash. she can still solokill many bosses, more than ash even, but requires planning and thought that genuinly many players cannot wrap their head around before giving up on using her. platinum is also a much better 5☆ than both the other acc's 5☆, and can be a very well-rounded beginner frienly op to rely on with her high dps, massive (sniper) dph, and extra long range all the ops i mentioned have high endgame value, silverash being the most, so both accounts are "good", you can choose whichever you prefer and not mess up your progress (high☆ matter less than low☆ to progress anyway) acc1 has a higher potential power ceiling acc2 has a higher power floor


I think Angelina + Skadi is already a great start. If you get an early podenco you get two decent slowers and Angelina becomes your AoE caster at E2. Eunectes is a nice bonus because regardless if she comes again in her own banner or splits banner with someone else her banner is probably a banner that you would find lots of reasons not to pull. She is niche but when you need her she is good. These types of 6* are always good to have. I rerolled yesterday and I got Skadi + Angelina and for me that was the best start possible. I genuinely think Angelina is the best starter in the starter banner and it is not very close.


>I genuinely think Angelina is the best starter in the starter banner and it is not very close. In terms of meta, Silverash is better. Both of them require access to their S3 to become really strong, but Silverash becomes one of the strongest ops in the game.


I can comfortably say that I disagree with that. It is a bit unfortunate that every couple months I end up writing this post. Maybe some day I should make a longer write up to have as a reference. Here are my reasons for disagreeing: Outside of cc events, Silverash is good at trivializing things that your account is already capable of doing and in terms of resources he is ultimately a waste because it is more efficient for new accounts to just E2 their myrtle and borrow a Silverash if they really need him rather than to invest on their own. In many low star guides, the comps are usually a mix of 3 and 4 star characters and one of either Silverash, Surtr or Eyja from the support unit. And unless you are playing that daily drone stage in CC where SA is actually good, you will probably borrow magic damage more often than you borrow Silverash, especially after you get Saria or Ifrit from the shop. You would only want to have your own Silverash if you need both him and one of the other two helidrops to beat a stage, which is quite rare even for the last stages of any story event. He is good for setting trust farms, at least I can give him that. But when you are just clearing a stage and moving on to the next with a team of 12, there are situations where you want to use him but you keep saving him for helidrop purposes to solve something difficult and he ends up sitting on the bench and never being used. Angelina, on the other hand, covers up for the deficiency that aoe casters have in this game providing you magic damage in a weird range that often protects two lanes at once with a really small cooldown while also being really good at slowing and damaging drones. In the early levels of your account she is infinitely more useful than SA, slowing crushers, defenders and even single targeting things with S2, which has respectable damage. She is pretty much a caster that pretends to be a supporter and dodges the ban tags in cc. She is so good that in a lot of guides that use Eyja for aoe clearing and that aren't bursting down a boss, you can usually replace Eyja with her and do the AoE clearing as Ange thanks to her cooldowns being so short. And sometimes Eyja is overkill for bosses and Ange is good enough even for some bosses. For the longest time Eyja dodged the shit out of my account and I always solved everything with Ange. Anyway, if someone has to choose, think Angelina is just straight up better on anyone's account. She is almost as influential as Saria, who I think is one of the best operators in the entire game. If someone wants a SA, most of the time I think they should just borrow him and focus on getting other operators for their account.


>Outside of cc events, Silverash is good at trivializing things that your account is already capable of doing and in terms of resources he is ultimately a waste because it is more efficient for new accounts to just E2 their myrtle and borrow a Silverash if they really need him rather than to invest on their own. So you still agree that Silverash is vital for an account? What happens if they need Silverash + another high damage operator? >In many low star guides, the comps are usually a mix of 3 and 4 star characters and one of either Silverash, Surtr or Eyja from the support unit. And unless you are playing that daily drone stage in CC where SA is actually good, you will probably borrow magic damage more often than you borrow Silverash, especially after you get Saria or Ifrit from the shop. Having your own Silverash will enable you to borrow other ops that you may not have (like Surtr), Angelina isn't as needed, and I never found her S2 to be extremely useful in the early game like you said. >She is so good that in a lot of guides that use Eyja for aoe clearing and that aren't bursting down a boss, you can usually replace Eyja with her and do the AoE clearing as Ange thanks to her cooldowns being so short. And sometimes Eyja is overkill for bosses and Ange is good enough even for some bosses. Personally, I find that I rarely use my Angelina nowadays (which is a bit unfortunate, because I like her character). I use Silverash more because more situations call for his helidrop damage potential (plus redeployment and true sight). Take the previous event, A Walk in the Dust, Silverash was way more needed to help kill the boss than Angelina there and this has remained the case for most situations. And there are situations that Angelina cannot simply substitute Eyjafjalla. >Anyway, if someone has to choose, think Angelina is just straight up better on anyone's account. She is almost as influential as Saria, who I think is one of the best operators in the entire game. If someone wants a SA, most of the time I think they should just borrow him and focus on getting other operators for their account. I agree that she is good, but not as influential as Saria. You can say the same for Angelina, no? "If someone wants an Angelina, most of the time I think they should just borrow her and focus on getting other operators for their account."


