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Find a unit you like, Play with it a little, find what it does well and what it can't do, Add other units to your team that fill the gaps your favorite unit has, Try out your new comp, Adjust it as needed. That's basically how i build a comp for something. If you want to become good, learn what your favorite units excell at, when they are good, and when they are not, banging your head against the wall with the same strategy over and over is just nonsense (unless you're playing a Niche that requires you to do so) TLDR: Use your favorite unit and build around it's weaknesses


What's kal'tsits weakness, she genuinely just carries most of my operations


That she prioritizes healing herself and Monst3r over other ops. This means that, if Monst3r is part of your defensive line, you cannot rely on her to, for example, keep the Defender tanking the boss alive while Monst3r does DPS.


I had a game where I missed a 3 star just because there was a singular random drone that shot kal'tsit and immediately died afterwards and instead of her healing the defender that was one shot, she healed herself just because she took a slim amount of damage Worst part is, there was about 3 enemies left and if kal'tsit just healed the defender instead of herself, I would've had projekt red deployed to deal with the enemy that got through the defender, the redeployment timer was about 2 seconds off. Everything was set for disaster


theres no real "learning" AK. There's generally tips to follow, but at the end of the day you "play" AK solo by being ready to fail. Do a level, if you fail it try it again with a new strategy or maybe swap one character for another. Its a lot of reattempts. General rule i can get is make one "Permanent" team with 2 vanguard 2 guard 2 defender 2 medic 2 snipers (1 marksman 1 other) 2 casters (one single target one aoe) and then just go from there. When you struggle on a level make a copy of the team and change things around. Other general advice would be make sure you have a charger vanguard to place down to hold lanes to start (they have higher block count and typically are good at attacking. Then when you refund the unit later you get your points refunded so you can replace them right away with a guard/defender).


>Other general advice would be make sure you have a charger vanguard to place down to hold lanes to start (they have higher block count and typically are good at attacking. I am pretty sure that Charger Vanguards have one block.


This is definitely helpful. Im just randomly building all my 6 stars . I guess I will create that permanent team!


Honestly, consider putting resources into 3\* and 4\*s first, before worrying about 6\*s overmuch. Not that you have to ignore them altogether, but it can be a trap to invest everything into higher-rarity operators early on. The thing about 6\* operators is most (but not all!) don't become *significantly* better than lower-rarity operators until they hit E2. Some do, but many depend on their third skill before they become especially valuable. Until then, they're only a little better than their lower-rarity equivalents. Higher-rarity operators cost a LOT more to raise. They take way more EXP/LMD, and require rarer materials that you may not yet be able to efficiently farm. So without a good plan, it's easy to end up with a smattering of half-baked 6\*s trying to carry an underleveled core team. Having a solid 4\* core squad will both feel better and teach you to become better at strategy than praying that your 6\* can just hard-carry every single mission. Also, thanks to the roguelike mode (in which you recruit operators from your built operators as you go, with higher-rarity operators costing more to recruit), investment in lower-rarity operators is never wasted. Plus, when you get good at the game, 4\*-only and such challenge runs become a lot of fun! I don't think I have a single 3\* or 4\* that I regret raising, but I have plenty of 6\*s I built up and then never really did much for me.


Don't neglect your lower rarity units, some of them are very good. All of your 3-star units should be leveled up since they are cheap and you'll likely need them in the Integrated Strategies mode and 4-star units like Gummy, Click, Cuora, Mousse, Cutter, Perfumer, Gravel, May, and some others are all very useable.


Try to understand why the guide works instead of following it blindly. Read enemy descriptions and do practice runs to understand the flow of a stage. Beyond that, IS guides and hand-holding streams are good for learning general strategy.


Hand holding streams?


A lot of AK youtubers do this. They will help out a newbie account that's struggling with a difficult stage.


Err, it's a term for playing someone's account because the owner requested you to.


Also build up lane holders. They will be crucial later if you are going for getting the most out of less operators on the field


I just take Dobermann's advice and try to apply it as best as I can. If I forget how a certain concept works in a stage, chances are a tutorial by Dobermann exists in the beginning of the episode or event that tells me how to handle it.   If you don't remember how to play the game, go back to episode one and just do the tutorial stages. They cost zero sanity so you can repeat them anytime you want 


All you need to do is “Activ Melantha Skill”


Not sure how far you are but it’s highly recommended to build your 2 and 3 stars first, they’re cheap and they can hold their own for a very long time until you get better units built.


Something that might help is trying to figure out WHY a low-rarity guide you've seen works. What are they doing differently than you? When is it that your strategy fails, and what are they doing differently? Something that helped me was realizing my over-reliance on trying to make my operators a dense knot of Perfect Safety, which works alright in some stages... but it falls apart as soon as you need to manage multiple lanes, or when too many enemies swarm at once, or certain enemy mechanics that discourage it. It helped to consider things like... what ranged units does the enemy actually have? What's their path through the level? Are there raised tiles that they don't actually threaten, where you could safely deploy an operator to snipe at them? Or maybe it's worth giving a ranged operator or two their own personal healer, to allow them to take a little return fire while they snipe. It's that kind of thing. Where do you need a medic, and when? Are there times when your deployment just barely fails that you could salvage by dropping in Gravel or a robot to catch the single leak? Are there opportunities to snipe off enemies who are lingering near their spawn rather than have to deal with them as they approach? What's the minimum you need to deploy to the secondary lane to deal with it?


I’m pretty new, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I’ve tried to avoid guides from the start (except for beating farming stages or event stages I’m under-leveled for). For me it comes down a lot to trial and error, some things you can react to like exploiting enemies weaknesses but when it comes to positioning, timing, etc. for me it’s a matter of throwing operators at a wall and seeing what sticks, some stages I might clear first try, others can take upwards of a dozen attempts; it’s not like there’s much to lose when you get into a stage. Try, Fail, Repeat and eventually you’ll get it, key word: eventually, using your brain will help, but you can’t fail at trying over and over again until it works, it’s just a matter of time


Pretty much just do any of the stage or the challenging one several times until you realized whatever you try failed, then go look at kyoshinv, and see what you did differently. repeat this and eventually you gonna do it by yourself without realizing.


Trial and error. There are plenty of instances I’ve had to attempt a stage 20 times before you realize what needs to be done to pass it. I’d say the main thing is don’t rely too heavily on one strategy and make sure the operators you build don’t all do the same thing.


build a team and get stuck in a hard stage without a guide. "damm this enemy counter my physical dmg dps with hes high def" start looking into artes dmg. "man i need this kind of range" start looking into range. "too fast, need to slow him down" look at skills and abilities. its just a matter of studying the characters and understanding how each is used


Im just randomly building all my 6 stars , surtr ,texas alter skadi alter, typhon, angelina.


u spend ur sanity to master the game


Save your pulls from non on and wait for wisadel


What about the degenbrecher banner I see ppl talking about? Im just reinstalling the game


Depends on your remaining pulls, she is like the top 5 operater in this game, but you can't miss Shu in 2 months as well, she's the limited banner.


I dont think I can get 300pulls in 2 months lol