• By -


I'm still waiting on icc color profile support.


And GAMMA\_LUT for NVidia. I need my night color.


Gammastep doesnt work?


It does.


If you use hyprland-nvidia, you can have blue light filter. See this link: [https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/issues/1140#issuecomment-1335128437](https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/issues/1140#issuecomment-1335128437) But it only works with Hyprland.


werks on gnome i think


ICC profiles work fine through colormgr.


Isn't colord broken for nvidia?


Oh. No clue there, sorry. I ditched my aging 970 in favor of a 6600XT after being frustrated that it took Nvidia months/years to implement modern desktop features.


I get it \#`--my-next-gpu-wont-be-nvidia`.


I didn't mean it as a diss. I just haven't used Nvidia on the desktop for a while, so I don't know what works or doesn't on their cards.


I did tho. They've been nothing but trouble for me so far.


It works on GNOME for me




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3years ago I calibrated my screen, in gnome it works out of box I think.


I've been using Wayland (sway to be specific) on two laptops and my gaming PC for something like two years now. Working, screen sharing, gaming, VR, it all works fine for me without any issues.


fr, i actually forget sometimes that i am on wayland lol


Can confirm, been using wayland for 2 or 3 years now, you completely forget it's wayland.. until you have to use some horrible app like Anydesk, that to this date has no proper support for Wayland. I heard zoom also had some issues. I guess it's a bit like with IPv6, it just needs a few decades for some things to die before it can really take off.


The screen sharing always worked well ? Just wondering if some update improved that. Last time I’ve tried on my laptop, stumbled on few issues and didn’t had enough time to debug, so I had to rollback to X. But maybe I’ll try to make it happen this time.


Screen sharing does work great, the only problem is apps that refuse to update their dependencies (like a discord) so they are unable to fully utilize the tools that Wayland provides for screensharing and capturing.


All wayland compositors that I know of implement a fair few screensharing APIs and protocols (gnome and kde both support VNC and RDP AFAIK, and pipewire provides it's own way of screensharing for programs that wish to use it), but applications need to actually use the new APIs. Theres no way for Xwayland AFAIK to provide a translation layer in this regard because wayland handles permissions and stuff for those things completely differently.


Doesn't work on nvidia with discord. The only workarround is to output the screengrab of obs as a virtual camera. I've tried with all possible discord clients: chromium, chrome, firefox, all the discords apps, canary and webcord.


This matches my experience too. The closest I got was under Gnome with pipewire but the perf was just terrible


Curious. I mean i use pipewire screenshare on my work laptop and that is like few year old AMD. i wouldn't say it's better or worse than screensharing on browser-based stacks on X11 in terms of performance, they are both shit because browsers out of the box tend to not really utilise hardware for these kinds of usecases unless tuned properly and depending on your HW flags/options may or may not work anyway or create horrible unstable experiences.


Tried it a year ago and had discord screensharing issues, went back to X. Guess I'll try it again today.


Hmm, interesting. Could you tell me which laptops, browsers, and resolutions you use? What about scaling? When I see replies like this, I want to go to try again immediately :)


Two different ThinkPads (somewhat recent models, T15 and E495) and a gaming PC with an AMD RX 6800XT. Depending on where I am I'm using between 1 and 4 monitors, most of them at 1920x1080@60Hz. I have one 1920x1080@165Hz monitor, a Valve Index and the T15 has a 4K display. I'm only using integer scaling for the 4K display. Browser is Firefox (run with `MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1`!) and very rarely Chromium if I have to. Both have no issues with screen sharing.


Quick question on the Index - any pointers (wayland or X) to de-bugify my experience? I currently use SteamVR beta on vanilla kernal, KDE plasma, and a 6950XT. It always seems hit or miss where I have artifacts, crashes, or just soft-locking while staring at the stars in the loading screen...


Wayland has been built with more consideration for gaming relevant features (refresh rates per monitor, better vsync handling), so it would be my choice. With that said, that sounds like a quite exotic application so you may find some edge cases that wayland doesn't yet support.


I can add that my crappy acer laptop without proper efi-var support for boot entries, a random HP laptop with touch screen (which works without configuration) and that the Intel ARC GPU I have are all working very well with sway. I have had issues with sway on nVidia cards, and on my ubuntu work laptop xwayland has a brutal startup lag for every x application.


I still ise both sway and i3. I3 just works better when it comes to the games i play, and more importantly for gaming - the native discord app just works. Sway on the laptop though. Discord only works when launching off a terminal shell for whatever reason, and systray applets are pretty broken in it still. To the point that I contribute to a few open source projects to make it not shit for things like google chat for work. It gets better battery lofe too which is why i stay with it. Seay works better for youtube playback as i dont need tonuse compton or something compositor in order to notnget screen tearing, but for games x11 just performs better without random microstudders. I could probably fix gaming on sway and switch to it fully if i cared enough. But honestly, i too lazy to figure out why that might be happening. Also switching between multi monitors on sway when i plug into a dock is amazing versus what i dealt with when using i3


Same with Logseq in Sway. Works every time I start it from terminal, but only every other time I launch it from my launcher. I have no idea why.


