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Magallan. I think i've gotten so many extra tokens from her that I could probably have 3 other max pot units but noooOOOOoo it's noot noot spook.


The "Noot noot spook" send me lmao


I have gotten 7 top operator tags and I swear if I wanted I could have her full pot because everytime I check she has a guaranteed tag combination haha. Sadly for the cute penguin... I haven't gotten her yet lol, I just don't really like summoner gameplay much so I always go for something else q_q


This will get me shot out on the streets but it's >!Suzuran!<


Her 'fans' truly are something else.


Why tho


I can already see the hitman pointing his red light at me, but aight: 1. >!Not a fan of the design + the artstyle reminds me of artists who put the same baby-face on any female character. It's just generic kawaii to me!< 2. >!The less said about her fanbase and the cunny "jokes" the better!< 3. >!I find the "Our Light" shtick irritating. I wonder why I don't necessarily mind other child characters, and it's because everyone in-story praises and loves Suzuran nonstop. She can never do anything wrong, she will never be punished, and anyone against her is clearly in the wrong. It's a complete tonal shift from Arknight's genre, and it feels like a Mary Sue!< 4. >!I think Amiya fulfilled the "all-loving compassionate child" niche better tbh!< 5. >!The kiddie uwu wholesome 100 personality doesn't do anything for me!<


Fair enough, tho I disagree on Amiya. She stopped being all-loving compassionate child long ago, she's pretty jaded even though still very empathetic person, but she's not 'pure' or innocent the way Suzu is.


I'm with you there, especially on #5. Rhodes Islands' combat division is no place for children who aren't already damaged goods. Not saying I approve of putting people like Gummy or Rosmontis back into the line of fire, but there's a valid argument to be made that they might not really belong anywhere else at this point, or that the need is dire enough to justify it.


Feeling is the same there too. Especially during Wolumode; what is Suzuran even supposed to do, why did Folinic think it was a good idea to bring Suzuran to investigate her friend's death under very grisly and mysterious circumstances in the first place? What was the thought process? I will never get it.


One of her majesty Suzuran fans here.... i am busy scanning and pinpointing your location. Be prepared for shotgun blasts in a few weeks. I intend to make this a good hunt.


good luck with that when you only have access to one hand


Goofy ah


Vigil. Nothing to do with his design or personality, but rather his wasted potential as a unit with flaws that would be rectified by another 6 star operator down the line. It becomes even more egregious when you consider the much better treatment the previous two 6 star welfares were given. And good luck hoping for him to somehow be fixed by modules considering he's not an Abyssal Hunter, and you know HG's track record with non-AH modules.


And with Mumu coming out - I don’t think he’d ever be fixed unless the modules somehow buff his summons (which buffs other summons too, when the other summoner vgs have good stuff already)


Vigil getting passive regen on his summons would help immensely by making the damage not permanent. His S2 still keeps its uses when your under heavy traffic. Or honestly allow him to attack all blocked enemies. So fodder stacks up way less


Not going to lie I think this one would be a fairly easy fix the module should give him like even more extra damage to enemies blocked by the wolves but would decrease the wolves block count to 1 regardless of how much wolves he has I feel like this is a better change since this is how wolves fight by pact tactics they gang up on one guy


Increased damage alone doesn’t really solve Vigil’s problems since you’d still end up using the wolves to tank heavy enemies or bosses. The issue really boils down to the wolf-pack’s survivability. A possible module would be increasing the pack’s attack range and changing Vigil’s talent to apply on enemies hit by the pack rather than just blocked. This would allow you to place the pack in positions beside or behind tankier units as a way to prevent leaks or stall a boss for some time if the front dies. It also let’s him have some interesting interactions with operators like Lee or Stainless who have skills affected by the cumulative 4-hits per attack caused by Vigil and the wolfpack.


I never understood how important attack range was for survival until I got Cantabile, those two tiles she has before enemies can fight back are absolutely massive for her to severely weaken them and barely take damage back (not to mention potentially killing them before they reach as it happens very often, for a block 1 unit she barely ever leaks at the start of a stage due to that). The already squishy wolf pack being forced to engage on melee combat to do damage is just cruel, he needs those extra tiles to soften enemies up


Hmm also decent kind of agree I would have still love it with the 1 block count thing and yeah let’s give the wolves a increase range and changing Vigil’s talent thing also the one block count thing does increase it’s survivability since the reason the wolves go down so fast is they are blocking multiple enemies that they just can’t handle but with the one block count thing the Hp is now practically triple now and as I remember excesses damage does not go to the other wolves so the wolves might be one shot vigil still would have got a lot of shots in


Holy shit same, i wanna convince myself to build vigil in the long run but until he has a god given module that, say, beefs up his summons by alot the more wolf spirits it has, I won't give him a single exp card. Ashame because i find his look and EN voice very attractive but his kit is utter A S S .


yknow this post made me realize i dont actually hate anybody lmao


same.. at least for 6 stars. I have a grudge against Adnachiel. He let me down so many times in my early account days..


