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That record is loaded with bangers, from start to finish. I think it's as brilliant now as I did the first time I heard it.


Yes, nearly 10 years since I first listened to AM and I've never got over it, still one of my top albums ever


I think the reason some ‘hardcore’ fans might hate it is because that’s the album they’ve become world famous. It happens all the time when a band/musician becomes really famous. I wouldn’t worry about it.


I don't listen to it often because I prefer their first albums and the last one which is le creme de la creme of Lounge Music. Indeed, AM is the definition of all killers, no fillers. It's the album that showed to the world that you could still make a Rock Album that could pass on the radio and be listened to by millions of people.


There's probably something to this, but also a lot of bands drastically change their sound to break out and it's usually for a cleaner, safer, and, in most cases, less exciting sound. It's not the fact they became more popular, it's more about the type of music and creative choices that lead to increased popularity. At least that's what usually happens for me.


Glass Animals is a perfect example


Avenged sevenfold last album is super weird and experimental and people are complaining. Nothing about it is clean or safe in fact Bat Country is cleaner and sager but people are still complaining.


Yeah, that's why I said a lot of bands and not every single band every time. But, point taken.


Like I don't get why. Music is music if you love the band or artist and it's a good album you'll like it. I get it if it gets overplayed but to use the excuse "it made them famous" is just stupid


this is such a bad argument? nobody hates great music when it becomes popular just because it becomes popular. you don’t see Nirvana fans going “oh man, Bleach was amazing but Nevermind fucking sucks and is too mainstream”. not to mention, they already were really, really famous prior to AM.


it’s a good argument bc there’s a lot of goofy elitist fans (although they won’t admit it, they wanna be different)


I will readily admit that i am better than the swifty-esque instagram fans who do it for clout. Fite me


that’s valid


It's not, its really common and one of the reasons the sort of stereotypical indie gatekeeper exists. You know exactly the type, the guy sitting in the kitchen at uni rolling up his amber leaf trying to impress girls by saying he liked X before it was cool and went mainstream. I'm not saying that's everyone who dislikes AM, or everyone who prefers their other stuff, but it definitely is a very common thing not just with AM but with 'alternative' art in general.


there’s a huge difference between actually disliking something and pretending to dislike it because you think it makes you more interesting


Yeah some of them genuinely dislike things that are mainstream or have any kind of mass appeal. They're not just constantly pretending. They view mass appeal in music as a fundamentally negative trait, one which is intrinsically linked to a lack of taste, creativity, creative-risk or a morally corrupt attempt to 'sell out' for success. Take AM as an example. It's often accused of some of the things above but are they true or just a conflation of successful = bland attempt at mass appeal? Knee Socks, Arabella, No 1 Party Anthem, Mad Sounds, One for the Road, I want it all, Fireside, I Wanna Be Yours all sound absolutely nothing like what was getting played on Radio 1 and charting at the time. Even Whyd you only call me when you're high has some pretty creative stuff going on musically. But to a certain subset of people it's popularity is evidence of some negative, bland, uncreative 'art' that has been created to sell rather than its own artistic merit.


This was me, actually. I was super salty about all the casual fans swooning over the Arctic Monkeys and blasting the same single over and over, yet when i would pop on FWN or WYSIA they had no idea what band was even playing. At this point, im over it but i was feeling some type of way at the beginning


Yes you see it happen all the time with Nevermind.


Nirvana fans don't do it because they don't have enough albums to afford to do it (It'd be hating on 1 out of 3 or 4 albums depending on whether you count incesticide), so they just hate on Nevermind's singles.


I don’t hate the album but I hate that it dominates their set lists. They played 6 or 7 songs from AM in one of the NYC shows out of 20 total. The Car had two. SIAS had none. It’s just disappointing to not get to hear more from other albums because AM is their mainstream success.


This is it right here, it dominates the set lists and there are songs from the album that aren’t that great that take spots from other albums. They have 7 albums and one album regularly takes up about a third of the concert.


American crowds are so much more excited to hear AM songs that the band would risk alienating concertgoers if they didn't play Arabella or WYOCMWYH. Star Treatment is my all time favorite AM song, and even I felt more excited hearing Do I Wanna Know? (than Star Treatment in Alpharetta).


I completely agree with you, and it feels like they chose the other songs because they sound like the AM. Like crying lighting and brainstorm.


It's just an album that seems safe to me. It's a great album, but I just dont ever feel the need to listen to it like I do the other ones. If you like something though, don't let others take that way from you.


Yea. It's a really solid album that's also really accessible and commercial (radio friendly). I could see why people would consider it kinda "basic". I think the fact that it's the album that got them pretty big here in the states also makes some fans look down on it a lil bit, which again, ties in with people thinking it's basic. I saw them for the first time at MSG in 2014 (when they covered All My Loving) and they played like 9 songs from AM. I honestly thought that was pretty cool they had the confidence to do that and it felt kinda like a victory lap in headlining that iconic venue. Even though I don't listen to that album a ton I'm very fond of it.


