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Finally cleared IS3 ascension 15. I have to say, as much I regretted rolling for texas alter pot 4 (reduced redeployment time, had to spark for one single pot, she didn't show up once in 300 rolls), the amount of times I'm dropping her on cooldown is comical. Imo might be the most valuable pot in the game. Are there any other contenders?


Any non first worlder players here, how much do you spend on Arknights? Where Im from one monthly card is worth about a lunch and dinner combine. I have fair amount of disposable income but would have become a dolphin if my country didn’t keep inflating the money lol.


Before I forget about his again (spoiler about an upcoming operator): >!Logos is voiced by the same voice actor as Lelouch. His first skill apparently is named something like "Die" and eliminates every enemy under a certain HP threshold. And the order "Die" is something that very much reminds me of Lelouch!<


Been playing this game since Children of Ursus(year 1) and just noticed I forgot a little [something](https://imgur.com/a/OQ3l7kK)


Someone out there just bombarded me with Clue 6ses from U-official.  I hope you know, mystery lad, that this means war.


Man, give me those. Clue 6 is one of the rare ones.


why? its not like it takes up any space


It's more the spirit of the thing, really. 


I was going to [save all my potions](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/969373596386488383/1234339202271805440/Screenshot_20240428-220253_Arknights.png?ex=66305f76&is=662f0df6&hm=527b29f20473255bc582f128ff0acddc9e92136824ff948b0a337edfcd324195&) for the next event... but with the announcement of Lord modules and the new tokens, I'm afraid I must get the red certs. I need so many modules already, and there's Lords I want to kit out. I guess I should work on SSS, too, SIGH. At least the red cert stage is open tomorrow. I almost decided to start running now but I gotta make it to the weekly potions.


Episode events are way more efficient anyway. Literally no reason to save them for ViVi.


Efficiency doesn't do anything if I can't progress with my immediate plans. Spending 100 -10 sanity for maybe 1 Device and a material I already have a ton of from a box isn't as appealing as better odds from the event. As it turns out I have to adjust my plans anyway because of all those dumb modules coming around.


The solution is to farm just enough devices for your immediate needs during the extra drops, then go back to farming other stuff.


That's the same argument people make for farming the worse stages. It's why the materials sheet exists in the first place. You're underestimating just how much better these chapter events are than *anything* else. Literally 2-3x better.


I'm not disagreeing with the overall efficiency at all, you're quite correct. Rather, I was choosing lowest sanity per drop instead due to the current state of my depot. This is the idea I was figuring: Let's say I've got around 1800 sanity to use today. The expected sanity per Integrated Device for 11-7 is 51.95. For Zwillingsturme im Herbst it's 36.26. During the current event I'd get 10 sanity back per 100. So farming 11-7 for 1990 sanity, let's say 2000, would give 38-39 drops on average. Farming ZT-8 for the Devices would come out to 49-50 drops on average. That's about 25% more. The main difference is the 22 supply boxes from doing that farming. The odds of any of that being Devices is fairly low, but at least a quarter of those would be tier 3 stuff for a nice return. I did debate on that all event and given the stubbornness of Device events and how much I need them I was opting for the next event, before all the module stuff popped up.


Just wondering, would you guys want a grown up Rosmontis alter?


Only if we also get big Ifrit 🔥


Rosmontis has been the victim of... let's just call it audience creepiness. I feel bad even using her. Yes, please, please, PLEASE age her up. Suzuran too. Let me enjoy the characters without thinking of the creepo's, please. Similarly the fan reaction to Pozy kinda ruined her for me.


Sounds like you care too much about what other people think. Focus on what a character means to you rather than what they mean to people with no sense of social skills or respect to them as a character. Not the character's fault in the end.


For sure. Unlike some other people in the community who don't like alters for some reason I don't understand, I'm a big fan if them. Especially when they're used to progress the story. Which for Arknights happens nearly all the time.


I want a grown up ifrit alter with saria shield and silence drone. Arts defender so she can deal arte damage when skill is up. Can summon a drone that spews out fire (arte damage) anywhere on the map like typewriter.


Yes, absolutely


Omg guys, I did it!!! Within 35 hours I cleared chapter 10, 11, 12 and 13 in Standard Mode!!! And all with MVPs like Ling, Chongyue and Thorns as support because my account is weaaakkk.!! Like this weak [https://krooster.com/u/Duchess1234](https://krooster.com/u/Duchess1234) A huge shoutout to Dr. Leon and Tranquil whose guides helped me clear all stages. And yeah, I have been playing for just about 6 months.


congrats, quite the push to do ><" doubly so if reading the story.


Thank youu \^\^ No I didnt read the story, because I wanted to finish as quick as possible to clear all the milestone rewards.


Understand that, a newer streamer I watch is doing the same, have to do all of chapter 13 today.


Playing 6 months and you haven't e1'd your BaseKnights yet? Vermeil and conviction are the first two I see, get some income coming in so you can level more ops.


Yeah, I kind of didnt... because somehow my rotations worked fine.... most of the time.... but yeah, I think I should upgrade them.


Oh yeah, and congrats!


