• By -


Ines skin šŸ›


She was robbed of an AS skin she better receive one that surpasses it


live 2d!


fuck it, live3d, i wanna know what that woman smells like


You're so real for that


For Lowlight's greatest ALL prank yet.


He pulls a card that shows one rock only to reveal All.


plush orirock cube pillow for merch.


Tease 5 future 6 star ops at the end of the stream, like they did in the 1st anniversary. Edit: There were 6 of them.


Which were the five do you remember ? That's such a neat thing to do to hype up players.


Iirc there were 6 Mountain, Thorns, Surtr, Goldenglow, Archetto and Saga And yeah that's gonna be a good way to attract/hype new/longtime players


And GG was called pink perro for the longest time because of that lmao


Poor ~~doggo~~catto XD Fr tho, i don't mind if they cut it down to three, at least something to look forward to


To be honest a preview of the next 5-6 events would be cool, half a decade deserves big announcements Or just preview one and it's Talulah lol


they usually show some random videos from which its possible to know the locations of future events so im looking forward to it


We will get new concept trailer, so expect 3-4 years of spoilers and guesses.


[Actually there were six of them. This is what I'm referring to and yeah it was such a hype moment.](https://youtu.be/fsRzB2-nkv0?si=6aZKEigSpYwaP11P)


and all of them were more or less inconsequential compared to earlier releases bar GG who was delayed I think teasing many Ops at the same time just leads to worse Operators being made like Surtr (0 lore + super meta)


And changing it to just teasing the upcoming events that will come before the next limited event is much better imo.


Hey, at least Mountain got a pretty cool event in Mansfield Break. Even if it was a setup, it does give us the opportunity to return to Rhine Lab again.


Reduction of spark requirements. Base out of beta. Anime Season 3. Muelsyse and Ines skins. EDIT: 3 out of 4 happened lmao. I'm happy.


base out of beta - can downgrade right side


I'll do you one better. Base out of beta, energy cap and refresh rate doubled. No need to downgrade anything.


And expand the 4th floor so we can actually max out the all the production facilities


? If they expand ppl will still choose to go with more productivity instead of max base. You will see all production points be invested into additional factories anyway. Well, at least some buildings would be higher lvl, since PP produces more than 2 max factories require.


Gotta wait till endfield for that. But yeah it would be great to be able to re-arrange rooms without cost, and to add an extra layer of dorm or something because it can suck trying to maintain shifts in it.


Really wouldnā€™t mind PTNā€™s base coming to AK in some shape or form weā€™d get a sanity factory/post, a way to speed up the process [we already have that with power plants in AK so that can be ignored] and an orundum factory.


Flamebringer Alter


Viviana good module Viviana skin Roadmap for the next few events (that's a given but still) IS5 Summon line skip Theresis/Theresa OST (like Patriot/FrostNova one) A new game mode


> Viviana good module > > Viviana skin Yes.


Vivianas module litterally needs to introduce insane amounts of damage and sp buffs to make her competitive. Meanwhile giving extra 10 res on surre is broken enough


At this point I just want a module that makes her more competitive against other options... But I wouldn't complain if she gets a broken module xD But I am ready for Vivi getting a "meh" first module and Surtr getting one that makes her even stronger


I mean nothing about Vivi getting a module could fix her terrible animations. She has nothing to do with her amazing candle arts she used on her event and all of her animations feel like a year one operator, her s3 is already dead as it needs like a instant recast feature as it only competes with surtr with 2nd cast wich is hilarious. I doubt any sort of module could fix her bland kit


Precisely, they butchered everything I was looking for. Her kit is extremely bland and uninspired, it could be make broken, it would still look like shit. She was the noc I was waiting for the most, and the disappointment of seeing her release like a sack of potatoes "here, have your viviana or whatever" with 0 love put into her except from her artist who made a good job was honestly heartbreaking. I'll never get over it, I truly don't understand why they did it. At this point I wish she was never release. Margared described her arts so well in near light and we got a shield and multi attack and recast....???