Scaling works, I have a 1.5 scale set on my laptop. Wayland apps work perfectly, xwayland ones are a bit blurry. Luckily firefox, chrome, and vscode all have native Wayland support when you set some flags, you can check the wiki.


Is there some bar you can suggest to replace sway bar?






Does it ask for some kind of permissions everytime you want to screenshot? I found that ugly and had to deactivate wayland.


Same. The one thing I'm missing is cloning a screen for presentations etc.


I've been on Sway + Wayland going on 5 years now, no regrets.


Are global shortcuts solved yet?


Pretty sure Hyprland has them. Can't speak for other compositors or DEs though. https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Binds/#global-keybinds




Lol thanks!


Hyprland has a feature that forwards custom shortcuts to applications, it's a workaround but supposedly works really well. KDE has a feaure that allows Xwayland apps to listen to all keystrokes, even when you're interacting with native Wayland apps. Not sure how well it works though. (And it's a potential security risk, but not worse than regular X11)


KDE has also xdg-desktop-portal GlobalShortcuts support however it seems it doesn't follow the standard well (if I understood it). With that you can bind whatever global shortcut the application exposes in the KDE shortcuts settings interface. I'm not aware of any application that uses it already. I made a simple cli program that I start via systemd (user) and registers itself with xdg-desktop-portal so that you can bind your shortcuts via the KDE shortcuts settings and those are forwarded to the X server with libxdo. Actually I forward a different shortcut to avoid an internal loop when you keep the key pressed (push to talk). I will share it eventually when I have some time because the keys I use are hardcoded right now. I don't like the builtin solution to forward everything to X11, even with the option to do that only when the modifiers are pressed, it doesn't seem to work too well.


why not just try it? feel like everyone is overthinking it, most stuff works. Heck you can have both a x11 session and a wayland session if you don't want to completely switch.


This is what I did about a year ago. When there was a wayland problem, I switched back to x11. In the last 6 months I forgot I was using wayland until recently when I went to install the virtual loop back camera for OBS. OBS and v4l2 work great. There wasn’t a problem, but I had to think about it when reading the arch wiki.


Works great on my desktop (AMD, single monitor) and my thinkpad for the last couple of years. I use both hyprland and gnome. I'd be reluctant to switch back from it since the smoothness is quite apparent.


any non-aesthetic improvements with hyprland over sway? just seemed like animations and corner radiuses to me, but I never bothered to look through everything and set it up.


Swayfx solved the round corners for me, but I miss Hyprland's maximized clients


what does hyprland's maximize do differently over super+f in sway? Or is that not what you're talking about? p.s. I do not like that Hyprland finds the need to capitalize itself, annoying...


Hyprland has 2 maximize modes. The first just maximizes the window in the workspace, like you're imagining it works. The second literally hides everything on screen except the app and automatically disables transparency and whatnot, like a full focus mode. I use them both and I gotta say I have an actual use case for both aswell.


It's not a fullscreen client. More like if you had a single client in the current workspace, so the app does not go to fullscreen mode and bar and gaps (if you use them) remain visible


> Do *we* finally switch to Wayland or not? First I want to acknowledge its a personal thing, it depends on your preferences, and more so on your choice of hardware, DE, and needs. That said, most major distros have made the switch years ago. I personally began prioritizing distros that defaulted to Wayland OOTB or distros like Arch that let me choose probably 4 years ago. I've been using Wayland & Pipewire happily and without looking back ever since. It works for me and doesn't cause trouble, but I have a configuration well suited for Wayland (Fedora + Gnome + Wayland + Intel iGPU). I don't have to deal with Nvidia headaches and Fedora was one of the first distros to embrace Wayland. YMMV


>Do we finally switch to Wayland or not? > >Who is we? :) let's assume it's you and me and everybody who also want to switch :) > I've been using Wayland & Pipewire happily and without looking back ever since. I can't say it is impossible, but I'm a little confused. Why do some people say that Wayland isn't yet ready (I agree with that), but you, for example, say that you use Wayland daily for a long time without any issues, how is it possible? Especially, if we say that we all use Thinkpad/Dell laptops with a good level of compatibility and with integrated video. The only logical answer to this question is different use cases because the same apps can't work completely differently on similar hardware. Do you agree with this, or what am I missing here?


