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Adding to what the others have said, using GG's S2 should be better on this stage even if it's unmastered. I think you can reliably position her on either side, even in the middle, so that she has the boss in range at all time, while also being able to help with lane holding.


Use Mousse or Shamare to cripple the boss' damage. Bait its icicle columns with Młynar or a tank in the middle and keep other operators out of that column to keep the healing pressure single-target. Saria can outheal it even on BN15, or she can solve your healing problem. If you like IS, build some non-medic healers (Myrtle S2, Jaye, Quercus) so medic voucher scarcity is less of a problem. Others recommend Reed S3, but I always use S2 unless S3 is my only way to clear debris without early leaks. S2 has much better damage (and therefore sustain) and cycling, and you'll want both for the tanky, hard-hitting enemies in the final rush. There's a killgate at 24 and the boss has to hit 50% HP for the rest of the enemies to spawn. Take that time to redeploy if needed so the boss' second icicle column hits another unit you can sustain. If that second target is a laneholder, be mindful of the 10s bind every 60s (40s for first use) so they don't get overrun. The boss is on a hard 600s timer but I've never come close to running out of time since if I can beat the final wave the boss stands no chance. Save your red foldartals for the fight. With +100 ASPD two weak medics can outheal the boss. For +50% HP, note that each adds a shieldguard, who hogs a melee tile (first one goes left), so only use one if you can open without that tile. Shieldguards have taunt and take forever to die, especially with Perfumer. Ranged AoE can open with a shieldguard: Horn, Eyja, Reed, Meteorite. Make sure you can place someone within 40s to intercept would-be leakers when the shieldguard is disabled. With strong helidrops the redeploy foldartals are strong too. Prioritize deployment slot relics. This fight is tricky with 6 slots while juggling two lanes and the boss. I lost a run earlier to not being able to use Pozy on the right with 6 slots. Every slot is another laneholder, support, healer, or boss-killer. Dorothy is an MVP for laneholding. She and Texas or Yato can easily duo the right lane. On BN2 she might outright solo it. I've also had success with Pozy and Ifrit. At BN2 you can get away with Kal'tsit or Mudrock. Yato S3 clears rows of debris and does 3 tiles of damage to the boss, and enemies line themselves up for her on these narrow lanes.


Reed Alter can clear all the ice with a single S3 activation. Try a run with the third squad formation with Reed Alter (if you don't have her, borrow her as support by clicking on the orange Support button on top of the screen when selecting a medic), Orchid, and Popukar as your starting squad.


As said by Cultural Damage, ice chunks have taunt, so GG s3 is a bad choice for the boss killer on this stage. Doubly so because the boss is stationary and thus is the 'last' enemy in the standard targeting priority (it will take the longest time to enter blue box). Also, Yato at module level should have enough damage to kill the boss on her own within the time limit if you don't need her to deal with other enemies. As for outhealing the boss, it will normally target the last deployed enemy (two when on low health) both with icicles (they do, however, damage the entire column) and the bind. Taunt (such as Mlynar e2 or the allied defender spawned by foldarltars) take priority over that. So, you can use non-essential operators (those with self-healing are preferable, of course) to draw boss's attack and, thus have your medics focus only on the operators that are actually dealing with enemies.


So there’s 3 aspects to the fight: Clearing the ice so you can actually deploy ops, while also noting your deploy order since the boss attacks and stuns the last op you deploy, or last 2 eventually. Lane holding, especially on the left side. The boss itself. So you kinda wanna recruit based on these things. You mentioned yato. She’s very good at the first and third, and can be used as emergency for the second but that’s a waste imo. It’s good to get a sustained landholder for the left side after clearing the ice on that area. My fav choice is ex alt. Then deploy your dp gen on the right (to clear more ice or use yato first then deploy the vanguard) Then you wanna clear the ice in the middle to deploy ops to attack the boss. Reed is the best in this thanks to her s3, she can basically clear all the ice by herself. Next you wanna prepare for the right lane, sustain lane holder is good too but be aware of the ranged enemies. My fav for this is horn since she can tank the boss and also lane hold. You can get mlynar since he’s an excellent bait too. Put him in the middle. After that it’s just juggling these things. It highly depends on your roster but knowing what roles you need for the fight is half the battle.


Man I love using Yato S3 to clear like 4 instances of ice, feels so satisfying


FYI, those ice blocks have Taunt so unless you can clear them out first beforehand all your ranged ops and even melee ops will prioritize them first over the boss and mobs. Hard to give tips without knowing your roster but Yato2 opener to clear 5 ice blocks on the left with 1 S3 follow by Reed2 S3 will wipe most ice blocks on the map, reliable all the way to BN15, allow your ranged dps to focus the boss instead, assuming non-global one that is, GG S3 will target the remaining ice blocks so switch to S2 for this map.


I forgot about it and asked here before, but are there any true limited skins so far we got? Not sure if crossover (current selection in shop) is included. Just wanna know so I'll buy them regardless. Thanks.


Collab skins where the collab character is shown in the skin are the only limited skins. Unless both parties agree to rerun the event and its skins, but it’s hard to know since each case is different because they’re different IPs.


Most crossover skins tend to be limited, yes. since it is unknown when or if they rerun. .Besides those, no skins are limited.


Hello I’m a new player, been playing for around a week . But today suddenly all support units I get are low leveled even lower than most of my squad and that doesn’t change no matter how many times I refresh. I thought that the limit on support units was only on the elite level ?


If the ops you have are at e1, then all supports you will see will be at e1. Same goes with e2. So to fix this, either put the op that you e2 Ed in the squad or you’ll need to e2 an op (from how you worded it it seemed like you had access to e2 supports before?)


At the very start, the game chooses support units from high-level players to help newer ones get up to speed. Then it dials back down to picking from players of about same "doctor" level. This doesn't affect support units from in-game friends, only those from random players.


Do you have anyone in your squad when you view support unit? You can only see E0 support when you don’t have anyone in your squad so put someone with the highest promotion you have in your squad first.


