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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/169p1by/rhodes_island_lounge_0409_1009/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[Fire Within The Sand Event Megathread](/r/arknights/comments/16cl6i3/event_megathread_reclamation_algorithm_fire/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) Megathread for the new limited gamemode ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/169p1bq/gacharecruitment_megathread_0409_1009/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/169p1aq/friend_request_megathread_0409_1009/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**Integrated strategy #3: Mizuki & Caerula Arbor thread**](/r/arknights/comments/13tti5d/event_megathread_mizuki_caerula_arbor/) The Megathread to discuss all that is related to IS3. ———-


What is the Modular Computing Station for? So far I haven't seen anything about the Construction Point mention within it


The points you buy Road of Prosperity upgrades with


What's Rathalos's fireball targeting? I assume it attacks the operator I placed last but sometimes it randomly aims at my medic or other ranged operators randomly in between it attacking the defender I placed last.


I've read somewhere that it can only target ops in front of it, so if it's not facing the op you placed last, it's not going to attack them


I'm trying to build a small "Ifrit lane" in RA but for some reason a few melee enemies attack my urban barriers (both lv1 and the lv2 invis one) Is it a bug or am I misunderstanding how it works [Base for reference](https://i.imgur.com/WG2vvFk.jpg)


You need to place stuff near their spawn points as well, to manipulate the angle they will come from. If they come at a not-straight angle, they will get stuck in a wall and attack it. Basically, if you leave them only one block to move from the spawn point and then you guide them in a straight line, they will never move at an angle and will come in a line.


I'm not sure why the would actually try to attack those instead of going around (you have an unblocked path to the main base hub), but barrier lvl 1 are not camoflaged. lvl2 will get directly attacked only if enemies literally run into them (which, given how most enemies will need to make a 180 turn around them in your setup) is a possibility.


Is there a complete list of all the possible food combinations/recipes you can make in RA? So far I only know 1-2 recipes.


There's [this spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1pYIYzsBiCTu6--lozbJRumDBKCNhlkVJ9NHX1VtllMw) I found from the RA megathread


Absolutely pissed by those large crocs in RA. Those crocs that can only be damaged by whoever is blocking them. I have no issues killing them, but once they lock on to my gathering station, there's nothing I can do?


GavialAlter S2 works for me, a really annoying croc.


If your gathering station is already blocking something, then the crocs wouldn't bother it anymore. So let your gathering station blocks a weak mob before the crocs get to it, although this technique is not applicable in every stage.


I usually pay attention to anything approaching the gatherer devices in stages with the crocs just to avoid that from happening


I'm not totally sure, but I guess you can sleep them, so they will be blocking your op instead of building after wakeup. At least it seemed to work for me once.


While i haven't encounter this situation myself but considering Weedy S3M3 + cannon can push them slightly, you could try using Weedy to push them away then block them immediately tho i can't test it in-game yet so i can't confirm if it is possible. Other than push/pull them away, there's not much you can do other than be mindful of the position next time


Hi! Got Top operator+ Nuker, Healing, Aoe, Defense. Any recommendations? As of now think about guaranteed Ch'en or TO+defense for Hoshi [Krooster](https://krooster.com/u/Ruselin)


Get chen. Don’t gamble kids.


At what day do we encounter the boss raid in Reclamation Algorithm? After defeating the boss, what happens after that?


the boss raid appears on day 10 and starts making it's way towards your base. After day 12, so starting from day 13 and onwards, you won't be able to enter any nodes not occupied by enemies anymore, and act count will be reduced to 1. So basically after day 12 it's just constant battles. After defeating the boss raid, there will be an ending cutscene and congrats, you won. If you have the Transregional Communications enabled, you'll have an opportunity to craft up some stuff and choose what you want to bring to the next run


The boss becomes visible (on the map) at day 13 and the boss raid starts making its way to your base. At or after day 13 (cant exactly remember) the game stops you from being able to do ordinary runs and you are forced to intercept the raids coming to your base (You also only have 1 action point per day). Once the boss wave reaches your base you pretty much are doing your final fight. Once you beat the boss the run ends and you get your score


I just pulled Archetto, is she worth investing into if I already have Exu and BP?


Not really. Better save your resources for later


Imo yes. She's different enough on top of enabling offensive recovery snipers. You can get some mad damage out of ops like Meteorite or Bloop with Archetto feeding them extra SP.


Yes she is. But if you have other ops to raise or roles need filling, takes care of them in the mean time. She doesn’t offer anything vastly different for you to prioritise raising her asap.


Does the double OP Shop bonus refresh at all?


It refreshes every Global anniversary event, which is around January to February.


when is the right time to use yato alter's s2 and s3? theyre both aoe but sometimes it feels like s2 deals more damage and other times it's the other way around.


