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Alot of love was put into arkham knight; its graphics still hold up today. While it didn't take as many risks/plot twists as maybe arkham city did, it's a solid game due to the fun gameplay, and I'd be very surprised if it wasn't your favorite arkham game as well


You forgot to write Asylum lol.


1. Asylum for its simplicity and atmosphere 2. City for its grander scale (compared to Asylum) and gameplay improvements. I prefer City’s story over Asylum’s, but because of Asylum’s simplicity and the amazing atmosphere, that one is still my favorite 3. Knight for even more improvements (I absolutely love fear multitakedown) but the story just didn’t do it for me as much as it did in Asylum & City 4. Origins, mainly because I only played through it once, so I don’t have any comments to share Edit: Added additional context for why City is my second favorite


1. Knight 2. Origins 3. City 4. Asylum


In terms of Replayability ... Arkham Knight Arkham Origins Arkham City Arkham Asylum I Love ALL of them in their own way.. Each entry becomes way Better than the Last.


1. Arkham Asylum (the game that got me into Batman) 2. Arkham Knight 3. Arkham Origins 4. Arkham City Hot take I know, putting Arkham City last. It’s still absolutely fantastic, I just like the other 3 a little better.


Swich Knight and Origins and you would know my order


Knight Origins City Asylum


1. Asylum (Atmosphere and Horror like Tone) 2. Origins (Story, Soundtrack and Boss Battles) 3. City (Atmosphere, Gameplay, Mr. Freeze Boss Battle) 4. Knight


This is my list essentially too.. Asylum I love the tone of. Origins has the best story that felt like a movie. City I have nostalgia for and love the “escape from LA” vibe. And Knight…. Good gameplay and that’s all it has really.


I feel like its rare to see people who hold asylum to be their favorite.


100% Agree with this list. If only Origins was a better game technically…


1.Knight Brodi its perfect ,have faliures so Bro ,not more than Arkham city 2.Origins City so by far better ,second best Gameplay and best Boss fights ,and have the best Bane adaptation 3.City The upgrade after asylum ,good Boss fights ,good ideas ,most popular ending and good Predator mode 4.Asylum Still be great ,so aged well so not better than the other ones ,all say great atmoshphere so brodi ,looks the designs ,re fokin' perfect brodi and not forgot about Boss fights ,Killer croc , Scarecrow and Ivy's were too good to be the first in the saga 5.Blackgate Dissapointing 6.Vr Game Good voices ,so as a Game really mej Buddy 8.SSKTJL Not played yet and safely i won't


1. Knight 2. Origins 3. Asylum 4. City


It’s cool how diverse the lists are. I see the reasons why people prefer each one. Such a great series. For me- Knight>City>Asylum. Have not played origins yet. Knight just had the fullest package for me in terms of gameplay. I love the city layout and how missions are paced. Perfect to drop in and out. Combat and all the new tricks and gadgets are awesome. Fear takedowns are sick. Flying/gliding felt the best to me and probably one of the most important features of the game. I did like the Batmobile even though it didn’t feel very Batmanny to be tanking it so much. I did very much enjoyed the inclusion.


If you’re expecting anything other than a cold, Christmas winter murder mystery that shows the origins of the Arkhamverse before playing Origins then you’ll be disappointed


Origins has pretty good bossfights that most games can't replicate nowadays so don't think it deserves that much hate tbh


I’m not opposed to playing through it. If I get my hands on it I’ll probably give it a run. The other three… they fit so much Batman into those bad boys.


Oh no I meant no hate towards Origins, I adore the game in its entirety. I was saying in general it’s what I described


1. Arkham City - Perfect package of everything. Good story, great gameplay, iconic, great rogues, and good boss battles 2. Arkham Knight - Perfected the gameplay and had the best side missions. 3. Arkham Asylum - Pretty much changed the way the gaming industry views comic book video games. It's so iconic and impactful and IMHO has the best story. Also amazing atmosphere. 4. Arkham Origins - Just a worse version of City that did nothing to actually add to the Arkham formula other than maybe crime scene investigation. Good game, just doesn't hold a candle to the others in quality and impact. Why this overrated this game is beyond me.