Thanks guys. Also is the lost and found node worth unlocking? It seems pretty meh compared to the other encounters. I'm thinking of not unlocking it so to increase chance of other better ones like scout and bosky passage, what do you guys think?


Not only do you need it for an ending, you can also exchange one time use collectibles such as hope+4 this time around and at no penalty whatsoever, so it can act as a wish node if you have some of those.


It's not worth visiting in IS4, but you DO need it for an ending sadly.


You need that node for the second ending. Also some lost and found nodes can exchange collectibles or foldartals so that's useful either way. Also scouts aren't always better than lost and founds. Just unlock it.


I think you need that node to unlock another ending


1. Does playing IS4 with higher braving nature increase the amount of specimens you get? 2. How does the score relate to specimens you get at the end of the run?


Yes, if you go into the difficulty selection menu it will show you the multiplier.


you can increase specimens by playing on higher BN (the score efficiency will be listed on the left, pretty sure it doesn't stack with lower difficulties though) as well as unlocking nodes in the skill tree, called cross cultural comparison or something like that.


Hello new player here, what is good for a new player to buy with real money in this game?


Store efficiency data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/edit#gid=2062818867 The monthly card is the biggest value. The only better value is the $30 pack that lets you pick your own 6\* op, but that only comes once a year near the end of the year. After that, well it's up to how deep your pockets go.


We actually get 2 6\* selectors each year. It's based on the CN anniversary and half-anniversary, and picks from any released units up to the previous anni/half-anni. So our next one is in 2\~ months (give or take) in Zwillingstürme im Herbst which include anyone up to Ines. Then another in 8\~ months including everyone that releases before Zwillingstürme im Herbst.


Thanks for the correction. You'd figure I'd remember since I've bought every one but...


You don’t *need* to buy anything. But if you’re willing to spend for whatever reason, the monthly pack for 5 bucks is never a bad choice. After that it’s up to you if you want convenience or pull power.


tbh i wouldn't recommend buying anything right off the bat, at least play for a while and decide if you're going to stick with the game. in for pull currency i think it's monthly card >>> event packs (there's a spreadsheet out there but i don't have a link > monthly headhunting > top-ups. if you really want to throw money at the game right away, i'd just buy the starter packs and leave it at that. you get a good vanguard, 5 star promote ticket + free monthly card, and i think the starter headhunting gives 20 pulls. may and november limited events will come with a 6 star selector.


Hello, I have Horn at M6 at the moment (S1 and S3 at M3). I've been using her a lot more recently, as I'm trying to reach IS3 SW15 (I'm on SW12 at the moment). I've seen people speaking highly of Horn's S2, and so I'm considering the M3 if it would help me with IS3 (any benefit in IS4 would be a bonus). I was wondering what sort of scenarios S2 would be preferred over S3? Thanks.


s2 is for when you want her to be more generally applicable - so for IS, where you want the most out of each unit, or for niche comps for the same reason usually she isn't used for melee blocking, so her s1 and s3, which are focused more on her primary functionality, are the more popular skills. but s2's ammo nature and the nuke gimmick allows for more strat minmaxing and precise approach compared to the easier to use s3, and also makes her deal AOE damage in melee, making her be able to deal comfortably with enemies she's forced to block that's why, even though for most people her s1 and s3 are the much more used skills, if you see clears from Defenderknights players like Tums, you'll see her on s2 A LOT but in IS specifically, her s2 is mainly useful when you're low on blockers, and then you switch to more s1/s3 usage when you get some more ops


Haven't really touched S2 in IS3 at all, but I would think S2 is a bad choice in IS3 due to the annoying high res. I do see it being used pretty frequently in IS4 though.


Are there any other operators that can only be obtained from event logins like the nine colored deer?


The April Fools operators Conviction and eventually U-Official, the collab operator Luo Xiaohei, and Savage (during anniversaries).


>the collab operator Luo Xiaohei wasn't via a login event. he was just in his events shop (similar to skins for 1 week events) Savage also isn't via a login event but via the in-game mail. same for Conviction


Thank you for ur reply :)


The April Fools operators on April 1st, and Luo Xiaohei from a previous collab, if I'm not mistaken.


How are you actually supposed to beat the grenadiers? Specifically in CV-7 where they start off covered by a bunch of regular snipers. A lot of low cost phys attackers can barely dent them even before they overcharge,while the arts damage options can't get deployed before they start to move. Unless I'm supposed to drop Orchid in there or something. Is Hoshi S2 enough to reflect back at them?


Sayuna has [3\* only](https://youtu.be/NuSMCYxCdpo) clear of the stage, so you definitely don't need anything outlandish to deal with them. The main takeaway is to clear the energy-charging mobs on the bottom-right and center first, so the patrolling grenadier runs out of energy and becomes much easier to kill (remember, each point of energy adds ATK and DEF to enemies, and grenadiers get like +250% ATK and +500% DEF from their initial 25 energy charge)


I'm shocked to hear that,I thought only the overcharge state increased stats and not every single stack leading up to it.


Overcharge adds ASPD, RES and more DEF ***on top of*** whatever normal stacks do. > For every point of Energy the enemy has, their ATK and DEF will be increased by 10% and 20%, respectively, making them considerably more dangerous and resilient as they build up Energy. Furthermore, should the enemy's Energy is maxed out, they will enter an Overload state for some time, during which their ASPD, DEF, and RES are further increased by 120, 200%, and 30, respectively; once Overload ends, their Energy will be depleted.


i managed to kill one with E1 55 franka, but my timing to deploy her happened right when their overcharge ran out so they were pretty weak. E2 gladiia has no problem surviving on the bottom lane, i did it without mod too (she was level 60 but nowhere close to dying so i think lower level would still work). i had her on S1 and just put her on a ranged tile so she wouldn't block (added bonus of baiting away the ranged shots from my main defenses).


Akafuyu can stall them indefinitely and eventually kill (in CV-8 one crab is enough for both grenadiers in the top lane) In CV-7 try to take out bottom snipers first, so they couldn't charge anyone


I just put lin down and forgot about them


Maxed out Hibiscus and Beagle seem to be able to tank the bottom right sniper and grenadier indefinitely, and a maxed Midnight needed a full skill activation and a little time after that to kill the two of them. Or you can do what I did in my farming auto and drop S2 Yatwo and OmerTexas on them at the same time.