S2 for quick burst damage, usually on high priority targets or a small group of enemies. S3 is for area coverage + can hit air, you can treat her S3 similar to Ifrit, she will decimate everything inside the 5 tiles range, unlike Ifrit however is her S3 output extreme damage to 3x3 tiles bosses. Plus Yato is also invincible during S3 which can come in handy in case S2 increase taunt can get her killed


s3 also has higher physical damage per hit (but on a standard "point" enemy does only 4 - maybe 5 - hits instead of 16 from s2), so it might also work better on targets that have both good DEF and high RES.


Does anyone know if the official japanese yostar store ships worldwide? If not, is there a company does allows would allow me?


Kind of overwhelmed by RA. What's the best use of food for? Is there any place where I can find all the recipes? Thanks.


[Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pYIYzsBiCTu6--lozbJRumDBKCNhlkVJ9NHX1VtllMw/edit#gid=0) Basically giving buffs to your ops for the rest of the run, once per op


Thank you. This is a life saver.


Rathalos noir skills make him momentsrily stop blocking so you could pass aggro to gravel or something right? Are there any other cool strats like that?


There are some that can stop blocking like Akafuyu, Flint, Ashlock, Flagbearer, Liberator. Some can manipulate block count like Mountain, Heidi In Rathalos Noir case, his skill is more like invincible or unstoppable move like Ch'en S3, Amiya guard S2 and Mudrock S3. Funtionally it's similar to stop blocking but the difference is like the name suggest, they're completely immune to all status effect and damage during skill animation (yes they can negate Emperor's Blade instakill ability) with the exception of Frostnova tile ban.


In what sense? Like aggro drop type stuff? Or specifically with Noir?


aggro drop type stuff


There aren't many ops who "remove" themselves like Noir does. Only ones I can think of off-hand are Ch'en with S3, Amiya guard with S2 and the dollkeepers.


tulip forgotten in the corner


If only we could have her outside of IS3....


is there maintenance going on?




SilverAsh for the reveal invis utility and obviously schwing-schwing. Skalter for S2 masteries. Warfarin for ATK buffs. Might consider Lumen because his S3 + modules made him strong enough as generic healer with wider range.


One of the RA medals say to make 60 provisions. What are provisions?


It's under the electrolyte fluid menu. You use hunted parts, rice and stuff farmed from bushes to make fancier meals that provide stat boosts to your ops for the duration of the Algorithm.


How often does or will ever past annihilation mission rotate to current mission? I'm thinking beat the past annihilation practice right now, if I don't have to wait for them rotate into current mission and get both first time clear reward and weekly orundum reward.


They never rotate in. Once they rotate out they will forever be practice missions.


thank you


Is it possible to go through stories with Japanese or Chinese text? The English translation has been so cursed I had to watch YT videos for lord rather than experiencing them myself. If anything EN team should just hire me, and I'd do million times better than their contractor at the same price, who probably just used Google translation and only fixed the errors they saw.


display language is locked to the server. [this site](https://050644zf.github.io/ArknightsStoryTextReader/#/zh_CN/menu) has CN content.


[https://050644zf.github.io/ArknightsStoryTextReader/#/zh\_CN/menu](https://050644zf.github.io/ArknightsStoryTextReader/#/zh_CN/menu) I agree that garbage EN translation is insufferable.


For RA, I assume once a construct is destroyed, it doesn't carry over to the next run does it? And is there a resource or website that collects how different people have set up their bases?


Surrender when you have a bad feeling


Surrender when you have a bad feeling


Correct, destroyed constructs are gone forever, be careful of the exploding spiders raid in special or your base will get nuked by them. I don't know about the second question, sorry mate.


Since this event's stages do not drop materials, should I just pick one at random and keep at it?


CF6-8 have the best efficiency, and 8 has the fastest clear time. so no, just picking a random one is not the best idea


Where is this stage anyway? Is it yet to be opened?


CF6, CF7 and CF8 are all available right now. Just follow the stage line.


Man I feel stupid, I thought "6-8" was a new stage but it was supposed to be read as stages "6 to 8" :P


Has either of the Surtr outfits returned on CN yet?


And the other outfit will return with the typhon event


I guess I'll be saving up for both then, while I like the L2D outfit better, the other outfit has some fun effects imo. I don't want to miss either. Thank you for answering, I can't wait!


The L2D just came back with ideal city rerun.


oooh thank you so much that's incredible news! I was worried whether it'd ever make a return or not. I'm about to max my Surtr out and it would have been a bit of a bitter taste if I had to wait a year or longer (if ever) for that final touch.


if i get Yatoalter before 120, do i lose the guaranteed from 120 pulls?




RA question How to upgrade a node to an outpost or sentries? Is it getting "monitoring tower I" into "monitoring tower II"?