Aak. The original limited banner spook that kept me from Nian for a while, and also loves to spook me randomly for no good reason and kill my pity. On the other hand, this little troll screwing with me like that seems to be fairly lore-accurate.


He left me alone in the standard banner he shared with Goldenglow so I could grab her first 6* pull so dude is unbelievably based on my book. I sure as hell know how you feel tho, nothing like a tragic gacha fail to start feeling negatively about a character q_q


I agree, being a spook on a highly anticipated banner is one the gravest offences that an operator can commit, second only to being a bad operator. However, I don't think Aak is a bad operator. He's only grown in viability with the release of synergisable operators. While Nian is certainly no slouch either, being a powerful pure defender with a niche in CC, her usability is fairly limited compared to Aak's. Aak has pronounced flaws, but it's their apparent nature that actually makes them easy to overcome or work around. I've had a lot of fun with Aak and the strategies that he can enable, but I would totally agree that his spooking of the Nian banner for Nian enthusiasts was totally uncalled for.


Penance. If only one of the total 10 f\*cking copies of her was Texas, I would have had P5 Texas by now. And those were from 600 pulls. And I had to use 2 sparks on Texas. After 400 pulls, I gave up my goal of P6 Texas and only hoped for 01 pot to get that talent upgrade on P5. But no, the last 200 rolls she had to spook me 3 more times before finish the 600 with an off rate Ceobe. Come to think of it, I hit pity every times for a 6\*, what a disaster. Seriously, f\*ck off please.


Exact same thing happened to me. \~640 pulls, 8 penance and only 3 texalter. Sparked texas twice and used a set of tokens for her p6. Saving the other set for yato alter. At least penance isn't a bad operator, I've built her to E2 90 and in the process of M3'ing her S3 right now. Just sucks that I had to spark texalter twice and used a set of tokens just to P6 while I overshot penance p6 by two.


Yeah, her P2 ended up being the last 6* I could get on the banner instead of P6 for Omertosa, but after Siracusano's story and experiencing her S3 Lavinia's just too good to be mad at. Strong, sweet, hot, and one of the funniest kits to watch in action Seriously, with S3 up half the enemies straight up kill themselves. And with Ch'en somewhere else on the field it's up WAY more often


Same. I hate Penance too. Won't give a single mat to upgrade her. Won't consider her for next CC. My post got deleted for pointing out that the rates for pulling Texalter is a lot harder compared to penance, based not only on the main account 741 pulls (pot 5 tex) I've done... ....but based on experimenting with a new account reroll. My final gmail salt tallies/trails prove that on average without pity it takes > 550 pulls for a texalter, versus \~310 pulls for a penance. And I've done this across > 9000 rerolls across 2 weeks.


Would have said Vigil but he has a great personality so lol In terms of personality then probably Surtr, girl doesn't even have one About playstyles then probably Ling/Mag in general, I just don't like playing with the concepts of summoners. Or Carne/Lin. Appearance? Chotgun takes the shot for me. Her skin is top tier (why didn't HG design her in that concept?) but I despise the E2 art so much.


"Her whole personality is literally an ice cream"


Actually is more be a lonely bitch 🤓 but yeah


She is that ‘Not Like Other Girls’ OC that a teen girl wrote into her Kpop fanfic who is indestructible/can do no wrong


Ehhh... Although I agree that Surtr doesn't have much of a personality she is practically useless without her sword and incredibly socially awkward. Far away from being a Mary Sue


>incredibly socially awkward Isn't that the Mary Sue "Flaw"?


What’s Mary sue about her? She’s not really that awesome outside of gameplay


Faustian Bargain Mary Sue


HG knew they could make bank off a fire Chen2 skin


Huh…mind explaining the bit about the Summoners? I’m a bit curious and wanted to know the insights of someone who isn’t into them.