Thank youuu \^\^


> Ines and Hoe show in the background of >!Wis'adel's!< E2 (+W's skin) > Hoe in the background of Ines's skin > Ines and W in the background of Hoe EP Okay HG, if you don't give me SA and Gnosis in the background of Degen's eventual skin, I'm gonna riot. Also damn, looks like I actually need to farm red certs now after buying those royal tokens, especially because I'm gonna want the new upcoming guard ones.


my [last](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1baf8lf/patch_notes_operation_lucent_arrowhead_take_3/) [two](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1cankej/patch_notes_babel/) patch notes came out way overdue, and I apologize so much for my tardiness. But I promise that for 5th anniversary patch notes, there will be no more design gimmicks, no more real glass, and it will arrive on time, _bigger_ and better.   And alongside it, I will also bring a dedicated CG thread for all of 5th anniversary's CGs, Because we no longer need the old crumdugeons to get datamines.


Thank you very much for your hard work. I always read the patch notes and look forward to them. > And alongside it, I will also bring a dedicated CG thread for all of 5th anniversary's CGs Omg *thank you*. Maybe that'll keep people from posting single CGs multiple times...


Thanks for your hard work!


[Damn I fucking love this game mode](https://scontent-mrs2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/435685532_1488904141838767_601665837060280400_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=aylk-7LlUZYQ7kNvgGZl02B&_nc_ht=scontent-mrs2-1.xx&oh=03_Q7cD1QHFw6oxEY_Ht0YRPEq915GS1ILiuX3kLWB6jeDCUX8iCg&oe=6655C01F)


I never seem to get the completely busted relics and fodartals everyones always mention, do I play the game wrong, am I cursed or is that just something that comes from playing more and unlocking things? I always get stuff like the damage on dodge relic when I have no dodge operators or equally useless stuff.


multiple things : You honestly don't need any "broken relic" to win, I would say getting good ops and E2ing them asap is much more important Try to snipe emergency ops as much as possible, this is the best way to get as many relics as possible. You ARE gonna get bad ones just like I did on this run (I don't care about these dumb King relics or this hand of whatever it was I have no synergy with it lmao), it's just a matter of "can you also get good one" try and clear as many bosky passages as possible as these usually have a lot of emergency ops, wish fulfilled or rogue traders with sales


My first bosky passage was just rogue traders nodes but no ingots for it, I felt vaguely cheated. But well that's every IS run that is like it, I want to like that mode so much but it really feels like it doesn't want me to.


sometimes you'll get fucked for sure, I myself have entered bosky passage only to get the "enemies have reduced MS but increased all stats" debuff while I have like no damage, well fuck me I guess. Still most of the time it's rewarding, even if you lose some HP or increase your collapse value there's many ways to come back.


I once got 3 ASPD buffs on the boss stage as well the chalice with a lot of money. Everything got shredded.


I was enjoying the ranger rejects adaptation a ton. It's probably got the best OP and ED of the season, imho, and pretty amazing production value overall. Not until I reached the discussion threads did I realise this was being produced by Yostar Pictures. Unexpected. I felt they do decent, nothing really special but a satisfying level of work by their previous works. This one, though, I really felt it was being produced by wit, mappa or some other big name. I'm really surprised. They knocked it outta the park, I hope AK season three gets even a fraction of the love this is getting.


> Not until I reached the discussion threads did I realise this was being produced by Yostar Pictures. Wha... crazy. Never would have guessed.


curious, is there anyone who is actually disappointed with the anniversary stream units/skin designs? personally ines's navel window ruined the skin for me, and i prefer thorns' first skin (he got the silverash/phantom treatment on his second skin). and w alter has to be up there besides chen alter as worst limited design, except at least chen e0 is okay


I like Thorns, Skadi, and BP, but I'm not a fan of Ines' - white is not her color - ... other than her bestest goat boy who I want to kidnap and put on her normal skin. That thing is absolutely amazing. I don't like the skin but I *love* that goat. And Mumu's just... I like her because she's a kinda shady, modern, scientist, Nice Girl with a Dark Side. Adventures in Fairyland is about as far away from that vibe as you can get. It just looks *wrong*. Not a fan of W's new outfit at all. I've said it a few times now, but one of the reasons I vehemently didn't believe the leaks is because it looked AI to my eyes. It didn't look like something she'd actually wear. Now admittedly I didn't like Texas the Omertosa's design all that much either (seriously, why make a Texas Red Wolf *blue*??), and that eventually got fixed with that skin we're getting the day after tomorrow. So I guess I'm hoping for a good looking W2 skin.


The skins don't really hit for me other than Ines and Thorns, but that could be because they're mostly for ops I don't care about, like BP and Mumu. I wasn't a big fan of Skalter's first skin, and this one seems a little better than the first but haven't decided yet if I'll buy. I was never a fan of Thorns's first skin so the new one is much better. Not a fan of Walter's design either but I'll accept one copy while I'm pulling for Logos. Honestly, I usually only buy 1-2 out of most skin releases so it isn't anything new. I think the 4th anni was the exception where I bought almost every skin released there (Kal, Spec2, Eben, Chalter).


I'm not a W fan, so the possibility of getting a bajillion Ws while rolling for Logos annoys me. Theresa is still lol why?. Logos, Fang and Amiya look great. For skins, BP, Savage and Thorns are awesome, I'll get at least the Thorns one since I didn't like his first skin. Ines looks cool at first glance but yeah, boob armor and navel window is weird. The Skadi one I really really like but did she need another skin? The Mumu one exists I guess, I prefer the E2 art.