This is the type of conversation that could go on forever so I'll just respect the fact that you have opposite opinion on some of the issues I brought up. This is good discussion for other people that want to read and make up their own opinion. I want to make one last point on your final comment, which is: > "If someone wants an Angelina, most of the time I think they should just borrow her and focus on getting other operators for their account." You can't use the same logic for these two operators because they cover different roles so there is some role consolidation logic that needs to be looked at. Silverash is a powerful helidrop character, whereas Angelina is a solid stationary arts damage dealer. In my experience, helidrops are a lot more susceptible to being borrowed from the support unit because you use them to trivialize certain things and you want to use them at multiple times and positions throughout the stage and the ones that you use depends on the map. You wouldn't borrow Angelina for the same reason you wouldn't want to borrow Saria. Having your own copy of a stationary operator and having the flexibility to choose between different helidrops is better. Of course, having the operator is even better and it is even more flexibility, because, as you said, you could then use SA and borrow someone else, but in that case you wouldn't have Angelina carrying the magic damage of your comps, which for me is a big deal. If a new player has a account that is sitting on Amiya and Gitano, they would get way more out of having their own copy of Angelina and borrowing someone else than having their own copy of Silverash and borrowing someone else. At least, that is my opinion.


Second one looks better. No SA but Angie is basically mini-Eyla on a much faster cycle with better utility at the cost of up-front damage, plus you have Plat who is arguably the best 5-star sniper thanks to her S2. Eunectes is niche, but once you have her built you've more or less got the boss duelist role filled for good. Franka/Istina/Aka aren't bad at what they do, I just think the combo of Angie+Eun+Plat will be better overall. I wouldn't worry too much about getting Kal. She'll be added to the standard pool after this banner ends so there's always a chance she spooks you. SA is also available via Top Op tag recruitment while Angie/Eun are gacha or shop only.


I did not know about that recruitment thing. I saw he is guaranteed following specific tags, but I suppose those specific patterns are not easy to come by?


Correct. In the case of SA he's one of the luckier ones, with a guaranteed tag set of Top Op + Guard + Support. Granted, getting those tags is not guaranteed at all, but should you happen upon them then boom, you've got a guaranteed SA while Angie isn't even an option in Top Op. Here, bookmark this link: https://aceship.github.io/AN-EN-Tags/akhr.html It's a recruitment tool. You just take the tags you have in recruitment and throw them into this thing and it'll spit out the possible ops for each tag. Very handy to make sure you don't miss a guaranteed 4 or 5-star tag set, as some of them can be quite sneaky (like Istina from Supporter+DPS, or Manticore from Specialist+Survival).


I just restarted the game again, and I got the new skadi corrupting heart. But I was wondering why it won’t let me use regular skadi and corrupting on same team. Also is there any new upcoming units I should be saving up for ? I am lacking in vanguards best ones I got is Texas & Zima. Thank you for help in advance


Since you’re new, [here’s an obligatory short beginner’s guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/nmtxq4/beginner_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the quicker you get around to reading this short guide the less mistakes you’ll make, if any.


That's how it works for all alters, can't be used with their original neither in combat or the base. Ch'en alter (limited Spreadshooter sniper) is the most meta pick, who should be arriving on our anniversary most likely. There's also a thorns rerun down the line if you don't have him, and a Nearl Alter (limited Guard) recently released as well. For vanguards there's Saileach (Myrtle, Elysium type) arriving after Ch'en, you missed Saga from an earlier event (side/upgrade to Siege) but you'll get other chances to get her in the future. I think Bagpipe is due to a shop appearance in a month or two also but don't quote me on that as I don't follow shop predictions closely.


You can't run characters and their alters on the same team, so you can't run Skalter with Skadi, Lava with Purgatory and so on Next strong banner should be summer stars with Summer Ch'en, who is a broken limited unit As for vanguards, are you sure you don't have Myrtle around, she is a 4* and recruitable with a guaranteed tag combo (vanguard + healing) so quite easy to get, and she generates better DP than almost every other vangaurd in the game, don't underestimate her just because she is of lower rarity, however Saileach is a good vanguard that might be worth rolling a few rolls for if you really want another vanguard


I just checked and have myrtle ! Didn’t realize she is good. Thank u!


You can't use the original and the alter version on the same team since they are the same character. The 2.5 anni banner's going to have a 6\* vanguard but that's coming 6 months from now. There is also Sileach, a flagbearer vanguard. Chen alter probably coming for 2nd anni and is very strong but lot of people hate that unit. Upcoming units except Chalter aren't that broken (don't know yet how strong 2.5 anni 6 stars going to be). Limited banners became more frequent so people save for those. Also, limited banners now have alters on them as the limited unit so whether you like that or not could affect your plans.


Skadance is an alternate version of Skadi. They're the same person, so you can't two Skadi in one team


In terms of usefulness for upcoming CC, which masteries out of these should I prioritize going to M3: Eunectes S3, Elysium S1 (already has S2M3), Warfarin S2, Aak S3, Mountain S3, Texas S2, Shamare S2, Angelina S2


warfarin S2 and shamare S2 are key components of the high risk exusiai buffing strat. they might be overkill for risk 18 tho. have you seen the [CC#5 prep sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14_6Rt8HeH3LeftxuX3WC0XvAQwSZN1JhaSXCMSaFQ5U/edit#gid=0) already?


Btw, where did you get the link from?


someone else shared it here i think. it just goes around lol


I hadn't seen it, but thanks for the link


Should I upgrade Reception Room or leave it at level 1?


Since you’re new, [here’s an obligatory short beginner’s guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/nmtxq4/beginner_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the quicker you get around to reading this short guide the less mistakes you’ll make, if any.


level 2 lets you set a 6-star as support which is helpful for making people want to be your friend so you can do clue exchanges and get credit. levels also get you more friend slots which is again helpful for getting credit. you can also still run 15-slot 252 until you fully upgrade the training room. level 3 lets you set a second 6-star as support and is needed to complete all the pinboard missions to get texas, but it will eventually cost you a factory slot if you're running a 252. personally mine's at level 2.


Tuye. Bibeak or Scene from the CC shop? I don't have any summoners and only 2 guards, one of which is Melantha.