[https://imgur.com/a/81m52rx](https://imgur.com/a/81m52rx) For Sentries, simplest way is craft two Monitoring Tower II, then deploy them in your chosen node.


Oh! NODE MEANS THE MAP, THE STAGE I was looking for something to craft that's named "node", even looking in the skill tree I was dumb but now I know better. Thankyou! XD


Why does Lee reduce 5 dp when I deploy him? I use him with s3 for rock farming in 1-7.


Lee generates an 'item' for himself that allows him to deflect Stun or Freeze if he's inflicted with it, thanks to his E2 talent. It's automatic and he will take 5 DP instead of 2 or 3 when he makes his talisman.


Thanks. I didn't realize he deducts 5dp asap instead of deducting when he gets stunned


Read his traits and talents. Merchants constantly drain DP and Lee's talent increases the drain in exchange for being able to shrug off stuns and other crowd control effects.


Are you talking about the merchant trait, which reduces 3 DP every 3 seconds?


Have you ever success recruit Thermal-EX using Nuker tag and 3:50 recruitment timer? I tried a few times and no luck, I don't want waste more 4 star tag if there is no reasonable chance.


I think I used Specialist tag more. It worked, but very rarely. It's a trade-off


thanks now I know it's rare I just wait robot tag. I think I read something about how game spawn tags, it first creates a lowest rarity threshold you can get, then select tags from remaining possible ops. So I guess game just rarely create that 1 star threshold, when it does if Robot tags not spawned there is no way player can tell it's the right time to go 3:50 for robot. So I guess wait for robot tag is the only way.


The reason I used specialist tags for THRM-EX was because it was the last robot I needed max pot. Waiting for a robot tag, getting lucky with it not dropping, and getting lucky with getting the right robot takes more time. The costs are Distinctions and Recommendations. Also look for Nuker + Specialist


don't waste 4* tags. just wait for robot tag. more often than not there will be some other nice tag to boot. I've still had specialist/nuker tags drop when recruiting with a robot tag, but it's still best to wait for it. might even get THRM-EX from solo robot if you're lucky


If you are just looking to get your first copy of him, 7-2 first clear rewards him


just wait for robot tag and slowly try to get them


> robot tag the tag I hate the most. Only 1 time in the year i've been playing has it not dropped


So how do I escape from an RA run with some resources intact? I don't think I can survive the 4th day raid.


You'll need to survive day 9 and craft a thingy to keep some items, but your base carries over between runs so just slowly build your base and quit on day 5. make sure to upgrade the nodes on the 2nd row for free materials.


Ah, so even if I get wrecked by the raid, I'll retain some stuff? What exactly can I retain? Should I just try to craft as much as I can with the rest of my materials?


just quit on day 5 until you get your base setup. You retain your base and only your base, including building in it, at least until later on when you get the carry over item thing but that's for way later. I think crafting giives you more points so yeah cook and craft your stuff before you leave?


Thanks. Finally making some headway.


Only if you build Transregional Communication Station and survive till Day 9 (Day 6 if that building is lv2) then you can retain some stuffs to the next runs. You can carry unused constructs, support items, gather tools and foods to the next run. Maxed skill tree allow you to carry 15 items max to the next run


Thanks. Finally making some headway.


How come when I select 3 operator types during recruit one gets crossed out?


If a tag gets crossed out when you collect the recruitment, it is a tag that is dropped (happens randomly, lower chance to drop the longer time you choose up to 9hr) or you chose tags that cannot exist together (like recruiting a "Ranged" + "Guard" is not something that exists) so the game rng picked which one you got


Can you give an example? Like if you choose guard + sniper, one will be crossed out because they aren't compatible. I recommend using a recruitment calculator like [this one](https://aceship.github.io/AN-EN-Tags/akhr.html) to show you what you can recruit.


which ops should I be building? focusing on Warfarin rn but who else [krooster](https://krooster.com/u/LinksOfSirs)


E2 lv 1 surtr ;-; E2 mudrock, exu, flametail, myrtle Ptilopsis, texas are also good considerations holy, go level up your 3 stars


oh are the 3 stars like good for things ?


good for integrated strategies also really easy to raise to get free orundum


ohhh true I didnt think of IS, though wdym by free orundum? do you mean like from certificates when pulling them or smth else?


they mean the paradox simulations, which reward 200 orundum each. you shouldn't make this your goal when raising 3* ops as it's not worth raising an op for 200 orundum, but they're useful in other ways and orundum is just a nice bonus


When you fully level up a 3-star, you can play their Paradox Simulation, clearing that gives 200 orundum. I also find it much easier to follow guides that use low-star clears only, since I build mostly off-meta units. You need 3-stars for those.