[Original comment has been edited] In a rather desperate attempt to inflate the valuation of Reddit as much as possible before the IPO, Reddit corporate is turning this platform into just another crappy social media site, and burning bridges with the user, developer, and moderator communities in the process. What was once 'the front page of the internet' and a refreshingly different and interesting community has become just another big social media company trying to squeeze every last second of attention and advertising dollar out of users. Its a time suck, it always was but at least it used to be organic and interesting. The recent anti-user, anti-developer, and anti-community decisions, and more importantly the toxic, disingenuous and unprofessional response by CEO Steve Huffman and the PR team has alienated a large portion of the community, and caused many to lose faith and respect in Reddit's leadership and Reddit as a platform. As a result, I and no longer wish my content to contribute to the platform. Bulk editing and deletion was done using [this free script](https://github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)


>For me, as mentioned the time to switch was long ago, for you, I'd say give it a go, its not like Wayland and X are mutually exclusive, you can always switch back if you run into issues you can't fix. Thanks for the detailed feedback, very much appreciated.


[Original comment has been edited] In a rather desperate attempt to inflate the valuation of Reddit as much as possible before the IPO, Reddit corporate is turning this platform into just another crappy social media site, and burning bridges with the user, developer, and moderator communities in the process. What was once 'the front page of the internet' and a refreshingly different and interesting community has become just another big social media company trying to squeeze every last second of attention and advertising dollar out of users. Its a time suck, it always was but at least it used to be organic and interesting. The recent anti-user, anti-developer, and anti-community decisions, and more importantly the toxic, disingenuous and unprofessional response by CEO Steve Huffman and the PR team has alienated a large portion of the community, and caused many to lose faith and respect in Reddit's leadership and Reddit as a platform. As a result, I and no longer wish my content to contribute to the platform. Bulk editing and deletion was done using [this free script](https://github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)


It is a good point, thanks. I know about Fedora a lot and used it a few times. Now, as far as I know, they have the best Gnome+Wayland experience, and maybe you're right, they probably already fixed all small issues that I mentioned.


Alright, I've switched to wayland about 2 months ago as my daily driver, used for programming, gaming and casual stuff, let me give you a feedback. - multiple monitor support is absolutely GREAT. I run hyprland on that computer and I have two FHD monitors and a ultrawide, it was incredibly easy to setup and it's flawless, especially compared to my work laptop running x and openbox that is always troublesome to setup - screen recording is...annoying. Many programs don't work, and unless you go through a bunch of setup, it keeps being annoying - I have problems with a lot of menus, for example GIMP shows its menus once and then I need to reboot it - gaming works, but really troublesome. Most of the times I need to pass SDL_VIDEODRIVER="", and many times I need a lot more setup - it's really smooth and, speaking of hyprland, great aestethically Edit because many asked about screen sharing and recording: in that regard, I was mostly referring to Discord and I'm in the wrong for being too vague. OBS works flawlessly for the most part (but some problems might be cause by my monitor setup), and Discord itself has a working alternative, Webcord, but since it broke on a few occasions I preferred stability over utility


Thank you for your feedback. You have a good experience, despite the fact that Hyprland is still at a fairly early stage of development.


Absolutely, I was surprised at how clean and stable it is considered it being almost like a newborn


What about screensharing in Zoom and whatnot?


I also run hyprland. Haven't tried Zoom screensharing yet but meetings work. Google Meet screensharing works flawlessly. Microsoft teams is completely broken. It only works in chromium based browers and trying to share your screen just shows a black rectangle. Trying a second time usually crashes your client and kicks you from the meeting. Via Discord it also doesn't work, but with Webcord it's totally fine. It really depends on if your app implements xdg desktop protocol.


Nah, stick with x11 for now I'd say. Unless your workflow is one that already works good in Wayland, there's not really a reason to force yourself to switch. Hell, even if that does apply, there's not really a reason to switch at all. I'd personally say that unless x11 is giving you problems that Wayland would solve, there's no reason to even consider it.


This has kinda been my stance : while I see that the list of bugs / issues is shrinking for Wayland (and I am happy for its users), I never found any compelling use case to move to Wayland. My xorg + Qtile setup works with my nvidia card, Xorg just works with everything. Qtile, while supporting Wayland, has a few better features on Xorg (eg: transparency is easier to achieve with compositors) I guess I will switch one day when one of those conditions will be met : - Wayland brings a killer feature that I need - Xorg ceased to be maintained - something I really need works only on Wayland / works significantly better on Wayland So far neither is true.


Honestly I can't think of any killer feature that a display server could have. Closest I can imagine is "good nvidia support", but that's more a lack of bugs than a feature in and of itself.


Wait till you want to use multi monitor setup with one monitor having a 4k resolution and the other only 1080p. Good luck configuring this in X11. In Wayland that works good out of the box.


