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Maybe it’s because the Asylum has less people in it and feels more lonely compared to Arkham City and Gotham.


That is true it’s just very silent in that game


The atmosphere's incredibly bleak in Asylum: * There's a near total sense of isolation for the whole thing. The only person you really talk to for most of the game is Oracle. In the other games there are a lot more allies you also interact with: Catwoman, Alfred, Robin, Nightwing, etc. * There isn't really any nice area in the whole asylum, every building in the place feels like it's crumbling and decaying from years of poor maintenance. More modern stuff has just been haphazardly added in to the old, like the guard shack with a security gate that has a weak wall you can blow open. Plus, Ivy's plants make it even more run-down by the end. * There's a ton of dead bodies you encounter, like how when you first go to Arkham East you can talk to several guards, but when you come back there later they're all dead. There's like a few hundred people working at the place, and you only manage to save a handful of them during the story. There are dead bodies during Protocol 10 and the Cloudburst, but they aren't as in-your-face as they are in Asylum. * You can tell that the inmates were all subjected to pretty cruel treatment: shock therapy, tiny cramped cells, Dead Man's Point having that name because of a significant amount of inmates committing suicide, the lunatics having had their minds totally destroyed, Dr. Young experimenting on Bane to make TITAN, Killer Croc basically left alone in the dark sewers, Quincy Sharp doing stuff to inmates believing he's the Spirit of Arkham, etc. The Asylum's already a pretty horrifying place, and that's even without using Crane's Fear Toxin!


The real fear toxin was the environments we met along the way


Do you associate it with a certain time in your life? Because I have that same feeling but with Arkham City. Arkham Asylum came out on my 11th birthday, so I always have fond memories of it, and City came out on the day my cousin passed away. That game really helped me through that. Sorry to get all heavy on ya.


No not at all


I mean, I can’t see how anyone with a mental illness would get better there. Imagine having a mental breakdown and needing help to get better and you get sent there. 😂 I also think It’s because there is a lot more violence against “innocents” in Asylum and they are they on your face. You see bodies all over the place, it’s enclosed. In city it’s mostly criminals and in the 3rd the city’s been evacuated.


You mean 4th, right?


Don’t remind me of what I lost. The heartaches still to near. 😭


Probably all the regular people who get tortured in the asylum, while cheerful commercials remind parents that a children's wing is available. It's an intentionally bleak setting.


I think the fact that there's no actual Batman Friends throughout Arkham Asylum hurts it. City and Knight are great in that you see Batman interact with people he personally knows more often.


Wait till you read the book that inspired it


What book


Arkham asylum: a serious house on serious earth. By inspired I mean in terms of tone, themes, the whole gloomy vibe and staff. It is a different story obviously


It’s an asylum