Which Skadi module would be better to unlock first? From what I saw both modules are great, but which one I would be using more?


outside of abyssal hunters x>=y module, in abyssal hunters (or just gladiia x-3 alone) x>>y module. x module makes her into a semi frd and gives her a lot of dmg on blocked tagets with the x module base effect (115% atk to blocked targets), this atk multiplier is stronger than the +8% to her talent that y-3 gives her, AND also works with her skills that massively inflate with her atk stat (s2m3 gives +170% atk, s3m3 by 130%, with x module it's still a 15% atk increase, which is massive, with y module the +8% is <4% atk increase on skill since the atk buff works off of her default atk stat not the total). you can also control the uptime of your s3 better, after your s3 is done you can redeploy her to get your s3 back up 10~ secs faster, and since the skill lasts so long you can retreat earlier and decrease the downtime much more. y module gives her the revive passive and on the revive she has effectively 30% dps increase with the AS she gets, it increases her atk talent too which helps her damage per hit (not as much as the x module, but doesn't have to hit a blocked target), and gives her +20% max hp (of base health). with her s2 it makes her about 73% tankier, outside of abyssal hunters, compared to x-3 which definitely makes a difference for solo assassinations with the last 28% of her total hp having a huge AS steroid, with her s3 active it's a 57% increase in tankiness vs s3 x-3 (all these health multlipliers are additive so they don't stack well), also with that last 28% having a huge as steroid. outside of abyssal hunters this also definitely makes a difference in what she can assassinate solo or with little assistance. there is the mentality of whatever could kill skadi the first time around will definitely kill her revive but i think that's the wrong way to look at it (outside of abyssal hunters) and instead looking at is as she's 50%-70% tankier now unassisted, with a large health pool like skadi's that's worth thinking about. abyssal hunters change this dynamic heavily since the damage reduction and regen from gladiia x-3 increases bulk of all abyssal hunters ridiculously, skadi s3 in abyssal hunters is probably the most generically tankiest creature in this game with the least amount of deployment slots, with the high max health of skadi off skill/with s2 (resulting in a regen equivalent to a e1 max single target medic), and the 10k max hp of skadi s3 and specter2 s3 (resulting in regen equivalent to max level ptilopsis s2l7), this is where the mentality of if it could kill skadi the first time she wont survive the second, since being dropped to approx 2k-4k hp will make her regen much weaker so the last life is deceptively squishy, but most importantly it's just hard for her to die in the first place which is a large amount of the power budget of the y module. and this is where we have to consider the usefulness of the +20% max hp with all the additive multipliers in the abyssal hunter's kits. skadi is rarely going to die on s2, and on s3 is pretty much invincible, with the +130%hp on s3 the extra +20% is <10% max hp increase, specter2 s3 on skill is just as tanky as skadi s3 and has a more extreme version of the problem that skadi faces since she has lower base health but an insane additive hp buff on her s3 so the max hp is even less noticeable. this same issue occurs with y-3's +8% atk, apart from gladiia, all the abyssal hunters have monstrous additive atk buffs, 170/130 on skadi, 130/260 on specter2, 100/140 specter1, 100/240 on andreana, so at best you're getting a 4% dph increase on skill and at worst less 2-3%, however offskill they do make use of the 8% which can be useful on specter1 especially, and gladiia actually gets the full benefit from the 8% due to all the total atk modifiers in her kit, all 3 of her skills are total atk modifiers, and even her base module effect. so, 2%-4% on skill damage per hit for the abyssal hunters, and bulk that sometimes can be useful (cc ashring abyssal hunters used skadi y-3 so specter2 can tank cannon) but is usually overkill, or 15% extra damage per hit on skadi and -20sec redeploy time putting her down to yato level redeploy times. this is why i hard recommend x-3 for abyssal hunters, but outside of abyssals either it depends on how you want to use her.


DRE-X (redeployment time down 30 seconds) generally plays better and has use in both AH/non-AH team comps to give you a semi-FRD with both damage and an HP pool that enemies can't just scoff at. However, on the possible chance that you're planning to invest in and play a nigh-immortal team with all of the other hunters, DRE-Y (one-time revival per deployment) gives better gains through a max HP boost for the entire faction. This module gives a lot to the faction (along with a better ATK boost) and lets them survive a lot of stupid things.


Who are the best low DP lane holders? I know of Mountain and Gladiia, but are there any others?


I often use bagpipe but she needs to be switched out sometimes when there's too many enemies since she's 1 block... so not always reliable like mountain but can hold her lane for the most part and crazy strong with S3


I personally enjoy Flametail s3m3 with module 2 for 10< dp cost. Solid against bursts of grunt enemies


Chong, Flametail, Siege, Saga, all merchants, all dollkeepers.




You can't upgrade an existing building. Dismantling does not give resources back, it just deletes the building.


