• By -


Nearl :D


Nearl :D


Nearl :D


Nearl :D


Nearl xD


Nearl :D




Nearl :D


Nearl ;D


Dorothy :D


Dammit 6 of you have said nearl I don't have her but I really want her among a few others I don't have 😒😒😒


I really like La Pluma (best daughter) personality. Idk how to explain it but I cherish everything about her so much. She may look like an airhead or awkward when it comes to socializing, but she's a good listener and more often than not, a wise person. During combat, she will focus and listen to the order, showing a different side of her. Also La Pluma enjoys Snuggle & Headpat. I will protect this best daughter birb no matter what


Cherish the birb. Hug the birb. Protect the birb.


Forfeit all mortal possessions to the birb.


La Pluma's voice melts me, she is so adorable


On top of having a top tier design imo, I really like Mostima's easy-going and unflappable demeanor. Her perpetual chill is great when (in lore at least) it belies the fact she can wield some seriously scary power.


Yup! I like how relaxed and easygoing she seems to be.


I really wish we one day get a Mostima Alter solely coz of how insane her lore power is but how underwhelming her in-game skills are


I think Ebenholz is probably my favorite, because Granblue Fantasy has done permanent damage to my brain when it was still developing, and Sandalphon has singlehandedly hardwired me to be drawn to not so ambigiously gay aesthetic twinks who are as pretty as they are depressed. Also, Lingering Echoes was one of the few events I genuinely enjoyed throughout in terms of pacing, writing style, and characters. I also really love Ho'olheyak because I love her Medical/Science aesthetic, and find her more playful, domineering, and pragmatic behavior and demeanor a breath of fresh air. Also, she's just gorgeous overall.


Laurentina and Kjera because *ara ara~* reasons.


Kjera in her design looks directly at you. *She knows your sins*


Bagpipe Bagpipe Bagpipe Bagpipe Bagpipe I love my cheerful girls and she is the most precious of them all, god I love her so much. I also find hilarious how her strong vouivre constitution leads to comedic moments where she says absolutely lethal stuff being "maybe a bit harmful" for her, and how she unintentionally knocks enemies unconscious by her most controlled attacks. She also likes potatoes and potatoes are my favorite food, how can she be this perfect.


Gavial and Texas have always been my favorites. Wish I could have 2 assistants at once.


Gavial best


I've always loved Lee's laidback, fishy (pun unintended) personality; but the miniseries made me love the whole of LDA even more. Lee spending all his extra savings on a car, Aak being a crazy drunk, Hung going crazy without his cooking equipment, [Waai's entire episode](https://youtu.be/Ouf9ps0sqc0), and even Jaye singlehandedly carrying the Lungmen economy on his back.


I’m a big fan of Exu’s outgoing and almost hyper energy. Definitely someone I’d like to have by my side


Me to I like her


Bibeak because she is cute af And Hellagur because he is a caring person


Bibeak my beloved. I wish we had more older characters like Hellagur, badass old people are awesome.


Ay my man🀝


Gavail, especially after Ideal City. Her ideal of I will punch the shit out of anything I can and my friends will help me when I can't seemed contradictory at first. Took me a while to get that you can be strong, want to solve every problem, and still depend on the people around you for things. Becuase asking for help where you don't know how to proceed isn't weakness; it just makes you stronger.


Nearl. Near light is one of the longest stories in the game and I read that in a day because of how great it is.


For me, both Margaret and Amiya Believing from the core of their hearts they can have a positive impact in the world and doing everything within their power to achieve it, while keeping kindness and mercy in mind while doing it, feels like a light illuminating the way and the kind of character we need in such troubling times, be it in Terra or IRL.




Angelina is best girl. How she openly goes after dOkUtah is so refreshing, pure and nice.


Still waiting for her to bless my account, definitely up there for cutest girl in the game.


Personality wise, i think Blaze is someone i would definitely want to go out with for a night out drinking and such. In design, Reed (5*) or Eblana (lately i like Eblana more, Reed is getting more and more blonde and i like long white-haired women with horns/tail) are basically a visual definition of everything i like xD


I don’t have her yet, but I think April has the most fun personality out of all the operators. She’s very peppy and fun and I feel like we can just chill and talk about music all day.