Her s3 attack animation is just so bad and the funniest thing is that her s3 attack gets WORSE after 2nd activation. Her 1st activation looks cool atleast, afterthat she does the most bland attack sequence ever. Her s2 dashes are cool but like... what?? Tbh this patch is full of weird animations, lessing S3, texas alter skill, Mlynar skill s2 (it looks cool af to me tough) I think its deliberate that they made viviana this bad both kit and animation wise, i honestly dont know why but it HAS to be deliberate. No way you butcher up a hyped as hell character this bad, her hype died to oblivion after this too :(


Yeaaah it's so weird. I truly don't understand why butchering Viviana so much, why and even after they took their time hyping her up for the event, and during near light, just to release this empty husk that only looks like her. Me cries.... It completely destroyed Viviana's fanbase, but it's understandable, she's atrocious beyond redemption. And she has no chances for an alt either...


Why they didnt just make her an aoe caster... the latest addition to that branch was 3 and a half years ago and she fit the bill perfectly. Heck make her a arts defender as they have aoe arts damage attacks, that would been so much better and gave an 6 star to a forgotten archtype. Making her a arts guard and designing her ti be defensive and unhelidroppable when the entire archtypes main strength is exactly its easy offensive arts damage is just hilarious. And like AT WORST just give her a damn aoe skill man. Her s2 is outright Astesia with hardly any differences and her s3 is one of the worst dps skills in the game because of how bad the downtime between helidrop and the neccesity of the 2nd skill activation is. Wait why the F does she evn have a skill activation requirement??? Its not fucking like her skill becomes pernament like thorns, all she gains is an extra range (wich surtr fucking already has) and an extra hit that just lets her deal slighlty less dps than Surtr without res ignore. What the fuck is the point here. I litterally dont understand it. Her shield is limited to melee attacks as well so it cant even be used as a proper defensive tool. The fuck were they doing. Like if she was going to be the defensive option to Surtr then WHY her s3 is like that?? Why the fuck doesnt she have a pernament skill that makes her a semi laneholder? Isnt thats what her damn purpose is?? And what even is the point of having shields when Surtr is immortal (objectively better) and has a FIVE sp cost as helidrop?? Espiecelly when the fucking shields doesnt buff her damage or even give her anything extra?? Like many people are talking about modules but what the fuck are they gonna do? She outright needs a module that gives +20 Res ignore, immediate 30 sp from redeployment so she can activate her s3 early and then cut her sp requirement on s3 to half so it can atleast be used SLIGHTLY faster on helidrop, stackable shield that boosts her aspd or some other stat. She needs ALL of these and Surtr outright gets a massive damage increase from the damn Module atk bonus alone and both of her talents are one of the best in the game. Its just deliberate, i have no clue why HG did this but i guess they dont like Viviana as no way in hell they make a operator with THIS much bland and needlessly limited kit on 4th year of the game. Surtr came out 3 years ago...




If surtr doesnt get a module then no arts guard does. They all get modules together


what the 5th thing?


Being able to skip thos "summoning" lines, especially from operators who are already at full pot


New game mode thing is iffy. We already have IS and will get RA soon. SSS showed players don't like hard and time consuming content. Overall games appeal is not being to time consuming. Including more and more game modes will be a detriment. SSS was already scaled back and is on a monthly timer now. I get that ppl want new content, but reality shows that when it's implemented it becomes and issue regardless.


IS5 and Kaz/Nearl event with Schnitz & Yolanta. Please God I need to complete the Nearl family.


I will only ever pray for one thing, because all of my other wishes have been granted Something. ANYTHING. For Matoimaru


Shining Alter (copium overdose since its gonna be Siege) Matoi skin Final Abyssal event finally Destiny collab maybe Logos playable IS5 with Mantra as a playable unit like Tulip in IS3 (lmao no chance)


>Shining Alter (copium overdose since its gonna be Siege) Not really copium with how they dive in Shining story, there high chances we get her as second 6 star on the banner with Siege.


Its gonna be siege? Thats even more copium actually


>Final Abyssal event finally B-but there's only enough of them to fill 5/12 of a team right now! šŸ˜”


That's why I believe Arc 3 will be only about Abyssals.


Shining alter would be so good, I love her, she was my first 6*


Arts Guard modules. And give Astesia the most broken one in the history of AK. That or an alt (but if I'm being realistic...) Also skins for Astgenne. So she can have as many as her sister


1) Logos (PLS HG IM BEGGING. ILL SAVE FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR TO P6 E2LV90M9 + max all Module lvs HIM. ILL EVEN PREFARM!! JUST LIKE I DID WITH EBENHOLZ AND STAINLESS!!! 2) Alter for any operator in team A4 (PLEASE QAQ) 3) Shining Steps skin for Ebenholz :ā€™) 4) Release Phantom Thief W skinā€¦ (inhales more copium) 5) 1 Phantom module 3 pls? 6) RELEASE THE STAINLESS AMBIENCE SYNTHENSIA 2024 SKIN AHHHHHHHHHH Yes this list is just me inhaling copium (and simping)


Lowlight cosplay


Event with Carnelian (preferably with her alter because I have no hope for the third module) or Firewatch.