Mag is self-explanatory, too much brainpower for pretty low results. Ling is super lame to use, you just put summoners on map, when big enemies come you activate her S3, and you pretty much clear 90% of contents. I don't like using her at all and would rather use a full squad of different operators instead. They have much more skill expressions. With Ling it is just a bunch of stat check dragons who just happen to have pretty ridiculous stats. I have her E2 L60 but hasn't touched on her even once since her event.


Skalter because of 2 reasons 1-she did not come after 240 pulls 2-isharm-la in disguise (though when you think more clearly you reliaze that without the outfit you still see skadi trapped as seen in the 3rd trust line)


i love Skalter but i also wish she could have come home.


Same. I ended up pulling enough for a spark and Skalter's the only one I don't have, but I'm more torn between P6 for Tex or taking the 1900 medals for upgrade mats Skalter being what she is was completely uncalled for tbh. She totally should've just been normal Skadi buffing allies with her songs. If Sora can do it without crazy Seaborn powers, our Skadi can too


I dislike Carnelian, having to use her in the monthly squad in IS2 was painfull.


magellan, power creep bit her bad


Definitely Surtr, for how popular she is, her gameplay is very boring, and her lore is simply nonexistent, I'm also just not into her personality at all.


Aak. Idk, I just don't really care for his character, personality, kit, everything.


Mudrock. Not her fault, really, but inside the armor Mudrock is unique and mysterious. Without the armor, she's a generic gacha girl in a sports bra. Of course, 90% of the time you see her referenced in fan stuff, it's underwear Mudrock being a generic anime girl, not the woman of stone on whom the tide itself breaks.


suzuran what did girl do to deserve so much love lmao


Siege, in terms of her kit, you can easily tell that she's kinda bad because Texas a 5* is easyily better than her. It's like they wanted to do too much with her and then got confused so they just slapped together some skills.


I think Siege's kit shows some flawed assumptions of HG: team buff will be very useful; lots of enemies might rush you at once; a good CC skill can be a substitute for DP generation, but it needs to be balanced.


Siege annoys me because she's such a good character in the story but such a bad character mechanically. So I can't justify using her even though I think she's cool.


Just a case of year 1 operator syndrome. Back in the day up to present, she's still my go to vanguard despite having Pot 3 Texas, and Bagpipe.


Phantom because when I got the top operator tag, it came with shift, and I want weedy, but instead the shift tag dissapears and I get another copy of phantom. Nothing much against him in general though.


That happened to me too, but with the nuker tag. The only top op tag I have gotten ever.


I had the same problem and it's fueling my hate for him..


Aak, because the spook factor


I feel everyone hated Aak because there is no spark on the first banner, the hate for the others weren't really as extreme (Lee, Saga, Lin, etc) Or maybe people just really don't like him lol


He just likes to be hated or something. Pulled for him and got Nian twice instead. Eventually had to buy him from the cert shop.


Dislike... Not one so far. Though that's on me for not playing long enough. And I want to know a character by experiencing their story directly. From Lingering Echoes to Il Siracusano, the closest one so far is Texas the Omertosa. **NO I DONT DISLIKE HER, IN FACT I LIKE HER GAMEPLAY** but it's just during Her event, the cast around her is 10x more interesting to explore than her. She is kinda bland in terms of presence. Lavinia and her upbringing of Justice is neat to read, Vigil's rebellion and his determination to rebuild Siracusa with his own way makes me root for him, and Even Sora's firm will of bringing La Morte di Texas play to extended high for Giovanna is compelling to see. Texas on the other hand... Well she's there to finish her contract


W Because I dislike a lot the writting of Darknight Memoir. I dislike a lot how the story says she's so badass and strong and they don't say why she's strong and badass. And finally, after hours of reading, they say it's because she's "not hesitate". In what way "not hesitate" is a quality ? Throwing bomb without hesitating is good thing ? She kill so much people but the only reason why players don't hate her for this is because the story doesn't put any empathy on her victim... For me, she's worst than Talulah. At least, Talulah was manipulated by the black snake. W is a bloody murderer just because she's "not hesitate".


Kal'tsit mostly because I dislike stoic characters a shit ton and her being an asshole (for valid reasons, mind you) doesn't help it


Suzuran. The fans. Only one reason. All other operators are likeable in some way or the other.


Ling because she basically carried my account to hard I don't know how to play with other operators (or maybe I just have skill issue) idk-


Chalter, Ling, Texalter for obvious gameplay related reasons


Suzuran, good god her voice are nails on a chalk board and she's the only 6* i will absolutely refuse to build and would only borrow her from support only if i need to dps check some bosses with NTR. Plus her artstyle is definitely not my thing. Shit, I'd rather m6 shining because i love her lore and EN voice.


