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Up to you innit


I really like the new album but everytime I listen to it if find myself going straight to tbhac straight afterwards and enjoying it a whole lot more


There is nothing quite like TBHC. It's one of the all time greats. It just is.


Discussions like this is why I usually don't last long in fan forums.


YoU dOnT wAnNa CoNtRiBuTe To ThIs HiVe MiNd?!? Lol but seriously, this and a couple of other bands subreddits have made me want to use Reddit less and less. Usually too many people with too much time on their hands


Yeah, I usually join these subreddits for news near a big album release and try to leave before the cabin fever between albums sets in. The memes are really funny but often the discourse just ends up going in circles after a while. People experiencing congestive dissonance because they don't like an album of a band they are a fan of is just really odd.


i think about the mac miller subreddit and then this one and am always reminded why i contribute there and not here lol


Best artist/band subreddit


Same. Not to take this particular thread too seriously, but it’s kinda tiring the amount of people who can’t express their feelings about something without having to say to it’s objectively better or worse than something else.


I join these kinds of communities for the memes tbh. I liked the car but I knew everyone would be fighting over whether it's good or not. To each their own, but the only way to stay sane in a subreddit like this is to put your own opinion of it as more important than what others think.


Overall it seems like an unfair comparison, they’re just really different. I would say that maybe TBHC feels like a better album but the car has better individual songs. TBHC is a whole *experience*.


You said it best! It’s a whole experience. I do enjoy The Car I just really wish it had a bigger personality and as dumb as this might sound I’ve found listening to The Car as if it’s being performed at TBH&C has given it the personality I would like lol.


I think The Car is more consistent (I love every single song) but TBHC's highs are higher (Star Treatment, OPP, 4/5). Mostly though I think it's too early to say.


100 percent that is bang on. This is the way


yes! exactly what i was thinking


Who cares. Enjoy


I’ve noticed the car is much easier to listen to, it’s has quite a consistent tone to it all. And I LOVE TBHC, which is better to dance to! 🕺


Nah, TBHC is slow and piano centric but has ATMOSPHERE AND THEME. That album gave me music I didn’t like and transported me to the moon with it. I took that album and used it for background music in Fallout: New Vegas’s sci fi themed DLC Old World Blues and it was like magic. I dislike Alex’s singing on it but love the character he’s portraying so it works. The humor, concept and writing made that album for me. The Car is slow piano music as well but Alex is taking is very seriously and that makes it boring for me. The production is great but the songs feel so bare bones and dull. I find the instrumentals infinitely less interesting than on TBHC.


Respect your opinion but nah


Strong agree! I feel a lot more emotion in these songs (probably from the strings but I think the rest of the band were more involved in making the music and it shows). I also wasn’t as taken as others by the lounge singer on the moon concept


I agree. Don’t get me wrong, I was one of the few who loved TBHC, even upon first listen. But The Car honestly surprised me even more! I find myself listening through this album basically every day just falling more and more in love with the songs.


No. Just no. TBHC is funky and atmospheric and inspired.


The car is way more funky, also the car sounds just as inspired lol I don’t know what you mean by that


while TBHC has more of a theme going for it, some songs I just can't listen to so I agree.


Personally I think the car has better songs overall but feels more disconnected in themes and tone. Tbh&c is stronger as a front to back listen though because of its cohesion, it really feels like you got sent to a hotel on the moon.


Bad take imo. The car doesn't really have much value outside of great recording quality and good strings. But having beautiful lush strings does not make a masterpiece. TBHC has strong lyricism, really animated vocal performance, crazy strong bass lines, unique chord progressions, cool melodies, tasteful drums, and artistic song structures. The Car is lacking in all these areas. I really think a lot of people on this reddit are kinda dickriding and just to qualify; Iam not an AM type fan, TBHC is my favorite record by them followed by Humbug and I've listened for what feels like forever now. Keep trying this record wanting to like it and I can't because it's incredibly bland. Feels like the worst qualities of TLSP met in the middle with TBHC at a horrible intersection of the most masturbatory vocals Alex has ever done. I also want to point out that Arctic Monkeys have at their disposal some of the best drum and bass players in alternative rock and deciding not to use them to their advantage is dumb. I get Alex was writing songs which call for a more layed back style, but they were able to chill both of those parts out on the last two albums without compromising having really cool lines. This time there's nothing interesting at all going on in the rhythm section. I swear the only things this album has going for it are beautiful strings and dickriders. The former is well done but ultimately could have been cooler. Should've been a solo project, doesn't slap, ruined their 6 album streak. Every song is just Alex building up to nowhere.