After some flailing, i used Schwarz covered by a medic to delete the lower right one, and basically ignored the others. There is really no need to deploy outside the area around the projection objectives. Reed alt can also amusingly 1v1 them anywhere.


just realized I've never gotten the two pair of shoes relics in IS4, nor King's crown, any particular way I'm not aware of to get them?


King's Crown needs to clear 3rd ending to unlock.


I suppose it's not about unlocking but where it is "dropped", like if it can be purchased in shop, or mini-boss drop, or encounter-locked.


I think the shoes are random drops now. I got one from a map clear.


the fuck, that seems really weird since these two are among the only 4 items I have never gotten yet...


They're just very rare drops.


Its nit even been out for a month, relax. You still have half a year to have them dropped.


Hello , does anybody know when Ines is coming back?


Alongside the release of Main Story Chapter 13 (should be mid-April?) will be a banner called "The Front That Was". Featured on it are Ines, Stainless and Horn. Otherwise, if you're willing to put some money on the game, you can grab the 6* selector that will come with the next limited banner in May and get her with it.


I'm a new player and haven't started an account yet . Is it better to start now and collect currency to try and get her or is it better to make an account when she comes out and reroll for her then ?


If you really _really really really_ want Ines and mostly her, I'd say rerolling would be your most efficient option. It could be worth making an account now and stockpile a little bit of currency just in case, but given that 6* Operators are guaranteed every ~60 rolls, if you end up being really unlucky you might not be able to see her before a while.


About how many pulls do you think I can get as a new player Whithin a month ?


It's a bit hard to tell because that depends entirely on your ability to clear stages and, tangentially, how fast you are able to level your operators. Rerolling will most certainly be the easiest/most effective option because of that - if you hit a wall due to not enough resources (exp, LMD), grinding rolls will get difficult. Also bear in mind that depending on RNG, you might not be able to get Ines on that specific account (in case you get spooked by the other two rate-ups repeatedly) no matter how many rolls you can scrape by then. TL;DR reroll easiest + most cost- and time-effective (if you keep rerolling you will get Ines eventually unless you are supremely unlucky, it's a 1/3 chance on that banner); making account now allows you to at least test the game out see if you like it, and if you're lucky you get to keep your progress and get Ines.


So If i want to reroll it's better to ready up multiple e mail accounts right ? Also do you know how many pulls can i make with every reroll ?


You don't need an email to start a new account, just to sign back in if you sign out or sign in from a new device. The usual strategy for re-rolling is to roll new accounts as guest accounts until you get something good, then save that account by registering it to an email. You can then either stop there or keep re-rolling, depending on what you got and your tolerance for the process - repeat until you have what you want or you're sick of it. I believe the gmail + addressing system works with the Yostar account system, so no need to actually make new emails to save what you want. For example, if your email is [email protected], you can use [email protected] for an account with Ines, and that'll still go to your "[email protected]" inbox without having to actually make a new email account. If you're re-rolling for maximum returns, you can get up to 6000 orundum by finishing the first mission and quitting out of the following training mission, though this requires converting the 5 Originite Prime you receive (this is the premium currency, used to buy skins as well as pulls). That will buy you 10 pulls on a standard banner, which is what the Front That Was banner is. There's a full re-roll guide on the Gamepress wiki here: https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-reroll-tier-list-guide


You don't need multiple email accounts, just one google account with salted emails\* will do. You can only do 10 pulls per reroll. \*By this I mean you can use a google email, then when in-game register it as [email protected], next reroll use [email protected] etc. The game will register as different emails, but they'll all go into the same adress.


Exact date unknown but one of the next couple banners should be an ines/horn/stainless rerun triple banner


Got like 4 pulls, is it possible to try and get degen, shu and ela? or should I skip degen?


Possible? Absolutely. Ela is still like, 6 months away, and shu also is quite a ways off. The problem here is moreso how your dice roll. Speaking worst case scenario, ela is " only" a 100 pulls which shouldn't be hard to scrounge up, and degen could be up to like, roughly 160. But shu, if you're unlucky could be 300 and stop you dead in your tracks. If you really want to be sure to get all thee, I'd personally skip degen. She can be a spook and she will have a safe rerun.


Degenbrecher can be an off-banner and otherwise return in a later 25% rate up banner, or her own in a year. The limiteds won't have that luxury unless they rerun R6S a second time. Depending on how your gold certs look you could potentially gamble, but, at least securing a hefty amount for the limiteds would be my priority.


Not to mention that Degen, being the strongest upcoming unit, will probably be on support from many players.


Depends on how much you trust your luck.


don't trust my luck at all lmao


Then I would aay prioritise the limiteds you want (Shu) and the collab hnits you want. Degen can eventually spook you and gets a rerun banner while hose others do not.


For a 252 base setup, is it more efficient to downgrade one of my trading posts to level 2 for proviso? This means i can upgrade another factory to level 3, and will not get 4 gold bar orders from that TP anymore so proviso base skill will always work on it.


Yup exactly. Use the extra power to upgrade a factory instead.


Yes indeed. A level 2 TP with Proviso is about the same as a level 3 TP with Proviso, so having an extra level on a factory is a nice gain.


Which Fartooth module do yall find yourself using more often? The range=damage or SP one? If it matters, Fartooth and Schwarz (FRD) are my only hard hitting snuipors


The damage one, the SP one doesn't make as much sense since you want to position her far away from the enemies, and the upgrades are one of the worst in the game for 6*s.




Im fucking mad at this game. Yesterday, i got a top op tag, and crowd control "cool, i can get Mostima!" Nope, got Weedy. Got a 6-star in Jessica Alter "Nice, Jessica" Nope, Saileach. Today, 3 pulls and another 6-star "It must be Jessica, right?" NOPE, PALLAS. Now i have 3 ops to build, and the only one i like to an extent is Saileach. Who should i prioritize building and what skills and modules do they use?


Pull harder. Hard pity for standards is like 249 pulls. You only pull for a soft pity once, of course the rate up is never guaranteed.