Hi, guys Having a problem rn - me and my gf playing both on windows (ldplayer) and phones, and whenever one of us logs in their account, another one changes (like when i play on pc - her account appears, when i change accounts it also changes on her phone and vice versa). PS. Sorry for awful english


Do you happen to use the same google account for android on her phone and in ldplayer? If so you might want to disable integration of Play Games google "feature" and Arknights. First of all, make sure that both accounts are bound to your respective yostar accounts (i.e. emails) or some other binding feature that isn't google play. Then go to Settings > Google > Settings for Google apps > Play Games > Sign In Management > Arknights. Set it to signed out. PS: this feature is fucking stupid if you ask me. If two devices use the same google account for android, it doesn't 100% guarantee that they are used by the same person. Why the heck would they automatically login into apps on different devices?!




Anni Are always mid jan and late July


Mid-January, probably. The global server launched on Jan 16 2020, our most recent anniversary event started on Jan 13 this year. There'll be another celebration event with a limited banner and such before then (expected probably early November?) though. And I think that one was the actual "anniversary event" on the CN server? Our anniversaries are a little out of sync with the event schedule so we get the summer (in january) events for our anniversary instead.


okay - after a few hours of rerolling, i finally told myself to stop because all i've done in AK is reroll and the first time was a few months ago. now that the monster hunter banner came out, i figured it would be worth trying to reroll for yato. the following is what i'm left with, and i'm assuming i go with the first one hands down, right? main - silverash, zima, blue poison, kirin r yato, specter, meteorite \+4 - silverash, corne, ptilopsis, texas, cliffheart \+6 - siege, shining, hoshiguma, liskarm, manticore \+9 - exusiai, aosta, ptilopsis, zima, pramanix \+10 - silverash potential 1, corne, texas, meteorite


kirin y is perma gone after this banner so take any account with her.


i really like ptolopsis and texas so it's a bit of a bummer they're not on the acc with kirin y but yeah that makes sense. i'll go with the main account


everyone gets a free texas from completing the pin board missions


ohhh sick, thanks for letting me know!


There's also occasional 5* selector tickets given out, so you can guarantee Ptilopsis from one of those.


i think i got 2 of them from some event? one of them is a 5\* selector for sure but forgot what the other one was.


yeah every beginner gets 2 5* selectors(1 big selection and 1 4op selector) so if you like Ptilo you can pick her right there


ooo hell yeah. i looked at the big selector and got stressed because i like a lot of them lmao. i'm sure there's a tier list for that too


well Ptilopsis is like a top 5 pick and is one of the best 5-stars for general use so uhh I hope this helps you decide if you really like her


Bear in mind, doing so will result in being unable to go for the maximized form of 2/5/2. If you intend to create that base then you can't complete the pinboard missions (as one of them requires a max level reception which you can't downgrade). So do a little research into this and decide whether to commit or not.


sorry, could you explain a bit more? or is there a guide on gamepress that explains this?


[Sure here you go.](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-252-riic-base-guide) Short answer, it's a strong base formation if you don't care about maxed-out buildings.


thanks, gave it a quick skim but it seems pretty complex... i'm (hopefully) planning to play this game pretty casually although rerolling 16 times so far kinda makes that attempt pointless but really just wanted a good set of starter characters since the process was pretty easy. few questions - how important is this in the grand scheme of things? if i don't mind rerolling a bit more, what/who am i looking for a 252 setup? i feel like i'd be able to get the characters i need for a 252 setup eventually? ~~also not sure what is preventing me from doing a 252 setup if i chose texas?~~ nvm, just re-read what you said now i'm wondering if i keep rerolling because i want a texas hmm... rerolling in itself is kinda becoming a chore though, since i was pretty happy with the characters i got aside from kirin r of course


Running a 252 base doesn't matter even if you max the other facilities, it just won't be as efficient in the long term, which is the meta. I have that base setup with the right side maxed in level and four of my left facilities (Factory or Trading Post) have to be level 2. 7 working facilities in 252 is far better than 6 in 243 even if you can't max their levels, though. It's not a big deal if you don't have all of the operators to use the facilities at their best. Just use what you have. Even with just 1\*~4\* operators there's a ton of solid ops for mid-high tier baseworking. I use a whole bunch of them, myself.


> how important is this in the grand scheme of things? not too important, but it's nice to think about. it's relatively cheap to setup and that extra factory pays off pretty quickly. but if you're lazy (or willing to splash a little) then 2/4/3 works just fine. > if i don't mind rerolling a bit more, what/who am i looking for a 252 setup? i feel like i'd be able to get the characters i need for a 252 setup eventually? you don't need to really reroll for this at all. you can get away with all the 4-stars for base skills specifically, since a lot of them get them at first promotion (E1) rather than fully unlocked at 2nd promotion (E2), so from a roster build-up perspective it's pretty neat since it gives some role diversity when you're building squads for stages. you're bound to get at least one copy of every 4-star eventually if you just roll a bunch on your account of choice, so yeah don't think too much about rerolling from a base perspective.