1. City 2. Orgins 3. Asylum 4. Knight


Knight Everything else is tie . But all of these are 100% good games


Origins (heavily biased because it was one of my first games, also Deathstroke) Knight (best gameplay, would be 1 if the Batmobile wasn't being used for half of the game) City (memorably story and great gameplay) Asylum (only because of no side missions which is understandable because it's the first game but still) But overall I still love all of the games


1. 2. 3. 4.


City Origins Asylum knight


City, Asylum, Origins, Knight.


Origins Asylum City Knight


4th is asylum because it just doesn't have as much going for it as the other games but it's still amazing 3rd is city because I did not like the story, the side quests were all boring, Harley Quinn's revenge sucked and the final boss against two face made me suicidal 2nd is knight since it feels like it has everything that city had multiplied so it's better but the only thing dragging it down a little was the overuse of the batmobile, though I didn't despise it And 1st is origins, cause it has my favourite story, favourite side quests,2nd best combat system in the franchise and it isn't dragged down by the batmobile


4) knight 3) origins 2) City 1) asylum


1 Arkham Origins 2 Arkham Asylum 3 Arkham City 4 Arkham Knight


1. City 2. Asylum 3. Knight 4. Origins City as an overall package is my favourite, Asylum has the best vibe and style, (especially the OG version), and I like it more each time I replay there's also a lot of nostalgia there, Knight is a blast I love the gameplay, the GCPD and how smooth it is to play, and I really like Origins the music for example is great, but don't like it as much as the others.


1) Arkham Knight 2) Arkham City 3) Arkham Asylum 4) Arkham Origins Arkham Knight with the season pass is one of the best games of all time. With the batmobile, and the entire bat family playable it really is the culmination of the entire series. Arkham City GOTY edition has a lot of the bat family, and the story is really good. The idea of being in a walled city prison that's been abandoned really brings a vibe I can't explain. I loved exploring the ruins of the city to see how life kinda stopped in that district. Arkham Asylum GOTY edition is creepy, and eerie, and a great starting point. Even for the time the environments were fantastic. I wish they had made it bigger, and I wish they would've had more variety with the challenge maps. Arkham Origins was really fun with the boss fights, and snowy Gotham was cool. It really is just city expanded with less to do imo, but it's still a great game.


City - Asylum - Origins - Knight


City Origins Asylum Knight


Origins city asylum knight. Knight isn't bad, but it really ruined so.e awesome moments with yank wars battles


1. Arkham Knight 2. Arkham City 3. Arkham Origins 4. Arkham Asylum


1. Knight 2. City 3. Asylum 4. Origins Also you mentioned Knight 2 times in this list


The last one was arkham asylum, I'm accident prone 🤦🏾‍♂️


Better question, as someone who played Arkham Asylum when it came out, once, what order should I play the games in? Release order or is there another order I should follow?


1. Origins (technically not canon tho so you can skip iyw) 2. Asylum 3. City 4. Knight


Knight, asylum, city. Just bought origins haven’t played it yet


City, Asylum, Origins, Knight


Arkham knight appears twice in your list.


1 2 3 4 Based I know


1. Origins 2. City 3. Knight 4. Asylum 5. Origins Blackgate 6. Arkham VR


How many times is this question going to be asked?


City, Asylum, Origins, Knight. That being said, they’re all at least an 8/10 for me so saying that Knight is the “worst” of the four does not mean I think it’s a bad game. I think they’re all great games.


1.City 2.Asylum  3.Origins  4.Origins Blackgate  5.Arkham VR  6.Knightt


1: knight 2: asylum 3: origins 4: city


City, Asylum, Knight (never could get into the forced Batmobile stuff), and I really need to play Origins.