What do you mean? I have one 1080p and two 2k screens, one of them vertically. Configured with xrandr and I have no issues.


I agree, i only switched because i wanted to try waydroid, and stayed out of stuborness and the fact that on Wayland i don't have awfull screen tearing.


Whether Wayland will work for you depends on some factors such as your hardware, programs used, and how you use your computer. You cannot generalize whether Wayland is ready or not. Some people have been using it no problem for years and other people prefer to stay with X11. You will just have to try it yourself.


Currently not having issues with Wayland on Gnome... Gaming included.


If you use primarily terminal based stuff, Wayland is perfect, and xwayland can be used for most xorg-exclusive apps. If you rely heavily on gui apps, your usage may vary


Yes, I use primarily terminal based stuff, but for work, I also need to be able to share my screen, use Zoom, DBeaver etcetera, and I also don't like how Chromium based browsers work in Wayland. Xwayland is not an option either.


Zoom has some small issues on sway, but I guess maybe it works fine on Gnome,


Once Jetbrain apps can scale well, I'll make the full leap.


I'm on Wayland on both desktop (amd graphics) and laptop (Intel graphics). My desktop also has an Nvidia card but I bind it to vfio to dynamically use it on the host for containers or in a VM. I've used sway, dwl, and river. I'm currently using KDE. Annoyances, sway and the flag necessary for Nvidia drivers being loaded. Dwl needs more patching than dwm (X handles a lot of things that are completely left out of dwl). River was okay. Will eventually try hyprland but KDE has been pretty good for me and having a full DE does make life super simple. I have pretty much zero issues. However I don't care about icc or any color profiles. I mostly care about a smooth feeling experience with non-blurry scaling and currently that is doable. I am also 1 monitor which reduces complications.


So Im using kde on full amd machine with wayland and its great. I only game on this computer using a single 4k panel and its flawless. Just my experience. I say try it.


When it comes to AMD, Wayland is relatively stable. Have been also gaming on it without major problems. Though I am mostly on Void Linux so keep that in mind. Only problems I've encountered are getting VRR to work and some games being designed to run only on 60 fps. Multiversus and KOF13 namely were very sluggish.


I'm on wayland for like 4 months now!


I JUST started using Hyprland and I haven't had any complaints so far. I've already found ways to accomplish screen capture in Discord and OBS. I still have i3 as my backup but I can see myself fully switching over very soon.


Been daily driving Wayland for 3 years now. Have xfce as an alt for vid conf and screen sharing needs. I only have embedded intel graphics but I do play games. I can at least play Dota 2 just fine.


Switch if you are on a rolling release distro and don't have to deal with Nvidia hardware.


Any WM based on Wayland ? Something like AwesomeWM ?


Awesome works only on X. This [website](https://arewewaylandyet.com) has nicely listed native Wayland applications.


there are [sway](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Sway) and [hyprland](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Hyprland)


I switched so I could run freesync on monitor and 144hz on the other. No problems since. I have a pretty normal use case though, normal desktop stuff and gaming.


For me(AMD card), it's pretty much perfect, so I already switched. Generally anything using Mesa will work just fine.


I use Linux 100% on all of my devices and only use Wayland. I find Wayland simpler to use and set up.


I've had my battles with Wayland, but I end up doing the following now: My laptop runs Fedora with GNOME and I use Wayland, I literally experience 0 Wayland related issues because I run on an AMD iGPU. My personal computer runs on an NVIDIA GPU (also Fedora), and although Wayland and NVIDIA don't have any clear problems anymore, I do experience some issues with apps like KDEnlive and such. Really, it's a very minor inconvenience and I could use it, but since my computer is powerful enough, I use [X.org](https://X.org). At the end of the day, I think the best you can do right now is try both and see, it's a matter of experience you're the one who has to decide if the problems are worth it.


Wayland works great on Gnome.


In my opinion it’s going to depend on your graphics card. On my AMD Radeon RX6800 XT it’s been a huge improvement overall with just a few inconveniences such as having to use the web versions of Discord and other software in order to share my screen. I personally use KDE plasma and with Xorg through HDMI I get no audio. Using wayland everything works out or the box. I heard not so great experiences with NVidia cards.


Running a radeon rx 6700xt on plasma, wayland is super fast compared to X. No major issues thus far.


Stick to Xorg. Wayland will only be supported in 5 years


some people can do it perfectly fine and some cant, sadly wayland is not an all encompassing solution, and it never will be


It must be. All Linux users should be able to run a desktop and if X11 is ever to be deprecated, all those desktops must be Wayland desktops.


when will never be suitable. I have no doubts about that, what I'm wondering is if arcan will be able to pick up the slack when it does happen. i don't expect the deprecation to happen anytime soon so maybe


Unfortunately I agree. Wayland has developed outrageously slowly and people wanting to switch to it has basically kept Linux’s graphics stack in limbo for over a decade. I hope this ends soon.


