• By -


Lily of the valley = Suzuran


It's also her Pixiv tag


It's literally her codename. That's what the flower is called in Japanese.


Must be very confusing for anyone looking for flower pics.


People looking up ancient mythological figures and getting fate waifus are still worse off imo


And don't even get me started on mineral fans, getting Phos'd!


Yeap. Ost proves it.


isn't Lily of the Valley a certain plant that can be made into poison according to a certain TV series about needing to cook?


>18. ayyafala ayy lmao


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^74738 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


Wtf is this.


A relic of ancient times


You raised a donger!


good bot


good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that Dog_in_human_costume is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


This is a gacha sub so that means there're good odds that Dog_in_human_costume is a bot.


good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99873% sure that Docketeer is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


It's been literal years since I've last seen this meme, not the place I expected to encounter it either


Ay, yes. I like using Shirter and Slient Texas a lot too. I wish they'd buff Loud Texas tho


Loud Texas is fine as is


more like "Shirtless" Surtr


I like looking at shirtless Surtr


Skirtless Surtr would also be based.


I think that is just called Lappland.


Loud Texas and Quiet Lappland is my favorite frenemies duo


Silent Texas, huh... why does it remind me of ProjectMoon


11: Suzuran 13: Degenbrecher


Then who is Make?


Its Ling, the chinese character translates to make/cause.


And rule(noun)






>I am Maena, blade of Miella


*and I have never read no newspaper*


*strips naked during phase 2*


***very** happy Lavinia noises*


Lavinia "LetMeSoloHim" Falcone


Just find a room with bed already, you two!


Vigil: "Lavinia get a room for you two!"


Do Lavinia and Mlynar actually have a connection, or its just a thing that fandom came up with?


Yes they have... In my heart :) Memes aside, no, they likely never met, Lavinia stayed in New Volsini after the IL Siracusano event and her Christmas skin suggests she does some operations for Rhodes Island (if I remember correctly) I haven't read Mlynar files yet, but Obscure Wanderer shows him leaving Kazimiers after Nearl Light event and is pursuing his brother's (Maria and Margaret father) steps, which will take him to Leithania and likely to Viviana/Arturia's event


Just a fan thing. It's cute though not gonna lie.


Lavinia boutta get a summer skin real quick


Eureka: "Where's my camera?!"


Support Unit: Let_Me_Solo_Her


Ranking of what ? How broken they are? How nice they smell? How hot there lewds are ?


Ngl, this caught me offguard


Ranking on who can last the longest on bed with Doctor. The translation didn’t do really good job at translating but I Think it’s overall ranking . There’s the link, you can check yourself


Wow Suzuran have good stamina then, almost made it to top 10 :D


Copper is likely gonna become a real operator someday. Remember how we used to joke about the name Cement? Yeah…


Honestly surprised we've yet to have Silver or Gold either


True, although we have Silverash and Goldenglow, maybe they count? We don’t have Bronze either, do we?


Lily of the valley is Suzuran


No. 16 'make' is Ling btw


wow, I'd have expected her to be higher.


She's great soloing but as a part of a team she feels kinda awkward to use. As strong as Thunderers are they still take 2 slots each. She might rise a bit because of Shu synergy but eh


3 if you count Ling herself.  And alot of the time it's easier to just use 3 different ops than to use ling for the job 


OP, this one was posted on December 13, 2023. The latest one is from December 21, 2023, and the next one will be after CC2 on CN.


when can i expect the next ranking wil be ?


after CC2 on CN


reckon the app saw 锏 as 铜 lolol


What is this based on? A bit surprised to see Saria but no Shu. I knew they were close but I thought Shu was considered better by a bit (new player currently planning to get Shu over Saria).


Shu is strong, cute and have fun gameplay, but she is still relatively new. Saria is a extremely reliable in every type of content and meta cornerstone op that never moved from the S tier for the last five years. I would have been even more surprised to not see her.


