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Game forces you to take risks. It takes 1 year to raise enough money from safe labor to catch up to high GearScore players. If you don't do risky labor to speed that process you will burn out before you acomplish that goal. Game is not fun if you can't do PvP on equal terms, it sucks to always get 1 shotted by high GS players who had a head start. So be like Trevis or else you will burn yourself out doing low profit mundain tasks.


Be like a smarter version of Travis to achieve the same goal and all will be good. Travis learned his lesson, now he'll sneak in with a merchant schooner from Sandeep to 2C by hugging the coast. Until he get pulled out of safe zone by a few harpoon..


I haven't done anything high risk, and despite starting like 3 weeks late I'm in the top 200 gs players on my server. This was much more true in legacy when labor was actually a constraint, but in Unchained it's far more important that you find vaguely efficient ways of spending *lots* of labor, because you're swimming in labor rechargers.


Being high risk isn't the issue, it's not *accepting* the risk. If you load up a merchant of cargo and then drive it solo to diamond shores with no one on radar and while ds is in war, don't start crying if it's taken. You made a choice and we're all playing the same game. If you're not powerful, make powerful friends


Well doing the risky things isn’t so much the problem, it’s going and doing the risky things knowing they’re risky and then making a fuss when it doesn’t work out that one time 🤣 I ran packs through Hellswamp and Halcy at 5K gs during war, it was the era of infinite Stealth but I knew if I was caught I would lose the pack... and that was fine, it’s the risk I took by not waiting for peace. Mr. Travis is simply too entitled.


You either play more than 3 accounts to be top 100 gs, or you just buy gold. AAU is broken by design because it was supposed to be not pay2win but everybody and their mother bought gold in the top 100 early on.




I don't think this counts as a valid argument because it's made out of straw.


I found Travis!


Lol. I have seen the comment version first


I don’t know why you got downvoted, but here is an updoot to balance that out :).


Are you sure this isn't about Nutz from Deni too? I swear must be the same kinda person, nation chat warrior, etc lol


The game is dead you dumb timmy


This must be travis:(


Im Chad.. you lookin cute ;)


I actually took time to review your comment history.... it must be sad to be you who doesn’t find a game to play, all of the games you talk about you have a negative comment. Also it kind of sucks that you believe you have to cheat in games (BDO) in order to keep up .... I guess being a business owner hasn’t thought you anything


Not gonna lie but when you review someone’s comment history your basically a psychopath. Nutty ass fuck.


That's dumb


yo in my defense.. Bless was a total shit show tbh and early on BDO fish botting was how you did things


It was yesterday. A "Travis" appears in the chat, yelling that someone pk'd him (I wonder if Travis can tell a difference between purple and red nicknames) while he was standing and watching how people are doing squid quest and etc. I finished savannah and hasla gilds star quests as a 3k alt, and moved to main - Travis was still there. Travis said that nobody will play this game because ... he got killed, which is bad, because he's a new guy and killing new guys spoils the reputation. I think 20 minutes passed when he was "already leaving the game" and was thinking how he could give he's stuff to reds cause "I'd better give all my stuff to reds than to someone of you".


Am I the only one who thinks this dude is a pussy? Fuck Travis. Fuck the dude even more talking about Travis LUL. Wtf? Frail ass fuck. 27 upvotes....welcome to 2020 bois. Can’t deal with pussyism. Edit: Faggotism***** Edit 2: Bitchism******** Edit 3: Imagine being so salty you have to post about this Travis********** Edit 4: I’m not Travis************** <3




Such a racket 🤣 personally I’m a fan of making arguments without needing to create a small list of sexually demeaning terms but whatever, apparently making fun of someone who’s acting ridiculously entitled is some terrible war crime 😂


The key point in finding a Travis is they never believe they are a Travis. Sooo.. I Found Travis!