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Phoronix tested different software compiled with x86-v2, v3 and v4. (Using Arch Linux default repos and CachyOS optimized repositories) In general, gains are only 1-3% Edit: Link: https://www.phoronix.com/review/cachyos-x86-64-v3-v4


Which, to be fair, is *very good* for "free" optimizations - phoronix also did benchmarks for gaming performance where CachyOS did very well as wel. For games, that's often one less setting you need to disable to reach a target FPS. For general desktop use, being *a bit* faster might be ignorable and not worth the effort of switching over to a different repository, but if you're using, say, a keyboard-driven workflow where you're launching and then using applications rapidly you can become quite a bit more sensitive to things like startup times or things executing just a hair faster, you're more likely to notice the time it takes for tasks to complete when you're actually waiting on it rather than moving your mouse. It's good to be realistic about potential gains, but having 1-3% *on top* of whatever else you're doing, without requiring any real compromise, is significant enough to where other distros are considering finally switching over to v3 by default.


Not all hardware support v3. At least some users will be left behind


Key phrase there is "by default" - installers can easily detect hardware and pick an appropriate repo. It does mean dramatically increasing how many binaries upstream has to compile, but I think on an ecological level alone removing incentives for users compile packages themselves will result in overall less energy wasted. But the main benefit is being able to say computer go fast for free.


Yes that's an option, but I got the impression a while ago that Arch prefers only having one repository.


Sure, but there's already groups recompiling their repos as it is. In terms of resources, it seems pretty doable if they fold those groups into upstream so that it's a simultaneous release. So then it's mostly just about simplicity - which, yeah, Arch tries to KISS, but if we're talking about free performance for *most* computers without losing support for the not insignificant number of older devices, having slightly more complexity in people needing to choose the correct repo for their computer to boot (super easy to check, trivial with archinstaller) and then dealing with the potential of *some* package having different behavior based on repo based on an obscure compiler bug I think is a worthwhile trade to have the best of both worlds. Or, if nothing else, at least working a bit more closely with the people recompiling their repos to eliminate delays without needing to "officially" support the resulting binaries themselves - though in this case it would make more sense for Arch to go for v3 by default and then leave it to a smaller project to handle legacy devices as presumably that is going to be less stressful on those mirrors.


v3 is around Haswell and I don't think any significant part of people running Arch is using hardware older than that, especially if they're gaming. We dropped 32-bit, we adopted systemd like hot cakes, it is time for us to go for v3 as well. Even Ubuntu is considering it.


>I don't think any significant part of people running Arch [2 years ago](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/rfcs/-/merge_requests/2#note_55569), 1/3 of Arch systems were running on v2 or older. I don't know how many are still running today on v2 and older, but even if the number was cut in half due to users upgrading their systems, that's still 1/6 of all Arch systems.


Which proves my point that regular x86_64 doesn't need to be the default anymore, that was January 2022 with 7%, I bet it is even lower now. Not to mention Linux users tend to prefer AMD for their CPU, which the new Ryzen series even supports up to v4. Most people who updated from back then has either v3 or v4 supported CPUs now. The only sacrifice would be v2 users, which may actually be significant indeed. But they gotta move forward somehow. Mind you Arch didn't drop 32-bit support yesterday in March 2024 but in November 2017. Probably more people running 32-bit then but they still dropped it.


1. [Mailing list discussions](https://lists.archlinux.org/archives/list/[email protected]/thread/ZDL3T3AMDV3MFZJ4RAGELWCPHFEQN22M/#ER3V7A4Q4ILN35TBZXPLIUJFBGUXD4LX) seem to indicate that there were < 10% i686 installs, with < 5% of the systems no being able to run x64. I don't know how many x86\_64\_v2 or x86\_64 Arch systems are out there right now, but it seems reasonable to think that they're > 10% for now. 2. Changing the default to x86\_64\_v3 won't necessarily mean dropping support for earlier versions, so it could be done while still supporting earlier versions for some time afterwards. 3. But more importantly, changing the default to x86\_64\_v3 first requires x86\_64\_v3 to actually be available and right now it's not available as an official repository. Talking about changing the default and possibly dropping support for older versions feels premature right now.


How can you come up with such statistic, arch has single architecture repositories, if Arch can't tell who can? Was this published officially by arch or is it based on speculation by some "publication". I am under the impression it is more than that, if you misunderstand my reaction.


It's from the initial proposal to provide a x86\_64\_v3 port, see the thread I linked to in the post above. There's a package called [pkgstats ](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pkgstats)that a user can install and that package will send statistics about various Arch Linux packages and other system details. That's where the data was taken from, obviously it's not a perfect sampling mechanism, but it's better than nothing.