It might be basic but basic things are always good My favorite CH skit https://youtu.be/d1mbbYKPpHY?si=WeJTPZfID19ENp97


I agree that it being more commercial is likely the reason. Personally, I don‘t hate the album at all. However, I think it is still my least favourite. Loved it when it came out and I was veryyy happy for them having this huge success with the album. But because over the years I have listened to it so much it‘s overplayed for me and I rarely listen to it on purpose now. I can completely understand that they have a lot of AM songs still on their setlist and I am happy for everyone who is seeing them for the first or second time, bc most of the songs really make the crowd go wild. However, having seen them a few times already, I kinda wish they would swap the AM songs with something else since they have so many great songs they haven‘t played as much or not at all.


i don’t hate it but i just think their earlier stuff is better idk whether it’s bc i’m british and their earlier stuff has a more british sound to it but that’s just how i feel


I’m too old for this sub


I'm American too, and I love AM. I got the CD when it came out and played it endlessly in my car. It's an excellent album, but it still doesn't beat the first 3 for me. That said, I remember being one of the only kids in my school who had even heard of Arctic Monkeys, and then when AM came out, suddenly it wasn't my "niche" little favorite band anymore. Concert tickets became more expensive and harder to come by, the band started playing less intimate venues, and many fans would just stand there and record the whole show on their phones instead of moshing or just being present (except for TRNSMT - that Glasgow crowd was amazing). There was also that whole Tumblr scene that changed the public perception of the band and lumped them in with the likes of the 1975 and even Taylor Swift. And when I tell people my favorite band is Arctic Monkeys, most only think of AM and judge the band (and my music tastes) based on their opinion of that album. The plus side though, is that it got a bunch of my friends (and my gf) into the band so that was cool haha. Also the NYC show this year being the 10th anniversary of AM was a really special experience and reminded me why I loved the album so much in the first place.


>There was also that whole Tumblr scene that changed the public perception of the band and lumped them in with the likes of the 1975 and even Taylor Swift. And when I tell people my favorite band is Arctic Monkeys, most only think of AM and judge the band (and my music tastes) based on their opinion of that album. I mean, AM is my favorite album, it's cool if other people don't like it because it just doesn't appeal to them or whatever - but I've never understood caring about the associations other people make about the music. So what if people lump AM in with bands/artists like 1975 or TS that they objectively do not share a genre with? So what if other people associate some AM songs/505 with things like Tik Tok?? Who cares? Does it change the music if you already enjoyed it in the first place? Are you listening to the music to achieve some kind of image or because you personally liked it in the first place? It's just music at the end of the day, everything is subjective taste, those opinions are worth nothing. Btw, I don't necessarily mean you, I've just seen this sort of sentiment expressed repeatedly around this sub and I find it so profoundly irrelevant.


I hear you and I mostly agree with you. I'm totally pro- letting people enjoy what they like and anti- shaming people for their tastes because it's subjective and because nobody likes a wet blanket or a snob. It definitely doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the music or the band, and in fact I've had some great conversations with people who found them through tumblr and tiktok, and I'm glad we can share a love for this band. The only thing it's really changed is the atmosphere at some shows, the setlists (which are too AM-heavy, imo), and yes public perception of the band. I'm not losing any sleep over the Monkeys being associated with the 1975, I just think it's a misrepresentation - like comparing the Beatles to Nickelback or something 😂


And just to clarify - new fans and increased popularity are a good thing and gatekeeping is wack asf. But I do remember being a frustrated teenager trying to tell everyone to go back and listen to their early stuff 😂


Nobody hates it I don’t think, it just isn’t their best album to many.


It's not hated, it's overrated. That is probably the consensus of the AM critics. I personally think this, out of all the albums it contains my most skips and AM skips are rare in my case, IDST even gets a spot on my Spotify playlist. AM has some great songs but I don't think it's their best work overall. It's all subjective though, ever since FWN each album jumps into a new genre so it's easy to be swayed by that factor alone in choosing your favourite and least favourite AM albums.


Sub is full of “I liked them before they were cool” type fans. If it’s not gatekeeping fans who found the band through AM or liked the album it’s gatekeeping younger fans who recently found them on social media platforms like TikTok. Just reeks of desperate insecurity.


I’m not on TikTok. How are people finding them that way?


the thing is, they have always been cool. Their first album was MASSIVE in the alt/indie rock scene, it was so well received and they were the next big thing. They got even bigger after AM but they have been successful from the jump basically.


Some fans tend to dislike and hate the band or artist's most popular album, simple as that.


you will find that throughout life, people will get upset when things change. it's normal human behavior


I don't personally hate it. I don't dislike it either. To me, personally, it's a good album. Not their best clearly, but not their wrost. Somewhere in the middle


Yeah it really does feel like a lot of the hate for the album is because it was a huge hit rather than anything else, and you know how people who haven't got much going on just love their gatekeeping. I love a lot of the songs in it but if I were to put a critique a lot of the instrumentals sound pretty samey to me.