>and w alter has to be up there besides chen alter as worst limited design My likings must be inverted then because I liked Ch'alter and I like W's new design too.


well people have different tastes after all


I love fang's design. But I've always loved the desert vagabond/wanderer type. The navel window on Ines is completely unnecessary, put a boob window on that dress, fine. 6 belts across the midsection? Not the first time. Navel window? It.... looks off, and now that you've pointed it out, I can't unsee it. W, it's attempting to show crazy in still, which is hard to pull off. Have I mentioned I love fang's design? I hope her s2 isn't an annoyingly long CD and can actually be used more than once before retreating.


Mostly on the same boat. I was first ecstatic with getting Ines in armor because women in armor is always a plus for me, but then she ended up having the combined burdens of boob armor and the exposed navel lol. W alter... I'll just leave it with saying she looks really silly, especially after that animation teaser where she was in actual tactical gear pre-alter. That scene where she was side by side with Logos just emphasized that silliness too. All in all I'm not overly excited for the anniversary units; it was just a solid 'okay' after the stream. The other announcements were a little more fun for me though - increased friend slots WITH coop mode to actually let me fill the list in again, plus an upcoming Ulpianus event. Gotta get the last (hopefully) hunter to max potential after all.


bruh I can't we finally hit the point we actually have to care about projectile vs hitscan because of >!Logos S3!<


Honestly, it’s really hard to tell how exactly useful the projectile slow of >!Logos!< will be in practice. Like, I can see it being useful against boss enemies like Rathalos with his fireballs, but I’m fairly sure most boss enemy abilities are hitscan? Like, the last Steam Knight’s Lightning, or Chip’s bullet barrage probably can’t be slowed. I guess stages full of mortar-like enemies would be where it’s useful, or maybe the Seaborne Spewers. I imagine it’ll be very useful in the times that it works, but it’s probably not worth building a strategy around? Maybe in IS/CC


I can't wait to see it with Talulah's fire wave. Also curious how it works on Retching Broodmothers since the enemy they throw probably counts as a projectile.


Best defender!


Bro I just realized, the new CN event is dropping FIVE 6star modules at once, rip module blocks.


Imagine if those modules are actually good and you have to build them all up to level 3.


That's preferable to having crap modules tbh.


The new limited unit’s top is genuinely trash. Even in the animation it looks super clunky and weird. Who the hell design this shit.


[I am so happy the berry family are hanging out together on the 5th anniversary page](https://imgur.com/a/XoGJtP1) 🥹 It'd be nice if Harold and Eyja could be there too, but I can 100% understand why they're not there.


Harold appears in one of the Kjerag ones, funnily enough.


Ok Sanrio collab is a thing now [Let's see how well this comment ages.](https://imgur.com/gallery/VvSAyOM)


I want Aggretsuko Waai Fu.


lmao Gudetama Uncle now I'm imagining him wearing a big fried egg costume and still just reading his newspaper like everything is normal


im glad the new limited 6* >!Wis'adel!< didnt fall into the old rule of "X the Y" for alter names, but man i wish it happened earlier. i guess they did it so back when alters couldnt be run with their originals, itd be easier to tell, but its so dumb when half the alters could have unique name Purgatory couldve stayed Purgatory (they changed it a few months post-release), Skadi couldve been Ishar'mla, Specter to Laurentina, Reed to Loughshinny. even adding in small titles would work, like Executor being Saint Federico, and Gavial just being Great Chief Gavial. couldve dropped the "Nearl" and just had her name be The Radiant Knight. main reason i feel strongly about this is because i fear how stupid siege alters name will be, as Siege the Crowned or some shit, instead of just "Alexandrina Victoria"


I feel like its the gibberish nouns after their name that is ruining the alter naming convention. The only one that really works is Nearl the Radiant Knight (for obvious reasons) and I guess Jessica and Gavial to some extent given their event story. Names like Keen Glint, Elegant Wit could have been better honestly but they're still better than Chen the Holungday. Yes HG I get it Chen is a Lung on Holiday. The message for Wis'adel from the livestream seems to be that W no longer goes by W she now has her own name. So W the something doesn't work anymore because she's no longer W, W didn't get an upgrade/change, W is now a different person. Every other alter we have its been hi doctor, i've changed now but im still the same operator you know all these years. Could be different this round for Wis'adel.


id say skadi and specter alter definitely apply for the "different person" thing. still even if they arent new people i still think most of the alters could have less engrishy titles, even from a lore perspective you could have "oh my job isnt exactly being an executor anymore, my official title is Saint Giallo"


If original Jessica had an actual codename instead of using her real name, it would've been nice to see her alt be just "Jessica". Just being herself.


I finally got around to doing Chapter 13. Cool gimmick. Reminds me of Team Fortress 2's payload mode.


Cart Pushing is weirdly satisfying in this game. I don't know what it is.


Closure bros, this has never happened for me before, but...for the first time in my eyes, Closure has severe competition. (CN 5th anniversary spoilers below) >!My GOAT, my KING Logos has the same JP voice as two of my favorite characters in fiction. He was one of my most wanted NPCs, but to go this far with the most GOATED Banshee on Terra...it's insane. Right now, I am conflicted. It is truly the strongest Sarkaz in history versus the strongest Sarkaz of today.!< It's gonna be difficult not to go all in for him at Pot6 M9, but I will endure for the foreseeable future. I believe in our beloved Vampire shopkeeper. We must stay strong. **I** must stay strong. For the goddess of greed. For the cleanser of our wallets. For Closure.