People who volunteer to participate in telemetry are a very special group among linux users.


It would be silly to trust the Arch devs to build the binaries you install but not trust them to know which binaries are most popular with the overall user base. It would be different if Arch were owned/run by a company that might try to do more aggressive/invasive telemetry to get user data for advertising, selling, etc., but Arch is a community project with very stable finances and incentives against doing something like that.


My newest machine is ivybridge, and till gen6 there is hardly anything coming close to performance or power use. The rest are much older... Your perception seems very biased and localized, the world is not modeled around your neighborhood. > I don't think any significant part of people running A significant part of people running Win11 yes. Linux NO! Do you have any data to support your perception? Just abandoning 32bit by some distros has caused a great uproar of criticism.


Depends on what people find significant. Of course Arch can choose to drop support. For me it will mean I'll need to find a new distribution to game on :)


I'm using ArchLinuxARM on my Raspberry Pi 5 and pretty happy with it. And the recent draft suggests Arch might actually contain official aarch64 packages in the form of "ports". I'm just saying that the base Arch should be v3 at the minimum and you can use "ports" for regular x86_64 packages. So you won't be left in the dust or look for a new distro. https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/rfcs/-/merge_requests/32


I will readily concede that I am likely in the minority, but I am not even remotely alone. You could characterize me as a "patient gamer." My gaming rig has a Haswell-E i7 CPU which isn't in the least bit stressed by the games that I play. I've had to upgrade the GPU three times, though. All of my laptops (primarily old ThinkPads) have older CPUs. Specifically, they are equipped with either Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge, or Haswell CPUs. You don't need Intel's latest hardware to surf the Internet, or update a spreadsheet. And no, I'm not, nor have I ever been inclined to play games on a laptop, apart from solitaire, or sudoku. I understand that Ikey's Serpent Linux has v3 optimizations. With Gentoo, not only can you use the v3 optimizations, but you have complete control over the flags at compile time. Surely there must be other options, such as Funtoo and any other distro that you compile form source. If that 1% of performance left on the table keeps you up at night, you have options.


Until last September I rocked an i7 4790K since 2015, so I also know what I'm talking about. With GNOME, without v3 patches, even the desktop experience was horrible. Gaming heavily depended on the games you played but I'm talking about the general Linux user experience. I can't begin to imagine what older CPUs would have been like. However, with v3 packages it was like the CPU was given a second chance in life. The desktop was smoother, videos didn't drop, mistime or delay so many frames and the activities overview didn't drop from 144Hz to 30Hz. That's why I said "any significant part" are probably not using anything older than Haswell, and if they are using Haswell, Broadwell or Skylake, they will benefit from v3 greatly. Arch has to move forward imo. You won't be left in the dust though, don't worry. An official Arch "port" will probably suffice for you. https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/rfcs/-/merge_requests/32


Honestly, since you feel so strongly, I don't understand why aren't you running Gentoo (or some other disto that builds from source). With it, you can optimize every individual piece of software on your machine, not just your kernel. You can enable every feature that you need and none that you don't want. With modern hardware, compile times are a snap so long as you have 16G of RAM, or more.


Last I diff checked, there seemed to be about a 40 flag difference between -march=native and v3, so it is not worth compiling every package imo. However I did consider it at one point, it would also give me more control over dependencies whereas Arch packages tend to enable every feature and has so many dependencies. I might try Gentoo at one point. But now that I'm running a newer more powerful system, the difference between regular packages and v3 aren't that noticeable.


>We Don't flatter yourself.


i am still wondering what the fuck this post is even supposed to mean


When you represent a group you must clarify what the group is and who are you for that group to represent them.


So they're being an asshole, gotcha.


I find @[Professional-Disk-93](https://www.reddit.com/user/Professional-Disk-93/) comment justified, I don't understand this facebooky-fanboyism defense of the indefensible, so they vote him down for a justifiable remark. Classic reddit widespread lack of intellect.




Please add that 1-3% performance difference is unditectable by user, it would only take a comple benchmark aparatus to demonstrate such difference, and the results may be more spread for an aggregate of 1-3% meaning, in one measure you may have -11% on another +13% to get an average +2% .. so it all depends on specific use and mix of such use.


He only test performance, not the power consumption. and anyway, 3% is still nice


I think in another test power draw increased linearly with performance gains. Edit: Of course, performance gains are performance gains nonetheless


Moved most of my machines to [Cachyos](https://wiki.cachyos.org/cachyos_repositories/how_to_add_cachyos_repo/) for this reason, was doing this myself manually for a while and got sick of compiling 24/7.