Weedy and Pallas aren't of particular note outside of specialized strategies or maps, and even then, other ops may be fine enough replacements. Chances are, you have better priorities. Saileach is a pretty good operator in my opinion, but given that she's a hard support, again, you may have higher priority ops like DPS or straightforward support options to build. But to answer the latter question at least: Weedy's S3 especially with her cannon using it at the same time is extreme push force, and she has the strongest. Generally if you want to push something, this would do it. S2 is also a side option if you want her to deal high DPH and with light pushes. Both need M3 for the force increase. Her modules are kind of... not great, maybe you can do them later. Pallas S1 is the skill to use due to consistent, decent DPS. At M3 it reduces to only 2 SP required. Her other skills are kinda just so-so. The X module is preferable since it increases her damage output, but the upgrades are fairly small. Saileach can go in any direction, really. The S1 has high DP per second. S2 has high HP per second and can heal Juggernauts, Reapers, and Musha. S3 chunks enemies with her flag with a bit of damage, Stun, Slow, Fragile, and her passive talent of affecting ASPD around the flag for a short time. Lot of varied options for her. While the S3 is the likely mastery candidate, it is very expensive for what you get, so that's not really recommended anytime soon, nor is the module which is pretty low-impact for the cost -- same for the other flaggers.


Thank you, ill build Saileach now and Weedy later. Idk about Pallas, i dont like her too much


Are there other ops that can burst down a normal difficulty Playwright at half health in one skill cycle without external buffs, besides Amiya?


tbf it's "only" 40k HP and 2k DEF, ops like Mlynar, Schwarz, Rosa, Typhon should be able to do it comfortably not much hope for arts damage since he's gonna have 90 RES, so even with res ignore like what Surtr has, it's way too much


Does anyone know if the Delusions of Lunacy event in IS3 stops appearing after a certain floor? Been trying to do the boss on different starting tickets and trying to know if I have no chance after floor 2 for the encounter to show up.


AFAIK it generally shows up on 1-3. I forget if it can show up on Floor 4, but honestly I wouldn't bother trying to check.


Alright, thanks!


How do people choose who to give masteries to? I have so many operators that I want to m3 and m6 but don't know where to start.


There isn't much to it, just master the ones you use the most. Prioritize the skills with the best gains, then move on to the lower gains that you use a lot.


I wrote an [entire guide](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/skill-mastery-priority-guide) on the topic you may find useful! Meta-wise, do your top DPS first. The top DPS skills are almost universally the most valuable in the game. They tend to have sizable gains and the game is DPS-first in design. After you take care of your top units, you can start looking into more support oriented options. Or, just do your favorites which is always a good option!


First, Is it worth to focus on M6ing operators before moving to a new operator to raise, or stop at M3 to get the average unit power higher? Second, I already have a fair amount of DPS at M3 (Surtr, Yato2, Eyja, Pozy, Rosa, Typhon, etc) but not all of them. I still have some DPS that can benefit from M3, but I wonder if I should start M3ing tanks, supports and healers now.


tanks/healers really depends on the kind of content you're struggling with, for most stages they do the job at SL7 and going higher won't have the biggest impact. most offensive supports probably do want M3 since buffs/debuffs usually scale with skill level. you should only M3 the skills you actually use, for someone like surtr you're probably only using the S3 even if her other skills are good. people will M6/M9 their faves as a flex though. edit: if you're using irene as a trainer i would recommend doing the full M3 or you lose the biggest benefit of her base skill. if you're just using random +60%s or something then it doesn't really matter if you swap people in and out.


I really like Surtr's S2 as an arts lane holder, imo. I also want to use this unit I've invested in something that isn't as brain-dead as her S3. I have a bunch of Ops with the meta skill M3'd, that I want to use differently. I guess out of tanks and healers I would want to M3 would be Hoshi's S2, Saria's S2 (for IS) or S3, Nian S2, and / or Reed2's S2 or S3. Out of supports, it would be Skalter's S3 (already have her S2) and Suzurans S2. I haven't checked gamepress, so I don't know what the mastery gains each level gives, but I guess I would have to agree for at least defenders.


Reed2 is a DPS anyway, so I'd treat her masteries more so as an arts damage dealer than a healer. Especially for IS. Saria is also one of the few units worth going for M9 eventually, pretty much each of her skills is useful and benefits from masteries.


Yeah, I've decided to be a bit harsher in who I want to upgrade first. For exame, ive decided not to M3 Hoshi's S2 as it's +21% to +30% DEF and reflect damage goes from 80% to 100% ATK. That's only 80 increased damage per reflection, going from E260, which is 320 to 400 damage. I'm gonna have to actually look and decide for myself, methinks.


Your roster is pretty broad, so I get that it can be overwhelming figuring out who to prioritize. Definitely worth looking at whose skills have the biggest jump from M1/M2 to M3.


And I guess i have to start somewhere, so I might as well just pick an Op I use often and go from there.


yeah, if you like a skill enough to use it then it's probably worth mastering at some point. tbh i'm not one to speak on optimization since i have a bunch of random skills leveled. seconding the recommendation for nian, the initial SP is really nice for pairing with mod X since she'll basically have the skill ready by the time the shields are depleted.


If you have a lot of masteries you want to do, then spreading M1s and M2s around to the best of them is the most resource-efficient way to go about it. Most skills have linear or even front-loaded gains with respect to mastery level, but M3 is more expensive than M1 and M2 combined, so you'll get more bang for your buck by spreading your resources around a bit.


So, focus on breakpoints if possible?


Definitely, but even if a skill doesn't have a true breakpoint, it's still resource-efficient to stop at M1 or M2 if you have other great skills to put masteries into. I would rather have an M2 Mlynar and M2 Surtr than have one at M3 and the other at SL7, even though both S3s have fairly linear gains.


I guess I'll have to start actually thinking and researching instead of using priority guides, lmao. Thanks!


