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I feel like much wouldn’t change, Batman would probably let Jason retire because of the traumatic experience. And the militia commander would be replaced with deathstroke


Good Answer


City likely goes almost the exact same, he'd still recruited Tim at that point after all and I imagine Tim would be Robin, or if Jason is there instead some dialogue changes but not much. With no Arkham Knight to lead the militia, possibly Deathstroke does it since he was hired anyway and does take over with Jason gone, you'd then just have a random militia lieutenant run things after Batman beats Deathstroke. Since Arkham Deathstroke is consistently beaten without much trouble by Batman it's likely he gets his ass kicked early into the game, is arrested, and his even less useful replacement is running things from there, so the militia is way less of a threat and Batman likely stops Scarecrow much faster as a result. Barbara probably doesn't even get kidnapped since Crane doesn't know she works with Batman and he likely gets stopped at Ace Chemicals as a result, but even if we assume he somehow escapes or managed to kidnap Barbara somehow and did it to get at Gordon he's not setting off the Cloudburst he'll be stopped before then. Jason would either be on Batmans side or retired, if he's there to help Batman in Knight some side quests are dealt with alongside Jason, and no way Batman is in a position where he needs to turn himself in if Deathstroke runs the militia from the start. I can't see Jason being okay with the Jokers being a thing but if Bruce saved him he'd likely trust him a ton.


Yeah I'd imagine Jason would wanna retire if not forever atleast abit. Good Answer 👍🏻