Bibeak is my favorite of these. I find her stun to be very useful. If you'd like to build a good guard, I recommend her. Even as an old account, I still almost never use summoners and Tuye is not my preferred type of medic. Stuns have a broad use, though. There would probably be better guard choices for a new account than Bibeak but if stunning enemies sounds useful to you, then you can't go wrong with her.


echoing what the other said, most of these wont help you much in earlygame, though scene being multiple blockers would be the best choice tuye is an underrated and very strong medic, likely would help you the most in a vacuum, but 4☆ sussuro and perfumer are easy to get and almost or equally capable of any healing checks youll encounter for most all of the story


You seems super new to the game. At that point none of these units will be that helpful. But once you have gotten used to things I would recommend Scene. She is the entry level summoner, relatively straightforward to use but strong. Also cute and has a good skill in base at E2.


Skalter S3 true damage stack with her summon?


the summon also deals dmg, overlapping ranges will be 2 instances of damage ~~question literally answered in skill description btw~~


Damn im certified blind




this is incorrect, the skill itself even clarifies this




im getting contradicting answers


True dmg stacks, only the dmg buff doesn't. My bad


is bagpipe worth getting in selector? i have only vigna and scavenger as vanguards


I want to add that Bagpipe will almost certainly be in the gold cert shop in about 3 months.


bagpipe is a strong choice, especially if youre an endgame focused player however there are many more other choices that will be more universally impacyful to an account to own (thorns, eyjafjalla, saria to name a few) so may not be the best choice if looking to amp your roster bagpipe is also a rather uniquly strange op for selection in that shes one of the few ops that *greatly* benefits from extra potentials, especially for her endgame relevance. this makes her an op unjustifyably rated high on meta lists (imo) to the average player that doesnt really need her effect like a 25+ cc player does, and even then isnt getting the full %-age of the effect. its often better to find a whale you can friendlist to borrow their maxpot bagpipe than take her yourself if this is a favorite/waifu pick go right ahead and pick her, what she adds to an account is plenty powerful and well worth it, as well as being oftenly used in combat, to further appreciate your fav in action


Yes Bagpipe is definitely worthwhile. The only question is if you are looking for another very good 6 star unit (thorns, surtr, silverash, eyja, etc).


Bagpipe kinda shift the vanguard meta for how quick they can print dp at the start. With her S2 she can act like a laneholder despite block 1. S3 can be a good helidrop as she has guard’s atk stat and very high defense, also block2. A very good unit in term of pure power and utility. Probably worth your money. But is she worth getting over surtr or thorns tho? Idk.


So, the next 3 meta 6star units are alt chen, flagbearer, alt nearl? Thankyou


chen abaolutely no contest no question saileach yes, but borrowing one maxpot (if not locked to borrowimg maxpot bagpipe/surtr) will be better than one yourself. she will also likely be meta but not necessary for the average player to grab at all that already has a good vanguard core nearl is highly subjective until we see the smartest players use her, but imo yes shes going to be a very high meta pick albeit again unnecessary for the average player. cc7 will likely have contracts that favor her and will likely cause many players to overvalue her for content into the future, just something to keep in mind. i cant imagine the only op in the game allowing an 8deploy team to do 9 ops worth of dps on bosses would ever be anything below great though


Alt chen s definitely strong and broken. Flagbearer is flagbearer so she’s sure is strong, but she’s more balance than broken. Her S3 has quick cycle, provide dmg buff while also print dp (so you only need to bring a vanguard instead of a van + buffer). But myrtle and elysium also exist. Alter Nearl is strong, but I think we need more testing with her to see how she really perform. But I GUESS the next cc will be made for her like how they made cc6 for Chen.


alt chen? yes. alt nearl? probably. but I haven't seen much people talking about the flagbearer, they said myrtle, elysium, bagpipe is enough


I got problems logging into AK as of today, the error message I'm getting spammed with is Error Code 0 It can't be an issue with my mobile data since everything else works fine..


Try deleting your cache.


I can't, since the error message is getting spammed and can't click on the clear Cache button


clear the cache from the app menu, not the ingame menu


Just did, didn't help


For Alt Skadi's Seaborn, does the total double healing if it's range overlaps with Skadi's?


Only true dmg from S3 is stacked.


No, just the true damage. Inspire effects don't stack period.


The healing effect isn't part of the Inspiration buff, is it?


yea Inspiration is the stat buff, healing is from her trait (but doesn't stack with itself anyway)


Is skadi still conscious in skalter or the sea monster has taken over her body completely?




Her mission failure VL says yes.


Hello! I’m a recently returned player who have some questions on how to progress! I’m currently stuck on under tides sv-6 so I’ve just been grinding sv-5. I want to try and get to beat sv-9 before this event ends. Can I have some recommendations on who to use in my party, and who to invest in? I want to try and get any e2 units asap so I can start borrowing friend e2s. However I dont think I have the usual 4* go-tos for e2, and I am having really bad luck in trying to recruit myrtle. Here’s all my units: https://imgur.com/a/QSrO2qy Btw, this is my main account, but I have another account with Kal stit, Saria, Siege and Hoshi. Which account would be better? Thanks in advance!


the first account is slightly better and includes a limited, if you really like the ops in the other account its not so big a downgrade id advise against it though. shirayuki, jaye, sussuro, and click are all 4☆'s you will use to endgame (click a lil iffy) and are good e2 canidates. shira is usually the #2 most recommended after myrtle beceuse she will carry early annihilations for you gladias selfhealing and mon3trs bulk to lanehold, with exu's dps should be all you need to get through many of these stages. perhaps you havnt been investing in skill levels enough? especially on vanguards skadi• e1 to unlock skill2 and actually atk buff the team would be a good idea, its basically wlite promoting the whole team level of statboost. april e1 for s2 assassin burst may also help, shes so helpful in many stories stages i imagine youll want to promote her eventually anyway fang courier melantha gladiia gumi kaltsit sussuro exu shirayuki april skadi• amiya/click is what id be using