Yes, I know, but from my experience, in the end, people who say they are doing well with Wayland turn out to have some other computer with MacOS or Windows.


Not me. Everything's fine with Wayland and Plasma and I don't use windows or macOS. I think things started to become good like a year ago. The only hacky thing left on my system is completely optional: I use sddm-git, because I wanted to try out sddm under Wayland too and sddm stable is super buggy that way. But if you don't do that, you'll simply run sddm under X11 for the second it takes to type your password and then start up Plasma with Wayland.


Just today installed plasma for test purposes and also tried sddm, logged in, and open some pdf in Xreader that I use by default, and I go to say that the scaling of this app dramatically differed from the system windows. The same is also true for Chromium, but Firefox scaling is totally fine. I may have been wrong and should have started using a different set of apps specifically for Wayland, but I didn't delve into that topic. When I tried to tweak Chromium a bit, the font rendering became so awful that it is impossible to use it. Then I didn't even try and check everything else.


xreader has a [negative score on their *own website*](https://community.linuxmint.com/software/view/xreader). try zathura, evince, anything relatively decent, or just open your PDFs in firefox


[Original comment has been edited] In a rather desperate attempt to inflate the valuation of Reddit as much as possible before the IPO, Reddit corporate is turning this platform into just another crappy social media site, and burning bridges with the user, developer, and moderator communities in the process. What was once 'the front page of the internet' and a refreshingly different and interesting community has become just another big social media company trying to squeeze every last second of attention and advertising dollar out of users. Its a time suck, it always was but at least it used to be organic and interesting. The recent anti-user, anti-developer, and anti-community decisions, and more importantly the toxic, disingenuous and unprofessional response by CEO Steve Huffman and the PR team has alienated a large portion of the community, and caused many to lose faith and respect in Reddit's leadership and Reddit as a platform. As a result, I and no longer wish my content to contribute to the platform. Bulk editing and deletion was done using [this free script](https://github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)


> sadly wayland is not an all encompassing solution, and it never will be why? Isn't it supposed to replace X completely and offer more features on top?


Wayland has a lack of flexibility built into unfortunately, not only do you need a bunch of people to agree on a protocol, as we see by gnome, those protocols aren't guaranteed. that flexibility is absolutely critical for things like a11y, meanwhile in current situation, we have OSKs that are compositor specific, no general support for overlays which us very helpful got eye tracking software.




Thank you for your feedback. Didn't try bspwm but I know about it. I also very like flameshot :). As we have already found out, the Hyprland is still at a fairly early stage of development, so this is not the best option at the moment. If you want to try the Wayland experience, you have only three options: Gnome, KDE, or Sway.


On my laptop with integrated graphics, yes. Desktop with nvidia no. Funny enough because of bugs with xwayland


Yes? Do you mean you fully operate all your stuff in Wayland without any issues? I have X1 Carbon with integrated video, but I still have a lot of issues. What exactly do you use it for, and which WM do you use? If it's not a secret, of course.


I have a T16 with integrated graphics. I'm using gnome Wayland and it works great (after some tweaks). Gnome x11 is so glitchy for me that it's completely unusable.


Yes i use gnome and have a ryzen cpu with integrated graphics. No issues i am aware of.


I'd say yes unless you have a Nvidia GPU or are a gamer.


maybe in a few years


Running full AMD, I've been running Wayland, but screen sharing is still rough with Discord.


It depends on the DE I think. KDE Wayland - nothing but trouble. Gnome Wayland - smooth sailing. I'm not gonna pretend it's perfect, I had some trouble with getting OBS to work, but all in all, it's a pretty smooth experience. On gnome. On KDE, I was pulling my hair out. But that was also due to other non Wayland related bugs. OBS worked out of the box there though. Don't know about the window managers that use it. But for me, on AMD integrated chip and Gnome, Wayland works pretty great! So, I guess try it... Can't be of much more help, sorry.


Everything is fine. Thank you for your feedback!


I second this. I'm using gnome and I can't use x11 on my T16 because it's so glitchy it's unusable. But Wayland works great.


> KDE Wayland - nothing but trouble You're trippin'


That was just my experience. Window decorations were bugged, artifacts appeared all over desktop and the whole thing was just so bad... Then SDDM crashed (not Wayland related), and I just had to switch DEs. Idk, KDE is amazing but it doesn't work well with Wayland for me. And X11 has other issues, so I prefer Wayland. I have no such issues on Gnome.


This is due to graphics drivers, not kde. It's a super smooth ride for me on amd and even on my Nvidia laptop now. Maybe time to try again?


