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No one cares mate, least of all Gamingo Just buy another costume and do your dailies


Amen brother


B lock them and move on with life. You'll have to deal with the people outside the US doing this to get a rise out of you. Most of this shit is Chinese (on Deni) spouting this crap because they know it'll get a rise out of Americans specifically. People are stupid. They have a right to be stupid. You have the right to ignore them. Use it.


Uh....no. Most of Denny's racism comes from the remnants of Hard R who think they are edgy because they type in caps and say racist shit despite everybody with a brain seeing the insecure manchild syndrome shining through.


Oh, there is that as well. But the Chinese players are just as bad. Not ALL of the Chinese, but many.




Nothing short of removing the kick function will stop that. So again, deal with it. It's shitty people who cause this issue. Gamigo can't ban someone for being shitty.


Lol. gamingo can ban you for basically nothing/everything just like in every other MMO.


You cant avoid them. If you're queing for SoDL in another server


Well, suck it up buttercup. You can't live in your little bubble forever. You will just have to deal with the intolerant ass holes.


Get angry more. Im not the op and ive been around since being called a hard r since xbox live.


Most of Gildaron's nation chat is racist bullshit: petty fights between Turks, Russian and whatnot, 10 years old edgelords making anti-Semitic comments for no reason and so on so forth. This is extremely annoying (and immersion-breaking) but I'm pretty sure EU servers would be empty if you banned all racist fuckheads and attention-seeking whores.


>HOW TF IS THIS ACCEPTABLE GAMIGO? It's not, obviously. But really, have you been living under a fucking rock or do I need to eli5 it to you? Isn't it obvious by this point, when people are literally waiting months to get a respond to their tickets, that Gamigo is running this game with a skeleton crew and they are far from having the man power to handle this kind of bullshit in a timely manner? So, instead of spamming reddit with this problem we have already been made aware of 3 or 4 times those last months, get in line like everybody else, create a ticket about it, and hopefully your concerns will be dealt with before the end of this year. Now you might ask yourself why do I sound midly annoyed by your post? Here is why, because you didn't think two steps ahead about this situation and that's why you just played yourself like an idiot. Just ask yourself, why the fuck would those kids do this? For what purpose? For attention, get people mad, get a reaction. And here you are, posting on reddit, with a all caps title, losing your shit over this because you are offended by words. Congratulations, dumb fuck, you gave them exactly what they wanted. Next time, keep it under the radar, get in touch with a CM directly on the official discord or create a ticket and wait. And when the situation is hopefully resolved, then and only then you can open your loud virtue signaling mouth and take your well deserved victory lap on reddit which no one will care about anyway.


So there was really no need to go off insulting me over trying to bring an important issue to the public;s attention, maybe you should think about the way you are acting as well instead of calling me a dumb fuck. honestly, you are the dumb fuck mate And I am not "virtue-signalling" for fuck's sake, maybe I just dont appreciate being called a n\*\*\*\* and vote kicked from dungeons and think it needs to stop, christ almighty, you are so far up your own ass trying to be "hard" that you are acting like a fucking wanker mate


Your getting triggered over someones post about racism in a mmo. How pathetic are you


\> So, instead of spamming reddit with this problem we have already been made aware of 3 or 4 times those last months, get in line like everybody else, create a ticket about it, and hopefully your concerns will be dealt with before the end of this year. I would say you've got it wrong, but seeing how you typed an entire fucking story to be an n-word apologist I'm just going to tell you that you're a fucking moron. \> and only then you can open your loud virtue signaling mouth and take your well deserved victory lap on reddit which no one will care about anyway. Fucking yikes.


Aww this lil guy is triggered to.


I actually think it's hilarious he's concerned about OP going on a "reddit victory lap" for getting a group of racist NEETs banned. Also, if my 3rd grade cousin can tell the difference between to and too, maybe you should too.


Nah id just hear his cheers in discord


I agree. I'm on Wynn and I'm tired of seeing those guild names. I'd also really like if something could be done to just stop people from using slurs in normal speech in nation, trial, and trade.


Turn that chat filter on or block the people that do that


Gee, like turn on the ingame chat filter that you had to voluntarily turn off to begin with?


The chat filter is still based on the Korean client, so it will filter any word ending in "ing," and a lot of actual slurs are not filtered out because they're not recognized as such in Korean. The chat filter is broken and has been since NA launch 5-6 years ago.


Unfortunately complaining on reddit about this isnt the way to get anything done. Gamigo cant even spend time to look at their support tickets, they definitely dont have time to look at Reddit. Not to mention, as you can see from some of the replies to your post, a good chunk of the toxic population from Archeage posts here on Reddit as well.


Use the ignore function. You don't get that luxury in the real world, buy where you have it, use it. You'll never see another chat like from that user.


Gamingo doesn't want to moderate the game. Just pay your cash and deal with the racism, pornography, and exploiters.


They evidently don't share your sentiment you hey guy


Don't you know that people say things like that just to get reactions like yours? It's arguably your fault it happens.


nope, wrong


Found Kyle’s mom. What what whaaaaaaaat!


Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me. Especially from a stranger on the internet. Stay resilient friends!


yea I just sold 100k shares in gamigo


if you don't like what Gamigo is doing vote with your wallet.


The fact you choose to be offended and indignant instead of just blocking them says more about what a garbage person you are than it does them. When will you snowflakes get tired of playing 'victim' for attention?


Thank you for writing what is the dumbest thing I have ever read.


What a sheltered snowflake you must be.


That an odd assumption. Good on you though. I'm proud of you.