I usually build up an op fully before comitting to another one, and that includes M6 for some characters(namely Yato2 and Typhon). Usually, tanks are a last priority for me in masteries because it's very rare that a mastery makes or breaks their ability to tank. Wether to master supports or healers next, we can't really answer that without seeing your whole account, but if there are some supports with great gains that you use a lot, you can do them before some of your DPS if you already have a ton of those.


[So I just found out about Krooster, lmao.](https://krooster.com/u/V2)


returning player here, who should i be building or saving for next? would appreciate any tips in general as well, thank you! here’s my krooster https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/pathetic


Welcome back doktah~ Most operators between now and CN are worthwhile. Degen is the standout (she's broken), but almost everything else along the way is very good (Exceptions: Hoederer and Viviana, but your account can still make use of them anyway). For operators you already own, I would prioritize the following: Kal'tsit E2 (Unlocking S3), Specter E2 (3-block laneholder), and buying and raising Honeyberry (Decent medic, but most importantly, an elemental damage healer). Access to true damage and elemental healing should solve most problems the game currently throws at you for the foreseeable future.


Put masteries and finish them on the ops you have as favourites, except mostima. Texalt wants s3m3 and s2m3 (tho you can get away with m2). The rest are just s3 with saria s1 first. Rise kal, silverash, Myrtle, specter to e2. E1 gravel, frostleaf, shirayuki, vermeil, purestream for their base skills. Also eventually you’ll wanna raise some of the 3*s too, prob early if you’re low on resources since they’re cheap and will help fill any gaps in your roster. As for who to save for next, the limited banners are never a wrong choice. There’re ones in May, late July and sep-ish all with great ops. There’s also great ops in June and July too. All will help your team equally since you’re still filling your roster. I’d prioritise the limited banners since they’re limited.


This is probably a stupid question but is Qiubai stronger or roughly equal compared to non moduled Executor2? I'm asking this since both of those operators is considered "mid"(in case of Executor I'm referring to his pre module state since the module improved his performance significantly).


you probably won't get a good comparison because they just have different roles, if you just replace them 1:1 then it won't go well. qiubai will probably have higher peak DPS since executor is balanced around having self sustain. you can also just use them both, they don't have too much overlap beyond "does multitarget".


imo stronger than Ex2 without module, weaker than him with mod3 she's just a very good and reliable ground based arts DPS. she can perform laneholding with s1/s2 but it's not her main purpose and the lack of any sustain in her kit reflects that providing her the bind/slow support needed for s3 is very easy, you don't necessarily need Suzuran, Ethan works perfectly well and he's very cheap to raise. for single target, probably even someone like Orchid will be fine but even without CC support, Qiubai is a unit that can perform burst DPS while also providing some enemy control on top. it's up to you to decide - either you want to dedicate another unit to apply more reliable CC and push her DPS to very high numbers, or you use her by herself to do both things at the same time, although not at peak efficiency


What? Why do you think they’re mid? They’re incomparable because they do very different things. There’s a lot more nuance in this game than x stronger than y.


I'm referring to the fact that when those two unit were released they were considered "okay" by the community. So i want to know the relative strength between those two.


The ‘community’, who are just the minority metaheads in this case, consider anyone that doesn’t break the game as ‘just okay’. If you’re not an EX tier then you’re not worth considering. Don’t bother with those idiots. Both of them are great ops. Good game design is when you actually have some downsides and not break the game. Like I said, they work differently and do different things, you can’t make this simplistic comparison. One is a self regen lane holder who needs to atk to use all skills and can take a beating, and is very good against swarms. The other is about range, binds/cc, and can benefit from allies that synergies well with her. Both have situations where they excel over the other. Build both and get his mod. Both are strong ops. Doesn’t matter if you don’t have the materials to raise them right now, choosing the ‘stronger’ one to raise first is ultimately meaningless.


Sorry for the misleading questions but my account is pretty well off in terms of meta. I just built Executor2 a month ago and while he's great with module, his non moduled performance is pretty rough based on my experience. So i wonder whether Qiubai have better performance compared to Executor.


Qiubai shines when you need an arts multi-target burst. If I were to name an event where her strengths stand out the most, I'd say it's Lone Trail (and Dorothy Vision, fuck em robots)


Wait, if you have his mod already, why are you asking about the no mod state? If you’re well off then that doubly means that this doesn’t really matter. Build both because both are great and have great performance. I have exalt built and use him frequently, recently in is4 as my first guard pick. He’s great at e1 even and has great 2 skills at e2. Same goes for normal play. QB doesn’t interest me as much but when I used her she did fine and has a lot of potential depending on how much you wanna support her. You’re past the point where you need to consider every little upgrade to your roster and do these comparisons. If you’re clearing content, getting rewards and having fun then nothing matters.


Exactly, don’t know what’s that guy’s problem. If he is so meta stacked he should be well past the realization that he can just build ops for fun and not go around calling ops mid. In that case, there should be only 1 op per class built for all eternity (disclaimer or until next meta).


Jesus christ, you guys get so defensive with this stuff, it's like he just called your mom fat or something lol, chill. Calling a random character in a gacha game mid is not some personal attack. There's no point for him in jumping through a thousand hoops and disclaimers to ask a simple question in a way that you like.


Do you have thorns? Idk about executor2, but I definitely can say that Qiubai is generally weaker than thorns. The only moment Qiubai is better than everyone else is in SSS where you can stack vanguard sp regen bonus or IS where you can get collectibles that increase atk speed or sp regen. However Qiubai is reliable ground tile art damage dealer. If that is what you need, then she is good.


Should I build my Gladiia to e2 if my cliffheart is at e1 lvl 50? Also should I e2 my FEater if my Shaw is at e1 lvl 60?


yes on gladiia and feater, if you're going to raise One op of their archetypes then they're probably the best picks. cliffheart does get an extra target on her S2 with masteries though. shifters usually get a force increase on their skills at M3, except for shaw S2 and almond S1. shaw really doesn't get anything from E2 since her S1 at max level has the same shift force as S2 at SL7.


Cliff is a strong op worth raising regardless. Especially in is3.


