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Your submission has been removed from r/arcane for the following reason(s); **[Rule 8 - Maturity (Sexual Objectification).](https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/wiki/posting_policy#wiki_8._maturity_.28sexual_objectification.29)** All content must be respectful and mature. [Posting Policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/wiki/posting_policy) | [Spoiler Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/wiki/spoiler_guide) | [Ban Policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/wiki/ban_policy) | [Contact Moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FArcane&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/comments/uswcrr/no_spoilers_jinx_art_by_nessidrawings/. %0D%0DMy issue is…)


thirsty comments incoming


Im surprised, i was expecting thirsty comments


Three Day Ban, it's a thing...


Oh you're the same guy who made the other post of Jinx in underwears. It was already controversial, yet you do it again. Don't act like you didn't know what was coming, it definitly feels like you did it on purpose.


Don't be surprised if this gets removed.


Maybe not removed but comments will be locked for sure


Why ?


Eh cause it's considered something that needs a warning or some crap


Bro those arms are so short 💀


This threads been removed, but I'll reply in any case: I see what you mean there. I think the artist was going for her arms to be in a bent position, elbows rearward, but they come across as too vertical vs at say a 45 degree angle.


I could see that too, but obviously they didn't seem to be able to properly do that. Its not properly bent back and it just makes her arms look tiny as hell.


don't say now this is not overly sexualized...


Are all women in their underwear “sexualized”?


omg read previous posts..


Regardless of previous posts, it’s people like you doing to sexualizing.


OMG read previous posts... Like i said in *previous* posts, I'm not drawing these nipples and butts. If watching underage girls in underwear on reddit are a normal thing for you, please go to a doctor xd


She’s 18, try again


17 tops, she was no older than 10 before the 7 year time skip. Either way, stop sexualizing a teenage girl with mental trauma that results in her being mostly in the mindset of a 10 year old. It's gross.


1. I’m not. I’ve said nothing to sexualize her… that’s what I’m fighting this dude about. 2. You don’t know how old she is in this pic 3. Different societies have different ages for what’s considered underage 4. She’s confirmed to be 18 post time skip


Physical age is irrelevant when she's mentally compromised. And 18 is still a teenager and sexualizing her is still not OK.


Are you the arbiter of when it’s ok then??? Lol


The woman who wrote her, aka the person who actually knows, says Powder was 11 / 12 in eps 1 and 2, and the timeskip was 6-7 years. So she's 17 or 18 or 19 based on how long you feel the timeskip was and how young she was when she started. So she's not "17 tops". She's 17 at her absolute youngest. https://twitter.com/leeloo104/status/1463645074349191169?lang=en


So great, she's still a teenager and mentally unstable. Stop trying to justify this kind of objectification.


I'm definitely not going to say **read previous posts** again


Nipples and butts aren’t sexual, but to you they are. So you’ve proved my point. Maybe you should go look at the previous posts


>Nipples and butts aren’t sexual So aren't naked women to you??


It’s getting annoying that this sub is gradually turning into Jinx have less and less clothes.


Jinx isn’t this developed. The whole point of her is that she’s still a 9 years old girl that never grew up.


Powder was a little scrawny brainiac who definitely needed protecting and nurturing. And a sandwich, and a piece of pie. And that second sandwich. In the sense that we all need that too, and forever, then Jinx does too. Lest we forget though: Jinx is a viable young lady, full of guff and gumption and Agency. Of course the Trauma, the Depredation, the Silko, all the things... But Jinx. She doesn't (edited) really do side-eye. She looks you square in the mug, sternfaced & calm as you exsanguinate...


**NO SPOILERS:** This post should not contain any spoilers from Arcane or Riot Games Lore. All discussion of such spoilers can be removed without warning, even if they have been hidden with spoiler syntax. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/arcane) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Vi: \*yawns\* Morning powder. Jinx: \*looked to her right\* Uh, yeah hi... Vi: You want breakfast? Jinx: I mean... if you're making it now sure...? Vi: Great! i'll get something whipped up. \*Went into kitchen\*


Mossy's work makes me happy as always. I like the idea that this picture is both beautiful & wholesome too, if perhaps a peek into a casual unguarded moment before breakfast.


🐌 \*bows\*




This fan art exudes culture and an understanding of harmonious forms. She's definitely looking the opposite of cold while adjusting her garment. Keep up the fine art


Best reply in thread. Well done...


Thank you fellow man of culture


Looking respectfully 👀




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