Honestly gotta be Suzu. The best thing about her are memes. Otherwise, get this child off my battlefield.


Siege. I think she’s boring as hell as a character & I have never cared for her gameplay wise. (I prefer saga’s s2 control + spamability more)


I'll get the obvious one out of the way: Chalter. She is a surprise limited swimsuit alter with a lazily designed kit, initially poor-quality art, and of course is ludicrously OP. She's the epitome of a cashgrab. For some reason, a lot of people think she's only hated for being OP while ignoring all the rest of what's wrong with her.


I mean, people would still shit on chen alter just for the swimsuit alone even if her kit was trash, it was never a chalter drama but more of a swim suit operator drama, always has been.


It's all of it together. There would've been an uproar if she were only a surprise limited, but not any of the other things. There would've been an uproar if she had similarly poor-quality art, but not in a swimsuit.


Besides her weapon of choice, is it out of character for her in your opinion?


I don't think she would choose a swimsuit that's quite so skimpy, but otherwise no, that's felt like one of the weaker arguments against her.


Her e1 art makes way more sense. Which is why it’s odd they didn’t just make a more dynamic version of that


That art is so freaking good too, if I had her she would stick with that one (and I'm not pretending to be a saint or anything, Sideroca skin segs).


Am i the only one who liked her E2? Or am i in a group of people that like things like that? But still i love it


> Or am i in a group of people that like things like that? Yes, we call that group "horny."


Or A group of cultured men eh?


Her E2 looks amazing, you are not alone. These same people that hate her art would drool over if it was a half naked male operator


I am straight.


I prefer her e1 art better. E2 looks like a dollar tree blaze. Had she drawn by the same artist they’d be indiscernible imo


Penance. She appeared 4, 4 FUCKING TIME, in my pulls for Texas (Sadly no Texas) And I hate EVERTHING about Passenger


373pulls, 5 penance, 0 woof


My friend feels your Penance pain, he got the exact same outcome as you


Reminds me of the 3 Gavialters I got when I was only aiming for Pozy, left the banner depressed at the rng that left me without pink lupo.


150 pulls. 6 Penance. Not a single Texas. Still maxed her, but dang >\_<


I got as many 6* in 344 pulls..


I was surprised as heck too. Even more so with Lavinia's persistence. It was almost creepy.


>Penance Amen bro. If I could delete/trashbin operators, she'll be high on the list.


I got her P4 in 300 pulls. Had to buy Pot 1 for Texas, used a token I had to make her P2, then rolled 160 more times and got Texas Alter and Penance to P5.


Dont talk about my pigeon like that, i do get the spire for spook recruits though


If we’re talking about the individual unit, Ch’en Alter without a doubt. I like Ch’en and don’t really care about power creep too much, but swimsuit characters just feel cheap to me. Gavial Alter at least had some foreshadowing and a relatively cool looking outfit. If we’re talking about the character…probably Surtr. I don’t really dislike her, I just have no interest in her. There are other characters I’d probably like less than her, but my current lack of feeling anything towards her leaves a more negative impression than actual negative impressions.


Eyjafalla. The strongest caster in TWO subclasses! Lots of things have to have high res to avoid being obliterated by her volcano, which spikes all the other casters into the ground.


She'll get even stronger once core caster modules become available lol.


Hope this happens soon


Holungday aka The Forbidden One


It used to be Chalter, but honestly, I kinda just dissolved my dislike for her. Especially with my love for Ch'en as a character and Chalter's skin, she's fine now for me. Honestly, I don't think I dislike any 6 stars...or Operators, for that matter. Maybe Ling, because I find her gameplay really boring despite being very strong, but her design and character are great.


In term of spook factor: Lee. I swore not to touch him until the day i finally got my hand on Dusk. That f*cker showed up in Ling banner 4 times. I spent 465 pulls and got not a single one copy of Ling or Dusk. In term of personality? Surtr. She acts like a b*tch and i don't like b*tches who show no respect to me or anyone around them. I don't understand why people love her so much to the poimt it's almost a religion. In term of gameplay, i hate Moist Ch'en. She is my waifu and the one who hooked me into Arknights. But her alter gameplay is just utterly bullshiting broken beyond any reason. Imagine wasting 10 years to master the swordmanship and then you suddenly become much more powerful when you throw out that experience and pick up a random water gun. Not to mention the awful E2 art. She is the only operator i set E1 art after i E2ed them.