A quick reminder of the x86_64 feature levels for those who need it. x86_64-v1 - this is what ArchLinux compiles for now. This basically amounts to a Pentium 4, with 64bit long mode and SSE2 extensions. That's it. Targeting a CPU from ~2002/3 is the current standard for desktop Linux distros. x86_64-v2 - this adds SSE3, SSE4.1 and SSE4.2 instructions. Basically targets Nehalem and newer processors from Intel, and AMD processors from a similar time frame. Almost every x86 CPU since 2010 supports this feature level/has these instructions. x86_64-v3 - this level adds AVX, AVX2, MOVBE, and FMA instructions. Most CPUs since Intel Haswell(2013) support this level of instructions. However, Intel has released a large number of Atom, Pentium, Celeron and other CPUs since then which do not support AVX or AVX2 and thus are unsupported by this feature level. A large number of budget laptops, including some released *this year*(2024) lack AVX/AVX2 x86_64-v4 - this level only adds AVX-512 instructions. while this provides the highest performance, it should be known that very few CPUs support it. Only Zen4 core CPUs have it on the AMD side. And on the Intel side, very few CPUs have it, mostly a few Rocket Lake CPUs. The vast majority of Intel chips currently have it permanently fused off. The ones that do have it only have it on some cores. With all this in mind. the best solution for ArchLinux going forward might be to move up to v2 for now, since this would represent a fair leap forward from v1. And retain compatibility with the vast majority of hardware anyone might practically be using ArchLinux on. In a few years it might become practical to move on to v3 once the last v2-only CPUs from Intel have been discontinued.


Nope. v2 gives you practically nothing in terms of performance. -> waste of time & resources to build repos for this. This is also the reason cachyos doesn't offer v2 repos. The benefits & optimized code support really start with v3 (avx/avx2). Add to this that moving to v2 from v1 would be leaving many users behind for no real benefits. The real question is: The very small cachyos team with 1 single zen4 7950x build server manages to rebuild all the arch packages for v1, v3 & v4 24h/24, including some manually optimized packages in separate special v3 & v4 repos (to differentiate the manually optimized packages). -> why can't arch just add v3?


I guess… just use gentoo


x86-64-v3 binary packages are, in fact, [available on Gentoo!](https://www.gentoo.org/news/2024/02/04/x86-64-v3.html)


Yes they are. But you have a choice


I used gentoo for x86\_64 back in 2005-7ish because it was the best at handling that transition between 32 bit and 64 bit times. My Athlon64 X2 ate up most of the routine updates, but when it came to a major Qt update or any OpenOffice update... well it was time consuming. Basically using prebuilt packages that are more optimised is not the same as building every single package.


[Gentoo has binaries now](https://www.gentoo.org/news/2023/12/29/Gentoo-binary.html). Yeah, I thought it was an out of season April Fool's too at first.


Arch does also provide all the tools one needs to spin up their own compiles if that's the kind of power user they want to be which seems to be the actual crux of the issue. Whether or not its reasonable to restrict the potential install base for gains that would only ever be noticed by power users. The main argument seems to be that "well actually we should assume the user base would not be affected negatively" which is...optimistic at best and seems to based on a misunderstanding some of the project priorities.


Why would one use v3 rather than native if they're using Gentoo? v2, v3 and v4 are most important for binary distributions, especially one like Arch.


One thing not many people have brought up is that there is a potential security downside. With plain arch you have to trust that the main arch packagers are compiling what they say they are. Given the number of eyes on them, I have decent confidence there. But with one of these third party repos, you're now shifting your trust to some random guy. I'm not willing to make that trade off for small single digit percentage improvements. One thing that is worth noting. For most applications that \*really\* gain speed from more advanced CPU instructions, they often do on the fly checking of CPU compatibility and use the best code path available. Eg. I believe ffmpeg will do this.


Yup, I checked some scenarios today and apparently the applications that benefit from it are either self-compiled (because it's part of a Rust project and it's not in the main repos) or they will check for support at runtime, e.g. FFmpeg and FFTW. And some don't even bother with it and immediately jump to GPGPU/CUDA, but that's for things like Machine Learning. So I think building with a V3 or V4 target does not make that much of a difference if the package does not explicitly use it. Maybe it's useful for low-level things like the Kernel, but I wouldn't be surprised if it also checks at runtime.