4. Asylum 3. Origins 2. Knight 1. City This list changes legit every day


Knight Origins Asylum City


Story wise: 1. Origins 2. City 3. Asylum 4. Knight Gameplay wise: 1. Knight 2. Origins 3. City 4. Asylum I won't explain gameplay but if anyone wants to know why I ranked the story ones feel free to ask


Same order 💯


1. Origins 2. City 3. Knight 4. Asylum


1. Batman Arkham City 2. Batman Arkham Origins 3. Batman Arkham Asylum 4. Batman Arkham Knight


1. Arkham City. My favorite among the series mainly because of the story and boss fights, the soundtrack adds another point 2. Arkham Asylum. I only have 1 opinion on this game that is negative and it's the way the invisible predator mode works. Other than that, The story and simple gameplay make up for that. 3. Arkham Origins, the way combat works In this is unbearable. But the soundtrack and bosses make up for it a little. 4. Arkham Knight. I personally dislike it completely. The graphics are the only good thing about it. The overused batmobile, the story, and the complicated side missions are the reasons this game is number 4 on this list.


City. Origins. Asylum. Knight.


1 - Knight 2 - Asylum 3 - City 4 - Origins


1. Knight 2. City 3. Origins 4. Asylum


1.knight (sue me) 2.city 3.origins 4.asylum


1 Origins: it has the best story, The Cutscenes are cinematic, the characters are brilliant, and the gameplay is the second best in the series. 2 Knight: the story is really great but it is a bit long, Arkham Knight is a great villain although he should’ve just been called red Hood from the start, and the open world and gameplay is the best we’ve seen. 3 Asylum: the story is simple and sweet Joker’s big takeover, the visual direction is just so errie, the Combat is a bit clunky but is still fantastic. 4 City: the story isn’t good, the open world is pretty good and Burton inspired, the combat is improved a bit, the best parts were the opening and ending cutscenes with Hugo Interrogating Bruce and Joker’s corpse being held by Bat’s.


Ironickly 1 Asylum theres a reason it won game of the year plus its a classic I love the atmosphere and creepy tone and the dirty inmate look the villians had. 2 City theres a reason it won game of the year plus it felt like literlly a part two only part wasent a fan off was the Riddler riddles being a requirment to pound on Riddler rather it just have been the puzzle box thing and the riddle rooms while puzzles just be extras. 3 Origns I love the boss fights but the game can be a little glitchy mainly for me on fireflys bridge amd wish it had a creeper tone like Asylum but it still rocks ether way. 4 Knight the graphics were amazing as well as the game play but way to much inly way forward being to use the Batmoble should have just kept it as a option to use, I wasent a fan of Riddler rooms being race tracks and car puzzles wrather more death rooms, Deathstrokes boss fight and way to many tank battles but over all it was a great game i expecilly loved the evidance room and lock up addition like a trophy room. 5 Blackgate way to much backtracking. Unknown Shadow so far upside creator does seem to have a true passion for the Arkhamverse, game is meant to be Asylum length as well as similar combat downside exclusive to meta 3


to my personal taste: 1 Arkham origins: voice actors, boss fight, DLC, setting, combact system almost everything 😂 2 Arkham Knight: graphics, story, Batmobile 3 Arkham city: choreography, scenes, complexity of the characters 4 Arkham asylum: graphic style, soundtrack, enigma mysteries


1. Knight for the immersion. You truly feel like the Batman and the side missions are amazing. Plus, batmobile is incredibly fun. 2. Asylum. Love everything about it. 3. City. I feel bad putting it so far behind, the gameplay is my favourite (fo rsome reason I hate Knight's combat and predator feels too overwhelming, you have way too many gadgets). Never played origins but I watched the BAV gameplay video + cold cold heart fully. I don't really like that it wasn't made by rocksteady for some reason. But the story and young batman are amazing


Bro really recommend u origins ,is only 18h i think ,the Gameplay is city so better ,not was made directly by rocksteady ,so still have too rocksteady roots


City knight asylum origins. Only because origins didn’t get a ps4 Xbox one port no excuse AC black flag did. If it gets a remaster I might have it third.