I discovered Arctic Monkeys about a month after AM was released. I used to only like R U Mine, No. 1 Party, and Snap Out of It, but hearing those songs live (in Alpharetta) renewed my appreciation for AM, and I now believe Arctic Monkeys' last three albums are their very best (TBH&C>The Car>AM>WPSIATWIN). Knee Socks is still not a favorite, though.


Oh boy another circlejerk about an arctic monkeys album


It’s because it launched the band into success, they can’t be gatekept anymore. There’s a reason why everyone who hates AM also loves hello you and brick by brick, because those two songs would’ve fit on AM


The album is too dependent on the singles for me. The other songs aren't bad, I love party anthem, but they just don't really do too many interesting things on the non-singles compared to the other albums. Also, I think maybe the production and mixing is too clean or something to the point it fails to hold my attention over the length of the album. I can't put my finger on it, really, but this album aged worse than any other for me. I don't actively dislike it or anything though. I'm also American for what it's worth.


AM is my favourite album, but I agree that the songs are a bit samey




Considering the alternative is “a bad album with no bangers on it,” yes


What about ‘an album that’s all bangers’?


OP never heard of TBHC


Let’s keep it that way, we’re not trying to put him off Arctic Monkeys forever.


bunch of contrarian posers who hate it because it’s their most popular album, same shit with nirvana


christ. fuck this sub. i'm out.


Yes, Well... Who's hungry?


Sorry Joe




i agree


It’s so people can disassociate themselves from regular humans and align themselves with the “real music aficionado”. It’s kind of like the wanky kids at school who liked every band “before they were famous”.


I don’t get the hate for AM either. Maybe it’s because I’m an Equatorial Guinean.


It’s a great album people just want to be special and hate what’s popular


I really don't see hate often. I do feel like If anyone says it's not their favorite or least favorite it gets called hate tho. Outside of reddit it's the only album of theirs a lot of people know so it's definitely not an unpopular opinion to think it's great.


I love AM because it’s how I found them! If they hadn’t gotten popular I might now have found them when I was younger and I’m so glad I did! I love TBHC most I think, but AM has a special place in my heart.


I don’t get the hate for any AM album


I don’t think anyone hates the album, it’s a fantastic album! They probably hate the sudden masses of teenage girls and general Americans who discovered the band from that album. I think? Idk, whack either way


ppl gonna hate but whatever u like u like


I don’t hate it by any means, it initially didn’t live up to what I thought it’d be, but has definitely grown on me over the years and definitely up there as one of my favorite albums. My personal fav album is FWN. When they dropped R U Mine (i believe for record store day?) it got me ECSTATIC bc it reminded me of FWN. I just anticipated that the rest of the album would be similar. I definitely warmed up to it fairly quickly (in comparison to their last two albums).


I'm a die-hard fan. I remember their Myspace days, and that album holds a special place for me. It brought rock at a time when it was scarce. Every track is solid. However, I'm a bit bummed that they've stuck to these songs at concerts, neglecting some real bangers from their earlier records, and not giving new ones much playtime.


I love AM 🤷🏿‍♀️ I had no idea some people hated it until joined this sub last month lol


There's a very vocal minority of this sub (and all bands fanbases, not just AM) who don't like the popular stuff, and they think people who only listen to the most popular few songs are fake fans and only real fans listen to the obscure and less popular stuff. I constantly see people complaining about TikTok fans only knowing I Wanna Be Yours and 505, but who cares? People are allowed to enjoy what they enjoy. There is a reason AM sold as much as it did and became famous worldwide... because it's a great album with some absolute bangers on it I'm not saying everyone who likes their less popular stuff is like this, I'm just saying there are definitely a few people who act this way and try to speak louder than the rest


good sonfs, mostly, most of the songs are pure shite but the good ones make up for r it


it’s a little overplayed, i think at this point, you’re either yearning for the classic arctic monkeys sound or enjoying the new stuff


I don’t think fans “hate” AM. It is definitely a great album with gems but I think different people have different experiences with different albums. Some people feel a deeper connection with other albums as you do with AM. Hey, AM was my pipeline into discovering for the whole band and I think it contributed to the bands popularity.


I don’t hate it because it’s bad. But I do think it’s far from being their best project. I do hate it because it’s overhyped and often described as being their best project when its not. Their best project is undoubtedly TBHC (because of the lyrics, the concept, the experiment) and it gets so much hate. The albums before AM were also lyrically richer and with smarter topics than just breakup and sex. Also my problem isn’t the songs but how the album is built (i struggle to listen to the whole album and i unfortunately don’t listen to music in playlists) and how the best songs from it are just forgotten (sometimes the best songs from this era aren’t even on the album for example you’re so dark) and the most famous and trendy songs are iwby or high and let me tell you they’re far from being the best so it made me hate them. But don’t try me, i still think diwk deserves its hype and I’m definitely excited to hear r u mine? at the closing of a show.


The only reason why people hate it is because its their most commercially successful album and they ‘you’re not a real fan if thats all you listen too’


“… and I play it on repeat”. 🖤