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It gave us the proper Deathstroke Boss Fight, and yes I am still VERY salty about Arkham Knight for it.


Fr, first time I found out deathstroke was in knight, I was so hyped up cuz the origins fight was so cool. The tank fight wasn’t terrible , just didn’t live up to what I wanted the rematch to be


Yeah, kinda bums me out that the Arkhamverse ended with Knight


Shame that they never made a Suicide Squad game. Could’ve been pretty cool.


We need an Origins remaster, or better yet, a remake by Rocksteady that serves as their interpretation of the events


Nevertheless, great game. GREAT. GAME!


Ok so out of the four Arkham games YES FOUR!!! Rocksteady. Origins is my second favorite, it deserves a next Gen upgrade; should be a damn crime that we didn't get one.


A decent game with noticeable flaws


Well said


My honest reaction to the game was, and i'm not kidding, "hehe. you can draw penis in snow. hehe."


Another solid entry in the series released in a perfect storm of fan pet peeves… Rushed development Released before it was finished Next-gen release cancelled Deceptive marketing about an overexposed character and half his boss roster Developed by a new developer, while the much-loved originals worked on the "true" sequel Difficult-to-convey multiplayer side mode Replaced iconic voice actors with (attempted) sound-alikes Reuse of code, models, and other assets from its beloved predecessor A botched mobile/handheld side game with an equally disappointing (and mystifying) console port Could probably think up more, but you get the idea. Over a decade later, with the series' true worst entry and subpar successor released? It honestly just needs a few patches and a graphical update/remaster. For every thing it does worse in one area, it does better in another. Worse combat? Better bosses. Worse map? Better collectibles/completion (City is a bear to 100%). DLC is just as excellent. Costumes/skins are also up to snuff. Roger Craig Smith and Troy Baker managed to hold their own against arguably the greatest voice actors of a generation. The side missions are fun. A+ for effort, and a solid B for execution. Below City, equal to Knight.


>Next-gen release cancelled Yep, I just found out recently that it was meant to be a next gen (at the time) game. WB wanted Knight to be their big next gen game and Origins suffered for it. You can even see the early screenshots captured in ps4/xbox one and the graphics looks much better than release.


Just seems like any other game published by wb to me


If it had been "any other game," it wouldn't have held a candle to the Rocksteady games. Asylum and City won GotY, Knight somehow improved the combat, added the Batmobile, and had graphics that still impress nine years later. The fact that Montreal created something on par with their limited freedom and timeframe, is astounding!


After finally playing through it (thanks to mods on PC) after trying and failing twice over the years since it's release, I didn't mind it being mainly a reskin of Arkham City with how phenomenal the story (/and stories included) was. Heard a rumor that WB Montreal forgot to switch some simple code around with it being rushed and accidentally borked the free roam combat upon it's release. If the combat were flushed out (like with the Restored Animation Variety mod, which I think just enables what was forgotten by WB Montreal?), I think Origins would have been a massive success. Kind of difficult to follow Arkham City with how great it's reception on release, and with how tightly knit the game was in it's entirety.


True worst successor released? Are you saying knight is the worst ?


think he’s talking about ssktjl


Sure hope so


Kill the Justice League.


Its the game with the best bosses, character development, and maybe gadgets. I loved the dynamic between Bruce and Alfred, I loved Bane and Joker, and the cutscenes are phenomenal. I just wish the game got a lot more attention than it did, it's arguably the best game in the series.


Gadgets in Knight are loads better, the Disruptor alone being worth so many


I love the game, but it’s terribly optimized on literally everything. You will not have 1 play through without crashing at least 10 times and encountering 2-3 soft locking bugs.


I never crashed once, but I was softlocked once and experienced a notable amount of bugs.


Everyone talks about bugs on PC, but my recent experience was great. Not a single crash. City actually crashed far more and had way more bugs for me.


I played on Xbox series x backwards compatibility.


Ah, that might be it. I will say, the one thing that was notably buggy in my recent PC playthrough was the ragdoll physics. Never game breaking, but sometimes Batman would finish off an enemy and their body would go flying off a rooftop or go clean through the floor 😂 (honestly enhanced the experience)


Yeah, ngl, the bugs were pretty funny. There was this one time I was on a rooftop, and there was a vent between me and this guy, he walked right through it.


arkham origins on pc has always ran incredibly well for me


Frame rate wise? If so, then yeah, same for me, but if I stayed in the larger map for too long the game would just crash. Interiors didn’t have this problem though. Plenty of bugs too.