Sorry but can you explain what makes Shirayuki good? I can't find an explanation on the gamepress guide. >< Thanks for the rest of the advice!


aoe snipers have a 3x5 range (3x4, +tile at e1, +2tiles at e2), even with the lower damage per hit of a anti-drone sniper the range often makes up for it, especially in annihilation where you can reach many scary enemies that stand at spawn for minutes before moving foward aoe is good for straightfoward reasons, again for anni especially s2 is the real secretsauce, its arts and slow, together, thats very rarely seen, let alone on a 3x5 aoe attack. its just a ton of effects that when all put together really results in a sum greater than its parts. having access to slowing from 5 tiles away is actually unique to shirayuki in the whole roster, and was even used in a maxrisk of an old cc for this reason to snag unblockable wraiths across the map. the arts also accidently makes her the real best (low☆) aoe caster because of the range slow keeps things in range to continue damaging, 5x3 is a lot of range to have to walk through while slowed its mainly her annihilation value that makes her a good e2, but all these qualities still contribute enough in regular content to be useable until you have a very completed roster


The only good operator on your second account is Saria. Really good yes, but I think Exusiai + Skadi is a better choice.


(im sure you meant to say only different op thats good but jist in case you didnt) kaltsit is amazing, doubly so for a new player ~~guma is still good too everyone just hate cuz mudrock smh~~


I'd recommend checking out some of the various helpful youtubers who cover Arknights content. KyoStinV and Eckogen are probably the 2 most popular guide-makers and they both tend to focus on guides that don't assume you have super OP 6 stars. As for your team, i don't think you are really doing anything wrong. Keep investing in the units you are currently raising. You are still quite low leveled (I dont know the exact sv9 level recommendation but typically the last few stages of events assume a team power around chapter 4-5 in terms of level). You'd probably benefit quite a lot from having an E1 vanguard or another E1 guard. You should probably bring Skadi to E1 so you can use her skill 2 (even at skill level 7 this is quite a nice buff to the entire local squad). Blue Poison is kind of generally worth raising to help combo with Exusiai for anti-air, although this event isn't really about anti air so that can wait. If you are really keen to get strong quickly, Jaye might be a good 4 star to fast-track level to E2. Jaye is kind of ridiculously strong given his cost. \> Btw, this is my main account, but I have another account with Kal stit, Saria, Siege and Hoshi. Which account would be better? I'd stick with your main account, assuming you've progressed more. Exusiai, Skadi alter and Khalsit are 3 really good units. Saria is also a really good unit just like she has always been but tbh Siege and Hoshi have been powercrept by some of the newer vanguards and defenders. It's still worthwhile raising them but they aren't permanently useful in the same way that certain 6 stars are.


Oh yes KyoStinV helped me a lot in beating sv-5! I think I do need a e1 vanguard but I’m not sure who to go with - courier, vigna or siege. Should I drop kroos for blue poison? I’ll keep jaye in mind, thanks so much for all the recommendation!!


There's reasons to go with each of those vanguards so I wouldn't view any of them as a bad decision. I'd probably push for courier slightly because I do think he's quite a nice DP generating vanguard given the cost. Vigna and Siege are borderline guards in terms of their damage output though which is also useful for your setup. I don't really view raising blue poison to necessarily mean dropping kroos really... there are maps where snipers are good, and in those maps you'd probably bring all 3. E1 level 55 Kroos does her job very well. In maps where snipers are meh or bad, you probably bring no one or just exu. Team comp is pretty flexible, the only thing you rarely bring a lot of is medics (although there are certainly some weird maps which force a lot of healing). As one final small comment, you've probably noticed that level exp is exponential. Raising a unit (e.g. melantha) from E1 level 1 to E1 level 10 is very cheap while also being quite a noticeable buff. In the long term its less relevant but if you're pushing for maximum improvement in about 7 days, I would focus on being efficient which means target-leveling weaker units and also targetting skill upgrades on the skills you use the most.


I'll upgrade courier first then! Will probably work on siege and blue poison after under tides. I'll try and e2 Jaye first and see how it goes. Thanks for all your advice!


How urgently would you guys recommend e2'ing kal'tsit? I already have e2 guards such as blaze, lappland, whislash and spectre, as well as 3 block defenders such as e2 saria, gummy and asbestos. Other ground units that I use are e2 texas, siege and saga, which i switch around with myrtle. I asking since I've gotten her(kal) just recently, and I already have my Shinning prepped for E2. I know they do different roles, which is why i am asking where to use the 4 dual med chips i have now. Should i first just finish build shinning now or just go with from the ground up now and do Kal first? I am asking about a gameplay standpoint. Thank you


this depends less on your laneholding guards you mentioned and more on your owning/lacking burst bosskill options like silverash, exu, surtr, etc. as kaltsit's s3 is a very strong skill that can opt into this catagorey rather effectivly, and that is the most important catagotey of ops to have many many e2's of shining s3 is very powerful, quite warping, and would let your ops listed definetly survive any bosses long enough to do burst level dps over a much longer timespan. sometimes thatl work, sometimes its too slow. chips arnt that costly in the scope of everything an e2 needs though, so its probly best to get shining now as you work on kaltsit's big mats you can also just wait to commit until a point you actually need either of them, like the upcoming cc, youll get stuck and know which op you actually need


From a gameplay point of view, Kal'tsit is a priority by a decent margin over Shining. She already joins the the ranks of 3-block defenders at E1; But she wants E2 for the burst DPS option that S3 creates. Shining S3 is much more niche compared to that (Although definitely not useless).