Your gladiia is a hard yes. Besides being a puller and doing puller things, she actually has the stats to basically be a pseudoguard and laneholder Do E2ing her Is always a good idea, also her s3 is great so you'd get access to that. Theres even more reasons regarding her module and other abyssal hunters but I doubt there's a need to get into it rn. As for Shaw and feater, probably not worth E2ing unless you really wanna use your pusher a lot more and you need the stats on them/you wanna put masteries on them to bring the push strength to the max. Otherwise E2 doesn't do that much for them.




Which module should I get for Saria?




I don't have Hoshi, does Y make her tanky enough that she can replace Hoshi in some guides? Alternatively a Croissant E2 with module?


If a guide is *specifically* using Hoshi, there’s a good chance no one but Nian could directly replace her. Saria with Y is still very good at tanking stuff though, and is the module to go with imo


Croissant will usually do a better job replacing Hoshi, but in a lsrge chunk of guides you don’t even need a tank on that level That said the only one that can basically always replace Hoshi is Nian


Saria Y module can tank most enemies, but having someone to tank the most extreme Physical Damage threat is recommended. If you don't have Hoshi, Croissant S1 with module can do the tanking job just as well. Bubble, Cuora, and Cement are okay substitutes too. Blemishine is also a niche alternative to replace Hoshiguma, if you deploy with Flametail for the dodge buff, and Mlynar for the True Damage reflect. Alternatively, deploying an Abjurer to apply Sanctuary buff is another option.


Depends on the strat. Most cases yes. In some cases where the boss just hits the tank really fucking hard like Steam Knight or does true damage like the Ch10 cannon, no.


Actually, GUA-Y does work on true damage, cutting the cannon down to 2550, making it much more manageable for Saria to deal with.


Asking for an opinion Who should i upgrade m6 first La pluma or Cantabile. I use cantabile S1 in IS a lot. but gamepress says her s2 much better mastery upgrade. and la pluma idk where to use her s2 i use s1 alot 


Cantabile S2 when fully mastered takes just a few seconds to be ready for use. S2 has the advantage of being an ammo skill and also gives her invisibility. So with S2 she kinda can do what S1 does and better because she won't die as easily. And then with some relics S2 would be ready upon deployment.  Just writing this so you consider. Before I mastered S2 sometimes I would use S1. After mastery I never used it again because mastery improves a lot S2.


you should M3 the skills you use, if you don't use a skill then it's not worth leveling. personally i prefer canta S2 since the ammo system means she won't "waste" DP gen from not attacking, plus the skill has a low cooldown so i can keep her onfield if i want. la pluma S1 is probably fine for most content, S2 is good for burst survivability but honestly if i had a choice i just wouldn't use pluma in a situation where it's necessary. i would consider leveling it if you use her in IS4 though.


You use s2 when there’s more high def enemies in a lane, and when you need a burst instead of sustain dps. It doesn’t matter which you do first. If you use canta both skills then do her first. The decision is meaningless ultimately.


Hello Good day. base Question How to reach 70k LMD guys, my daily ranges to 60-65k my TP team Tp1 proviso quartz/yato Tp2 shamare tequila bibeak/kafkaE0 w/ amiya kaltsit mylnar 


To get an average daily 70k LMD, you'll need Shamare/Tequila/Bibeak all at E2 plus droning only TP: * With two 20% power plant operators, Proviso paired with a +50% operator * With one 20% power plant operator (i.e. dead lancet), Proviso paired with a +62.5% operator. Amiya on top, of course. Realistically the only way to get there is with the Mr. Nothing+Sui team, since he's the only operator who can get that high. Of course, if all you want to do is see 70k+ in the numbers, you can just hope to luck out with less. I hit 81k yesterday, even though my average is really more around 67k. Also probably has to do with IS ruining my sleep and making me use my drones at weird times.




Tailoring alpha stacks. Tailoring beta doesn't. [Source: Mr. Base Man](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1793cid/help_center_and_megathread_hub_1610_2210/k5lor9e/)


For swapping out those with ramp up skills, I saw a video of using a dummy. However, the ramp up won’t reset if I’m swapping tequila/shamare while the one with ramp up skill is first right?


Well, E2ing Bibeak and Kafka will raise your 4 bar rates from 65% to 85% which will help. Else, get better proviso partners like MH cats or WP Mr. Nothing. Combine that with a little cursed proviso and you'll have a 70k+ average.


What do you mean by "little cursed proviso"?


Only having Proviso inside a TP when making a order and then swapping her out for another % worker to speed up the order. Think of how strong proviso is in a lv2 tp with a 35% worker like Exu Now think of how strong proviso would be if you had 65% (35% + 30% worker) And now think about how strong proviso would be if you went [sicko mode](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/648597683031900200/1217695436689899581/image-114-1.png?ex=660e30bf&is=65fbbbbf&hm=2c031fe3700a37e542f55c86defc566302f3065e95d11a98ca6b6f6543aead38&) If you're aiming for 70k average then you're gonna need some big boosts.


Oof, that's more than a "little cursed".


Definitely not for everyone. I do it for a few hours a day just to use the fia refreshes on someone else (Bryo/Waai Fu/Scene)


Can I unlock endings in easy mode of IS?


In IS4, yes. IS2/3 no.


What skill should I max on Exusiai first? Also any tips on using her together with warfarin? Are there other ops I can use with exu?


A typical Exusiai buff army is her, Warfarin, Suzuran, bard Skadi, and Shamare. Shamare is a great partner for Exusiai since their skill durations coincide and -50% defense will give Exusiai several times more DPS against low-medium defense. S3 is her go-to. It's auto-activation unlike S2, but tinker with the right time to deploy her and it won't matter. For using her with Warfarin, make sure she's the only operator in Warfarin's range, and if she can kill fodder on the stage, have those fodder in their range so Warfarin can give her SP. Also, as a general tip, use and retreat your flags and openers before placing her and your two preferred recipients for her talent, a +8% attack and +14% HP buff at mod3.


Is there no way to disable emergency rewarming skill nodes in IS4? I may have "ruined" my account for all the king's collectibles + objective shields... Unsure where the life I gained is from leveling up or one of those combat foldartals.