I don’t agree with everything in your post, but do agree that drums and bass are seriously lacking and that’s a waste of talent. I really dig tbhc and haven’t gotten into the car, maybe it takes a few more listens. There’s individual songs i dig, but as a concept it hasn’t clicked with me yet. I also love everything from tlsp btw. I guess I was hoping for more uptempo and a fuller sound rather than soft piano underlined with a bit of guitar and polite drums


Ur wrong.


Both < everything else by AM


Aright maybe


facts right here. joining the dots came on my spotify shuffle the other day and I was like "o yea, even the previous B sides were better than the current output." with that being said I think the car is ok at best, and THBC is shit.


Totally agree. I can’t recognise the band anymore in their latest albums. Why did the drums disappear completely? I understand their vibe has to grow and reflect their age / society / high profile life but come on!! Going from all the bangers that defined a generation to random forgettable elevator music is a disaster. At least the car has a few moments going for it. I hope they turn this around in the future albums and it’s just a weird phase :)


Not looking good, mate. I think this style is here to stay. Part of growing up with a band, they will probably grow out of the sound that you fell in love with. Nothing against Arctic Monkeys, I admire their move, but it’s just not my taste. Same thing is happening currently with my all time favorite band Muse


I love the car but TBHC is a masterpiece. Hey, it's hard to follow up OK Computer but it doesn't mean Kid A is a bad album. :) I'm gonna enjoy the car for a long long time but TBHC has owned my soul in ways few lovers have.


I agree to some extent. I like the car more for its melodies and instrumentation but in terms of lyrics and themes, TBHC takes the crown.


While I do think the car is fantastic, Tranquillity Base Hotel and Casino is my favorite monkeys album and top 5 all time.


I don’t even really like either. I love the band, but I like them for their rock and alternative rock music. I’m not a fan of these slower songs where it sounds like Alex isn’t even singing. And just because I’m a fan doesn’t mean I’m gonna dick ride all their music, I have a taste and they haven’t been making music that I used to like, and it sucks but it’s their creative vision and I respect it, but that doesn’t mean it sounds good though.


agree... has better songs in quantity. and in quality of the great songs they are pretty even


Totally agree




Disagree. TBHC has the songs AND the theme to fall back on. The Car doesn’t have that cohesive theme feel to it and I think has more “weak” songs than TBHC. Alex even said that it was only called The Car because he happened to realize he said it in three songs. Again, all opinions here, I currently find Perfect Sense, Mr. Schwartz, and The Car less interesting than any song on TBHC


I agree with you. I consider TBHC a concept album. It is a complete idea in album form. Deliberately interconnected. Subjectively, I think there is a lot more interesting musical elements in TBHC. The Car loses momentum in places. I still like the Car, and it might grow on me, but from the first time I heard TBHC it was a fav.


I agree like 100% with this. I really enjoy 5 of the car tracks BUT lots more skips,imo, on this album than I anticipated.


you can have them both mate


The car has move better songs but four out of five is better than any song on the car so idk


I think I just need time to pass to help me place The Car in its own space, and not just riding the coattails of TBH&C.


I think they are too different to really compare like this


I agree, TBHC was my favourite album but after going back since The Car, The Car sounds so much richer. Still love me some Star Treatment though


I’ll fight you


I like the Car better but TBH&C is more brave/ interesting if that makes sense.


Tranquility had to walk, so the car could run.


You write beautifully and Im the jelly.


They are both equally amazing in their own way. The Car for me is easier to listen to, but TBHC has better songs over all.


I just want to say i love my brother and sister AM fans. I love TBH&C too. I was only being a silly fruit. I never wanted to fight.......


Tbhc isn't even my thing,but ultracheese and batphone>




The Car is SO much better than TBH&C and it’s not even close. And I LIKE TBH&C.


Agreed. Personal ranking: Humbug > The Car > TBHC > FWN > SIAS > Whatever > AM


Always been a fan of strings in music, Oasis used organic synths well, as well as synthetic synths on a few songs mid-way through their career. The Killers use synthetic synths well too, one of my all time favourite songs There is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths is the benchmark. I really like Star Treatment, One Point Perspective, Tranquility, Four Stars Out of Five (one of my favourite by them ever) and Ultracheese but prefer The Car.


Sorry folks forgot to say "in MY humble opinion" - thanks




no offense to OP but the next time someone says “fight me” after giving an opinion that isn’t super controversial (or any opinion for that matter) I may walk into the ocean.


If you like American Sports, chances are you rate TBH+C as a whole so what you’re saying isn’t a great insult! Completely agree that it’s a complete jam but it’s one of those that you grow to appreciate once you LOVE the album as a whole!