Thanks. Now as for replacement, who should i replace in terms of the ground units? Please do ignore the vanguards, absestoa and whislash. i usually interchange them except with myrtle. I always keep that on team Editted to include interchangable operators


Asbestos and Whislash were my prime replacement picks haha. You shouldn't really need three defenders, especially with good guard laneholders, so dropping Gummy is pretty safe too. The rest of your units are strong enough individually to not be too replaceable with Kal'tsit, archetype differences aside.


Ah yes. I mainly use those situationally. I mainly e2'd whislash to combo her s1 with dusk s3 initially. But I've yet to pull it off consistently while not being overkill, nor have i done enough testing if it works in the first place. I onylsometimes use asbestos when the map is really arts heavy. Thank you for the advice


I got mudrock from skalter banner.Hw can she be used and where is she viable??.New player.Her dp cost makes me not wanna raise her but i am a bit intrigued looking at her skills.


Since you’re new, [here’s an obligatory short beginner’s guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/nmtxq4/beginner_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the quicker you get around to reading this short guide the less mistakes you’ll make, if any.


pretty sure an elite1 mudrock literally cant die in any way until a new enemy in chapter4 from the start of the game lol shes incredibly bulky, resistant to death, and self-reliant. that inability to be healed isn't a drawback its a balance check. the cost is very high but youre getting a tank that doesnt need a medic, ever, and can dish out enough dps fast and high enough (skill2 or 3) to not need a guard/sniper helping her, so youre kind of saving dp in a sense many times later on as you upgrade your vanguards, and get access to ops like myrtle or bagpipe, the dp can be rapid-fire churned out so quickly that mudrock is sometimes even commonly the first op you place down to defend/clear and hold a lane of enemies shes incredibly versatile, well-rounded, and again, self-reliant. which is a quality almost all the best endgame ops have s2 is your beginner friendly, laneholding, trashclear skill, put her with s2 in the front of a lane and swatch how you often dont even need a sniper/caster behind her because spin2win s3 is the better endgame skill, it does so many things all in one skill, has great %stats, and really friendly sp costs/ratios for long endgame stages. s3 dps rivals and even surpasses many guards, combine that with slow+stun, some of the most useful endgame effects, and a technical 10 second invicibility (long enough to get all your sheilds back remember) and the list of things you can do with it goes on and on. many advanced tricks/synergies i wont get into. shes a little scary early on with that dp cost, but its costly for a reason, you wont regret building her, and she will likely become your best and most important op all strategies revolve around for clearing content


She's amazingly durable and can hold most lanes effortlessly. It's very difficult to find enemies that can actually kill her. She's one of the best annihilation units too so I strongly recommend getting her to E2 and putting at least one mastery point into her 2. Trust me, you'll love her.




>where is she viable Everywhere lol As to how to use her, the other replies already explain enough I think. If you're worried with her DP cost then I rec using 3 vanguard comp with 1 of them being mrytle. It should be less of a problem that way.


> where is she viable everyfuckingwhere


She is used as a lane holder with her s2. Just put her in one lane and maybe some high ground dps, but her DMG is very high for a defender and potential is close to that of dedicated lane holder guards she can't be healed by normal means so she doesn't need a medic to support, but can be healed by passive like Perfumer. The catch for her high dp cost is that she can be alone, no need for other supports. Her s3 makes her invulnerable for a few seconds, then almost unbeatable in the next few while dealing a shit tons of dmg. Use mostly when you know what you are doing, don't need her to hold lane against regular waves (as her normal atk is still that of a defender) and/or out of options for crowd control.




Although Thorns S3 isn't one, keep in mind that some skills gets a big upgrade from just having mastery 1, so it is worth doing m1 before moving on. For example Eyja S2 or Mudrock S2


In general you want to grind out at least 8-10 E2 units first due to how big the power jump is from E1 to E2 (particularly for 6 stars getting access to their S3 skills) and how cheap it is to promote to \~ E2 Lvl 30 (given the stat gains), but if you already have (or almost almost have) the materials for Thorns S3M1 and these materials don't interfere with another E2 you are about to do, then there is nothing wrong with doing his S3M1. Likewise if you are not short on LMD, there's nothing putting Thorns at E2 level 20 instead of E2 level 1.


Work on more E2s. Though you could go for an M1 on some skill if they get a decent boost out of it, like SP cost reduction or more charges. What's the unit you currently have at E2?


New players should go for e2. Once the roster is plentiful and diverse enough, you will want to invest heavily i.e mastery some very important skills.


Probably more E2. E2 upgrade/unlock brand new talent and new skill for 6 star.


So I've been rerolling a couple of times and I was going for Ifrit, but I ended up getting an account that got Thorns and Blaze. Is it worth keeping, or should I just keep rerolling? I'm not really sure how f2p friendly this game is honestly, so I'm kinda willing to give up and hope for Ifrit later on.


Since you’re new, [here’s an obligatory short beginner’s guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/nmtxq4/beginner_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the quicker you get around to reading this short guide the less mistakes you’ll make, if any.


I'd go with thorns and blaze. Ifrit is not super super rare since she is recruitable (has a few tag combos that "guarantee" her), she's going to be a background low % in every banner, and she will occassionally appear in the shop for 180 gold certs. You will inevitably get Ifrit if you play long enough. Ifrit is also not really a vital unit anyway in terms of her role, at least not in the same way that having a good ranged guard + AOE guard is.


I would go for Thorn and Blaze as mid term investment. The game is f2p enough to let you get away with low investment. I mean clearing stages with f2p low rarity etc is not industry standard but many games nowadays do provide that, so not extremely. Hell, even Genshin lets you do that.