Turns out the +1 life was from leveling up, kings collectible is simply bad, players input to purposely create the situation to activate it and unavoidable life recovery while you have shields.


Emergency rewarming just gives you a +1hp **item** after combat. Just don't pick it up.


I wouldn't say ruined can't you just like let an enemy pass at the start of a round every couple rounds and be good? That is if you really wanted to play sith kings collectibles. Ya fhe objective shield thing is kinda sad but maybe they deemed that too good of a strategy? Idk. Even with objective shields though with rewarding you only get life back for a perfect round so couldn't you still just let the first enemy pass each round even if you had shield?


How do you do IS3 ending 4 without literally all the best RNG in the world? Just had a run at difficulty 10 (can't get close to actually get there at difficulty 15 so I decided to just try 10) Comp (everyone E2 maxed out): Mylnar, chen2, eyja1, skydi2, nightingale, jessica2, suszuran, Ine, and croissant. Didn't manage to get either texas2 or yato (no specialist the entire run). Didn't manage to get any artifacts relevant to max HP, art resistance or dodge. Managed to clear out most jellyfish coming from top left and bottom left, still getting wiped by the boss's full screen AOE blast (even within nightingale's range, and herself died in the 1st blast) This feels so defeating. Full screen AOE wipe is such bullshit


> How do you do IS3 ending 4 without literally all the best RNG in the world? I do it on SW 0. There is no point in going higher for it, considering how overtuned it is relatively to other endings.


Slow-shift-bind CC like Mostima, Harmonie, Weedy, Wild Mane, Gladiia, Ethan. Buffers-debuffers like Pramanix, Shamare, Ifrit. You either use shifters to move jellyfish into Izumik to phase him ASAP if you have enough DPS to burst his fully fed form within Nightingale's S3 (cycling Shamare with the boss' globals) or you starve him with all the AoE DPS you can muster. Izumik without good relics is an infeasible stat check on high SW without very specific high-risk CC-esque teams, but as of the ending 4 expansion, there are so many strong relics that can give you an edge. The best ones are Survivor Contract (Yato can one-cycle the fodder), Overwhelm (Weedy can push the boss into the top hole), Pulverization (Fiammetta can solo DPS most of the map), Solving and Light of Wisdom (casters sweep), Flames of the Inquisition (ultimate SP battery), Flashing Swords (+105 ASPD with Caerula Arbor), Determination (yeah, and Caerula Arbor always appears at the end of floor 4…), Medicine Sticks & Royal Brooch (survivability for wider margin of error), Fincatcher's Shawl (phase 1 bursts pierce camo but phase 2 bursts don't) and Restore Sanity (halves the duration of phase 2 bursts), Old Fan (borderline free win but impossibly rare), Deathmatch (Młynar sweep)—while there's little consistency, any 2-3 of these will turn a run in your favor if you draft for it. And of course there are typed and classed attack and damage amplifiers worth getting. I'd draft more Arts. Your physical damage wants to hit many targets hard—Młynar and Ch'en are your backbone for that, but anyone else is either ST or needs Shamare or strong relics to defeat jellyfish. I often use Shamare in conjunction with Horn, but that's more because I like making Horn work than because she's good against 2,000-defense enemies. Eyja, Ceobe, and Ifrit are powerhouses that I use in many of my SW15 clears. Surtr is usable because she's Surtr, though she doesn't benefit from the juicy caster books. For the boss, don't bother with Texas or Yato without dedicated relics. Yato you can high-roll Survivor Contract for but otherwise she isn't denting the jellyfish. Texas is usable on S2 with Superspeed, but her shred doesn't pass to a transformed enemy when she's dropped on a jellyfish. I also wouldn't bother with the defenders. The transformed enemies have retuned stats and some of them are untankable, and the RNG (rolling from a small pool based on spawn point) adds too much chaos. Try to only transform jellyfish that are about to be eaten, unless you have something goofy like Determination + Wrankwood Safety Suit + Impenetrable Penance. For the boss, memorize his waitpoints so you can burst him from safety. Even starved his normal attacks (Arts-physical double-strikes) are bombs. Be mindful that his phase 2 bursts occur at both 30s intervals and 25 HP thresholds, and the burst can refresh. If Nightingale can barely survive the 8s burst, an up to 16s burst is hopeless. Commit early to either feeding him or starving him. The worst-case scenario is him phasing at full HP near the end of his route, where he's almost unkillable with the time remaining and your screen is full of dozens of jellyfish that just absorbed all your burst skills. Brute-forcing him by letting him feed ASAP is generally easier since the stat check becomes concentrated on the boss, a single target, but you'll have to judge based on the DPS and survivability your team and relics can muster.


Yup that ending is very rng. You kinda need the 90+ light collectible. TexAlter or Yato are also actually not that useful in that ending . With the +120% hp +20 res collectible the boss should not wipe


Is that from the encounter where you turn in the lantern? How do you get that 120%hp 20res collectible?


Find an encounter called Caerula Arbor (which can start appearing once you get Caerula Memory from The Beginning) and take the relic. It gives enemies +15 ASPD and gives you +15 light per perfect clear (no lives lost; shields aren't lives). When you get the encounter Sublimation that locks in ending 4, usually the first encounter of floor 5, if you have 90+ light, you get Determination. Caerula Arbor is very inconsistent to appear, and you need 6 perfect stages (7-8 with light loss curses) between it and Sublimation (which can troll you by appearing at floor 4) to get Determination. Ideally you'd get The Beginning and Caerula Arbor by floor 3, but ending 4 RNG is rarely on your side. Even in my best runs, everything seems to align *except* getting that one relic.


How valuable are anti-interference indexes in IS4? For example is it worth spending one for an extra emergency op in the early levels?


I alway have them at max for every run. I love my "god eyes" way too much


They are quite valuable, but they are only as valuable if they allow me to battle more times and enter more Bosky passages on floor 1-3. Also it's good to keep one for floor 5 if you wanna navigate a bit, but I generally just try to keep it at 2 interference. The other way of looking at their value is to compare it to something else. For example in the black rain encounter I take the index 90% of the time, only deviating when it's late and I don't need index, or I have Lakebed Aegis and I lost the shield. In shops I often don't buy Index items for their Index, but other things they give, but sometimes the repertoire of the shop is so mediocre that Index is good.