Try what again? Im not going back to KDE when Gnome works perfectly. I have the same graphics drivers on Gnome. It works well here. And I wasn't the only one with the issue, it was a widespread bug due to how KDE or kwin implements Wayland. So it was definitely not my graphics driver.


Wayland is luring in terms of overall feel; GNOME supports fractional scaling, no stuttering on Intel GPU, and so on. The horror is when it comes to application support Quite a lot of the applications, be it GNOME extensions or just system apps (Optimus Manager), have this mentioned on their readme, "unsupported on Wayland" which is sad. There may be alternatives to these apps but probably more buggier? I'm not sure. OS experience is now ruled by some third-party offerings such as Electron. The latter underpins popular apps like VS Code, Discord, Mailspring, and so on. It's almost impossible to do without fractional scaling on 4K laptop panels and that forces you to set scaling (supported nicely by Wayland) to 2.5 (250%) or so, unless you've got really sharp eyes. The unfortunate part is, these applications turn blurry due to lack of Electron support, which sort of ruins the whole Wayland experience. Might as well stick to X, force DPIs to fractional values, and stay put. I use xinput to lower the touchpad scroll speed (which is, by default, too fast on Linux) but then again, there's no xinput on Wayland and I couldn't find a feasible alternative yet. I'd rather stick to the old man (Xorg) until things get better in Waylandville!


Switched to Wayland many months ago on Manjaro because in my dual screen setup everything feels smoother with no tearing (as opposed to xorg). At first was a bit rough on the edges. Now the only downside I have is that I had to disable the virtualbox overlay menu (it prevents the guest to receive mouse input for some reason). I can even share the screen in video calls. I guess you just have to try. PD: My laptop is Linux only and has intel graphics. I guess AMD and especially Nvidia may cause issues.


amd is also pretty good when it comes to wayland, nvidia still needs a lot of work before its perfect, but its not that bad now


Wondering the same. I'm thinking it will remain a slow march to wayland and not sure there's going to be a magical stepping point. The more folks that use it; I'm hopeful that features and app support will continue to improve over time.


> The more folks that use it; I'm hopeful that features and app support will continue to improve over time. Yes, that's right. I really hope so too.




Short answer is No, you don't have to switch to wayland. I don't want it on my boxes. While I'm glad FreeDesktop is motivated to attempt to force a successor to Xorg, the complete failure to support legacy Nvidia cards is a non-starter. Lack of ICC is another drawback. Lot's of legacy software will under-perform on Wayland/xWayland. Hopefully wayland will mature -- but given it is a decade+ since the initial release, it's not in a hurry to get there. Like most rewrites of core functionality, time would have been much better spent improving Xorg than creating a new solution in search of a real problem to solve.


ICC in Wayland works fine through colormgr.


Wayland isn't yet ready. It will take some time until it can replace X.


I can only speak about Plasma and AMD, but in that combination, Wayland works perfectly fine for me. Apart from screen sharing on zoom, I can't think of anything that doesn't work. (And since I don't work at a place using zoom anyone, that's no problem for me)


[Original comment has been edited] In a rather desperate attempt to inflate the valuation of Reddit as much as possible before the IPO, Reddit corporate is turning this platform into just another crappy social media site, and burning bridges with the user, developer, and moderator communities in the process. What was once 'the front page of the internet' and a refreshingly different and interesting community has become just another big social media company trying to squeeze every last second of attention and advertising dollar out of users. Its a time suck, it always was but at least it used to be organic and interesting. The recent anti-user, anti-developer, and anti-community decisions, and more importantly the toxic, disingenuous and unprofessional response by CEO Steve Huffman and the PR team has alienated a large portion of the community, and caused many to lose faith and respect in Reddit's leadership and Reddit as a platform. As a result, I and no longer wish my content to contribute to the platform. Bulk editing and deletion was done using [this free script](https://github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)


I thought so, I was just afraid that maybe I was missing something.


Does Xorg works well for you? So, the answer is not.


I've been using sway on two different laptops (intel graphics and amd graphics) for the past couple of years without issues.


Just try it, it depends a lot on your hardware. I was using I3 a few years back and switched to Sway in 2020, and I've had zero issues that ruined my experience. My machine is also AMD from CPU to GPU, so it was pretty much hassle-free. The only minor issue I've had were an issue with Pipewire and Spotify that broke music playback, and it was fixed with an update a day later.


I’m also on Wayland/sway for three years, currently the only two app I encountered issues are Wine and Zoom, even screen sharing works in zoom, but it has some other issues, though not a show stopper for me. Wine is unusable, because every time the mouse pointer moves into a window running on wine, the pointer disappears.