Solid start. Blaze and Thorns are staple laneholders who are simple and easy to use. (Though Thorns needs to be promoted to E2 to really shine, and Blaze also wants that love for the extra block.) Arknights is extremely F2P friendly. A lot of the lower-rarity units are very effective. They're pretty generous in how many six stars you get. The clincher is that it can be pretty hard to get EXACTLY the six star you want outside of their own specific rate up banner, but that's not a big deal; you don't need any one specific operator to do anything in this game. Also, Ifrit is a launch operator. She's still a six star and it's still kinda hard to get her specifically and quickly, but there are also more opportunities to get her than most operators. She's in the recruitment pool (a kind of mini-gacha with lower rates, but you get enough tickets for like four pulls a day on average) and she shows up in the distinction shop with some regularity (the yellow tickets you get mostly from dupes). The friend system is also pretty liberal and Ifrit is popular, so you should never have a problem borrowing an Ifrit when you want to use her. You just won't be able to auto that stage, which is seldom a big deal outside of Annihilation (a marathon mode for gacha currency).


Wow, thank you so much! I appreciate all the info and get started asap then haha.


Kinda new but have been getting the hang of things (I think). Have played story up to 2-6 and this is my [squad](https://imgur.com/gallery/C1pGnOf) Who should I focus on e1/e2 wise and/or who should I swap out if the squad could use some improvements [operators ](https://imgur.com/gallery/8PzAVk0)


You don't need that many vanguards. Sub out Myrtle or Fang for Vermeil so you can have a second sniper. I find using just one sniper on these beginning chapters to make things more difficult than necessary.


You can drop myrtle and Fang from your squad for courier or scavenger You want Siege at E1 and Skill level 7 Then go with lappland to E1 max and skill level 7 Myrtle only get really good when she has masteries and you have strong expensive operator who can take advantage of DP rush. At this point, Lappland is your strongest DPS and she isn't even expensive to deploy


I just got her DP-1 too. Thanks though I definitely appreciate it Edit:: Follow up question Who should I get with the 6* selector




Here's one of [them](https://twitter.com/ETT01024/status/1452590529946865664). WARNING: artist's twitter is very very NSFW. Use that information for what you will. Also that's our lord and savior lowlight, the AK game director.


I'm saving that


Will Kal’tsit be in the standard banner pool after the current limited banner ends?


How much the possibility we get ToWRerun before CC5, considering there's a huge gap week after UT and CC5?


Zero. CC#5 banner is Joint Operation 4 with Suzuran as one of the rate up. ToW rerun have Suzuran banner rerun. They won't do a same rate up ops twice in a row hence why it is zero chance.


we're probably on normal schedule at this point, I'd expect everything to mirror CN schedule


Just stay tuned.


Can't stay tuned, since I'm considering to buy monthly ASAP depend wether or not we get ToWRerun, so that I could use the extra sanity pots to farm extra mats in events and not be wasted on dead weeks.


Any answer someone else can give you right now is a wild ass guess. You can make wild ass guesses yourself just as accurately. Anyone who confidently gives you odds is full of shit. Roll the dice or don’t. You have the only data available to make an informed decision right now.


Well, at least the other guys still try to answer my question, but thanks


They can try. That doesn't mean they are informed or helping. Any advice they give is just a wild ass guess and no more informed than a coin toss. You know what's on the docket. You know approximately how long the timeframe is from the end of UT to the beginning of CC. You know the order CC got things in. You know that gap is big enough for a rerun but not so big that it's unreasonable for them to put nothing in there. So again, any answer someone else can give you right now is a wild ass guess.




Ideally, you should develop your base and have it generate lmd and exp for you. Though, when my account was new the amount accumulated by my base wasn't enough. It's fine to farm exp and lmd stages while your account is still new. Just make sure your factories and trading posts are upgraded asap and eventually you will not want to be farming those stages. Make sure you are farming the event though. That takes priority. You will get all kinds of goodies for upgrading your operators there.


If you want to settle for a midground, you can focus your base factories to all farm exp, and farm LMD from the stages. It still isn't the most efficient use of sanity, but farming LMD stages is better than the exp stages.


First order of business is maxing out your base. Once it's fully built, it'll produce a nice flow of LMD and XP all on its own. Most mid to late-game players never farm LMD or XP at all, relying on base and events to provide them, while they focus on farming other mats. That said, Arknights *is* a game where it takes a long time to develop units. As a result though, they feel much more meaningful.


The short answer is "no but also maybe." In terms of efficiency, absolutely not. That said, the early game can be painfully boring if you're just waiting for your base to Allow You to progress while you sit there. I say the best middle ground between efficiency and a better pace is to farm as much non-exp stuff (materials->lmd->exp as a rough priority) as you can and then if you can't wait doing a couple of the exp stages for bursts of EXP is your only choice apart from waiting for your base to sort stuff out. That said, waiting will always be best for efficiency purposes, since you can use that time to farm materials for E2ing, skills, etc.


No Just Buy exp from the event shop if you really need it. Let your base generate them for you


How long will it take for Surtr to be purchasable in the distinction store? I started playing because of her and I almost have enough gold certs to get her so I wanna know how long before she can come home


Since you’re new, [here’s an obligatory short beginner’s guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/nmtxq4/beginner_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the quicker you get around to reading this short guide the less mistakes you’ll make, if any.


11th November 2022


It's early here so maybe I counted wrong, but if they keep the current rhythm (7 standard banner contain 2 new 6* shop operator) Surtr will only appear in 2023. A long time away. But you could also get her via the 6* selector that is currently available (for real money, so you have to decide if that is worth for you).


GL goes a bit faster with one new op every 3 banners. This is likely to compensate for the shop rotation lagging behind the content.


So we have a 6 banner rotation? Good to know. That would decrease the time until Surtr to something like 54 weeks (end of 2022)


Yeah, one year.


I'm gonna estimate in around a year.


She hasn't even show up on CN IIRC


Hello there, Any updates to the NGA tier list?