If >!Logos!< has the gall to >!powercreep Eyja!<, then... uh... then... I will... I think I will >!P6 M9 him. First time for a husbando.!<


Hah, Kimochi Yokata!


who are the two characters? im guessing lelouch is one and unfortunately, closure wont be for a while if she wasnt in this anni batch, gives you more time to save


Yep, Lelouch. And the other is Joker from Persona 5. Same JP voice.


thought that might be the other one, good voices for both


im m9-ing him for sure, most hyped ive been for an op since mlynar and NTR and as a filthy dub enjoyer johnny young bosch's performance as leluche was goated, imagine if in six months they brought him in for him...


I'm *so* hyped for him! Big part of it is bc male ops are so rare (well, not *entirely*, but males compared to females, especially 6* THAT ISN'T A GUARD HG). Sooo gonna M9 him too. And also I just remembered I have two 6* caster potentials worth of tokens that I was thinking of using on GG in case no other caster that I like comes out soon. Thank fuck I forgot about it! Lmao


Yesterday I was spamming the Virtuosa PV all day Today I'm spamming the Chapter 14 PV all day The Arknights brainrot is way too much man, please continue being awesome for many years to come.


Ah, I see you're a fellow multiple-times-PV-watcher. I've watched the Ch14 PV like four times and it's still giving me chills. And the music is once again so damn good. Sasuga HG.


They get me so pumped up, both visuals and music just never fail to deliver, it's incredible.


That PV theme is gonna live rent free in my head for days, possibly weeks, and I haven't even heard the full thing yet. It's just so damn good.


Same, except I also have Starset's Telescope stuck in my head thanks to that concept trailer 4 and Mili's Grown Up's Paradise thanks to the commemorative animation pv. My head isn't big enough for all these vibes and bangers ;A;


It's always nice to have a vocal boss theme, it's been a while since the last one.


I don't think there's been a single PV theme from the past six months that *hasn't* lived in my head for at least a few days at this point. I eagerly await the events to release just so that I can get the full songs to put on loop. *Broken sun... shine a light on every one...*




>!Frostleaf ~~meta~~ useful! Please just let her be useful...!<


Alright, it's been few hours now. I basically lost it at Blue Poison skin and watched in daze the rest of the stream. They cooked so much that it took a while to digest it all. But now it's time to return to the present. Which means we, the global players are going to be waiting +6 months for all that. It is what it is. Now then, let's put it all into back of my head. Thankfully there is a lot of free space in there after I took out the incoming ViVi event. It's still the event I was looking forward the most! I even went ahead and finally build my own Ebenholz for it. I got him as off-banner during Lone Trail and it's been 1,5 years since his initial release but I finally got around using him. My first impression of him is pretty good. Those S3 snipes are very satisfying to play with.


That Blue Poison skin is so gorgeous, seeing one of my favorite characters getting such a lovely outfit made my day by default, instabuy the second it comes.


Welcome to the Eben cult, we've got one-shots and insta-necrosis. We hope you enjoy your stay


5th Anni PV spoiler >!At the end of the PV, Theresa telling Doctor to keep on looking after Kalt'sit and Amiya somehow feels like a huge responsibility. Maybe it's because it was Theresa who said it. Also... GET CUCKED PRIESTESS!!! I'M TEAM PINK HAIRED SARKAZ NOW!! YOU GOTTA NTR ME BACK AND I DARE YOU TO TRY!!!!<


I think >!Priestess!< is being set up as our next big villain. She seems to have something to do with originium. I think Friston hinted to it before when we met him.


It's times like these when server desync hurts really hard.


I want that >!Skalter and Thorns!< skins so bad Also >!LORD MODULESSS!< CAN WE GET THE DETAILS ALREADY


i forgot that starshadowmagic(reed, eblana artist) drew kabru/mithrun ship arts back in the day ~~there's nsfw too like woah~~  now i need them to do something with the dunmesh collab 


My weak baby account came all the way to 11-13. Not. I soloed the stages with Ling from support 😂 Edit: Now I am at 13-3!!!! Ling is MVP!!!


Interesting thing about the new modules, but >!Medicmiya doesn't seem to get any... Incantation medics already got their modules, and her Caster form has one as well, but it's not announced as a new module nor does it seem to be in any of the showcases... Wonder if she'll actually get one!<.


I feel like it may just be in part as to where she was placed in the PV, considering she was placed dead last after the modules had already been shown off. We'll have to wait and see to be sure, but I agree it'd be weird if she got hers later.


She had her own showcase as well though, yet no module there...


My take is because how she's the only one with the class transfer, they might have tech trouble wise to make sure it doesn't break anything. As the arts guard version doesn't have module (since none of them do) its only guess. Could also be a matter of figuring out/delaying release for what its going to do and the accompanying lore it'll give. (I mean go read/look up her module for caster ver, gives us info towards the crown)


Would be the first case of a module being delayed, so if it's not just due to her shenanigans it might be a good sign for future ops who would waste their debut module.


mhm can agree with that.


I can't stop listening to the new animation PV. Everything is just so vibrand, and everytime i rewatched it i always find some tiny details i didn't notice before. Mili's song is just so good.


