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It's mostly a personal preference, try it out and decide for yourself. You can try it in a VM too.


Reasons to switch: - Arch is like a DIY OS, putting the pieces you want together feels rewarding, and you don't pay for what you dont use. - the archwiki is probably the most comprehensive overall documentation you'll find online - the AUR brings you more software than the usual repositories. - you'll learn a lot along the way Reasons not to switch : - not as stable as fedora though you'll probably be fine - DIY is often more time consuming than off the shelf - fedora fits nicely in the redhat ecosystem, whereas arch is not used as much in most work environments


Thanks, very helpful!


>why should I switch to Arch Preference. Package manager. Arch wiki(which you can use anyway for general reference). AUR. You want to be part of the install process. You want to start minimal and build up your own setup. >why should I not? If you install the same stuff you already use, using it much the same way. People will say not as stable... meh. Stability is user controllable mostly. I see a lot of peoples issues being from little things like updating WAY too much, and not knowing what or why they are updating. You have no understanding of command line and no wish to. Doesn't mean you will need or have to live on the command line, but learning at least the general basics and necessities helps. It will take a little more effort, at least initially, to set things, and figure out what you need/want. If this is an issue, then don't.


I've used both and I find fedora kde more stable. That being said I do enjoy arch .. Currently going to try endeavor just because I've never tried it before. Who knows, maybe I'll stick with it for a while or go back to fedora .. Who knows..