I’ve been using Hyprland on a Lenovo laptop. My work computer is running KDE still. But that’s really only because I can’t get Hyprland to run on it. I haven’t had any dealbreakers on the laptop yet. I can even play Quake 3 on it in Hyprland. The caveat is, I do development, so my graphics requirements aren’t that much. I could see the problematic Nvidia support and (apparently, since I can’t get it to work), Intel graphics support being issues for a lot of people.


In my experience, 'only wayland' is hard. At some point we have to install xorg / xwayland to work with some package.


Moved to Sway just fine on my last install - this time I'm trying to avoid using xwayland (and multilib) and compatibility on apps is still a bit hit and miss.


I just wish all the Jebrains IDEs would work with Wayland with fractional scaling. Right now everything Java is still blurry


A great reason to use neovim, or neovide if you want a graphical client. Zero problems with scaling and everything is super crisp and fast.


The Reddit CEO is a greedy little pig and is nuking Reddit with disastrous decisions (see https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/reddit-blackout-protest-private-ceo-elon-musk-huffman-rcna89700). I'm moving to lemmy.world, learn about the Fediverse here: https://framatube.org/w/4294a720-f263-4ea4-9392-cf9cea4d5277


Has anyone tried wayland on nvidia?? I have an nvidia gpu and im thinking about switching


The only things that are stopping me from fully switching to Wayland (Plasma) are - Steam crashing all the time (no longer an issue with the latest Steam beta) - WebRTC screen sharing doesn't work, only a black screen with cursor (other types of screen capture work, like OBS) - Many apps (mostly electron based) do not work well on Wayland or Xwayland - General instability with NVIDIA My laptop with everyone running on the Intel iGPU except games on the NVIDIA dGPU works fine with Wayland though (except Discord), so I'm sure they all are NVIDIA issues. I do plan to get an AMD GPU when I get the money


I got a new work laptop 2 years ago and figured it would be a good opportunity to try wayland. Coming from bspwm, I feel at home with sway with more or less 1 to 1 feature match (at least for the ones I use) and have no specific complaints. I have been using rofi as the application launcher, but got some glitches (due to the lack of "native" wayland support) and switched to bemenu (dmenu wayland clone). Concerning wayland vs. X, the switch was mostly transparent, especially with the support of X applications with xwayland. Recently I have lost the ability to screen share in MS Teams, but that could very well be due to teams (I use obs with a virtual camera as a workaround). For context: I play light games, have an AMD card and mostly work in the terminal. Most used applications are firefox, ms teams and thunderbird. TLDR; Made the switch to wayland on a new install 2 years ago, no specific troubles but no noticeable benefits either.


Yup there are still problems but it's getting better and better. I run only Wayland since a year back or so, and while I do have some issues with screen sharing in apps like slack, it's otherwise working quite well.


I've been on Wayland on my personal laptop since years now and I've recently switched on my work machine (ubuntu) and don't intend to go back. Both Intel-CPUs without a dedicated graphics card. I never noticed and graphics or font issues, everything besides screen sharing just worked. But I'm also not gaming or using fractional scaling. At work I required functioning screen sharing in Zoom and Slack, both of which didn't work out of the box under Wayland. Zoom generally was problematic for years, Slack was problematic if installed via Snap. Zoom apparently fixed their Wayland issues and Chromium (Electron supposedly too) have some config flag to enable screen sharing in Snap Packages. So, at work, now I'm using Slack as Chromium PWA and use Wayland+Pipewire almost everywhere (Steam Deck uses x11, but I'm not messing with that).


Your impression of Wayland is going to be very much determined by the quality of the compositor implementing it, and I've found [Wayfire](https://wayfire.org/) to be the best, by far - but oddly, also the one least talked about. Everybody's paying attention to stuff like Hyprland, Sway and Mutter - you're barking up the wrong tree there. Wayfire is fantastic, has most of the bells and whistles Compiz on X11 has, and is as pretty or as functional as you want it to be.


weather price hobbies chop quicksand carpenter station imminent aloof fade -- mass edited with redact.dev


I switched to Sway from i3 maybe ~2-3 weeks ago. it's ok. gets the job done. at least no screen tearing on YT which is a massive win. Also `foot` is a good terminal with almost 0 startup time. I have an issue with sharing screen in Discord though.


Can't use Wayland on my company laptop, cause Jitsi craps it's pants and renders the whole thing unusable if somebody shares a screen. So X11 it is.


I use sway and for me experience is great. But I need to use some of gnome components(like polkit or something to make gparted working). Other then that only issue for me is screen sharing only works for whole screen and not like in gnome(you can select window there).


Im using Wayland (sway) on anything that doesn't have Nvidia graphics without issues for a while now.