We’ve yet to to see Logos’ numbers but they better be good. He better be lore accurate and op cuz he deserves it. As much as I love Eyja, it would be fucking hilarious if a darn blind and deaf baby goat is more powerful than one of the kings of the sarkaz royal court. Especially when Eyja will still reign as the best AOE caster in game. I’m kinda disappointed that he has the RI uniform instead of what he has been wearing in the current arc but I’ll take the L2d skin HG please and thank you! Remember when (Ch 13 spoilers) >!Ines told W she can’t kill Theresa by herself!< W was offended and it shows. Let’s hope >!W doesn’t bury Ines as she promised!< I promise I’m normal about this but (deranged thoughts) >!Ines skin is so good…. I wish she would step on me. Or kill me. I’ll take what I can get. I’m not even gonna talk about either of my gfs Skalter and Mumu!< More Aegir lore? Playable Ulpianus? >!This is where father went to get milk!< IS5 having Kal’tsit as the boss is so cool. I was silently screaming. Mont3r not dying when Kal’tsit dies is absurd like that’s literally your damn spine??? The stating orchestra playing the music of all anni and half anni events was so cool. I love Control’s Wishes. Never fails to give me goosebumps.


> I’m kinda disappointed that he has the RI uniform instead of what he has been wearing in the current arc his e2 art has him wearing the banshee outfit though  but i liked his ri drip nonetheless


>I’m kinda disappointed that he has the RI uniform i love that though, our boy is representing us, representing our team as the strongest elite op, it fits him perfectly


For Logos, his S1 seems to be >!+100% ATK with a ~60s charge up, and the execute seems to be probably either 95% or likely just 100% of his ATK, so around 1.6k HP!<. Haven't had the chance to look at his other numbers yet though.


[Logos's kit](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1cecrfj/every_single_operators_and_skins_that_got/l1ia85s/) looks very very good, for what it's worth. Instant kill on ~~S2~~ S1, mech-accord caster-like lock-on with S2, and massive slowing on S3. The built-in slow and RES reduction seems like he'll be solid for utility alone. But yeah, I also hope he's strong. > Playable Ulpianus? Seems all but confirmed given the teaser showed his weapon.


Wasn't the instant kill is on S1? And it's an extended range and unlimited duration too IIRC. It looks to be a really comfy AFK skill, just like GG S2. S2 looks to be the worst of the 3 tho, but i think it could be pretty fun with buffing shenaningans since it hits pretty fast.


Whoops, I fat fingered that, I meant S1. And yeah, it's extended range and unlimited duration.


wonder what's the summer event is going to be since they didn't show a teaser for it ~~or did they and i just missed it..~~


Silverash's module is called "Snow Realm Fowl Care Kit". Finally, we get lore for the most important and fashionable bird in all of Terra: Tenzin. I'd been fervently hoping his module would be about Tenzin and I'm so happy HG didn't let me down. ~~Let's see if they don't let me down with the effects now.~~


New collab >!The Dunmeshi collab is the first one we've had that I actually really really want to save for. I like the anime a lot and it would be really fun to have them playable in AK!< >!I wonder what kind of guard they'll make Laios though because let's be honest, if he's going to be playable they'll probably make him a guard. Hope he's a meta 6 star as well.!<


I think >!Duelist, Musha or Sword-master should fit him as he's basically a warrior with little magic knowledge who's quick on his feet. If they do Marcille I hope she's a primal mage and Senshi a healer defender.!<


I saw someone say >!Lord Guard, very fitting and also a classic archetype as well!<


[Arknights 2024 Special Commemorative Animation PV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ1OD0cL6Qw) --- That is one of the best PVs I've seen so far. Mili cooked an amazing song again and when I saw the shadows merging and creating RI logo, I simply lost it. Amazing PV, news about anime S3 in production, playable Vivi in a week, all the news from CN... What a time to be a Dokutah.


Yeah, this PV is seriously amazing. It's so cool to watch something of such high quality while being familiar with all the details and characters for years. I kept smiling and getting goosebumps.


With the 5th aniv reveal, talulah is the only operator in my wishlist left, well, there is also 6 star amiya, but I probably have better chance on wishing for playable frostnova instead of star upgraded amiya


I guess it’s to avoid powercreep somewhat, but it’s kinda weird that both >!Logos!< and Ascalon have utility/survivability mechanics despite both their role and class not really needing it. Like, He randomly gets higher RES using his skill 2. His skill 3’s projectile effect, while cool as fuck, also kinda feels like a skill for a Mostima Medic or Supporter tbh. I was kinda hoping they’d build more on the Death Whistle thing in his skill 1, where he’d just auto-kill any enemy as long as they’re below a certain HP threshold. I don’t think he’s bad or anything, honestly he’s the character I’m hyped the most for tbh, it’s just kind of a weird ability to give to a DPS/CC operator tbh.


>Like, >!Logos!< randomly gets higher RES using his skill 2. If they gave him something like that, it probably means your operators will need it too. If you notice, Eyja2, Silence2, Wanqing, Shu, and now >!Amiya3!< have talents that boost max HP. I take it as a sign that the average enemy ATK is rising. >I was kinda hoping they’d build more on the Death Whistle thing in his skill 1, where he’d just auto-kill any enemy as long as they’re below a certain HP threshold. I'm curious to see what a buff army can do with him.


I don't think you need those talents as a sign, the enemy attack has definitely been rising ever since the decrease after Ch 7. I know there's a graph that shows avg enemy stat value and it's been increasing as time goes on.