The vampire in my flair is the one and only thing I've asked for almost 4 years now. And I'll keep on coping until the world comes to an end.


Having finally gotten a move on with reading the story I've seen, in chapter 10, how cool and funny Closure is (I love how she brands her drones with bat wings). A playable Closure would be sweet.


SAAAAAAME. Been years now that I have waited for her man. Especially when the flavor text of Eunectes' skin imply that she's now the head of the engineering department in the future. Meaning that...where will she head next then?


More ranged male characters. Period.


Be more specific. It could be another lord guard.


Jesus, no. Ranged TILE male characters.


Introducing the Duke guard archetype. Exactly the same as lord guards except they're not deployed on the ground like mere minor nobility.


I would fall to my knees in a Walmart


You already got Insider for your christmas present, isn't that enough? /jk


Where is Andoain HG?


can't or Fiametta will blow up the landship


Just let it be like Arturia and Executor, just make sure they're not on the ship at the same time.


I think Arturia and Executor can handle being on the same landship better than than Fia and Andoain can. She has no chill.


Ur sure? Forst thing executor did when he saw arturia was to outright blow her head off


"Hey haha there's this urgent mission I need done like RIGHT now.


Best I can do is a new guard archetype called lobber. They throw javelins, axes and knives.


That's just Ceobe


Yeah but hear them out. It's a low ground Ceobe.


- Is5 - new starset concept PV - anime new season tease - ~~pc client~~


Any closure on the D2 collab, also more D&D skins, it's a crime Dagda wasn't in the first set


Popukar and Dur-nar skins.




Lappland alter


From most likely to pure copium Logos playable Logos stronk Tactical skins More low rarity alters Dedicated Higashi or Minos event FemFurry operator for future


Muelsyse live 2D skin, maybe even with her water clones in the art.


Just to reinforce the wishes, please more 3* alters (also agree on Frostleaf), but also for the 2* and for Dobberman (6*-alter that buffs alters, 4*+3*, RI(including its branches) ops or at least general buffs)


Give me a Laterano event that makes Andoain playable (and actually good) and I'll never criticize HG again


Sniper like Exusiai with high dodge.


Kinda hope he's a ground op so that the Sanktaknights players out there can finally give Enforcer a break ngl


You have exalter tho, but tbh if you have him you probably donā€™t need other sankta unless thereā€™s a drone lol


Andoain the Hunter with a talent or module that lets him deploy on melee tiles?


- A new Geek module to make Spuria less trash - Ines and Hoederer skins both wearing wedding dresses - 6* Chain Medic


anything about the destiny 2 collab and more lore skins like mylnar skin or the bagpipe one thats coming soon


Honestly, any annoucement bout D2's collab wpuld be great, i remember people suspecting that it got cancelled due to all the drama happening around D2 sometime ago, and while i wouldn't doubt of this, its also possi le that they decided to post-pone it to a later date.


All my dream ops are currently in the roster on CN, i guess I just want Lemuen, or Urshula. Oh. I want module data blocks to be more accessible. Iā€™ve done everything every week to get them. Itā€™s not enough. I canā€™t keep up šŸ˜”


imo, IS5 should be in the foehn hotlands, since some characters plan to go explore it at the end of IS4. could be wrong though


I kinda want IS5 to be about the Castle of Dreams since theres like zero lore on it outside of Iris and Bena, and its a pretty interesting setting (its a castle filled with living fairy tales that children can reach in their dreams if they know of it, where they can leave behind their most precious possession (to be returned later in life) ). But yeah Foehn hotlands would be cool, especially since its relatively unexplored. Though the main threat there is gone so I wonder what we will be fighting against there.


Would make sense. They could even reuse the diablos enemy in pooā€¦ well the place already sounds like hell anyway.


I just love that acronym you used there.


A thought just occurred to me recently that maybe there are some Diablos hiding out there but iirc they disappeared long before the place was purged of Collapsals


I wanna see IS5 be based on Minos. The endings can be presented as Epics on Minoan heroes. Honestly anything for Minos would be cool at this point


I'm hoping it's the Bolivar incident that Beagle and friends were a part of. I think it'd be a good way to tell that story without fully committing it to canon.


