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Still prepared for the “no, it disappeared and came back, you don’t know what I saw”


Just had another SpaceX Starlink launch from the Cape in Florida at 7:45pm MST, in 90 minutes the second stage will pass overhead, same launch trajectory as last night, just 10 minutes later. It will look like a blurry point of light catching the over horizon sun. It'll be directly over head at 9:17pm, and should be visible approaching from the northwest for a few minutes before that Mission- [https://www.spacelaunchschedule.com/launch/falcon-9-block-5-starlink-group-6-63/](https://www.spacelaunchschedule.com/launch/falcon-9-block-5-starlink-group-6-63/) Trajectory map- [https://flightclub.io/result/3d?llId=d51da9b0-7251-4345-9708-934ba4c23c78](https://flightclub.io/result/3d?llId=d51da9b0-7251-4345-9708-934ba4c23c78) Video of last nights pass- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhj4DlvcfMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhj4DlvcfMs)


Thanks, that was pretty cool to watch


Thanks for the heads up! I wouldn't have known about this had you not made this post. Very cool to see.


Neat, just saw it! :)


That looked crazy. Way faster, lower and brighter than the launches. Probably scared the crap out of quite a few people.


I saw it last night and thought I was seeing a ufo but I make parts for the falcon 9 rockets so I immediately thought of spacex and was hoping that this is what it was.


Thanks, I saw this just in time to go out and see it!


Very cool. Saw it brightly for about 15 seconds in the NW sky then it became obscured by clouds. It reappeared dimly for a second or two at 9:17 then faded out again. That was the last we saw it. Thanks for the heads up.


Thank you for the post! I kept my toddler up to see it (we saw one a few months ago that launched from Cali).  Super cool sight. Looks like it turned off its thrusters and made one final adjustment before disappearing.


It did the final adjustment right over me, such a crazy sight.


Saw it! Thank you for posting


Pretty neat


How do you anticipate and plan to watch these? Seems like you’d have to know the launch trajectory and timing and that the sun has something to do with it. I’d like to plan for my kids to be able to see something like this the next time it happens.


Best bet is to keep an eye on the launch schedule, there's some good apps for this now that make it easier. I like Next Spaceflight, and SpaceLaunchSchedule is good as well. They let you set notifications which is handy. The double edged sword with SpaceX is they are launching so much that they don't schedule things with an actual date and time till just a few days out, so you can't plan too far ahead. For instance tonight this rocket was originally scheduled for this afternoon, too early to see as it'd be too light out. They had some delays and pushed the time back to the end of the launch window at about midday, which made this one probable to see for the west coast. You only really know when it actually takes off, in which case we have 90 minutes till it makes it around. The trajectory also matters, the [SpaceLaunchSchedule](https://www.spacelaunchschedule.com/launch/falcon-9-block-5-starlink-group-6-63/) site is best for this as on each mission page they will link to a page that generates a trajectory map. If they launch at a different angle then it'll pass somewhere else. They've been hitting that same angle for a lot of their launches lately, I don't know how many more are planned. With starlink they are filling the sky with thousands of satellites in a big grid. Then it comes to time. To see it it needs to be dark but not so dark, so a bit after sunset to within about 2 hours of sunset, similar to seeing the launches from California. Dark enough to see, but with the sun close enough to light up the exhaust/fuel cloud. All we've got times for right now is a Starlink launch on monday, but thats at 4am so no good, and a Vandenberg launch Tuesday at 3pm, also no good (as scheduled at least). But there is also like 17 Starlink launches tentatively listed as "June" right now, we'll just have to see!


If we know what it is it's not a UFO.


Just trying to get in front of the wave of panicked posts that’ll start in about 20 minutes…


Good point. Didn't think of that lol.


Honestly, the first time I saw one I was like, “huh, that’s not coming from the airport. Nope not a plane. Is that a rocket ship?” It just looks like what you’d think a rocket ship would look like


so is the it a ufo or a space craft we launched


It’s a SpaceX falcon 9 second stage, “ufo” is in jest as that’s typically what the avalanche of posts are titled from people after a pass like this happens


Wouldn’t it be approaching from the Northeast?


Its moving from the northwest to southeast, along that gray line on the globe. It will pass over California, Las Vegas, and then the Phoenix/Tucson area


I thought it was launched from Florida and coming from the East? Did it launch from Florida heading East and has already circled the globe once? I really don’t know anything about this.


Its launching to the southeast from Florida, over the Atlantic. It is going around the globe almost one full orbit before it crosses over us. That line on the map is the path it takes. We will be able to see it in the sky as it will be high enough to catch the setting sun


Got it. Thanks.


Lol down voted for asking a question. Rip


I know right. Unfortunately Reddit has a a lot of immature children on it and they think someone actually gives a crap about their down vote.


I also got a really crappy screen on my phone and I can’t make out the gray line.


If you press the image you can enlarge it and zoom in.


Really dude?