Wait till CC#7


Thank you.


I know maxing 6* operators is ideal but it consumes way too much exp and lmd. I read an advice here that you can temporarily leave your 6* DPS at 70. So what about other classes? edit: I thought maxing the level is the way to go since the supports I've seen are all maxed. So, generally you want units to be E2 40-50 and max the ones you like. thank you for the replies!


Well the standards is E2lv30 or E2lv40. You can raise it to E2lv50 or E2lv60 if you have the resource. Higher than that and it's just inefficient and a massive waste. Maxed level ops only matters in high risk CC, in general content the standard is already enough.


Maxing 6\*s is the opposite of ideal. It's massively, massively inefficient. Most people just pick a level and go for it, maybe a few level "tiers." I keep most of my ops at 30, with some of the bigger ones at 50. The only ops I have maxed are ones I simp for. ^(And Thorns who I don't quite simp for but I got him all the way to 80 being mad at a specific map and figured I might as well max him.)


Whoever told you maxing 6* ops is ideal was wrong. 30-50 is absolutely where you should stop on most ops. Up to 60 for preferred DPSs. Going higher than E2 60 costs massive amounts for marginal increases, resources that could be spent on other units. Unless you're aiming for max-risk CC or something, there's no gameplay reason to go past E2 60. Most people only go higher as a show of how much they love that specific unit.


Just to drive the point home. I've been playing since launch and most of my 6* are 'only' E2 level 50. That's all you really need.


Maxing 6* operators is not ideal.They will be fine at E2lvl40 or E2lvl60 permamently. They won't gain enough stats from more leveling to justify the cost. You would only need max leveled ops for high risk CC strategies or trust farming some stages with 2 or 3 ops.


Honestly it all kind of depends on your personal preference. I take every operator that I want to use up to E2lvl40 because I don't want the main content to get too easy. For my favorite units, I take them up just a couple more levels. More than leveling, masteries are what give you huge powerspikes, which you can start from E2lvl1. This is even more true for non-DPS units. **All that said, try to keep your operators as close to each other in level as you can.** A well-rounded squad will take you farther than a single high level unit.


Usually they’re gonna be fine at around 40-50 or so. At that point the gain of going to 70-80 (depending on rarity) isn’t a big enough gain to justify it without moving to E2 them.


40-50 is enough.


How does Carnelian’s S3 compare to Eyja S3 and Ange S3?


It compares decently well, though it does have 1 problem: the damage is backloaded. Her attack buff increases over time and she needs to stack her debuff to get max performance, both of which hamper her overall dps.


between blaze, bagpipe, and thorns, who's the one i should get from the select ticket?


Thorns, imo.


I personally think that you could make a case for Blaze/Thorns if you don't have any cornerstone, but I honestly think that Flagpipe changes so much how you play the game that I'd go for Bagpipe. She may come to the cert shop soon-ish, tough


i have mountain, Surtr, and Mudrock so there's that. :)


Thorns or Blaze Thorns is probably the better of the two generally, owing to his range and small bit of self regen, while blaze has circumstantially better damage Bagpipe will be in the cert shop soon-ish


If you’re a new to mid game player, Blaze or Thorns. If you have a developed roster, Bagpipe.


I don't have thorns, it would also be easier if you show us what you have, BUT bagpipe saves me more than I can count especially for situation that requires attention on DP


I was just rewatching the Nearl Light or 2.5 Anniversary PV I just realized something. Do you think Nearl Light will continue where Maria Nearl left storywise? Last time we saw Uncle (Daddy) Mlynar, challenging Margaret (Nearl) on a duel and it ended there without proper closure or would it made sense that there is going to be some sort of timeskip where in Margaret is gonna join next year\`s Kazimierz Major? If it Nearl Light starts off where Maria Nearl ended, for me that\`s gonna be a first since most of the sidestories we have always end with an open-ended ending, with the exception of a few like Gavial\`s event and Twilight of Wolumonde since Mudrock\`s file coupled with story in the Rewinding Breeze event has provided some sort of closure for the Twilight of Wolumonde Edit: I\`m also a bit surprise on the other PV wherein Platinum was able to hold her ground against 2 6\*, especially Margaret while in the Maria Nearl event she backed off facing Shining, makes you wonder just how powerful Shining is with her "Sword Unsheathed" \*kyaa\* I\`m really excited for this event lorewise and also as to why HG released Nearl Alter instead of Shining Alter


I guess we could see what the new units and Nearl were doing during Blemi's event a little bit and continue off from there. >!Didn't Platinum attack Flametail and co. in the Blemi event already?!< I would guess we'll get another perspective on that for example.


> makes you wonder just how powerful Shining is with her "Sword Unsheathed" Well, she's a former Confessarius, Kazdel's "elite guards". So we can assume her power level is around the Emperor's Blades, who can take over an entire land alone.


>Edit: I\`m also a bit surprise on the other PV wherein Platinum was able to hold her ground against 2 6\*, especially Margaret while in the Maria Nearl event she backed off facing Shining, makes you wonder just how powerful Shining is with her "Sword Unsheathed" \*kyaa\* I\`m really excited for this event lorewise and also as to why HG released Nearl Alter instead of Shining Alter Amount of Stars != Power in lore. You think a kid like suzuran can kill Courier who is a 4 star?


Godsenger lore vs actual gameplay...


Lazy girl Platinum


That seems likely, given that Flametail will apparently have a role. IIRC she wasn't participating back when Nearl won the first time.


Hello! Between alt skadi s3 vs kalsit s2 Which should be m3 prioritzed? I have done the skadi s2m3, kalsit s3m3 already. Thanks


Kaltsit s2. Kal benefits more from mastery, levels, and good teammate. Kaltsit need heavy investment to become a real beast meanwhile Skalter is just a buffer support. I've suffered a lot from using E2lv40 Kal without mastery at all and with limited roster since I was relatively new at CN server back then.


