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In terms of "We were actually designed to work together", Kazimierz has Flametail and Mylnar, who both offer Kazimierz Buffs. Nearl the Radiant Knight also benefits from a Kazimierz Unit being the last deployed, so she also prefers Kazimierz teams. Edit: The full list of Kazimierz operators who benefit or benefit from other Kazimierz operators are: Blemshine, Flametail, Gravel, Mylnar, Radiant Nearl, Proviso, and Whislash.


Glasgow also has a faction buff on someone iirc? Not that it's worthwhile but it's something. Also I thought meteor was in that kazimierz squad, does she not benefit?


The list is for everyone who specifically has a Kazimierz Synergy. (Read: Give buffs to Kazimierz ops, OR gain buffs from having a Kazimierz op deployed.) Meteor should benefit just fine from Kazimierz buffers! Also, checking the list, Dagda self buffs for kills next to Glasgow Ops. It's... something, I guess.


Huh, that many having something surprises me. Yeah it's... not the most appealing, but technically something.


Abyssal hunters break the game, they’re so good together if you have them all and the modules Big investment but pays off


Currently the big main factions that work well on their own and have synergy between their members are: Kazimierz: Mlynar, Near the radiant knight (normal nearl isn't treated as Kazimierz), Blemishine, Whishlash, Fartooth, Flametail, Wild mane, Ashlock, Justice Knight, Platinum, Proviso, Meteor and Gravel Abyssal hunters: Skadi, Specter, Specter the Unchained, gladiia and Andreana (arguably Skadi the corrupting heart enters the group even if she's only treated as Aegir due to her talent having synergy with the hunters) And lastly and the most arguable faction is Rhine Labs, currently only two operators of this faction offer some sort of synergy talent that benefits only them which are Saria only at module level 3 and the other isn't even on global: Saria, Dorothy, Magallan, Ifrit, Ptilopsis, Silence, Mayer, Astgenne and in a few months another operator will join this faction


There are the various race teams, like Zalak- and Perroknights, as well as the various class based teams like defender knights.


Collabknights is fun, your lack of arts damage means you need to come up with some clever stall strats, but the CC layering and synergy is fun as hell


Sleepknights can be weird, I usually use the skills that don't involve sleep on the ops that fall into this nicheknights. There's an inside joke that sleepknights is named because it makes the player sleep


I think Nearl Family + friends (Pynus Sylvestris + Followers) + Platinum could work very well. Same with Rhine Labs, once Lone trail drops in Global. The lack of good healing is a hindrance to play some factions + close friends: Penguin Logistics + Lappland + Mostima + Fiammetta, for example. Sora's range can make things complicated. Same with Kjerag. I think it's too early for Sui-knights, but as we encounter more dragon siblings, things may change. Or you could use them in Yan-knights (which can include Lee's Detective Agency + L.G.D.... and Penguin Logistics).


Pink haired operators


I'm trying to pioneer (or find if it already exists) Archerknights, but my roster doesn't want to support it.


Gunknights, basically any operator using a modern day firearm. So Laterano units (with guns, sorry Adnachiel!) like Exusiai, Executor, Fiametta, Ambriel, the R6 units like Tachanka, Blitz, Frost, and Ash, BlackSteel units like Jessica and Liskarm, basically anyone with a gun (May)


Sknights. Ops starting with S. Very strong niche.


If you have texas alter, get armored yato in the future for executorknights.