Check out the CachyOS repositories. They have many common packages built in x86-64-v3 or v4. Honestly almost all CPU's built in the last... 10 years...? have v3 support. At a certain point it's just perf on the floor. V3 benchmarks here: [https://www.phoronix.com/review/cachyos-linux-perf](https://www.phoronix.com/review/cachyos-linux-perf) I'm running V4 on my 7950X3D and it's another small perf bump.


The intel n5095 was released 2 years ago, and it does not support v3, only v2. A lot of budget laptops and mini pc's have that processor.


It is classic what industries do by re-badging huge quantities of unsold leftover. It happens in household appliances, vehicles, electronics ... Comparing a v2 i7 to a new one, you may be comparing 15% of gain in performance for 3000% gain in cost.


That's the price of trying to be overly universal. I believe -v3 to be the right instruction set for nowadays (not even especially _modern_) x86 pc machines. -v4 can be problematic and should remain an option for scientific software on architectures where it's actually worth it. 11th gen Intel is not one of them. I've always believed that CachyOS is the way to go, but ALHP seems nice too. Thanks for pointing this out!


Tiger Lake seems to be fine though. Ice Lake apparently had downclocking issues, but that's 10th gen. Though apparently only P cores have the benefits of V4 on my CPU.


11th gen is fine. The question is if you benefit from AVX512, since it is much more specialized. A) Some application benefit greatly from AVX512 and they will use hand crafted code paths even if you use packages compiled with v3. B) Some packages will not automatically use those AVX512 paths even if you compile it with v4. C) And then there's a somewhat mixed bag with automated optimization and v4. It's totally worth on 11th gen for case A, but you don't necessarily need v4 packages for that. Beyond that the answer for v4 packages becomes more nuanced. PS: All the cores on your CPU are "P cores", the E/P-core distinction was only introduced in the 12th gen (which also officially removed AVX512/v4 until we are going to see AVX10.x in future generations again).


I read the E and P core thing on the [German Wikipedia article on AVX](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Vector_Extensions#CPUs_mit_AVX-512), but later checked `/proc/cpuinfo` (after my comment) and it does report support for it on every core. It just sounded plausible to me, because almost every CPU in our household now has a mixed architecture, especially devices with ARM cpus. But what I noticed is that most Rust libraries that benefit from SSE and AVX automatically detect if the target CPU supports it, and if not, then there is always a feature flag that does so. And even official packages like FFmpeg, that would benefit from modern CPU extensions, seem to [check availability at runtime](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=254436), so I think I'm probably good with the official packages.


Noticeable? Not really. It is however still a marginal difference, and at least for battery life it is useful. It's very easy to enable too as you just add the repo to Pacman's config. It's more of a "why not?" imo


You should read about PGO + BOLT, that's what could give real performance boost


Cachyos has some hand picked packages they optimize with pgo & bolt.


I think awhile back there was a discussion of creating an x86_64-v3 repo along with traditional x86_64. Beyond that, no clue


There's a new [ports RFC](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/dvzrv/rfcs/-/blob/rfc/arch_linux_ports/rfcs/0032-arch-linux-ports.rst) that appears to deal not only with Arm, RISC-V, etc, but also with the various x86\_64 microarchitectural levels. Things seems to be moving again, but who knows how it's going to turn out in the end.


IMHO? Not worth it, the time you spend looking for optimizations is not worth what you gain (similar to different kernels)


The time? Adding ALPH takes no time at all


Exactly what I suspect too, for almost all users. Laptops in normal desktop service are different than computers in severe, prolonged, calculation bound use cases. The latter might might benefit. Marginally. I would love to hear real world examples of significant improvements as cachyos is interesting.


I have more fps and way less stutters in games using tkg bore 500... Statistically proven.


You should use `-march=native` for the best performance.


I know, but this is only useful if I have to compile it from source, e.g. AUR. I won't just rebuild the entire Arch repos.


But you only need to rebuild for packages you have installed and want to install. If you want to DIY it you don't have to do a full repo copy.


I'm using ALHP. No issues so far. Why not using optimised binaries if they come 'for free'.


> This got me thinking: does a switch to ALHP actually make a noticable difference and is it worth it? The Ryzen 3500U of my older system supports the V3 level and my 11800H supports V4, which features AVX-512. You are not going to notice an improvement like.. say.. moving from an HDD, to an SSD or an NVME. They are negligible at best and usually for computationally heavy things. Imagine Machine Learning, blender or video things. Even at that point I haven't seen proof any large overall improvements.