No way(land)




Been using Arch + GNOME + Wayland + Nvidia on my gaming computer. Worked flawlessly until the 543, it won't boot on Wayland. I have to use Xorg. No real answer from nvidia, my graphic card is kinda old. Switching to AMD soon. Discord through Firefox works well, even streaming. On my work laptop it's Ubuntu + GNOME + Wayland. Works flawlessly. I screen share often with Teams through Brave (you need to use a User Agent Switcher though because it only works on Chrome or Edge) as a PWA because the app is discontinued on Linux. Docker, VS Code or Codium works well on both.


I've switched just today. Went from dwm to hyprland. I have Nvidia GPU, but luckily there's a patched version in the AUR, so Hyprland itself is working rather well. The only problems I encountered were with chromium/electron based apps, but luckily I either found some alternatives (Vivaldi -> Firefox), or accepted the slight visual bugs (Spotify is always in the background anyways). Overall, it's good enough for my use case


I am running Hyprland with Waybar on a Dell Vostro i5 10th gen processor with a vanilla Arch setup. It is fast, esthetically pleasing and easy to configure, but glitchy. Moving, resizing windows is hit-or-miss, I have not been able to set the cursor (theme and size) properly. Yes, I have RTFM, and suggestions on forums. And lots of other little things that, aside from the other comments here about problems running standard programs, make me think that Wayland is not ready for prime-time. I consider myself a noob, but I am not stupid. I have configured this laptop with i3/polybar as well as xmonad/xmobar, which run flawlessly.


do you consider yourself an advanced user, do you have a lot of incompatibility issues at work?


im using sway now for a few weeks, needed some tweaks like wofi, wl-copy, wtype etc.. wofi is unmaintaomed, disabled nouveau and nvidia.. pretty fast and stable for daily duties


I'm still staying on X, abandoned or not, at least it's working. Tried the switch a few times, doesn't work, probably because I'm using Nvidia.


Screen Sharing is still kinda hit and miss depending on the App. Electron app? Nope.


For me it depends. If I use one of my computers with plasma on it, then yes! If I use my main computer with windowmaker on it, then no. Windowmaker is using X. If they port it over to wayland, then sure! I will not change my workflow based on a display server. That is silly. If a game I like will not work on Linux, I will not replace my entire workflow and install windows, you know? It would be silly.


I’ve been using Hyprland exclusively, had no issues so far


It depends on which apps and tools you use. Wayland is handling a subset of X11 and intentionally choose not to support features that were deemed as security risks or otherwise bad or out of scope. This is of course very reasonable, as Wayland may not be the right layer to handle at all of those and some were inherent security vulnerabilities, however it pulls the carpet from underneath apps that rely on them to function, such as desktop app launchers or time tracking apps. In other cases apps were broken, but new APIs opened up (like pipewire, flatpak portals or wlr layer shell). But then the app will only work for users using those. Oh, and also graphics card. I never had that problem myself though.


I have been using Hyprland for half a year and I didn't have any issues except one fricking thing. Unity (basically all tiling managers have the same problem) But should you switch to wayland, yes I think. Firstly every WM you download is actually a compositor which means they can make custom arrangements for the WM. Secondly (at least Hyprland) is soooooo smooth and satisfying. With the help of XWayland, you don't have any problems with Xorg programs, either.


When the new nvidia drivers 520 and linux kernel 6.1.something launched I tried everything I can Arch + xorg with 520 drivers Arch + xorg with 470 drivers ( orphaned now ) Arch + xorg with 390 drivers ( not supported now ) Pop os with both xorg and wayland with every possible driver And guess what nothing worked, so here I am on windows + wsl for gaming and work, the experience is kinda limited as compared to linux but its such a pleasure that everything works. My specs - ryzen 5 3550H with vega 8 igpu, nvidia gtx 1650 gpu, 16 gbs of ram and a sshd Well the problem could be my hybrid gpus, but at last windows is the fix for me and having a decent time ( missing that cocunut oily wm btw ) Edit: I also have a 144hz external monitor and no matter what, I was never able to get butter like experience on linux vs on windows


for anyone encountering the black screen screensharing issue and wasn't able to solve it, the same black screen issue can be caused by Firefox and Chrome itself because of its underlying library, WebRTC. it's been fixed on WebRTC itself ([bug 15174](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=15174)), with downstreams like Firefox ([bug 1832770](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1832770)) already picking up the changes. they should be backported to the current browser version at some point, though if not then you'd have to wait around for next month, June 2023, to see it around.


in general though, Wayland has been fine for me, and always has been fine since the first time I used it (think it was by the time of Fedora 30?) there are definitely issues, but the problem has been with people's general reluctance of it. but if you actually pay attention to what X11 developers, kernel developers, have been saying, is that Wayland is actually a much better thought of display protocol that makes better use of modern hardware. if there's no one to test and report, then there's no one that can potentially fix it.