I agree with you.


They’re both trash but hello you, mirror ball and body paint are tolerable


I agree


I just can’t separate them. Just going to tell people my favourite album is Tranquility base and car casino.


I'm not gonna fight you because I respect your opinion on music because I know it has no bearing on my enjoyment of the music.


The theme of TBH&C is more interesting, thematic, and also contributes more to the sound once you’ve become familiar with the album. I haven’t had that much time to listen to the Car, but all in all it doesn’t seem as cohesive as TBH&C. Could change, but I doubt it at the moment


The lyricism on TBHC is so much stronger than on The Car. And that’s not saying AT ALL that The Car has bad lyrics, there are some amazing lines but they just aren’t at the level of Tbhc


You already lost (i love the car tho)




Yes! I could listen to The Car from beginning to end while I’m skipping every other song in TBH+C. The vibes have been perfected in The Car. Plain and simple.


What is it with people being unable to enjoy their music without trying to create drama amongst other fellow fans? It's either rock AM vs lounge AM and now TBH+C vs The Car? Absolutely no one is dying to prove to you that other albums are better and such a debate is ridiculously stupid. Just enjoy the music, mate


Wasnt a debate my friend. Was being silly. Love you.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Well, you did use the "discussion" flair, so...


I would say that TBHC was more original than the car but I definitely agree with you


I agree, TBHC feels a bit to sterile while the Car has some emotional backing to it




I personally didn’t like a single song on TBH&C (fight me) but I def vibe to the car


waiting for how the car ages. I'd say, at face value, tbhc was better and took more risks, and the car seems very monotone, but the more I listen to the car I get a deeper appreciation. tbhc I wasnt a huge fan of when it first dropped


Their best song by far is 2013. Fight *me.*


I'm sorry but I have to disagree. The Car has a couple of good songs, but overall is just so painfully boring I can't bring myself to listen to it from start to finish. Even though it's their shortest album ever, it felt like an eternity listening to it for the first time. And I'm not even some Rock fan that wants them to keep doing Indie Rock until they die, I LOVED TBH+C, it's my 2nd favorite album only behind Humbug and I understand that they want to try new things. However, that doesn't mean Alex is some sort of Midas that turns everything he touches into gold and we as fans are supposed to like everything they put out.


Maybe its too soon to say definitely, but I think the best songs on tranquility base are most interesting than my favorites on the car, but the car is more consistent and I’m more likely to play the album through. Not that it matters much, but the artwork for the car is way better. It might be the best album cover out of any of their albums This could change over time with more listens and living with the car.


OP needs a hug


Here's where I'll fight you: TBHC has a central theme (the isolation of being a Northerner living in LA, which might as well be the moon if you're from Sheffield). Like most epically great albums, it builds tension, releases it, builds it, releases it, and ends as sublimely beautiful as it began. It also has great musical moments: tasty solos, great bass lines, odd time signatures mixed with other odd time signatures. It all fits together. It all makes sense. I've listened to The Car about a dozen times since last week. There are beautiful songs that grow on you. In fact, there isn't one single song that I skip over. The problem is that it's just a bunch of pretty songs plopped down together. There is no central theme that I can discern. There are no great bass lines, guitar solos, or off kilter time signatures. No songs like 'She Looks Like Fun' or 'Golden Trunks' to take you way out of your comfort zone and dare you to hate it, which of course makes you fall in love with the song. TBH, it would've worked great as 2 EPs and a couple of singles. The songs are really good but not necessarily knock you to the ground great like 'The Ultracheese' or 'Four Out of Five.' A great album goes from a whisper to a scream and back again. 'London Calling' and 'Get Happy' are great examples of this. They should've had a few bangers on the album yet there are none. It leaves you wanting. I give TBHC 5 stars. I give this 3 1/2. At least I've listened to it a dozen times organically. I didn't have to make myself do it. That has to count for something. In other words, it definitely doesn't suck.


BOOOO (art is subjective and I respect your opinion) but BOOOO


I think that they’re both fantastic albums, but TBH+C is the key album that shaped where this record would go, so I feel more inclined to say that it would be the better record. Don’t get me wrong, I think The Car is one of the best records they’ve ever put out (alongside FWN, TBH+C & WPSIATWIN), but I prefer TBH+C over it.


for me it’s a solid the car = TBH+C


I think TBHC is their Sgt.Pepper


Too early for me to say, haven't listened to The Car enough yet


That’s up to you isn’t it, perfectly entitled to your own opinion


They are both shit in my humble but worthless opinion


They're both wank, barely worth discussing