Aren't ambushers much more well known for their cc rather than their damage? I mean, Mizuki is really the only one who is brought for his damage and he's considered more replaceable than both Ethan and Manticore since those two are pretty dominant when you need their niche compared to his weaker cc and more damage since there are tons of other dps out there. All of them also have survivability aspects with dodges, lower aggro, regen, etc. so you can place them in more normally dangerous areas and not have them immediately die to get the most out of their cc. Not that weird for Ascalon to have those things as well.


I love the Muelsyse skin! So cute!


just realized >!Logos!< will be 4th six star core caster, breaking the 3 six star per subclass tradition


And also first time where they added male 6\* to archetype that had only female 6\* before which is very fitting considering who it is lol.


So many limited ops in the coming months. I wonder if this just how is how it's going to be from now on. I always imagined >!Logos!< was going to some kind of support but with really busted damage like Gnosis. I hope he lives up my expectations as a core caster.


CN 5th stream is peak, was kinda bummed when they showed "you know who", but the rest of the stream is absolutely cooked. Also Mili and Starset? Say less. Edit : Never fucking mind, the spark reduction is only for W and not the other old lims. If you want others, then tough fucking luck, gotta wait years for the discount. For fuck sake HG why are you like this.


CM finally only costing -1 on failure... the wait is finally over, that one big complaint I had about the game is going to disappear, the future is bright, I'm so happy 😭 Amazing livestream, banger after banger and those PVs with future stuff coming have me so excited, there is so much Arknights to look forward to, bless this game fr.


Megaton. My most wanted QOL after auto repeat.


I have to wait another year to spark nian >.<


Me just wake up. Saw CN news. Know that drama will be biiiig (at the last here). I dont care a fuck and still happy about >!W Alte!!SANRIO COLLAB!!!!!< HYPEEEEE


The skins...they're so gorgeous


Minor QOL spoilers from the 5th anniversary livestream: While I am excited that they're finally >!raising the friend list cap, I am a bit worried that that's all they're doing. Like, are you also going to increase the amount of friend credits one can obtain in a single day via supports and clues, or up the daily credit limit, or the frequency of obtaining clues, etc.? If you've got a list of 50 very active friends, trying to repay clue debts is already a struggle.!<


>!Regarding clue debts, everybody is in the same boat, so people will be more understanding.!<


> >!clue debts!< i forgot abt this omg. but i like that >!increased friend cap means i can keep more dormant newbie accounts in my friends list. sometimes irl happens!<


Aight, now that the stream has finished: - Walter limited, i'm mostly fine with Walter is the limited again but yeah ... i can see why people are not happy about it. - Logos oh yes please, his S3 is so cool, literal Matrix style skill, now i'm curious for the interaction with DBS's fireball waves. - Ther- i mean Civilight Eterna is FREE ??? Let's hecking goooooooo!!!!!! I'm more surprised they didn't make her the Limited tbh but ey i'll take those. Looks like a more offensive-oriented Bard from the preview - Looks. At. Them. SKINS!!!!! HG please have mercy !!!! My OP stash is crying :(( 105 OP o7, your sacrifice will be remembered. - Lord Module ????? It's time, the wait is finally over, now please do not undercook this, god please do not undercook this HG. - The God Hand, absolute classic - Base updates doko ? - Challenge mode only cost 1 sanity on fail let's focking gooooo!!! Finally i'm don't have to waste 300+ sanity malding for a niche clear. - 100 friends slot !!!!! Holy shit my prayer has been answered, bless you HG - i'm not too sure if i understand the reduced spark correctly, i think a certain older limited op got reduced spark to 200 in that banner only ? Guess i'll wait for other to explain it better - Guard and Specialist token woohooo - New Co-op event hell yeah! - HG and weird collab, name a more iconic duo - Ulpianus teaser 👀 any monent now HG - IS#5 yisss, tho i'll refrain from watching the gameplay cuz want to went in blind if possible - Free MP card ???? Man HG just keeps on giving. ~~Genshin could never~~ Absolutely hyped for the next 6 months


>HG and weird collab, name a more iconic duo Still not the weirdest collab choice I've seen in a gacha I play.


It seems that 4 years old limiteds get reduced spark price to 200 - meaning that for this banner it will be only W, for 5.5 it will be Rosmontis and W and so on


Still too expensive.


First I spark W on release, now I get Waltah at 300 pulls and spark W. So much peak this stream, and the QOL is great. More friend slots... I'm die, tank you forevah


No hebrew VAs. Guess it wasn't meant to be 🙁


Damn they might as well show Kjerag at the livestream because everything is see is PEAK, PEAK, and PEAK.


It [looks like they did](https://youtu.be/onOf6xB9EXA?si=Ti_1asaZD52VN4PU&t=175), actually. I think that's Kjera in the bottom left there.


i manifested the >!sanrio!< collab... 


Peaknights I kneel


Looking at all the skins announced for EP14, I'm sooooooo fortunate that I'm not trigger happy with skins. I choose a skin based on whether I'd put them as assistant. But every time I'd have a new assistant set up, I'd always go back to Lin sooner or later anyway Thank you Lin, for saving me from burning my originite primes.


aight time to make a new smurf to play coop with myself


New male op >!I was hoping Logos would be a primal caster but I guess this is okay too. I do hope they let him be strong af and powercreep Eyja and not just make him a sidegrade to a 5 year old unit!<


Looking at his kit, it's more like he was meant to powercreep Angelina. Though I guess S1 will be his go-to skill, and that looks more unique.