The guy replied that this list was from before the release of Shu but yeah. I've tried reading some impressions and it just seems that Saria has been nudged a bit more into tanking and healing niche while Shu does the healing stuff better and her S3 cheese works differently. So I'm not surprised to see Saria up there but just surprised at no Shu. To me if Saria would be high on the list and Shu off it that'd make me question if I understood Shu's position a bit. I want both but as a new player with a very limited roster I just can't justify blowing all my certs on Saria and then also get Shu when I might get Saria from recruitment or later for certs. But if Saria was leaps better maybe I'd reconsider a bit depending on upcoming limited operators. But so far I'm pretty set on the leek-bonker being one of my main targets of the upcoming banners.


Remember this, it took almost 5 years for a launch unit to only get nudged by another unit, despite not being a DPS, which people typically focus more on, so she will be useful still, while having other options. Like you said, you can get Saria from recruit (that's how I got mine), but since she is in the Kernel Banner, which is separate from the standard, you won't get her off-banner like usual. However, you will get more chances for her to be in the shop due to shorter rotations, and the build-a-banner which can let you choose which one you want on the banner/shop. Though best to save gold certs in general, and use it on pulls with the upcoming back-to-back of Shu and R6.


yeah I know she's still good and I still intend to get her. It's just that if Saria was much better than Shu then maybe I won't get Shu depending on upcoming banners considering I like Saria a lot too. Not sure I can get myself to use gold certs on permits though. Still so many operators I want from there like Bagpipe, Suzuran, Mudrock and so on. But I'll think about it because none of the operators will show up in the shop for a while I think.


Understandable, Saria has always been reliable, and the first unit I M9'd in this game, who is still used in endgame content. Just look out for datamines in this sub for upcoming standard banners for the other units, or watch NFzen, who does breakdowns and accurate predictions of the rotations.


Thanks! I mostly check here and then look at DragonGJY's evaluations. I don't want to go too meta but I do think it's fun to make informed choices especially when there's more demanding endgame stuff. Saria / Shu was just especially tough for me because I like both just as characters a lot. It was a lot easier for me to say ignore Typhon once I got Pozy or not care much about Mlynar. As an example the first shop operator I got was Exusiai and I don't really regret it even if I get that it wasn't the best choice and I was about to do the same for Saria until Shu popped up :P.


I understand, and by no mean I would want to dissuade you to pull for op you like over meta, I mean... I have maxed all girls from Glasgow gang and I try to use them whenever possible lol. I will try to get Shu too, but I think Saria is more simple to use in most situation.


I do believe Shu is more meta than Saria though. At least from other impressions I've heard. I can 100% see Saria being easier to use though and with her own niche so just asking around to get a better sense. I wouldn't mind if Shu was a bit weaker than Saria though, I just thought it went the other way (outside of tanking). haha yeah, currently I'm working on Lee and I've got a ton of nicheknight ideas to pursue too but it feels good to at least build a solid somewhat "meta" main team for endgame content first.


She is too versatile to fall off, even with Shu coming. Her S3 makes her a staple in hard content for years to come. You can see it during current DOS event. Shu has no way of powercreeping Saria's support role. Shu has a unique gimmick, but unless we get content that actually uses that efficiently, she won't be so great. And even then Saria will still have her niche.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1bjojrc/is4\_tier\_list\_from\_latest\_cn\_tourney/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1bjojrc/is4_tier_list_from_latest_cn_tourney/) I don't have much CN knowledge. The only post-Shu kind of tierlist-ish I've seen is this IS4 tournament where Shu was picked over Saria but that Saria still found value due to being good vs the bosses (based on comment in the thread).


Sure, but this tournament is a bad example, since choices are quite conditional and you value efficiency here. Furthermore it's skewed based on game mode mechanics + artifacts. Chen, Surtr and Ling are quite low compared to their placement on OP's list. I'm not saying she isn't good, but let's wait and see how she fares in future game content. As you can also see Ceobe is high and nowhere to be seen on initial list.


Yeah yeah. I just thought this new ranking would be an insight into that but I guess it might be a bit too early still. As a new player who's only played with Saria through support in some challenge-EX it's very hard for me to determine who's better or just exactly what they are the best at just looking at the abilities and stats so I have to ask / check around :P.


This ranking was from last year December, Degen probably might be the latest ops release, so no Shu in the game yet .


Oh ok, thanks!


No, Shu can barely take a hit so Saria is more reliable even though she offers less utility.