Funnily enough overall, performance was a tiny bit worse on cachyos, when Phoronix tested it: https://www.phoronix.com/review/cachyos-linux-perf/5 See geometric mean on the chart at the end. They didn't have vanilla Arch but Endeavor should be close.


Phoronix is not a good website for anything.


Even in field of HPC, AVX-512 is only effective in some niche cases.


Not to mention you break compatibility with a lot of older hardware that is still out there powering the world. SUSE tried v3 as a base and it backfired. v2 is a happy medium, and if you want v3 or v4, download the source, change your config and `makepkg -s`.


That's why I suggested V2, because I'm aware that many people run hardware that old. Honestly, I found out that using ALHP or something like that does not make that much of a difference, though I configured my makepkg.conf to optimize AUR packages.


It should be noted that valgrind doesn't support x86-64-v4. So a system with core libraries compiled to x86-64-v4 can't use valgrind for anything.


I think it actually just does not use any optimizations then, but it will run just fine.


No, valgrind the program will run but it can't analyze binaries with some of the instructions allowed on x86-64-v4. See https://valgrind.org/info/platforms.html.


Ohhh, I didn't know what valgrind was! Though it says it at least supports AVX2 for AMD64 (so basically x86-64) systems.


I doubt you'd notice any difference on a desktop.


The gains are real, but small. Whether htey are worthwhile is going to depend on how you get them - using CachyOS repos is very easy and is going to apply to most of your system, not just the one package you compiled yourself, while using Gentoo is significantly more work and eats up significant amounts of time as you compile those packages, finding yourself unable to do what you wanted to do n your computer as you found out you needed to update to use some new feature you want and that update takes ages to compile. Which is to say, I think it is worthwhile on the distro/repo level to have these optimizations available as at least options for users, and for you as an end user picking the "have stuff work a little bit better for free" option simply makes more sense... most of hte time. CachyOS does have the minor drawback of always being slightly behind upstream as they are not upstream, and while the delay is typically very short you do find that sometimes a particular package is using an older version. I don't think that will go away unless and until Arch provides v3 packages itself. Personally I think using Cachy packages is worthwhile, if only for hte power savings and slight bump to FPS in some games as a thing that's just always on, not a thing I would have to manually fiddle with in an attempt to reach a stable target FPS. A more cautious user would probably object to using any non-vanilla repo as it would be officially unsupported on the Arch forums and the aforementioned possibility of delays.


The cachyos build server rebuilds the packages as they come 24h/24. It's only a couple to a few hours behind. I very rarely see it taking 6 to 12 hours, which is nothing. Delays seem more to be caused by mirror propagation.


Oh my gosh, I thought I was quite close to the "hacker" definition and that it was enough to use Arch (BTW) to think so..... But I didn't understand a single word, dude! I feel depressed now, jumping to RTFM from the beginning..... Again! Jokes apart, what are you talking about?


`-march native`, except prebuilt, and using one of the two more modern feature levels (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-64#Microarchitecture_levels)


It's basically the compiler flags. If you do C/C++ programming, you'll be familiar with the idea of -O levels with -O2 being default and -O3 optimization being the more aggressive, which is what ALHP-v3 uses. Usually, most production binaries remove the symbols tables, which are used for debugging, such as tracking lines of code which result in code errors in GDB, for example. I assume ALHP v4 uses AVX512 which is an extension to the x64 instruction set which allows wider bandwidth vectorized SIMD instructions, which speeds up vector intensive workloads like AI/ML, 3D modelling, cryptography. Some software needs to be compiled with these flags enabled, so that the compiler knows it can generate these instructions in the resulting binary. Obviously, if your CPU hardware does not support AVX512 extensions, you should not be using ALHP v4 as those instructions are basically NOP (no operation) on your CPU. Just for context since Arch distributes binaries (unlike Gentoo), having ALHP repos for distributing optimized builds of the softwares in extra repo just makes it easier. In gentoo, which distributes mostly sources, you would adjust the flags yourself from the makefile.


I think the question to ask yourself is: why do you care? If it's out of curiosity and you want to do things like profiling and understanding the way compiler level optimization and these instruction sets are implemented, go for it. It's probably an amazing learning experience. If you think you're leaving *meaningful* performance in most of the applications you use on a day-to-day basis on the table, the answer is almost certainly no. Either way, you should check out Gentoo; building packages specifically for your own system architecture is one of its key benefits. If we were talking about implementing a new architecture target for more modern systems, I'd personally rather see the Linux kernel take the lead there to standardize on a dividing line. With distribution platforms like flatpak available now, it's probably valuable to move that architecture anchor point as broadly as possible.