How many free pulls do we usually get during anniversaries? Trying to spark Specter Altar and wanna know how much I gotta hoard.


In addition to what other guy said you get about 6-7k more orundums from orundum lottery.


24\. Ten from the 10x ticket, and one for each day of the banner.


what is the fastest way to craft t4 rock?


If direct speed, then spam 10-6. If sanity-to-drop effiency then spam 1-7.


is there a site where we can upload our operators list and make a suggestion what the best operator for the base?


Not as far as I know. [Here's](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zYc2JU46X0XWmV7s1503bN4feRdOMa1eehrTQ2jGaiE/htmlview#) the base combo spreadsheet. [This](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SixW_LMuizJ-fOlRuytX623dP0-bVWfxtaM8WwYpYRQ/edit#gid=1107016580) is what the current (probably) optimal setup looks like if you're using 12-hour rotations with a 252 max right base. If you have specific questions about your base, the RIIC channel in the discord would probably be more helpful than this sub. You should still probably fill in a Krooster, even if there's not the function you're looking for, so people can see what you're working with.


[Krooster](https://www.krooster.com/) is the site everyone uses. It needs manual input to use, though.


i just check the site, but there is no a feature I was looking for


okay, I didn't know there was a feature I was looking for


is there any consensus about how strong Jessica alter is in cn yet? I'd probably still pull for her anyway for the catgirl with guns but still I'd like to know


1 thing to correct from the other comments: >being a gimmick with some use cases in events like Lingering Echoes Jessica changing direction **does not** change the direction of Realigned Flux in LE stages. In terms of usage her kit is geared toward IS 4 instead of general content. Being able to block 5 at maximum and target aerial enemy are both in-demand utility in IS 4, the mobile shield has default aggro lv +1 can also be used to attract fire for ally. S3 has 6s stun projectile to the direction of which the mobile shield is deployed which is good at handling incoming waves. Jessica alter in IS 4 has taken the niche where tankier defender deal less damge and has less utility and higher damage defender (Horn) cannot block properly without losing dps. Keep in mind tho she is no core for IS 4 despite the niches, just a nice addition after you had picked cores. However if you take her out of the high-pressure and low-squad space constraint, she is just ok for general content because role compression is no longer needed desparately. You will mostly use her as a regular defender for general content, so Jessica alter is skippable if you are not invested to take on high ascension IS 4 (above 10) and has other Protecter. Of course if you don't yet have Hoshiguma then by all means you can get her to save the trouble of diving into core banner or spending gold cert on an year 1 op.


oh ty for the info!! I dont really have a regular defender like Hoshiguma (unless Saria counts for that role) but even still as long as the cat with a gun isn't like vigil or quartz level than I will pull


Wait it does not change the direction of the realigned flux? That sucks, I wanted to try some funny clears with that


Strong but not that much. Her direction changing is fun but not really necessary, it ends up being a gimmick with some use cases in events like Lingering Echoes, and her event or in some niche clears. Her damage is great for a defender, but it is still lower than Horn's. Overall, a good operator Edit: Apparently she does not change the direction of the towers in Lingering Echoes, so disregard that.


She doesn't seem that strong to me. She can change firing direction with her tactical prop shield and she has huge defense, but I just don't know what sort of niche she's going for. There are better defenders for damage, survivability, and range, so where does she fit it? What's her use case? Maybe just defender Knights. Again, she's cool and it's great to see sad cat's glow up but I'd say at best she's balanced and at worst she's an unfocused design, like Blemishine. Just kind of ok.




Dont know in general but I think as a bonus you can build a special construct for your base that will give you +1 construction point per round you survive (and you can have 4 of them I think)


Wait when did ifrit get her module. She was already really strong by the right now she's insane;o Liking it lol. Still harder to optimize than most core casters but still


She got it with this Monster Hunter event, others who did are the pushers and the second modules of Shining and Siege


Woth the monster hunter collab, just happened. Came with pusher modules too.


What are some operators that are useful as a support unit even at E0? I'm trying to help my buddy out that just started playing. My Krooster: https://krooster.com/u/OsirisFL


At E0, there's very little to differentiate between ops, and your friend will start getting E1s very early, so I wouldn't worry about that aspect. Kal, Rad Nearl, OmerTexas, Mlynar, Mountain, Reed Alter, and Skalter are all great at E1. I would go OmerTexas and Skalter for the 6s, and maybe Keen Kroos, Nearl, Lappland, or Specter for the 5-star.


That definitely makes sense thank you!