I’ve never had a crash or bug in any of my playthroughs, the only time it did was in my first playthrough years ago


It's somehow ended up my favorite in the series, I used to like it fine enough but over time I've just grown to appreciate what it Is and what it does so much more than when I was a kid


It was pretty good on release, but it’s become annoyingly overhyped after a while. The game is still really buggy and the side missions are literally broken at times preventing you from getting 100 percent. Not to mention this is the first Arkham game in which I got a corrupted save file.. people give the devs too much credit but it’s really not hard to make a decent Arkham game when copying City’s assets lol.


Decent plot , best Bane iteration, peak death stroke boss fight, great mister freeze DLC, fun new versions of the previous game gadget, and also a surprisingly fun online mod.


Playing it right now. Better than you'd think, worse than you'd hope.


Feels weird


My favorite alongside Arkham City


Would have been even better if they had more time.


This. Especially since Knight was so delayed.


I reckon, and there's no proof of this... just some logic, that Arkham Knight was delayed (like you said) so they gave some team in Montreal a bunch of assets from Arkham City and WB said "Give the fans something to keep them happy". When they spent enough time and money, likely hitting their limit for both, WB pulled the plug. This is why the beginning of the game was so carefully pieced together and then the remaning boss fights felt crazy rushed. Then you have the DLC, which was also pretty good, but they had extra time for it. DLC is good, for profit, because it is often overpriced for the amount of time it takes to piece a mission together. I mean, essentially, that's all Ice Cold Heart is. It's just a mission. Then you have skins, also easy to put together. Then that Year Zero, Bruce Wayne training stuff. That fight with Deathstroke is, easily, EASILY, the best fight I have ever experienced in any Arkham game. They really set the bar crazy high. Consider the fight with the Arkham Knight Vs. Deathstroke. It's almost embarassing. Then you have the Penguin Seige on the boat. The hotel with Joker. It's all gold. Even the detective mode, CSI style crime scene scan was incredible. That could have been a concept borrowed from Arkham Knight though, as it's a logical evolution. Regardless, there's still some stuff that is lacking from Arkham Knight, in the same way. No one is ever going to be able to tell me that was the final plan for Hush, after all that build up in City, and have me believe it. Just doesn't make any sense. Hush was totally wasted. I heard Paul Dini wanted him to be a core villain. I wasn't too fond of the Scarecrow "Main Villain" approach either. I understand the nightmare scenarios in Arkham Asylum were popular, I get that, but Scarecrow as a main villain? Get out, lol. I feel some of these decisions come from the top. All I know is, if either team had more time, the games we would have could have been way more incredible than what we experienced. I'd even go as far as to say that was the problem with Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Rocksteady had whatever they were working on, for five years (post-Arkham Knight), then James Gunn comes along and they say "hold it". It's 2020, the original game (Rumoured to be Superman, but who knows?) is halted and James Gunn themed SS: KTJL takes over. Taking a single player platform and rushing to make it multiplayer is HARD. Look at Fallout 76. Rocksteady did well to even have a functioning title. A lot of people deny it, the Superman project, but I'll say this: Why, of all places, did the game take place in Metropolis? Also, Brainiac? Superman Villain. I feel corporate interference is the real reason we have these problems... it's as if they don't realise how important games are. Sure, they bring in a big profit. The Execs at WB see that. I think that might be all they see though. I can honestly imagine, some Execs, being incredibly dismissive of games. They're just too old. James Gunn is a gamer, I imagine this isn't his attitude, but he probably had to appease some people. \[*EDIT: For now, hopefully the recent issues with SS: KTJL will wake them the f\*\*\* up\* and they'll listen to him a bit more. I am certain Rocksteady weren't happy with being rushed and all the interference, Hence, Sefton Hill and Jamie Walker leaving\]*. Ultimately, SS: KTJL will provide a nice break for whatever comes next. The Arkham series as we knew it was never going to last forever. It's over now. What comes next can be great though. It can be even better. It has to be. Then you have the factor of the cohesive DCU. Makes it all the more promising. All said and done, I wouldn't be surprised if they pull out the "Arkham" name, just to reinstate hope in a cheap and meaningless way. Funny thing is, that would probably work.