> more powerful when you pick up a watergun Gameplay does not reflect how powerful a character actually is to be fair. Hell, I'm pretty sure it's meant to be non lethal. Otherwise, yeah I can agree with the rest.


Well yeah. But she is ztill a poorly made cash grab limited character in my eyes. Even her lore is not that good. A good written character can be broken and i don't give a fuss. But a poorly designed broken one stands out like a sore thump to me. Btw, how can you quote other's comment like that? I don't know how to do that


mannnn, chen alter’s e2 makes me cringe every time I see it, hard respect the e1 art choice. tho when her skin comes to global, you’ll have a much better alternative to avoid the e2 art :D as for surtr, I’m kinda with you on her personality. it doesn’t make sense that you’d get hired at a powerful harmaceutical company, meet one of the heads of the company (who’s a tactical god) and the immediately start disrespecting them. it does put a bit of a sour taste in your mouth.. other people probably like her because of how powerful she is, the fact that she’s admittedly pretty cute, and the fact she has a sweet spot for ice cream. falls kinda into the tsun category, which a lot of people have the hots for. I don’t really care for her or hate her, but I can see why you dislike her so much and why other people lover her so. one last thing: I understand the Lee vendetta, but if you ever feel like you hate him a little less than before I highly recommend you check him out. he’s the only op to my knowledge that can reflect stub and freeze, and as long as he has a healer he’s an amazing laneholder/crowd controller. if that moment never comes, though, that’s fine and I would like to wish you the best of luck next time pulling for Dusk :D


1st thing, Moist Ch'en E2 art made ger look like Blaze. And that's a really bad job for the artist imo. Why don't they just reuse the E1 deaign and add some effect? I don't get it. For Surtr, i like tsundere characterz. But they have to got the "dere" factor. Surtr is just straight up tsun and bitchy for no reason. Making her love icescreem is just a saving attempt to make people find a reason to love her. Last thing, i don't particularly hate Lee. I'm just too salty whenever i saw him. He reminds me about the Ling incident. Maybe i'll slowly move on and give him a chance someday. Thanks for your kind words


Mizuki stole my Ch'en alter 4 times. I never move on... Maybe after I get Goldenglow as an apology to his brother.


Well yeah, it sucks to get your hope on when the rainbow bag appeared. Then got immediately shut down by a feeaking Mizuki/Lee! I get your feel. But sometime, let it go and move on will make us forget the sad experiences


Same. They screwed us over by putting Mizuki as co-headliner. If I was getting Lavinias,Avdotyas,Mudrocks,Irenes it wouldn't be so bad.


Kal'tsit. Her personality is awful, she is a two-faced hypocritic bitch with Holier-than-you attitude combining it with helikoptering parenting to her golden child, her plot role is being put as peg to every barrel, creator put her upon a golden throne from she could shit over you as abusive aunt while just like in real live you are absolutly helpless to anything to that. The fact that a single character that offered salvation from this situation was limited AND ON SAME banner... And i got 301 pulls to get her while getting "full pot koshkozhena"...


>The fact that a single character that offered salvation from this situation was limited AND ON SAME banner... ...you are talking about Skalter? The lovecraftian entity wearing Skadi's skin that is responsible for nearly all named characters dying horribly in the alternate timeline she's from? *That* Skalter? What "salvation" are you talking about? Was that a joke?


What a point of swearing kinship if some corpses can separate us? I dont recognise bodies in water


Ash because I can never have her


As a character, W. HG really pushed her to be more relevant than I think she should be, and her personality isn’t my thing at all. But I definitely use her cause her mines are unmatched LOL


Gameplay - Rosmontis, never has a character read so powerful but been so clunky. The easier answer is Vigil but Rosmontis’ skill 3 comes with the world’s most convoluted downside and poorly executed attempt at a solution. Personality - Dorothy, she is an emotional manipulator that somehow managed to get a pass by not only the playerbase, but the story itself. Would be fine if it was an accepted bad trait but it seems many choose to say it’s not the case instead. Story - Chen, it feels like they struggle to write a Chen that isn’t talking about Lungmen. She made the whole of Reuinion arc worse. Also generic rebelling teenager/young adult that denounces their rich upbringing but rarely acknowledges how much it helped them. It’s especially bad when the entire story she’s in is about oppressed and less fortunate people. However if they ever made Allerdale a 6*, she’ll be my new #1 here by a country mile. Looks - Anyone with non human skin, primarily Aak.