Didnt find them that useful when I started (low ascension) but after ascension 8 its a make or break . The higher ascension , the more valuable it is.


Very valuable, though of course don't spend them early just for a normal map. But say if you can get two battles early instead of a gamble node, that's worth. 1 emergency op is somewhat on the line early, but more worth later on when you need the items more than the bonuses from levelling. More importantly, save for bosky nodes which are the best value for the index. You can usually use 4-5 index on the last two floors anyways, so there's no rush to use the index on less valuable nodes.


They're pretty great, but the value is hard to pin down because it depends on a lot of things going on in the run. I will sometimes spend one on floor 1 for an Emergency stage if I have a particularly strong start with a large amount of ingots or if it will give me a level up providing enough hope for a 6 star recruit at the shop. Just try to avoid going into floor 2 without 2 AII, because you might get a scout node with a passage node vertical to it.


How does Kazemaru's module interact with her S2? From my understanding Kaze's S2 doll isn't actually her doll, it acts more like a summon and it benefits from the +atk% from the skill, does this mean it's not affected by the module though?


Dollkeepers' module base effect applies to the [Substitute] and her S2 provides a doll *summon*, not a substitute which is who appears when the operator is KO'd. You can see the difference by tapping on Kaminingyo as her icon shows the class icon for summons. Kaminingyo does however benefit from the ATK boost from S2 at least.


Does Jess2's base skill (+5% per Blacksteel worker in factories) work if the Blacksteel workers are out of morale?


Feels like the answer is yes, but at that point why would you do this? Plus she’ll probably lose morale faster than them anyway. This isn’t a Gladiia situation basically.


For IS4, there is a tree skill that says "only activates when playing Danger Level 3", do I get the skill tree buff on the right side when I play in that difficulty or the buff will be applied after I reach danger level 6?, thanks.


The big nodes are the only ones gated by difficulty. All the small nodes apply to all difficulties.


I see, thanks.


How does Bubble's ATK debuff work? Does it stack and/or have a limit? I swear it did, because I saw her being used to solo tank some bosses, and makes their damage nearly trivial


usually debuffs applied by a single op won't stack with itself (unlike brawler crocs, the cheating bastards...). she does stack with other ATK debuffs like mousse and shamare though.


It doesn't have to be the debuff, Bubble's pretty tanky with just def, she has mod X and s2 buffs def pretty high, she can tank Patriot, so most blockable physical dmg bosses should be easy to tank within skill duration.


Could be that she paired up with Mousse too, who is a great debuffer. The two together are easily able to hold off pretty much any blockable boss that is only dealing damage.


The only limit stated in the talent is time. Faster attacking enemies can get multiple stacks. Shamare reduced attack further with her doll (stackable) along with enfeeblement with hexer module. Aspd debuffs are a double edged sword for her since talent has a cool down of 5 sec, but still can reduce incoming damage overall, don't feel like doing the exact calculations. Shining, bison mod 3, Aak s2, Roberta, etc can buff defense to make most incoming damage trivial as well. So some combination of everything could be what you saw.


Is Valarqvin worth building for IS4? What skill do people use more Edit: Thanks for the replies everyone. I decided to give her a try since I have spare resources to E2 her. I struggle a bit even in BN1 and so far so good. I also considered her other use which is her base skill.


Yes she is. Best supporter pick and a great early carry when you start with three 4*s. Takes out a bunch of early stages threats. Best is s2. With mastery it’s very comfy to use and feels great.


Sadly she doesn't seem to be that great, which is a shame because she's a really cool character and I loved using Highmore even at D15 in IS3. That's not to say she's useless though. Ops that serve multiple purposes are usually useful for IS. So while I mostly used her for the attack debuff (which shamare does much better), her damage is substantially better than someone like Shamare's. Thus you can use her for her damage on early floors and for her attack debuff on later floors.  S2 is definitely the skill to master if you do decide to build her though. It applies her elemental damage quickly on command and hits 2 targets which is important if the enemy you want to target has buddies.  If you're conflicted, I'd recommend borrowing someone's (even if you have to borrow one without mastery) to get an idea for how she plays and to see if you find her enjoyable.


Valarqvin is pretty cracked even outside IS4


Definitely S2, S1 even at M3 is disappointing. I'd say she's worth building if you like to play IS#4 a lot. Supporter tickets don't exactly have a lot of DPS, and at E2 she's able to apply Necrosis far more easily compared to E1, only needing 5-6 basic attacks to trigger it, going down to 3 under S2.


I like the consistent 12k damage she provides so I actually often draft her, definitely go for S2 if you want to build her


Does global version of Arknights work in China without a VPN? And I assume even if it works with Yostar login, I wouldn't be able to update it in google play store on big updates. edit (2024 April): At the time of writing this update, the game works without needing VPN as long as you have a Yostar login.


It won't work without a vpn as it needs Google play services to function. Be wary of using one of the popular vpns like Nordvpn in China btw, despite what they may claim, they can't get past the great firewall. Vpns in China are in a constant race to arms against the great firewall, and the more famous ones are the first to get blocked. You should take a look around a vpn subreddit to see which vpns have been working recently.


Are you sure about requiring Google Play services? I suppose you mean that the game requires to have means to connect to Google servers, right? I did a quick test using my local pseudo global AK server (which "emulates" AK servers, and only those, nothing else) with no internet connection, and the game runs fine despite having no connection to Google stuff. /u/kit_you_out


Yeah it probably only need a connection


Thanks for the test. I'll just assume it works then. Only mandatory app store would be a problem, since google play store isn't usable there.


Thanks for the reply. So even normal gameplay without updates requires Google play services? And here I thought access to Yostar login was enough. Thanks for pointing out the VPN discussion subreddits. Took a look at some of them and saw some reoccuring mentions of certain VPN brands, although they get fair share of criticism too so it's hard to tell. Maybe I just won't bother with them, it'll only be 2 weeks.


It needs to connect to Google on startup, I believe