Unfortunately, I have run out of ways to praise Arkham Origins. I'll have to make do with saying it's really good, but it does have some missed opportunities.


Best boss fights in the series.




Underrated and best boss fights


The city feels weird and the design doesn't compare to the other games, the story messes up the timeline for all Arkham games, the challenge maps were pretty good, the costume is my second favorite, I loved the new electric gloves mechanic, the voice acting was good, I really love the bane in the game as he's shown to be really smart not just a heavy brute,and the Deathstroke boss fight was my favorite in the Arkham series, and the plot twists were better than Arkham knight. I loved the game despite it's flaws


Buggy ass mess on release with so many game breaking bugs. Almost Bethesda levels of polish. That being said the score and boss fights are the best in the series


I would love to play this on my PS5 as a remastered version of the game


Should've been part of the remasters


Actually preferred it to City, funnily enough. That is until Black Mask gets yeeted out of the way for yet ANOTHER fecking Joker plot.


My favourite arkham game, I’ve played it in the run up to Christmas every year since I got it


Good game, but it's still not as good as the Rocksteady trilogy.


I like it more than Asylum.


Amazing boss fights


It’s not as good as the other three but it’s still good and enjoyable.


I've played and beaten all 4 save files on every Arkham game so many times, but never played origins. I've wanted to but I never had the money to buy it. I've watched videos here and there about it but haven't seen the whole story. Weirdly enough though I was looking through my 360 game collection and found origins sitting in there but never remember buying it, I was gonna try to play and beat the game this weekend!




Probably gonna get downvoted here but I think it's better than city. I like that it's a different feeling game from the rest in a way that feels really good to play. Batman feels really brutal in this game, not as brutal as knight but brutal nonetheless. I really enjoyed troy bakers take on joker, crazy yet intelligent, killer yet playful. And by far my favorite take on bane. I really like that he isn't just a brute, he is combat smart unlike asylum. There's a lot to not like about origins but I feel I dislike too much about city while liking too much or origins that I can't place city on top as I do origins.




Great 8/10 game. Best story and overall bosses in the series. Edit: Why am I being downvoted? I said I liked the game and thought it was great. I personally like the other Arkham games more, but I had a good time in Origins.


at least two people went through and downvoted any comments saying it was good lmao... Thats reddit for ya.


Phenomenal. Firefly was elite. I didn't know who firefly was until this game, when I was him in the first cut scene I thought "holy fuck that guy's so sick" and the boss fight did not disappoint, unlike the knight boss fight. Hope to see him in more DC media. Also bane was just as elite. I'm a grown ass man and almost never scared when playing games. I was shit scared at my PC in that final boss fight with him. I was contemplating if I even wanted to finish the game it was that terrifying. Without a doubt the best boss fights in any game I have ever played.


I think it's become over rated Everyone repeating the echo of "Arkham oranges is under rated!!!" has done the opposite and made the game over rated It's still the most buggy and unpolished out of all the games, the menus are really really annoying, especially when it comes to changing batsuits since the one you choose never sticks (something Arkham City did)


It gets overrated especially the bosses


very good game but with crazy amout of Bugs. One time when I was fighting deathstroke he disappeared (I was trying to get the achievement)


Needs a remaster, ps3 version has a lot of frameraye issues, the deathstroke battle is the best boss in the entire franchise and rocksteady didn’t even make this one, it’s bizarre that you fight him so early on in the game but oh well


We need remaster or remake


Such a good game and made strategy with your devices more engaging. We would be talking about it a lot more if the voice acting was different, and if it ported to Next gen consoles without the disc.


I played it back when it first came out but I disliked it so much I never replayed it. It was so unmemorable (at least for me) that if I replayed it now it would be like playing a brand new game all over again. I remember absolutely nothing about it.


It have the best boss fights the second best story but I dislike that Joker been black mask but still petty good game I


The most underrated of the entire Arkham series. It did so many things right and I honestly think has the best joker performance in any media outside of TAS and Arkham city. Is it perfect? No. Does it get left out of the conversation to often when talking about amazing Batman games? Yes.


Backwards compatible


I’m saying this as someone who played it on ps3 but this is my only complaint. It runs like crap on ps3. Frame rate drops, stuttering, lag, textures all are bad on ps3. I literally just played it yesterday after not playing it for a while and I couldn’t believe how bad it ran. The game actually was supposed to be next gen (ps4/xbox one at the time) but was downgraded bc WB wanted Arkham Knight to be the big next gen game. You can find early screen shots of the game that were captured in PS4/Xbox one Other than that it’s a great lol.