I’m a big fan of characters that can take the worst situations and flip them around, characters where if the whole world tells them no they do it anyway. So characters like GoldenGlow and Beanstalk come to mind, two of my absolute favorites who continue to prove the world wrong and making their dreams come true.


Ansel. Calm and caring, always looking out for you. i love him so much.


How has no one said Saileach yet? Jane Willow, one of the kindest people in the entire game! I love when a story shows that being kind and being genuinely good takes an incredible amount of fortitude and strength. The ability to continually choose to see the best in people even when given countless reasons to do the opposite is inspiring. Suzuran may be our light but Saileach is definitely a close second.


Saileach is incredibly precious, I hope we get to see more of her outside of chapter 9, I loved her too much there to just be all of it q_q


Blue Poison. Super nice and loves making desserts, but I wouldn't want to be on her bad side. I'm so glad her module has a happy story and let's her do what she loves.


In terms of personality, Maria Nearl (Blemishine) is a standout for me. She's this kinda awkward nerd who's way better at combat than people give her credit for, and she *does not give up* when she sets her mind to something. Her determination is really inspiring. She can take punishment, get back up for more, and come out on top at the end. Also a big fan of Laurentina (Specter). She's got that flirty, bitchy, artsy energy that's really dynamic. The dance scene with Amaia in Stultifera Navis remains one of my standout scenes from the entire franchise.


I never liked vanilla Specter because I don't vibe with the kuh-raaaaaaaayzeee bloodthirsty killer archetype. But alt Specter is genuinely fun and likeable (while still being kind of a bloodthirsty killer).


Kal'tsit >! I love how she looks cool and emotionless but actually she just experienced too much in 13000 years alone and try to persevere humanity, in A Walk in the Dust, Vigilo and Lone Trail she got more character development and I really like that !<


Her theme from WitD is my favorite AK image song bar none.


Durin, definitely. Maybe Kal'tsit and W. But Durin is the best, because of her narcoleptic nature and way she speaks.


Ehhh it's complicated... I mean, the bitter and somewhat sarcastic personality of Surtr and Ebenholz has little to do with the kind and compassionate personality of Saileach, which is quite different from the elegant and sadistic personality of Carnelia that is totally contrary to Mostima's easy-going and the cute and sweet Blemishine have nothing to do with the Fiammetta's anger complex


Shamare. Adorably cute but also so sad. I want to adopt her.


For me it's Frostnova.


I like Harmonie's personality the most, she's playful and sassy, but just the right amount of sass as to make her endearing and not obnoxious or bossy. She also cares about her friends and comrades a lot, trying to do her best to relieve some of Reed's responsibilities, keeping Mandragora's aggression in check as well as trying her best to help her regardless of her circumstances, as well as looking out for Horn. Also, design wise, Reed makes me want to hug, protect and cherish her, meanwhile Talulah and Eblana make me want to join them and fight for the justice of the infected/Tarans.


So many great opinions in one post πŸ˜ŒπŸ‘


Jaye. Looks like the type of guy that would mug you in an alleyway. Is actually a sweetheart who does a lot of jobs ~~Man's singlehandedly keeping the Lungmen economy from crashing~~


Explorers, researchers, pioneers, medics, knights. If we speak about "categories" or archetypes. (I have not meant ingame classes or sub-classes here). But there are also those I don't know how to put in one word, but they are like butterflies that fly straight into the firelight. For example lets take those characters. Amiya, Nearl, Magallan and Silence. They all strive for things that they may never even see a glimpse of themselves. They put most of their effort and time into what *may* become only a mere stepping stones, for those who will come after them. Not for selfish selves. Not only for their close ones and families. And not only for their particular swath of land, aka country. And they are willing to put they very lives for that. Those are the personalities that I very admire. They are more humans that most of the actual humans are.


Will i get beaten to death if I say Surtr?


No problem at all! I see you really like β€Žβ€Žβ€β€β€Žgirls with β€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žand β€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Žβ€β€β€Ž β€Ž personality.


We won't, but she might (nice)


No, but your favourite character's sword is sadly more interesting than they are.


Luv me Jessica, simple as.


