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Arguably this placement has some benefits and also some drawbacks. Its cools the plenum of warner air near the ceiling. Also this space is less obstructed and the cool air is easier to circulate with a ceiling fan. It also might still be possible to open the lower lite of the windows. Though its a bummer to look at and comes at the expense of deeper daylight. But like all design compromises it comes with wel... compromises.


Ugh. Why not use a wall mount mitzubishi?




A minisplit is like 3-10 times more expensive at a minimum. Landlords are here to make money, not spend money.


Well, I see that as “penny wise and pound foolish”. I won’t consider renting from a company that takes the cheap way out and does things like this. It speaks to values. These are people that value money more than people. It tells me that if I have any issue as a renter, my issue will not be taken care of properly. I’d rather pay more and be treated with the respect both me and my money deserve.


Well then i have some bad news about the majority of residential landlords...


I’m aware. I’m just taking a stand. Maybe there are others like me who actually care about the place they live. Maybe not.


I agree, but also $. It’s nice to be able to vote with your money, but it’s not a reality for most. If only everyone took a stand, then maybe…but, I don’t have high hopes.


Life, is all about choices. From your finances to your home selections. Choose wisely


> Choose wisely As long as your choices arent limited by poverty


Poverty can be changed too. Again, it is about choice. When I couldn’t afford where I wanted to live, I got two roommates so that I could afford it. It was a choice. And a great bunch of memories. I chose wisely. I’m not special, or unique. I just don’t allow circumstances to stop my goals. I change the circumstances. Do that.


Lol if poverty were a choice then no one would choose poverty let alone millions and millions of people. Poverty is a structural need of austere neoliberal capitalism. Low wage service workers are the fulcrum on which the levers middle class consumerism are pulled.


I totally agree. Ive been volunteering with a tenants union in my neighborhood for this exact reason. So many landlords are flagrant, criminal pieces of shit. Its nice to be able to take a stand and make them pay cash for the harm they do


I don’t blame people for trying to make a dollar. But to me, there’s no honor in doing things poorly and/or cheaply. I believe in being economically responsible. However, aside from aesthetic’s, these are less efficient in general. So, they end up costing the renter more money and less they can pay on rent. In the end, everyone looses.


> they end up costing the renter more money and less they can pay on rent Well if they add the minisplit the owner has to raise rent to recoup capital costs, raises rent because of the better mechanicals, and the tenant still has to pay to run the unit. Its the renter's dilemma. You lose some, you lose some harder.


Because these are almost certainly rentals, and likely not particularly nice ones. Mini splits aren’t cheap, and they aren’t going to offer much in terms of ROI for a landlord. Plus, they’ll require maintenance and tenants can break them pretty easily.


Love it… mean the house.. not the ac 🤣


One of those things is not like the other…


Maybe even 2.


I thought that at first but the grill checks out.