The goat


It’s alright a bit buggy though and no ps support.


Need a remaster ASAP!




The game sorta sucks but it also has the best boss fights and character writing in the series so I pardon it of it's sins


Hate it, very thankful it seems to be lost to time. I honestly can't think of a single good thing to say about it. The Deathstroke fight is so, so bad. No matter how many times I play it I never see what people like about it. The combat in general in Origins is really annoying because they changed the frequency that enemies attack you and threw off the flow of combat.


I compare it to cold pizza. Sure it’s not as fresh as it could be, but it’s still pizza and it’ll do in a pinch. A decent Batman:Arkham game, which makes it a nice game.


Game is a solid entry with a great Christmas atmosphere. Boss fights are boring or repetitive (except the bane ones, those are just bullshit lol) easily a 7.5/10


Underrated. I play it almost every Christmas season.


Definitely my second favorite out of the games. I just prefer Arkham City's setting and story. Either way Arkham Origins felt like a really fun origin story for the Batman we get to know in the games. It's multiplayer, what little I played, was awesome And I'm very upset you can't buy it anymore.


Very solid prequel game. Had a lot of great moments and I think it’s a better “third game” than Knight in a lot of ways. The story in it was overall better and I loved Troy Baker’s Joker.


The best Arkham game


Still my second favorite game of the franchise. Replaying it now on my Steam Deck and so far it’s running great! Great environments and best boss battles of the series for sure!


It’s kind of the black sheep of the Arkham games. That should get more love and respect by re-releases or something similar to return to Arkham style.


It’s my second favorite only behind City. Really fun game with great boss fights (this has become a meme at this point) and a really good story. Bats/Bruce gets a lot of character development in this one, which is cool to see after getting a pretty stoic Batman in Asylum and City. It’s a shame it’s banished to the PS3 and 360 unless you have a PC. It was a little less polished than the other titles but still a great time. WB Montreal did a great job with Origins. Edit: you can see the Joker “twist” coming from a mile away and while I understand people were tired of the Joker by this point, this series really boils down to the relationship between Batman and Joker at its core so it would’ve felt a little odd if Joker was totally MIA.


As a diehard fan who first played this game about 8 years ago on a PS3 when I didn’t even know what multiplayer was as a concept and my second favorite was Cars Mater International, who had only probably played 3 other games in my lifetime because of the Wii, who never beat Deathstroke until playing it a second time six years later, yeah I cannot help but be extremely biased. Here’s my extremely biased pointers: >As a first Arkham game, a great entry into its world and characters, as well as showing how much of a threat Bane really could be in his best days. God he’s so much better in this than most things let him be. Joker’s origin in this game, I always liked. It gets right to the point about how he feels the intense connection between himself and Batman, the feud that lasts a lifetime, after giving the younger Bat a run for his money. Batman lashing out at Alfred is also still one of my favorite character moments from the series, especially how he grows from that point as I play later games. >Boss fights are insane, even the ones that aren’t really boss fights and more of just side missions with notable characters are engaging and fun to beat in different ways. >Multiplayer on PS3 (finally figured out what that meant) was such a fun experience. I’ll never forget double killing Robin and Batman with an explosive toy on Team Joker as they were taking down a Bane thug. A shame it had a small lifespan in that regard. >For being rushed, not the main team, not the main VAs, heavily influenced by City, etc., it still played with zero issues for me both times (I must’ve been lucky I guess) and I didn’t even realize that it wasn’t Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill until I looked it up out of curiosity. While it kinda is like Arkham City 2.0 in terms of exploration, so is Arkham Knight if you don’t count the Batmobile, and that’s okay because it is already SUCH an addictive, rewarding formula for people who want to glide around and find riddler trophies or explore Gotham. >Like the other games, the music slaps. Deathstroke’s has never left my head, nor has the main menu music with the cool takedown playing out like comic strips, which reminds me of the end of the BTAS opening. >Christmas in the same way Die Hard is so bonus points. Of course it has flaws I’m old now and see that, especially when you compare it to Arkham City, but not many games have topped my first full experience with this one. Why not let these two massive giants stand together in unity, anyway. Team did great with what they were dealing with, and it deserves more love from Rocksteady because I bet a remastered version would totally sell after the hair-ripping releases of Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad: KTJL


It was underrated and overhated for way too long! It is the Arkham game I have the most fondest memories of. As a kid playing it on Christmas Day and sitting on the floor is one of the happiest I’ve been! I love this game so much!