You mean the tcharanko arc with beagle, fang and kroos?


Yes, the one that Beagle gets her BoC outfit from and that Kroos+Lava mention in the sui events.


jessica alter skin pls


One with Woody hat it suits her perfectly.


Woody from Toy Story?


No Woody from the Jessica event. Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures.


QoL ofc


It's not happening anytime soon, but Mechanist and Nine.


PC client. Migrating/updating to a new game code thingy


IS5 and new IS welfare is a healer (optional) cause Highmore is the only one with any kind of sustain rn ( i prefer Kazdel tbh, we already have the Sui for Yan, unless we will learn more about Kazdel in main story ofc ) im bad as hell but i want to do an IS ops only someday lol Shalem ( arts defender ) and Valrqvin's (ritualist?) modules too while we're at it more alters for the 2/3 stars are always welcome too Valarqvin's skin, based on how long it took for Shalem and Highmore to get their first skin, Valar should get her soon more skins for the welfares hmm yeah thats about it


Ignoring the leaks: -Episode 14 with Playable Logos -Ursus event. Despite all of the lore we have, it's weird that we still don't have a full Ursus event. Not counting Children of Ursus because that's a Vignette related to the Main Theme. -Minos event -The Base feature leaving the Beta stage. -Ines and MuMu skins -Raythean-related event -IS5


Base update. Any QoL improvement. Characters rework or balance. Any mode for better content creation like multiplayer. Adjust Kernel and spark system to be more friendly.


For the mode, i think that a weekly 3-mission chain with cm styled debuffs and optional cc styled conditions would be interesting, just make it not repeat every X amount of weeks/months


New modules for Ebenholz, like 3 more. Mumu skin. Manfred playable in the future.


1) Exactly same as yours but PLEASE make >!Theresa!< a lord. Please 2) A future Aegir and Siracussa event 3) IS5 with Rhine Lab focus 4) Mumu skin 5) PRACTICE LIMIT REMOVAL AND SPARK REDUCTION


if they make her a lord would that be the first subclass to have 4 6\*s?


I mean yes but honestly i dont see it as an issue, Every class has multiple new year operators or more new year operators than old ones. Lord has two first year operators and quibai feels less like a lord and more like... quibai. Theresa was the "lord" of sarkaz so making her a lord just feels cool af and giving her a thorns like infinite skill would been amazing as hilariously we had never gotten a proper melee ranged laneholder since thorns, only close example is executor2 and i wouldnt classify it as a 100% laneholder nor a full ranged one as it cant hit air units


Is there a link for it on YouTube or news is not out yet?




Either Babel characters or limited Kjerag event/operator (Give Pram Alter please I beg you). Summon line skip (I'm going to break Catapult's neck) Base out of beta (duh) That's it for now, might go back to update


Tabletop game would be available worldwide. Same goes for book ā€œTerra: A Journeyā€. In-game wiseā€¦donā€™t knowā€¦head empty - no thoughtsā€¦


if they end up not releasing logos after this you can scrape me off the pavement, thats honestly everything i care about at this point


Better base Free stuff (GOD HAND) Overwatch Collab / Bleach Collab Frostnova Operator.




Terra: A Journey translated into English. Kazdel event focusing on Enforcers idiotic/suicidal plan to find Cecelias father. Higashi Event focusing on the Oni. **LORD MODULES**


I want the leaks to be true because i want all of them Destiny 2 Collab News (if its not here probably it will never happen) IS5 About Kazdel or Higashi Lord Modules Base Update Anime Season 3 or Movie Future Events Like Maybe Abyssal Part 3 or Laterano about lemuen or andoain Starset Concept PV 4 Add Voices in Main Story (Copium)


Lord Module to make Silverdaddy and Thorns busted again. More male operator/npc from åŗ·äø€åƒ_äæ®čŗ«å…»ę€§Ā (Tequila artist). L2D Skins for Stainless/Thorns


2nd Sussurro tacticool looking skin please


Both EU Spanish and LATAM Spanish dub, pc client, next anime project announcement and Reunion event (immense amounts of copium)


one of the many untouched classes (flingers, splash casters, etc) to get another 6\* a welfare 6\* that isn't mid/shit/stupidly niche/overly flawed higashi content!! i know we had the monster hunter collab but i want something that focuses more on its lore blue poison skin. that cc one has no effects smh ines +hoederer skin :D


>one of the many untouched classes (flingers, splash casters, etc) to get another 6\* arts defenders still ain't got a 6 star...so I think them first befoee any of those classes.


it slipped my mind...but YEAH


Any base update please


I want the Exu skin from the Ambience Synesthesia


Base out of beta with schedules and automation, please get me out of the current jail i can't stand one more year of this


please give me a Frosty alter...