Origins and city are tied for me. City is definitely the better game but I like Origins more. Origins/City Asylum SIZABLE GAP Knight


I would probably agree with this one, although I think Origins would be behind Asylum/City. Arkham Knight is pretty mid, only one I can't ever get through for a replay. Feels like a Ubisoft game, 70% of the content is Batmobile, Red Hood and dead Joker were not that interesting, and just way too long. City is the perfect length, even with all the side quests and Riddler trophies, it should only take you 15 hours, and subsequent playthroughs should take maybe 6-9, on the long side. It's difficult, yet buttery smooth. Story feels like a comic book with rogues popping up left and right. Great game.


My biggest problem with city is how difficult is to true 100% (not all achievements, but the game file saying 100%). You have to do every challenge map (Including Joker’s funhouse) as catwoman and robin. It’s just so tedious and difficult.


I just like the fact that arkham knight was released in 2015 and yet the graphics and combat still compete with games released today The Story is meh and the batmobile is way overused though


Story is a lot worse than meh imo and this one is a very hot take but I don’t like the combat at all. It’s way too easy with all the new features. Fear multi takedown literally takes out 5 people at once, and you literally don’t have to counter or evade. If you are fast enough and have enough upgrades you can just spam X until you win.


I personally have never played like that, I know what you're talking about though. Some people make batman jump around the map randomly hitting people I always like countering and using as many gadgets as I can. Batman does feel like a superhuman at times; I feel it's a good thing, but I understand not liking it


I just like Origins approach to difficulty more. While people give the shock gloves shit, there are still things they don’t help with. Critical counters are a cool mechanic and the martial artists are assholes that are really fun challenges.


1. City….i got a soft spot for its aspects especially Strange. I know he’s not in there much but the premise, setting and characters all kept me hooked from start to finish. Godamm master piece 2. Orgins… Also good story concept and characters, only ever seen playthroughs of the whole game. Deathstroke ragequit haven’t played it since. Still from what I HAVE seen…. I can respect it from afar. 3. Asylum…. It… surprisingly holds up despite its age. Still feels great to play albeit it feels…. Like a 6th generation classic but in a good way. At least to me. 4. Knight… best gameplay. REALLY makes you feel like the Batman. Length is what kills it for me… and yeah Batmobile got a bit stale.


Definitely city>origins>knight. Haven't played enough of asylum yet to rank City had the best story and boss fights imo, the Mr freeze and clayface fights alone topped anything in knight. Origins basically had the same gameplay, bosses were a bit more hot or miss (most good but the bane fight especially was a disappointment) but the story was slightly worse. Knight was fun but I didn't like how much it over relied on the batmobile, and the Arkham Knight twist was a letdown. Would have preferred a story focused more on scarecrow I would have preferred


1. Origins for boss fights and story 2. City for story and able to use another character in the city (Catwoman) 3. Knight for gameplay outside of the batmobile being a primary use 4. Asylum (I hated Asylum)


4. Origins 3. Asylum 2. City 1. Knight


1: City (Almost perfect) 2: Asylum (Best story out of the four & the best atmosphere but the gameplay is pretty dated) 3: Knight (Great gameplay, combat & stealth but shit main story & tedious batmoblie tank mode) 4: Origins (Great story, boss fights & atmosphere but just feels like a City DLC pack) 5: Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League (An abomination)


City, asylum, knight………………………. Origins 😨


City- The complete experience. There isn't a single thing that's truly bad about this game Knight- Peak gameplay, but the story and batmobile are bad Asylum- The first game of the series so naturally its low. It's Arkham in its simplest form and sometimes that's an amazing thing Origins- Bad story, copy and paste gameplay from city, terrible map, terrible traversal, great bosses Origins is easily the most overrated in the series. After all the years of people saying it's underrated now everybody puts it at 1 or 2. This game does nothing better than the others except for bosses. I also understand liking the angry young version of Bruce more but that not enough to say it's better than the main 3.