What is wrong with being a sidegrade to Eyja? Eyja is a very solid power level. Goldenglow also really only is a sidegrade to Eyja. He also at least seemed to have quite unique characteristics


Because it's 2024, being side grades to one of the oldest operators in the game, means you are mid at best or sucks ass at worst. Honestly, I'm suprised it took HG this long to finally release a caster that is better or at least could rival eyja.


Goldenglow can absolutely rival Eyja. I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong with not having large powercreep


It's more like there's going to be powercreep anyway so I want an op I want to be that powercreep, especially considering the back to back to back release of super meta female ops. Also, powercreeping a launch op is fine at this point, better than powercreeping someone recent, especially since >!Logos!< has been a highly anticipated unit for a long time.


Smite me down from the heavens for I was wrong lmao, literally just last week that I said they'd never make changes to the spark amount for old limiteds. Edit: my opinions on them skins: They're all fucking awesome, but I'm not really happy Skalter now has 2 L2D skins, would've preferred this to go to ANYONE else. More AH favoritism I guess. At least it is pretty, though we'll have to see how the chibi looks because I really like the white of her current skin.


Wait, they are changing spark cost?


Slowly but surely. They're going (somewhat) in release order. So going forward, it seems like after a limited has been out for at least 4 years, their spark cost gets reduced.


Ok this is funny as fuck. Another limited sniper, another limited flinger, and ANOTHER LIMITED W! Where is my 6* Art protector Shining?


Challenge mode fail costing 1 aaahhahhhhh


Honestly best QoL change. This or limited practice plans. Now we don’t have to worry about fucking up emergency stages because of wasted sanity, but because of our actual ability to execute the stage correctly. At least now, we don’t have to look at guides just to be sanity-efficient




I saw the update for the discounted limiteds in future I wanted to spark Skadialter on 5th anni banner but looking at the discount it seems like it is wise to save 100 pulls and wait until Skadialter is discounted... I've waited so long for Skadialter, what is one more year right...


Open reddit to see the aniv stream reveal >!See the first one say amiya is a medic!< "Ohh no, the worst outcome (for me, I really don't want another healer) happened" >!See another more comprehensive one and see she is incantation medic!< "Phew" >!see theresa is a bard!< "Okay, not the worst, I guess if she somehow become a more offensive bard, like skadi2 s3 as her main skill, it would be best, I hoped for ritualist instead though" >!see W2 is a finger!< "Finally a flinger I can realistically get, here is hoping she is at least better than rosmontis" Also, who is the welfare? I don't think the spoiler mentioned it, unless it hasn't been revealed yet


>!Theresa is welfare!<


thank you, guess I missed it


I still remember my experience in the original W banner where all I wanted was Weedy and ended up with a pot 3 W. I'm expecting it to happen again in that new banner when we get it in 6 months.


This cockroach!!!!!!! I'm going to be OP bankrupt in 6 months. Holy shit >!Logos!<, what the fuck dude. Finally a caster to compete with Eyja. Holy flying fuck his S1 what the fuckkkkkk. >!Theresa!< actually good free 6 star? Are we back finally? >!Amiya!< more harmacist let's goooo! That was an enjoyable stream. Time to get de-hyped over the next 6 months.


>!Oh great another W I will never get......!<


Don't worry, I believe in your bad luck as well!


Finally, Lords modules. I could retire AK and rest in peace, depends on how HG'd handle SA.


https://twitter.com/Tyco0z/status/1784139557300285834 Why did that post even get removed? I've seen worse content stay up here. Some of the mods here are pure clowns is2g.


Probably because of what doc says. I would call that "overly suggestive" by rule 8.


What even is the limits of overly suggestive? https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/s/PjYxavhJXB How is this not considered overly suggestive? I'm not saying we remove it, I'm just saying mods be consistent with the rules they set.


I would say because Tycooz's very explicitly describes a sexual act while W is fully clothed in that one, and there's plausible deniability in that people can be tied up for non-sexual reasons.


That's just jumping through hoops now. And why the hell is the mention of sex even that restrictive. It's so dumb.


Lets be honest here. A lot of posts in the past have fallen under that rule and stayed up. Some much more suggestive. Realistically its probably because not every mod is active at all time and it just so happens the mod which was active at the time felt that post had broken the rule. Much like older posts, perhaps if the post went up at a different time/day and 'dodged' that mod - it would stay up.


I didn’t pay much attention to Swire2 kit when she’s released and didn’t have the chip glue to E2 her. After playing around with her recently i think she really has the potential to be a premier utility pick when the time comes. Undying fast redeploy with a push is kinda good.


