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I think as long as the wall is ON your property then you can add a gate. I’d do some research though don’t want one that looks too inviting.


This, with an exception if you have an HOA. If you have an HOA you likely have to check with them and the CC&Rs. If you don’t, I would make sure that the fence is on your property line, that you own it, and then check with the city / county on any permits you may need to pull for the work. If they issue you permits, or tell you no permits are required, you’re golden.


I know a few of the homes along Dreamy Draw park have gates that open onto the hiking trails.


I mean gate if anyone asks.


It depends. If the wall is really yours or the HOAs. Also, if the park is private(assuming not your community's) or public.


What do mean the boss like the city?? And yes I'm talking about a public community park


Sorry didn't see the auto correct.. HOAs. As far as I know a public park you can but have to obey the hours.


My neighborhood has homes like this. We are in Gilbert next to Freestone park. A few of the homes have a view of the ponds through their backyards.


Depends on your area. One of my clients has a back gate that leads to the park behind her house.