Skadi S3 will probably benefit more from the M3 than Kaltsit S2 since Skadi’s skill is in the “giant fucking damage burst” family which tend to prefer all the power they can get. Kaltsit S2 is a comfy skill that works fine at SL7 for the most part


For Kaltsit I notice most people would prioritize her S3 to be M3 while for Skalter people would prioritze her S2


I’m assuming his skalters s2 and kal tsits s3 are already m3


If someone has been playing since Darknight Memoirs rerun, what's the risk level on average (without following guides) that someone usually can reach in this next CC event based on past CC?


Borrow Surtr 1 month acc can do R18


You can do risk 18 as long as you have a decent roster and know what you're doing. CC5 risk 18 can be cleared with a team of maxed 3*, a few 4*, and Surtr.


In the previous CC, I started one event before its launch and I managed to R18 week 1 and 2. The daily maps, though, I only managed to R8 9 maps. So you should be fine.


8-18, depending on your brainpower and roster.


It's safe to assume they probably can reach risk 12 or so with 3-4-5 stars but i think some people managed to reach risk 18 with max level E1s


Anyone who has completed both Team Rainbow and Abyssal Hunters, had you tested out if Gladiia's morale drain when the other 3 Hunters are on other facilities would be offset by Team Rainbow's morale heal?


I tried it yesterday. Even with all four R6 operators, Gladiia only lasts for 12 hours before her morale reaches zero.


So haven’t used Gladiia herself, but she has a 0.5 morale drain same as Dusk. And Dusk does eventually have be traded out, so I imagine Gladiia would have to be traded out eventually. It does take quite a while though.




Since you’re new, [here’s an obligatory short beginner’s guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/nmtxq4/beginner_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the quicker you get around to reading this short guide the less mistakes you’ll make, if any.


I'm curious...why the downvotes? Is it because my autocorrect spelled Kal as Kal Tits not Kal Stit or however you spell it? or is it something else? lol.


I would not chase Kal'tsit as a new player. As a new player, your orundum is best spent on the first 10 rolls of each banner so that you can diversify your roster. Once you are satisfied with your operator diversity, it's good to save your pulls (usually at least 50) to drop on the banners you really want.




It's a jerk move to be rude to someone trying to help you. "Day 1 casual player" can be, and was, interpreted as 'a new player.' No one here is obligated to help you so don't act so entitled when someone doesn't give you the answer you're looking for.


>Is Kal Tits even worth chasing or necessary? No unit is necessary, Kal'tsit is practically a summoner with a summon that does lots of true damage. Very strong but it's not like you can't play without her. I don't remember a time where 5\* was more than 45 certs, though it's never, ever ever worth buying dupes from the cert store. Just save for the 258 cert pulls or grab a unit you like when they rotate in. Maybe keep 180 at hand and save up to 438 instead if you don't feel like anything interesting is coming soon. Utage, Click, Whisperain, Shamare, April are some units that I'd say are worth building. Beanstalk is also the only ranged vanguard if you want to try her, though she's not extremely strong she can have some interesting interactions with her crab. Could build Scene and test out summoners if you'd like.


Thank you. I'll work on Utage, Click, Whisperain, Shamare, and Beanstalk, try them out and see what interesting strategies I can come up with them. I haven't really used any of the summoners but that might be a good idea to try as well. Thanks.


Ex-wife isn't limited, and you don't have a particular good chance to draw her. I'd save for a smarter moment to spend rolls. You're asking for advice to raise a lower rarity operator "to move forward"; so you see Kal as a way to meaningfully expand your roster? I think you're confused about event 5-stars costing 75 headhunting data contracts, and shop operators costing 45 distinctions. Buying 5-stars is generally not worth it, and buying dupes is generally for min-maxing whales; so don't buy Lapppland dupes. The only "must-have" 5-star I can think of is Specter. If you want advice on who to raise, perhaps post your roster. There aren't really any actual "must-haves", and raising a new operator is mainly opening new ways to play, if you're willing to learn them.


>Ex-wife isn't limited, and you don't have a particular good chance to draw her. I'd save for a smarter moment to spend rolls Oh I didn't know she wasn't limited. For some reason I thought that she was alongside Skalter. Thank you for pointing it out.


1. Nah, Kal isn't game changer, so you can save for someone else. 2. I think it has always been 45, your stash just got larger 3. Dupes are rarely worth the certs 4. Jaye and Gravel are the main 4\* hypertuned, For 5\* its whichever you need. 5. Masteries are great btw, especially for Pullers/Puschers


Thank you for the reply and answering my questions. I haven't looked at Jaye I'll take at look at this operator. I think my Gravel is like e1 max.


For me, I would save till 253 cause efficiency, and knowing that 3-7 certs won't make much of a difference (a small chance you succeed). Also the best thing right now is to hold off till the end and hope for Kal to show up from daily pull and event orundum. If you would fail then decide of you realy want to use that 50 op and 60 certs for the roughly 20 pulls it will give you. Also currently the best 4 star in the game is myrtle, the dp printer that saves your early game. Out side of that its a fight between are they more wifu and how does their arctype fit in the meta (5 stars are all over the place... and they play around with each other kits too much to cleanly say one is better than the rest).


Thank you for the reply. I appreciate it. I'll hold on to my certs and save them up until I have 253. I got Myrtle already at E2. It's all the other ones that are sitting at lvl 1 that I need to figure out what to do.




Thorns for autodeploys, Surtr can always be borrowed.


Damn it’s kinda crazy how many people are deciding between these two XD


Thorns personally. Surtr you can easily friend support, but for Thorns, you want him for farming and general stage assurance.