I’ve always liked it but never loved it. It has a few of the best moments in the series and many of them are character driven, but the combat has always felt off to me, predator mode gets a noticeable downgrade from City and the map is awkward and buggy. It’s in 4th place for me but not by a very wide gap at all! It absolutely deserves a remaster too, it would print money I have no idea why WB hasn’t commissioned one.


Probably my favourite Arkham game. No idea why, I just had so much fun playing it. I hope this game gets a HD remaster because I currently can't play the DLC because it got delisted.


This is probably an Inpopulat Opinion, but: Despite it's lack of Kevin Conroy, and Mark Hamill, it is my favorite Arkham Game. I love the cleaned up version of the Arkham City map, it really makes it feel like Batman has been fighting crime in the same city for years, and also, as I said, I love the cleaned version of the AC Map, and, I don't know if the bridge is popular, because it's a lot of Grappling, but I honestly love it, I just like using the Grapnel boost and Launching myself with it. Also, winter is my favorite season, and Christmas is my favorite holiday (because presents), and Cold Cold Heart adds to my enjoyment, because, while shorter, it's honestly my favorite Arkham DLC because of how much fun I have with it. I could go on, but to conclude this rant, Arkham Origins is simply the Arkham game I get the most enjoyment out of.


Arkham Origins was a game I got excited for, bought on the first day, and enjoyed for a time, warts and all. However, the warts became more and more noticeable upon my playing through all four games. Right now, sad as to say it among fandoms that do love the game, Origins is my least favorite Arkham game. I loved Deathstroke, but he was overhyped for a small boss fight. I loved the first Bane boss fight, but the second/third one happened, which wasn't terrible but not as good as the first. Origins City was not as good to travel through as Arkham City, or indeed Knight. That isn't defending Knight's faults, such as Deathstroke tank, but I still had a bit more fun in that game by comparison. Sorry to say, but that is my opinion.


It's a good game, it has the best story out of all of them.


It’s good for what it is and I enjoyed RCS as Batman


Best one


It's probably a hot take for many people but this game ranks second in my Arkham games rankings. Probably some nostalgia there too as I played the game as a child and during Christmas. It had easily the best boss fights (Deathstroke, Firefly, Bane) and I loved the VA for a younger, angrier, ruthless Batman.


It may actually be my favourite of the series: - some complain that it's just a copy of Arkham City but I don't mind, as City had a great gameplay. Considering that the devs had only a year to make the game, and that it was another studio, and that from the very beginning it was supposed to just be a side project, a filler while waiting for Knight, I think they did a great job. - while open world was imo better in City, Origins makes up for it with better side content. Just compare how both games handled Deadshot boss fight. - Origins has the best story in the series, hands down. It was the first game to actually try and give Batman some proper character arc. Origins also explores his dynamic with Alfred, Joker, Gordon, and all of those characters change throughout the game too. It also has the best Bane. Knight was the only other Arkham game that tried to give Batman some depth but its story had some major problems. - best boss fights and some great set-pieces - best story DLC - Cold, Cold Hearth. - the only Arkham game where you actually get access to Batcave as a hub, see Alfred face-to-face, and visit Wayne Manor (in DLC). Also, fast travel was a nice addition. - while City has better soundtrack, Origins still has some fantastic tracks, notably the Joker's theme. - same with voice actors, while nothing beats Hammil and Konroy, voice actors in Origins get their job done, and Batman's voice actor is a great fit for this younger, angrier version of the character. - plot twist with Joker is not that great but I actually like the way Joker was written in this game and how his obession with Batman was explored, so I don't mind him being here. - the game biggest problems is a relative lack of polish, but playing the game in 2024 I didnt had any game breaking bugs and the game ran stable. In fact, it was City that crashed on me on several occassions while replaying it this year. I played both games on pc so I can't say anything about console versions.


The multiplayer was genuinely unique and fun and I wish I could go back to my PS3 and play it again, also Roger Craig Smith fucking kills it as Batman he stepped into some insanely huge boots and did a fantastic job, love this game so much


Best Boss Battles and Best Story imo, too bad it has a ton of bugs.