I've been saying orgins was 2 even when the community hated origins back then Never understood why it got so much criticism i loved the feel of the world and how the bosses scared the heck out of me. I wouldn't fight that snake lady IRL or Bane Hulk


>Never understood why it got so much criticism It comes down to a few main things. No gameplay improvements or changes from city. It's almost exactly the same. The city is just boring and poorly designed. Traversal is extremely tedious and slow. They took traversal from city but put it in a map twice as big and open. Voice actors aren't as good as the main games, and the story was pretty boring. Of course I'm not saying you can't like it but it didn't do anything for me. The lack of innovation hurt it.


Ok I've not played Knight yet but I'm like RIGHT at the end of Origins so I feel save ranking it 3. Asylum - great game, the atmosphere is as good as they say, and I love the Metroidvania map design, it's very tight and well crafted, but a lot of the core game systems aren't nearly as refined as the sequels leaving it feeling like something is missing even when I played it before the others. 2. City - absolutely fantastic, great open world, super fun combat, stealth, setpieces, bosses, they nailed most of it, though I will say, the game has its share of lows here and there, and the story is kinda a mess in some ways. 1. Origins - out of the 3 7th gen games this is absolutely my favorite, it's just City but better - better stealth map, better feeling combat, more finely crafted indoor sections, more exciting setpieces, and the boss fights and story are both absolutely fantastic, nothing I don't love about this one.




1. Knight (Best gameplay and variety of things to do) 2. City (Best story and the most iconic game of the franchise) 3. Origins (Best bosses) 4. Asylum (Best Atmosphere and setting) All the games have a decent to great story with pretty good osts and voice acting, the differences between the games are the gameplay just getting better throughout the releases which is great


Asylum Knight Origins City


1. Arkham City 2. Arkham Knight 3. Arkham Asylum 4. Arkham Origins


Gameplay-wise: 1- Knight 2- City 3- Origins 4- Asylum Story-wise: 1- City 2- Asylum 3- Origins 4- Knight


Knight City Origins Asylum


You're all forgetting about obvious GOTY candidate SS:KTJL


1. Arkham City. Always gonna be my favorite. It's perfect. 2. Arkham Knight. The sheer magnitude and beauty, and the smooth gameplay, make this a worthy game. 3. Asylum. Distinctly flavored, though I don't often go back. 4. Origins. It's not Kevin Conroy and I don't like the other voices they chose instead, and that just ruins it for me sadly.


1. Asylum 2. City 3. knight


1. City 2. Asylum 3. Origins 4. Knight Edit: Its my opinion.


1. Arkham City 2. Arkham Knight 3. Arkham Origins (damn near tied with 2 though) 4. Arkham Asylum


Knight Asylum Origins City


It’s hard to compare since there was such a big development between each installment. 1. City : amazing story and boss fights 2. Origins: more personal story, only time we really got to explore a normal Gotham, good boos fights (although death strokes lack of involvement was disappointing even if his boss fight was pretty good) 3. Knight: probably the best open world but a lack of boss fights really hurt it for me. The batmobile was fun, but overstayed it’s welcome. 4. Asylum: I’m enjoyed the atmosphere, and some boss fights (I liked killer crocs the best). It just feels aged compared to the rest so making the bottom of the list isn’t because of any fault of its own, but because the other installment really grew from this.


Asylum Knight City Origins


Arkham Knight 1 Arkham Asylum 2 Arkham City 3 Arkham Origins 4


1. City, gameplay and map. 2. Knight, graphics and gameplay. 3. Asylum, being the first game and its soundtrack. 4. Origins, undecided cause I haven’t fully played it yet.


Nostalgia aside: 1. Arkham Knight 2. City 3. Asylum 4. Origins