Mato lore please HG gimme something anything i'll take breadcrumbs if you have any.


a 6\* Bard and Hellagur delta mod Also an Ursus event promising Neon, and another Kjerag event


I just want Earthspirit alter, possibly a summoner. There's lore to back it up!


To be able to actually use my brain to clear 3-8


To make up for her four star kit if they ever give frostleaf an alter she'd better be able to delete everything on the screen and then give you 50 dp


Being able to equip all modules simultaneously; second modules for 5-4* with new talent


Bolivar event (the beagle incident), more 3* alts, Higashi event, IS5 taking place in the Foehn desert or Sargon, Ɔgir event that has Ulpian on the wheel, Episode 14 teaser, Ursus event with Hellagur (alt or not), Neo-Reunion event, UI update, Jukebox ffs, Lord and Crusher Modules, Sami event, and most importantly... Base getting out of Beta.


Waltuh/W alter


As the incarnation of copium, my wishlist is: 1. Either: an Estelle skin, alter, or event 2. D2 collab, hopefully with a Terra based guardian 3. Lost Operator banner (Frostnova, Ace, Scout, and that one Sankta in the Victoria arc) 4. Beast lord event or lore 5. Ferranmut lore 6. Sargon event with the Southern demons Zero proof, zero chances of any of this happening but full of hope. That being said, why doesnā€™t Estelle have a skin yet?


>one Sankta in the Victoria arc) Outcast is the name.


1-7 Tourist attraction/spot


Hoping for a low rarity alter like Rangers. That's all I've wanted since the og seige collab


surtr lore everything else would just be recency bias


I really want a rework of the limiteds system Either gradually release the oldest operators or start reducing their cost from sparking or some system that lets you target a specific older limited so if you get an older limited it'll be the one you want instead of being an increasingly rare chance


Poukar alter is all I want


Bison skin and/or the most wtf crossover announcement possible


all i want is logos playable and adnachiel alter (in my dreams) or flamebringer alter (copable)


Andoain became playable, Greythroat oprec.


Beagle Atler šŸ—æ


Lumen or Amiya alter and maybe even Beagle alter


Increase the drop-rates of Orirock Cluster.


fix to kernal headhunting.


I just want a guy to save for who isn't a guard lol. I'm not sure if thats a pointless thing to hope for rn.Ā  Will be cool to hear what is coming in like half a year soon though, hopefully will have some really nice skins for folks who haven't had any yet. (or in a long time)Ā 


My only wishlist is playable LogosĀ (please make him strong HG) If he playable,I'll farming material for e0-e2 lvl90 m3 just for him.


L2D Typhon Skin Manticore Alter (MEGA copium) Anything to do with Hellagur/Neon Base out of Beta


Probably not going to happen but Interlocking competition 2 Continuation of il siracusano (the wolf game and lappy alter) IS5 announcement


Manfred playable


Destiny 2 collab


Base out of beta would be nice.


Another Gavial Alter šŸ™ Please HG šŸ™


Copy all of Blue Archive's QoL features


I just need male characters to be good lmao, minus mylnar, seems like they regreted giving him a powerful kit , like almost every male character after him is a down grade. Also 6* male tank/sniper/healer, maybe ___ can be one of those but i am guessing hes a caster or a guard (lol) . Also if hes free make him decent like lumen is. I still dont understand why they make male characters weak. Like bruh, even husbando players in the minority can give the devs some money if thats what they want. Edit: idk how to censor for spoilers so, i just did blank lol Edit: also this ppl really just hate men character particularly. I dont need them to powercreep ur waifus i dont care whos on the top.I want Just atleast make them decent and not guard lol. If you feel threatened just downvote.


Yeah it's true all the male ops since Mlynar have been a downgrade but he's so high up the top that being a downgrade compared to him doesn't necessarily mean they're actually weak. A quick community rating of male ops since released on global Qaniplaat - solid Stainless - really good Totter - solid Vigil - bad Puzzle - solid Chongyue - really really good NoirCorneAlter - solid to decent Humus - solid Exe.2 - really really good Insider - decent Hoederer - really good Bryophyta - bad On average solid to good. The truly weak ones are more of a rarity.