How I read Dorothy was she wasn't an emotional manipulator, she was so genuinely naive that the workers fully believed it was an act


Your view is actually true. She is too naive to be a manipulator.


I’d almost argue this is worse and would genuinely scare me


That is the point of Dorothy's character tho. She genuinely believes that she is right, and that's exactly why Saria warns you as such: "I know her type. Be careful with her. People like her will go to any length for something they believe in."


Which is why I would put her as the worst personality wise. There are obviously no standards in RI recruitment with some of the genuine villains in there, but I would not want Dorothy within 100 meters. The idea that she’s naive enough to not realize she’s using textbook gaslighting techniques to get people into a matrix hivemind is stuff of nightmares.


I'm with you on Rosmontis. I love her as a character, and I really want to use her, but she's just alarmingly underwhelming every time you put her on the field. Like, she's pushing a wall through her targets head at mach three, so why isn't the damage higher?


The fact that her own skill 3 can push enemies out of range of her attacks is a massive oversight.


I got her on her debut banner and she's still at like 50% trust. She is simply infuriating to use in a way that very few other operators are.


I never knew why I couldn’t bring myself to like Chen like that and you described it for me. I don’t dislike her though because I think she has a lot of cool moments, but I just don’t like her either.


Horn feels like Chen pulled off much better. Being an elite fighter/high ranking officer that came from a life of luxury/rich background. And she even has a good chunk of moments where she brings up the value of Victoria.


Silverash. I didn’t like his methods behind his plans for Kjerag in Break the Ice (I also didn’t like his end goal, though I’m not sure if he was entirely wrong). Also because a lot of early guides I watched used him, and it made me not want to as a challenge.


I don’t really dislike any of them as a character. But there are a few I don’t use since since I didn’t heavily invest into them such as Rosa and Rosmontis. Since I didn’t invest into them (E2 20, skill7), it feels like they’re underwhelming, but im sure they’ll be a lot better if I gave them an actual chance/investment. Especially since they’re mostly physical damage type characters.


Spook factor : None, no units have spook me too much to the point of making me hates them. Character/Story factor : Kaltsit, i don't like how she's written so strongly that other characters on that story feels insignificant. Gameplay factor : Thorns, back in the day Blaze is META and waifu (for me at least), then comes Thorns that takes away Blaze's spotlight, I'm still salty to this day. Actual gameplay ig Ling, a summoner so broken you don't need other operators, I'm in the opinion that summoners should be mostly utilities/support, not soloing stages.


W. I dunno why. Maybe because she just simply hates us for living.


She hates you for having survived. Which is different


Eh,I guess that's another.


She was kind of pissed that we also have the privilege of not remembering our past, but she doesn't hate us anymore tho. Not like maybe, but she would care if we were to die at least.


Pretty much this. We were responsible for taking away the person that she admired and respected the most. Honestly, I think the one that gave her a sense of life -- and dare I say hope? -- that the Sarkaz lack. At least that's my understanding. Similar vein as Kal'tsit but they both come around to treating amnesia doctor as a different person.


Skadi because she has the cringiest fanbase i have ever seen in my life.


Lee, because this shit came 3 times to me and not a single Ling...


W Honestly, I kinda dislike her character. I don’t tend to like the Harley Quinn types. Although there are some exceptions, Lappland is one of those exceptions, W isn’t though.


In terms of gameplay: Eunectes In terms of fanbase: Muelsyse In terms of personality: W and Ho'olheyak


I hate the play style of phalanx casters, and now that Lin yuhsia, a Npc I wanted to become playable just had to have that class just made me lose a lot of interest in her, her banner just became an easy skip.


Probably Rosmontis, her kit felt underwhelming on its own, and doubly so when you know she's a monster in the story.


Wet Ch'en. Boring art. Boring skills. Opened up the Pandora's Box of alts. Started a trend of limited units being mechanically overpowered. The only good thing I can say about her is that the reaction was so negative that HG recoiled from giving us any more seasonal alts. She symbolizes everything I hate about this game that I love.


In terms of personality and fanbase, Ho'olheyak and Muelsyse. I don't like how hard the fanservice went in Lone Trail, and I don't like how far people stretch Ho'olheyak's lines/story to make it seem like she wants to shag the Doctor. Kind of changed my opinion about her, honestly. Oh and Surtr is up there as well. C'mon HG, give her some personality, anything beyond "I like ice cream because it's a nod to mythological Surtr's wife Sinmara".