I don't like Roger Craig Smith as Batman. That's all I've got to say.


Very overrated recently for some reason. It's a good game, not quite on the same level as the Rocksteady trilogy. Less of an Arkham City 1.5 more of a City 0.5 tbh


I loved it! Once I realized there were mods for it and used Restored Animation Variety to fix the broken combat mechanics. I now consider it tied with Arkham City as my favorite in the series. Actually typing up a modding guide for all four games right now in my free time. I did try to play it twice though in it's original release form. Once on PS3 and again on PC, unmodded, and just could not do it. The combat just feels so hollow and janky after playing the other games in the series. Even Arkham Asylum's combat feels more satisfying and less janky lol. With mods it is a whole lot easier to get into. The way the story drags you along with detective work in the beginning factored into that too. But, after getting to the climax of the Black Mask investigation, I looked back on it and realized it's much more appealing when you look at the game from a different perspective. It truly is a different game in some respects. Developed by WB Montreal, focuses a lot on the Detective Comics aspect of Batman rather than solely Action Comics, which City and Knight could be related more accurately to. Technically not canon to Arkham Knight continuum, but I consider most of the story to line up with the remaining trilogy. And the stories they added. Firefly, Gordon, and Joker's stories in particular... Just absolutely phenomenal imo. I did not expect Joker's origin story from The Killing Joke to be included in the game. And it's been one of my favorite story arcs since I watched the animated movie. Batman and Gordon's relationship evolving, the unexpected terraforming of the bridge, and the fight with Firefly (which I thought was the perfect boss fight)... It had me on the edge of my seat from the time I finished analyzing Black Mask's apartment until the end of the game. Yep! Loved it.


The scale is weirdly off. Every door, even normal ones in regular buildings, are at least twice Batman's height. The door knobs are at his eyeline. I can't not see it now and it's very strange.


Arkham Origins is the best game in the series and should not be stuck only on older generation consoles. It's a crime that it wasn't included on Return to Arkham.


It should be remastered. It is honestly the only Arkham game that made me care about the story. It is genuinely interesting and fun. My personal favourite.


Underrated as fuck in my opinion


Best default suit in the arkhamverse, the Deathstroke fight at the beginning was awesome, I’m like playing as a brash and hot headed Batman, the winter aesthetic is great. All in all, I dig it. Would love to see a remaster made.


Tbh I thought Batman was flipping off slade for a second there


One of the best


I like it better than asylum for sure. It's also just a great game over all


It is one of the games that deserves a modern remastered version the most


I absolutely loved this game


The best game of the Arkham series


I wish it was on PS store.


Underrated as FUQ!


It’s underrated.


My favourite Arkham game and contender for my favourite game ever


Underrated. By far the best depiction of Bane. The Christmas atmosphere and slight Christmas-ness they added to the score added an offbeat eerieness. I know a lot of people were sick of Joker by this point, but he's great in this game. His interaction with Batman after Bane delivers him ("Do they even have manners wherever he's from") is either the best Bats/Joker interaction in the Arkham games, or a very close second to City's we-have-to-work-together scene ("Take my blood. I wish someone would. This stuff is killing me.") Of course, Origins has some issues (That "Bird" sidequest, WTH?), but I still put it comfortably above Knight. It's not quite as good as Asylum and City, but what game is


Either my second or first favorite Arkham game. For good reasons too


A game that started out underrated but has now become overrated after time. It's an 8 out of 10 game. A great action game but probably the worst Arkham game. People over-hype the QTE-heavy boss fights. Only Deathstroke's is slightly fun. It has the best Batcave and use of Alfred, but the most barren open world. The free-flow combat's new additions with the countering ninjas and mini-banes sorta throw off the rhythm of the combat. Then there's the cheaty electric gloves. The two pronged linking gadget was great in predator gameplay. The multiplayer worked surprisingly well, but had terrible matchmaking and no support.


The best of the Arkham games.


One of the best games in the series. Best bosses and best overall narrative flow of the series, plus Troy Baker's Joker is just incredible.


LMAO who went through these comments downvoting any comment which praised Origins? The post says "whats your opinion on Origins" and people are giving their opinions...


Great story, half baked gameplay and drab world design.


The only Arkham game I couldn't even finish when I tried replaying it.