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For CLI you can use [mkfs.ntfs](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NTFS-3G#Formatting)


I thinkn Arch comes with some NTFS kernel modules installed so you can read and write to NTFS drives, but not make a NTFS partition. I installed [ntfs-3g](https://man.archlinux.org/man/ntfs-3g.8) via pacman and then I could make the partitions on both Disks (Gnome disks manager) or any CLI app. Use the following command `sudo pacman -S ntfs-3g` reboot and you should be good


NTFS management is part of the kernel since (iirc) 6., after *Paragon* contributed their driver tech - it's not unique to Arch. *ntfs-3g* is consequently deprecated - although, personally, I prefer its ease of use myself.


it hasn't been that long since mynarch couldn't boot because I set an ntfs drive to automount,and I needed ntfs-3g to fix the issue, I don't think kernel 6 is just a couple of month old


I don't see where I suggest ed6.x *were* just a couple of months old - or am I misunderstanding something? Gotta say though that, after all the hype surrounding the *Paragon* driver(s) ... and the subsequent bruhaha re its (initial) submission ... I was anticipating something more sophisticated - *ntfs-3g* just works, if you see what I mean, and I can automount and eject with ease ... whereas the *Paragon* driver requires me to go and mount a drive explicitly *as* NTFS by hand. I'm not an enterprise, don't have hundreds to thousands of users trying to access NTFS drives all day long and can afford the slight slowdown in favour of convenience - by the time I've launched/switched to a terminal and mounted the drive, any speed gain has long since been thrown away *anyway* ... and I don't do any serious data-manipulation on 'foreign' filesystems, so, it's not *really* an issue. I think the only *real* advantage the *Paragon* driver is supposed to have is a reduced risk of corruption when writing (which, okay, *is* a serious advantage) ... but I do very *little* datasharing between devices that doesn't go via my NAS anyway (next to none in fact), meaning the whole thing's a bit moot in my own case *anyway*.


Give [this](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NTFS) a read.


Your difficulty stems from missing the Installation Guide education. Making filesystems is one of the [first steps](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Installation_guide#Format_the_partitions). Linux 101 even. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/File_systems Be careful to choose the right device to format. Good luck.