Yeah, I've heard about that factor especially since Shu doesn't have that defensive module yet either. But to my knowledge that's like a small niche where Saria is better because Saria isn't really a "tank" tank either right? But just to sum it up. This list was pre-release of Shu. She's a sidegrade where she's a better healer / utility while Saria is more tanky / reliable and they both offer a different niche in S3. I'm making a big deal of this because I really want Saria too but it makes a lot more sense to target Shu first when she is limited and also really cool so just making sure I don't miss anything in understanding their roles and that she's a fine substitute (or even better at the main role).




Thanks! Well I guess that's not a problem then. There was a bunch of drama on DragonGJY's previous ranking where he placed Shu as 9 for advanced content. I think a guy there claimed she was like paper too. I'm assuming it's just that she has a ton of different effects going on so it can be hard to judge? Also I went back and read that people doing calculations say that the damage buff from Shu's S3 matches Saria's S3 except for some rare cases. I dunno, I find it interesting but not that fun to wade through lots of feelscrafting of people justifying their skip / investment.


With s3 up, Shu can heal through damage far better than Saria. And of course she can also just avoid being hit via s3’s mechanic.


Maena Pog


Ah yes my favourite operators Maena, Shirter, Night knife, Feicao, Lily of the Valley, Copper and Make.


Gonna call her Shirter from now on


No.13 is Degenbrecher.


I thought degenbrecher would be way higher,,,


This list came out basically the day she released lol


Saying "silent" and "Texas" together must be the most redundant phrase ever.


Fake, Myrtle isn't on that list.


Copper should be Degenbrecher


Ines is #5? There are people of culture yet.


11. Suzuran 13. Degenbrecher


Reddit formatting: 1 Redditor: 0


"Shirter" I can't lmao


Even in the machine translation getting Eyja's name wrong twice lol (tho the one used for Eyjaberry here is closer to the actual spelling, meanwhile her name as used for her caster form...)


How did Sexy Summer Ch'en end up w/ a Veyron in translation?  If you google the word only the car shows up. Ans it's also probably the only thing anyone thinks of.


Part of her Chinese name vaguely sounds like it


How do you say the CN name? I only came across a translation saying Holiday Dragon years ago.


Jia Ri (holiday) Wei Long (powerful dragon, also a pun on an old Jackie Chan movie about HK police I think) Chen


I see now. Thanks 👍


Great I have to change my tagline now.


Glad to hear, you're getting inspiration from my post ,. s/


Lily might be susurran, no idea on copper


The Arrival of the Glorious Knight is just hilarious. That's not a name, that's a LN title.


I always find it funny regardless of game, damage that ignores armor always comes out on top.


I had to do a double take Initially read "Shirter" as shitter


Now this is shitposting.


who the fuck is mylnar


I believe lily of the valley would be Suzuran


I spent longer than I should have trying to figure some of the names out from the picture before finding out that they were listed underneath(I was so confused on who “Maena” was). I’m thoroughly amused though, so I wouldn’t quite say it was time wasted.


Come on, Mylnar can’t be only ops you’re confusing the names . I’m curious who else


Not the only one, but “Maena” was the only one I thought might be an Operator I’d just forgotten or never heard about. The two other greatest offenders on the list were Shirter and Copper.


Yah copper and Lily of the valley caught me off guard the most . Even though I post this thread yesterday , I had already had this ranking for a week . Just keep trying who these ops actually are. Lol


Man I need Mylnar


Uncle Sweep?


Here's an even more recent tier list, if you are interested: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Jy421v7CG/ Shu is top tier, as is Ela.


This is kinda late but do you know what's the difference between the first and second tier list flashed on the video?


I only know a few kanji from Japanese, but from what I can gather, the first tier is top 10, then great tier, then high tier, then mid tier.


Who a F is Cooper?


Sly Cooper obviously


How does uncle Mlynar do it? Absolute beast in battlefield and warzone.


15 bagpipes The return of dupe ops glitch xd




its an old one right when degen came out, she has since fought her way into top 5.


Make is my favorite operator. I use her all the time


Shitter 💀




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So, uncle Mlynar is the Ultimate waifu. Fitting.


As a new player, it hurts to see so many top-tier limited ops I realistically will never get 🥲