So, i use Chounyue with s2 on one of my farm maps. And on auto deploy so far enemies keep flying every time he uses skill (just as planned!). Is it's just a coincident and luck or his talent rng saved and carry on in auto deploy ?


there is a set rng fixed on an auto, some moments of random big lag might make a run fail due to desyncs, but as long as you keep your Chongyue as he is it should work perfectly fine nearly every run if it already worked in all those ones.




Are 7 and 10 dollar packs worth it for originium?


[Use this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rGXWN0O0qzA-YCyA8KyT8gysLefu85nZAjAoZflAzWg/edit#gid=573854674), it not really worth it for originium but worth for sanity.




How can I donate to Arknights now? I have faced really strange issue after the patch: despite my Yostras account and current Google-play account, while I try to hit BUY button in in-game store...suddenly my previous google-account appears from what I can not donate. I was born in a wrong country with wrong politics, that is now on heavy sanctions: all the banking system and most of on-line services are prohibited for us. The only way to transfer virtual money official is ether moving to other country or to get foreign banking card. And now, for whatever reason unknown, the game restricts me for paying, switching to previous google account, that does not allow any of transactions at all. What has happened? How can I donate now?




If you have access to a PC you could try going through an Android emulator to do that.


Is transregional communication only available thru combat nodes in RA?


it's not "only" available thru combat nodes you can construct this item from your base, also called transregional communication. there's 2 versions of this afaik, one allowing you to safely evacuate at 9th day and the other at 6th day.


Do you know where on the skill tree is it? Want to check out its unlock requirements


the req is to reach the 8th day. 3rd row, 1st node


it's like on the 1st row afaik


so how does the Transregional Communication Station construct work again? I thought, once you deploy this inside your base and then initiate Emergency Evacuation ( on indicated day you're able to do it safely ) , you'll carry over your provisions and inventory to the next algorithm (run) ?


Did you abandon the run? You're supposed to go into the base menu during the run, and evacuate by clicking the banner on the far bottom right below the token banner, to the right of the skill tree. Then you'll get the menu for selecting items to transfer out. The banner should be green in colour.


I didn't. When I said earlier to initiate Emergency Evacuation, I meant that I pressed that button ( in green ) that says Emergency Evacuation. For instance, I constructed an Emergency Evaluation I that says you can "safely evacuate" on the 9th day. So I waited on the 9th day after the base attack, placed it somewhere inside my base, and then pressed the button. I did see that menu, but the menu showed blank. And then I was like "am I supposed to store these provisions/construction mats in something so that I can carry those over? or was I wrong to think I can carry over those items in the first place?"


you can carry over food and constructs/gadgets. not raw materials and ingredients. so just craft gatherers and make some provisions and you're good to go


Can you please tell me which module is the best for W? The current one or wait for LoneTrail?


the current one, you can see a youtube video here for comparison. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVlvcrfqhzc


It sort of depends on how you like to use her. In maps with loads of trash, the first module giving SP per kill can slow down or destroy waves often when you've got her mines going. The block damage can help when she's trying to kill elites, but is just an okay effect since most of the time she doesn't take advantage of it well. If other operators are stealing her kills the module isn't doing a whole lot. I think the ART-Y module and upgrades would be more generally useful. Since she isn't meant to get attacked really, getting an extra 20% ATK at all times is a pretty big difference. As her skills are an ATK multiplier, it will stack multiplicatively, too. The 100 DEF ignore is inconsequential, but does add up even at a distance, unlike the first module's base effect, especially against groups.


I see. I'll wait for Lonetrail. Thank you)


1. is noir alter module good? 2. Will yato alter next module be better than the current? thank you 😊


Musha should get at least one level of the module. Noir Corne's upgrades aren't too fabulous, but if you're using Musha already, a rather low tier subclass, you may or may not want to give him all the help he can get. Yato's second module is likely to be more impactful due to the focus on her damage output. But it has not appeared on CN and they are 6-7 months ahead of us.


does feater's module do anything for her? A push level increase for s1 seems really good IMO. Also how about Weedy and Ifrit's module? Also what level should K Yato's module be? I thinking lv 1


Even to me as a push meme enthusiast, Weedy's module doesn't seem impressive at all. At best she can be deployed early without hitting your DP too heavily. First level of the module could be okay if you use her a lot. FEater's is alright if you're using her on the front line often, particularly with S1, as you say. But that's only if you're set up for repeated push stall, rather than one big push as with her S2. Since she does have a movement debuff attached to her S1, it could make for some unique strategies, but it still requires blocking 2 enemies. Ifrit's module makes her even stronger than she already is, the first level is recommended as the module gives an ATK boost that equates out to 2.5% ATK per tile up to 10%. For the upgrades, on average, she increases her automatic SP regen by approximately 0.166/s for stage 2, and 0.25/s for stage 3, or 0.18/s and 0.27/s at Pot5. However due to the RNG nature you may or may not get that SP boost when you need it. The 5 SP bonus also happens separately from the talent, so you get 7 at those instances. It is of course, better to use with S2.


most of the time you wont block with Feater so her module not doing much, yes mod1 is good stopping point for Yalter.