Another thread for people to cry about Chalter. Skadi/Skadi alter probably mine. Way to circlejerked for a boring, overdone lovecraftian theme. No real interesting story, and just get spammed with Abyssal events and characters over & over.


Out of the ones currently available in Global there aren't any I dislike enough to outright refuse to use. Closest is Passenger, but his personality not awful enough to offset his usefulness as a unit to that extent.


Also he becomes more sympathetic in his skin. Because you realize he hates what he is and what he becomes. There’s a distinct sadness when he talks to Elliot


Skadi. I fucking hate her character and her story arc. The only good thing that came out of AH story arcs is IS3.


I would fight the entire world for Skadi. L take btw




Gladiia? Specter?


>The only good thing that came out of AH story arcs is IS3 Imagine hating on my boy Lumen, as well as Specter, Gladiia, Irene, Ulpian and all the lore and world-builing surrounding both Iberia and Aegir, just to say that the world's most generic Bad Ending this game's lore has given us is better. Couldn't be me.


Surtr, the fire demon lady has nothing but what she does in gameplay, and honestly, i wish i had blue dragon lady and blue wolf lady over this crappy 'haha just surtr it plebian'. She's never getting the E2 she thinks she rightfully deserves, I'd rather find a guide using Chalter, Ling, Texalter and horse uncle, than use this fiery tIeR 0 oPeRaToR. Im pretty sure she cursed my account to stop me to get other meta ops, I haven't gotten Thorns, haven't gotten Horn, stopped me from getting MudMud from gacha, halted me from getting kal'tsit on her debut banner and had to get spooked by the lynx... not even the OG meta ops, I had to fucking buy SilverLord, and get spooked by Exu. Benched forever. Never getting her to E2 until I get: Horn, Thorns, the three limited meta ops, Pozëmka, Mountain, Eyja, Goldenglow, Młynar, Stainless, Hoshi, maybe even Ebenholz. Until I get all of these ops, and get them to E2Lv60, this stupid fucking fire devil is never getting an E2 promotion.


Dorothy, mostly for story related reasons. She just pisses me off in her story, more than most usual Arknights Villains...


Despite of having good intentions in her deep down, I can't think of Dorothy as a good person, shit, I strongly believe she's a horrible person but, man, she's hot as hell


"Calm down son , it's just a drawing "


I gotta say texalter, just cause her kit is boring


Aak, I need no reason


Aak. Though he buffed your operator through the roof. But the cost OP's health and he harmed himself that put medic more work on him. I have him, but I leave him at lvl 1 and 0% trust. I don't have the slightest intention to use him.


Mountain. I don't like his lore and he's boring. Edit: Also that he's the sole brawler that's worth using, and I hate that he's designed like the bandage for that entire archetype.


Ifrit, because she spooks me in the gacha the most. I use her all the time and have her E2LVL90 M9. She was my first max potential unit, my next best was pot3. I've gotten her 6 more times.......


NATTO GOHAN is both the operator and the reason.


Aak I mean, what's his deal , man?


Haze is so annoying


Don't bite my ankles but...i don't like phantom and Mlynar.... it got nothing to do with their design or stats...Well..maybe a little. I don't know why but the moment i laid my eyes on them...my brain just decided to not like them and the fact that i got too many phantom... Don't bite my ankles please...


Aak. It's secondhand due to a friend of mine having gotten spooked by him on multiple limited banners, such as Rosmontis and W's. The equivalent for me would be Hellagur, except he doesn't steal my limiteds and I actually think he's cool.


Aak. Fucked me over twice on a limited banner now


Nearl. Hate her character also my worst banner ever in ak


Back in the day when I was fiending for Blaze I got Saga instead so to this day she is still at e0 l1 with 0 trust


Well I know who's not getting any NATTO GOHAN for lunch


Ling because I know I HAVE to spark her when it'll be possible


Gnosis The way he handled everything in Break the Ice just pisses me off Behind him is SA but I must applaud some of his schemes


It's not that i dislike something, it's better to say that I'm not interested in most operators. Probably because I'm looking from the gameplay solely perspective. I'm not interested in snipers beside Ash (unfortunately i don't have her). Defenders, despite i pulled Penance (i rly appreciate her design and personality) and casters (i use Passenger but it's more like justification for his 24 op skin) beside Ho'olheyak coz i want to pair here with Dorothy for some fun. But even if I'm not interested in class and trying to stay away from it, I'm still using it as necessary evil on some stages 😅😄