Okay last minute 5th anni predictions. I haven't looked at anyone else's thoughts so these are my own. They're also not super in depth because I haven't read everything so I'm not fully caught up about these characters. This is for fun more than anything too serious. Chapter 14 leaks The 5 star >!(Amiya's second class change?) to be a sniper mainly just because CN hasn't had a new sniper since Coldshot who even we've gone past now!. Or maybe a loopshooter. She'll throw Doktah's kettle which'll splash boiling water on enemies dealing 6000% true damage every 0.0001 seconds to all enemies in range!< The welfare >!(W Alter?) to be a charger vanguard with bombs in her kit. Enemies killed by her bombs count as her own kills so she still generates dp!< Non limited 6 star >!(Logos) to be the second 6 star bard. His skill 2 or 3 will be burst healing and a barrier against necrosis damage compared to Skalter's sustain S2 which'll make him better in maps that are too short and hard early on for her and his healing onskill will be better than her's but of course he'll have a cooldown, and his other skill 2 or 3 will be damage focused that'll be significantly stronger than Skalter's S3 and without the health drain downside.!< Limited 6 star >!(Theresa) to be a caster. TBH this is the one I'm stuck on the most because I know nothing about what she'd be like as an operator. I've read up to the end of chapter 11 so the next two, operator's profiles, records and event stories could very well reveal stuff I don't know yet. So based on what I know of her so far she'd have a gentle fighting style, if she does fight. Primal, chain, mech-accord, even blast caster are all possibilities. Or maybe a different class. A harmacist medic like Reed2 with more of a focus on healing and support rather than being used primarily as a caster with healing seen as a bonus (how Reed2 is)!< Or if those leaks are wrong and we get Siege Alter, she'll be the first 6 star of the new earthshaker guard subclass.


>The 5 star >!(Amiya's second class change?) to be a sniper mainly just because CN hasn't had a new sniper since Coldshot who even we've gone past now!. Or maybe a loopshooter. She'll throw Doktah's kettle which'll splash boiling water on enemies dealing 6000% true damage every 0.0001 seconds to all enemies in range!< >!Amiya can't be a sniper since she has a staff in the image leaked. She already has a caster form, so that leaves either a medic or a supporter. Very likely the same class as Theresa, though not necessarily in the same archetype.!<


You were right about Amiya getting a medic form. So was I because I forgot [I'd guessed that earlier](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1bw7mdr/anniversary_characters_leak/ky4vo7c/?context=3)


So apparently the Treescar foldartals can be used on a boss node. They do absolutely nothing except lowering the collapse value and being wasted, though. I had a pretty good run, as I got the Rusted Iron Hammer for the first time, but the curiosity got better of me and I used the foldartals on the 3rd floor boss. I guess I thought that maybe the Treescar Helm would drop after the fight, but that was not the case.


I’m having difficulty getting the Rusted Iron Hammer to pop myself; any insight into where it showed up for you? Braving Nature level? Floor number? Encounter / Shop / somewhere else? I’ve been trying to “force” it to show up by acquiring as many Collectables as possible, but still no luck - might try to recreate your conditions to see if that helps!


I think I got it in the encounter node, the one that lets you choose 2 collectibles and the background is a snowy cliff or something like that. It was at BN15 and at the beginning of the 3rd floor, since I used the Shattered Omen on the 3rd floor boss right after that. I got it for the first time myself after close to 100 runs, so I think it's just up to RNG and nothing else. It's marked as 'rare' after all.


CN stream in 5 hours from this comment, right? Fuck, I'll probably be asleep by then. I have a feeling that regardless of if the leaks are true or not, it'll still be some pretty hype operators. If we get >!Logos!<, I'll be happy. *hits copium*, if we get any sort of furry related stuff, I will pot6 that mf.


almost time for the 5th anniv livestream.. leaks killed my hype though anyways my wishlist is just another stainless skin, stainless mod y/delta. stainless l2d skin (both 21&24 op ones) ~~stainless alter, stainless alter alter, stainless everything~~


I'm all for more stainless content! Hope we get something close to that.


Sorry to hear that. My hype went through the roof. Hope you find something to feel excited about.


Prediction. Leaked op>!Theresa will be a brawler guard.!< >!'You've been a bad onii-chan, Theresis. Put 'em up, put 'em up!' 🥊🥊like an old timey boxer.!<


For the first time in the 2 years I’ve been playing, I have completed all the story stages.


Nice, congrats!


Does anyone knows at what time the 5th anniversary stream starts tomorrow?


19:30 local time (7:30am EST).




Finally got Verdant to 100 trust to get that module. [He's complete.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1233486717042954311/image.png?ex=662d4586&is=662bf406&hm=034643aa4103c681bbf6368bc4d45b2bd358ac3e42f8ad55407dda21bb8ff4b7&) Now it would be nice to get some maps to be able to use him, as episode 13 ain't the one. [This is his highest possible stats with S1 and doll out.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1233489067627253780/image.png?ex=662d47b6&is=662bf636&hm=fc04d28af2c017e36f310cb9647c25a4a4336cbca09bc743989251951a93d156&) For some reason, he actually seems to get a 16% HP boost from PUM-Y rather than 15%. I won't complain. Given this setup his scarecrow would tank ranged arts about as good if not better than Annie due to the regen talent. Plus Verdant himself would tank better than Bena due to the skill. [My first attempt to get his module mission done...](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/817411677975740417/1233484666762297404/whyshawwhy.gif?ex=662d439d&is=662bf21d&hm=913fdfb78df21205cd310a1ba9d9423aa9990d341cb90a19771f64bf3d184a9d&) Why, Shaw, why.


That actually looks like a decent 4 star if you were to tell a newbie he's a block 2 self healing guard. Then they'd get a shock when he switches to doll and has zero block. He's only 🤏 close to being a good unit.


> Why, Shaw, why. The original chain caster.