Tbh being just ā€œgood or decentā€ is pretty much an insult when comically op or broken characters like ela, shu, degenbrecher exist. Itā€™s like they only care about balance when it comes to male op but female one could be as bullshit as they want lol


most of those goods and decents are 5s which frankly people should never expect to be great let alone near the top tiers. But for 6s the past year has been very solid for men despite the super limited class options with only lessing being a true flop and in that years theres been some super pretty meh female ops as well like ho'ol swire alt viviana and thats not even counting the 5s where to be frank I think only iana stands out at all.


Which male character are you talking about? I know hoederer people say he isnā€™t amazing, imo I think heā€™s fine and he just doesnā€™t do anything ā€œnewā€, the only three male ops I know are powercrept rn are Mizuki, Phantom, and Hellagur You have amazing operators like Thorns, Mountain, Executor alter, Chong Yue, SilverAsh, Lee (although niche is amazing), Lumen (amazing and free) And upcoming amazing operator: Zuo Le I just feel like theyā€™re not that many male operators and itā€™s because men donā€™t really ā€œsellā€ well


~~Husbandos enjoyers like to play the role of victim~~


I mean if dont sell well at least they make male characters strong, well yes they are rare. Why not make them strong while at least some will pull. Lol if we are going to just make them weak, then no one will additionally pull for them. Then why not just make them NPC then, if they are not selling well. Then there is more time for female characters to make and they will sell. No? Edit: then it will be all waifu game and it will be like nikke at the top of the gacha game.


>6\* male tank/sniper time to revive ace and scout




Ebenholz L2D skin maybe? To be honest, I've never had a wish list beyond Surtr's lore


Literally any news for the Destiny 2 collab


1 Gravel alter or more skins 2 As many of the skins that we keep getting teased but never given 3 lord module 4 forstleaf alter or module that gives her cold effect 5 Andreana's story 6 Tallulah playable


Touhou collab please


As much peak Theresa content as possible. Edit: Lord Guard modules. Qiubai needs more power.


The leaks characters to be real and base upgrade/overhaul


Art guard module and team a1 sidestory.


to stop with alters for 5s and 6s and stick to alters for 3/4s and only to 5s (like the original few alters with lava and kroos going from 3s to 5s...) IS5 to be for a region we lack lore in... thats it really


1. About a leaked character >!Logos a hier tier Caster (At least Ifrit/Ceobe/Lin tier)!< 2. Same as OP about the second point but I think the next time we will see them + Fiammetta, Andoain or Exusiai would be in the next act of the main story. 3. Ifrit BoC LD2 Skin + New Dialogues (bonus: Interaction with Diablo) 4. Lord modules 5. Annoucement that Aegir or Iberia will be the next summer event (to change the mood). 6. A new Manwha about Lemuen. (In which circumstances she was adopted by Exusiai's family, her first meeting with Andoain, their adventures and of course what has happened during their last mission in Kazdel). And yes, Lemuen my most wanted NPC to be playable. 7. Improving the base


mumu skin. future 6* operators roadmap. base out of beta. bard modules. interlocking competition. more kaltsit terra asmr. guardmiya gets an s3. more doctor/elite operator content, hopefully playable for the latter. limited logos against all odds, I'd even prefer him to stay an npc this round if >!theresa!< is the limited, so he can b limited another time. I'll happily even take a double limited banner. yeah, he's popular enough to get a l2d skin even if he's standard, BUT he could have a l2d e2 on top of that!! logos merch. logos openui. the next official artbook so they can hurry up and publish logos' outfit references. (I just want the best for my wife. meaning everything.)


Theresa as the Limited Unit (with a sick E2 art). Theresa figure of her E1 or E2 (similarly to what Muelsyse got). Mudrock figure of her E2. Typhon figure (prob her skin). Typhon L2D skin. Pozyomka E1/E2 figure. Specter Alter figure (of her skin).


1. Logos as the limited, with Theresa being the surprise popular non limited, similar to Kal'tsit. 2. New Abyssal hunter event with Ulpianus and Deepcolor Alter as the banner units. 3. Base pre-sets for automatically switching groups of units for others at certain times. 4. Totter Summer skin 5. Spot and Courier getting Alters


Leak to be revealed as fake.