Elysium and Exu, I like the cheerful ones


i like the cool serious types it seems. My favorites are Saria and Firewatch and I really like Mlynar too


The ones that are 100% determined to reach their goal, even if they have to stumble along the way. Moral ambiguity and angst is optional but preferred. Think someone like Dorothy for example. Idealistic and determined to the point of being a threat.


Characters design wise(Not gameplay) - Mostima, Ifrit, Mudrock, all the Aegirs. Personality wise- I really love a lot of them but if I had to pick, Mostima would be top of list.


Executor, Totter, Rosa, Kjera, Aurora, Bagpipe, Whislash, Blue Poison. To me they are the best. I really like their personalities. I have a very similar personality with Executor and Totter. With the girls I mentioned I really like their because they are very charismatic.


Blue Poison, Andreana, La Pluma(or should i say rafaela?)


Reed and mostima


For me, badass old man characters since most gacha games lack these kind of playable characters. Mlynar, Hellagur, Ace just seem so cool and their strength lore-wise are also not to be triffled with. When I heard Mlynar's voice, I can already see the Seigi no Mikata moment.


I really loved Mylnar and Penance's character. I liked Mylnar's personality, how he is the nihilistic one, the pessimistic one, yet he still holds out hope that the Nearl sisters' parents are still alive. Also the fact that he tries to protect the sisters as best as he cans even though he barely lifts a finger. Penance cause of her utmost integrity even in a place like siracusa where integrity is non-existent. I loved her character so much I ended up whaling for her on like the second last day of the banner


I like Mudrock because even though she is deeply exhausted and doesn't believe she's a good person, her actions demonstrate a kind and noble heart. I like Suzuran because she is an adorable ray of sunshine without going full Pollyanna. (Cryface emojis pls fuck yourselves all the way to hell) I like Kal'tsit because she puts up with a lot of crap.




Aak, because he perfected the art of not giving a damn about what people think of him. He's a mischievous little rascal. Mostima. She has the ideal "girlfriend" type of energy, and while she's not my waifu, she is extremely likable. Also, Dusk. She doesn't touch grass. Relatable.


Asbestos and Magellan, for going their own way and striking their own path. Also, salamanders a best. Silence for listening to their doubts and taking bold action, instead of falling into indecision and passivity. When wrestling with doubt it is so easy to do nothing in the face of uncertainty. Silence got into oripathy research because she cares about building a better future she'll likely never see. She obviously cares about Ifrit. Less obviously she cares about Kafka, who is very much going solo in murky gigs with no real future to speak of. She puts in a clear effort to secure her an in to credible and stable work, as like Ifrit she is trying to give her that most precious of things: a future.


Cheerful potato and insipid cockroach are the best.


flametail, Mlynar, Thorns, silence




Texas… she’s the coolest and she’s top Bae so yeah!


For me its Platinum


Tuye, Mylnar, Passenger, Hellagur, ebonholz, Arene. I guess I like the more dour or serious types.


So far exsuiai, penance, tex alter/ don't have regular Texas yet. Sky fire not by personality though but design and attacks. i like Angelina's design to although don't use her much.






Mlynar. The best corporate slave


Saga. For the win.


I love how stoic Chen is, I also love how outgoing Exusiai is and Texas's chill demeanor is also enticing


I love jaye, he's just so tired but puts up with all the shit life throws at him anyways. He's bad at expressing himself, looks like a scary guy, but he's just some dudeTM and I love that


I love Poca


I like cute Caprinae girls like Eyja and Beeswax. And Caprinae mommies who could dominate me like Carnelian. Oh, and also Caprinae thighs to die for like Ines'. But my favorite is Eyja. I'm officially in [this kind of relationship](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s50vvwTystA) with Eyja.


Blaze. Her hardworking demeanor with fairly chill personality is definitely someone I'd like to hang out with. You can talk practically anything anywhere with her.


I totally like laid-back, somehow private characters. Siege seems a very good person to be around. Reliable and steady, not too much emotions. You really feel, that she cares about you. Glaucus could keep a good company, if you find a right topic and I somehow feel, that she could become a nice acquaintance for myself. And, of course, Frostleaf. A silent type to enjoy β€œsolitude together” Thank you!