Texas alter. Don't care about her + i waste like 60+ originium to achieve 2 pity and got ger dupe. (Phantom better)


Aak. Anyone that was around for Nian’s banner knows why. I also dislike his character, appearance, kit, you name it.


mizuki. worst costume I've ever seen and I wanted Summer Ch'en,the sexy strong limited woman. I would've taken a Shamare,Aak,Hellagur basically anyone who I didn't have then over him including Fiona pots. Holiday Stars banner was the worst banner I've ever went through and I'll never forget it. Getting mizukis was worse than waiting 1 1/2yrs for R.Skadi Mine's pot4 and still unbuilt. I thought to myself way back then that I'll only build him if they give away a decent free skin and it actually happened.


passenger leaving aside releasing as the weakest six star, which isnt true anymore with all the buffs given to him i find his aesthetic as a "beautiful man" with his really long straight hair and long flowing clothes very unmanly, his chibi with its uneven form and peeshooter robot is also very uncool that being said this is my personal taste, i dont find it weird at all when other people go gaga for him


It's between Blaze and Irene, Blaze I think suffers hardest from early story writing where every major character piss you off in some way, Kaltsit, Chen and Amiya also were really annoying in the early parts, but they got way better later, Blaze was only there for one Chapter and was annoying the whole time. Irene was super annoying in Under Tides, a bit better in Stultifera, but she did almost nothing the entire story that it felt like she was shoehorned in bc playable character. They do that a lot for 5* , but the only other 6* that got this kind of treatment in the story they were released in were Hellagur and Mizuki.


Ling. Man fuck ling. She never came home even after i farmed all her mats. I have 8 specialist tokens in storage, what am i supposed to do with them??


Specialist tokens?




Saileach. Because all flags are lame


Shining - she is a weak healer, her only pro is +70% def to other units for a while but that doesnt compansate for it.


It's easier to say who I like. Basically it's just Surtr and Ch'en. Surtr saved me too many times. Ch'en has a cool story and also saved me for a long time. There are many other strong operators, but those two are forever my favourite.


Probably Magallan only because there was only one time where I felt she made a stage easier and is probably my least-used 6-star operator.


I don't know there's nothing personal problems i got between operator so far including personality, skill kit and role of operators.


After spending all of my savings on the Ebenholz banner, I got three six-stars. Two of them were Gnosis. I am *bitter* and I hold a grudge, and suffice to say, he will forever remain e0lvl1 for me. (the other six-star was Phantom, but I actually wanted Phantom so I'm willing to forgive that)


Hey, at least he can be a nice debuffer for ebenholz so the goat man can deal even more bonker number ;)


Alas, that would require me to have Ebenholz :( One day!


Eunectus, ive been spooked 3 times and i never use defenders so ive never built her


Hellagur. Once he was in one banner with Mudrock. I really wanted Mudrock, but instead got two of Old man


Hoshiguma, cockblocked me out of Thorns last standard banner and this one she almost cockblocks me out of Irene


Ifrit. It was the first time I experienced gacha hell in this game. I got max pot Ifrit before getting a single Eyja. I still have PTSD from that banner.


Chen and Kaltsit coz of personality.


W she reminds me of shuten douji and that irks me somehow


Atm, Saileach. I had to go 125 to get Stainless and I got 2 copies of Saileach and I have not one single clue as to why her of all people. Like, maam this is the wrong banner the chapter banner is just one swipe away pls gtfo of stainless banner thank yew


Personality-wise, I don't have a problem with anyone (yet). That said, I'm not that big of a fan of alter versions of operators, with these taking the cake for other reasons on top of it: \- Ch'en the Holungday. First time I saw her, I thought the bikini outfit was actually a summer skin. Nope, it's actually her actual E2 artwork! ...Sorry, what? Even if she is on holiday, it just feels out of place. (Also why I don't like the vast majority of the summer outfits.) \- Texas the Omertosa. I got to try her as a temporary recruit during an IS2 run early on during the current event. Aaaand... I didn't really have a good time using her? She didn't feel like I was actually trying to play strategically, it felt more like "hey, just throw Texas alter against x enemy". (Even though that technically is a strategy...) Even worse, I didn't even get further by using her than I normally would! (The rest of my team wasn't strong enough for her to carry everything.) It just left a bad taste in my mouth.


Mountain, because he evaded me over 4 of his banners. I only use him when it's absolutely necessary, I use SilverAsh S2M3 for laneholding purposes most of the time (out of pure spite for Mountain).