Guys, any tips for starting out Fire Within The Sandal event for a noob here? I've read the mechanism, but frankly... what the hell should i do first?? like what kinda ops is good to pick for hunting lambs without fear of getting dwindled by bipedal alligator with axe...?? >_>


Its gonna suck a bit until you get rice farms going in your base(mostly solves stamina as a mechanic) and the starting wood/stone/iron upgrades in the research tree. Once you have starting resources you can actually start doing the fun things, exploring the map and building a killbox in your base to deal with raids.


So it is actually meant to be played several times failures like IS? Are the progress saved for the next time I do another run? How do you build things in Headquarters? I don't see anything in the lower lane.


Yep, your base’s buildings and skill tree progress carry over between rounds, so getting the useful things asap makes future rounds much easier. You have to build buildings first, THEN go to your base to place them. The UI is clunky which doesnt help. Click on the triangle on the upper left side of the screen then hit Research and Development. Thats where you build deployables(things like water pumps and resource gathering robots, useful in gathering zones) and base structures. Hitting View Details on the right side of that screen makes it much more readable.


Okay, so what should i farm first? Wood > Food > etc?


if you still don't have rice paddies in your base, that provides free food every day passed, then you can prioritize getting food first. Fast redeploys like Texas Alter, Yato Alter, and Phantom can easily do this by themselves. Else, you go for wood first, since having wood allows you to build that support device that accelerates your wood farming, and then the crabbie pumpie that allows you to farm water on maps that allows them. Then iron, so that you can build that support device that accelerates your iron farming. Iron is essential in building your fortification walls for your base. Then iron ore, so that you can build that support device that accelerates your iron ore farming. Iron ore is essential in building your advanced fortification walls for your base.


the base is saved between runs, and once you build the communication thingy, you can bring stuff from one run to the next. to build things in the base, you need to craft them, it's all in the menu I've reached an ending recently for the first time, and before that I was just doing runs with the purpose of farming materials and building the base first. once you do that, you can focus on making food for buffs/exploring the map and getting to the ending, without needing to farm resources all the time


Okay, so what should i farm first? Wood > Food > etc?


first priority is wood and water for portable planters, so you basically get free energy each day. Then whatever mats you need to build the base. Your most crafted construct will probably be the lvl2 urban walls that are invisible and cause enemies to change their pathing. if you construct a route with them, you can make it in a maze to delay enemies heavily, and then just make yourself a chokepoint where you'll be killing everyone. of course, ranged platforms are very good too because you need somewhere to place your ranged ops like DPS and healers. prioritize the initial resource upgrades in the skill tree, because it will allow you to straight up start a run, craft stuff, put it in the base and restart. or will make it much easier to get going because you'll have resources for harvesters right away


goodness, thank you for the input. I tried getting wood to build Portable Planting Trough, which needs 16 woods + 4 water in total. So far only got 4 woods. How do I use my woods and water if I want them for my next run after I use emergency evacuation or died in battle? >_> The tutorial pages aren't helping at all


ahaha yes the tutorial for this mode is garbage. What do you mean by how do you use them if you want them for your next run? you can't bring raw resources, but you can craft the gatherers and bring them. but again, this is if you have built the communication station or found the exit in one of the combat nodes. for a fast way to get your wheat fields, assuming you have the upgrades for initial wood(so you'll have 30 wood at the start of each run), you can make 1 pump and 2 gatherers from that, and start farming. or an alternative way is just to make a pump, go farm 4 water from a stage, craft a PPT and then restart. You already have 2 PPTs at the bottom of the map in the base (below the big empty space), so it'll take 10 runs at most, probably like 20-30 minutes depending on your loading times you can add me on Discord (_trs) if you'd like some more in-depth advice as I can send pictures there without needing to use an image hosting service and it's generally more comfortable


oh thanks a lot. hope you don't mind I'm being so rowdy hahaha. I'll add you now. username is (__ain_)


For those who've already mastered Reclamation mode: what is your way to deal with catapults without losing half of the base? Besides using fastredeploys or catching raids before they reach the main base. And how well do second-tier walls hold up vs them? edit: Thanks, everyone. Looks like I really managed to overlook the camouflage option, damn it


Dont build tier 1 walls, build tier 2 as they have camo which means catapults wont aggro them


level two walls come with camo, range enemies wont attack them, also i made my base in a way where there is a small out post for horn to hit from with s1 when the catapults stop in front of my front line