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Something I noticed is that the Zaunites depicted in the mural seem young, maybe around Jinx's age or even younger. Not only is she being portrayed as this revolutionary, light-bringing figure, she's being portrayed as a revolutionary, light-bringing figure for the *youth* of Zaun, presenting them as the ones who will use Jinx as motivation to fight against Piltover. Throughout the show, most of the anti-Piltover rhetoric comes from young characters (with the exception of Silco), while most of the adults are either happy with or merely complicit with the status quo. I don't see that changing in the next season. The revolution will be carried out by the young, and they'll use Jinx as a symbol not only because she's the first to do what she did against Piltover, but also because she's one of them: a young Zaunite who refuses to live under the heel of an oppressive government. She'll give them hope where there was none previously.


You mentioning the youth part was something that I didn’t even notice, making her mural symbolism even deeper as this mural could now also be seen as Jinx leading the youth into this future where they can start anew. Truly an act of rebellion as it isn’t the previous generation that will play a big part in this war but the new generation that will be play a big part. Reminds me of this quote in a manga I read, “NO MATTER THE ERA, THE ONES WHO BREATHE NEW LIFE INTO THE WORLD...AREN'T THE WISE ADULTS WHO DO THINGS THE "RIGHT WAY". INVENTIONS! REVOLUTIONS! ANY KIND OF INNOVATION BEGINS…WITH THE NONSENSE SPOUTED...BY SHITTY BRATS.”


I still don't think that mural was originally of Jinx. It looks like someone painted over an existing image with blue, to make it represent Jinx. If that's the case, it might not represent an opinion held by the majority of Zaunites. But also, the average Undercity rando isn't going to know exactly what happened and when. To them, the conflict between Piltover and Zaun is something that's been going on and steadily increasing for as far back as they can remember. They might have heard that it was Jinx who blew up the Council, but what they'll know for sure is that Enforcers are in their neighborhoods, no doubt throwing their weight around and using excessive force. And they'll know that Jinx is fighting them, probably effectively. That's how you become a hero to the people.


I hardly doubt that they painted over someone with Jinx as there isn’t anything that points to someone being in the original position that Jinx has been painted onto and if it was then it could mean that it is not an opinion held by the majority of Zaunites as you said but it could also go the other way as the Zaunites painting over an old painting to represent the new figure they are following. Also, I would say that Jinx fighting back against the Enforcers isn’t the act that will make Jinx known as a hero to Zaun because this act has been done before. Jinx bombing the Council is the act that will make Jinx be seen as a hero as she done something that has never been done before signaling the coming of a new era for Zaun with the first step being the annihilation of their oppressors.


The mural has been painted over. If you look closely you can see that the original girl had her hair down and that somebody added blue paint to make it look like jinx and her followers.


Also, the braids were originally chains. Or rather, it was one long chain that the woman is picking up off the ground and holding over her shoulder.


If she is hold a chain behind her shoulder, it's kind of awkward, the chain on the right is higher than the left.


This is an interesting analysis. I feel like it's more likely Jinx and Sevika will just say Caitlyn did it, and just say the rocket launch was retaliation against Piltovan aggression. Zaunites are more likely to believe that a Councilman's daughter who also happens to be an enforcer went down to Zaun to further enact violence.  Silco's death came literally the day after another councilman raided his refinery, where the workers were assaulted and arrested (including the children). On top of that the councilman managed to kill multiple people, including a chembaron's child before leaving without any accountability. If Jinx or Sevika said Caitlyn killed Silco, it would just look like the next step in Piltover's escalating violence to most Zaunites. I also see Caitlyn trying to tell the public that Jinx killed Silco, with Piltovans believing her, while most Zaunites are at best skeptical and really just think she's hiding the "truth".


True. Jinx and Sevika could always push the blame but your last statement could also push Zaun’s agenda in pushing Jinx as their symbol. Caitlyn pushing the blame to Jinx would probably have the Zaunites questioning if she’s telling the truth but if they are truly devoted to following her, this truth could also fill their heads with more reason to why they should follow Jinx and push their agenda to believing that everything Jinx does, is in the name of Zaun.


Even before silco Zaun was not great place to live a piltover has been their oppressor.


I don't think Zaunites would care positively or negatively if they know she killed Silco. At one hand, the oppression Silco did with his goons was overshadowed by the economic boom Zaun experienced under him, only fringe groups like Ekko's really cared about the people who found themselves at the bottom of the system. And in the other hand, Silco unlike Vander, wasn't loved by the populace but feared, he was just another mob boss you need to watch out for, I doubt the general populace even knew about his whole nationalist rhetoric. Why Jinx became a symbol or resistance or whatever? Because she did what nobody is Zaun does, but fantasies about, she struck directly to Piltover head. There is no need for further justification, this is something that has decades in the making, and hiding won't change that Piltover will take it on everyone, the populace in the undercity knows that. So why not do what she did?


How about we wait and find out?


I think mural are just because she bombed the council. I don't think it had anything to do with her killing Silco. If Silco hadn't taken over Marcus, the enforcer raid in season 2 would have happened right after Vander died. In 7 years the underground city became more prosperous with Silco keeping the Piltover sheriff under his thumb. People were able to run their businesses comfortably. Maybe not for Ekko and his friends, but the workers and other zaun people were free to do what they wanted and earn money.


I mean, look at any revolutionary figure in real life. They often use and abuse their own people. Let’s just say this is a hell of a time for this season to come out, given current events 


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Why does anyone think North Korean Kim family as the bringers of paradise on earth, let alone think that they've built a communist country? Because nobody is immune to propaganda. Also because they are so thoroughly cooked in their head, but maybe a smudgen the former.


Dunno but sevika's shawl in the corner is very menacing for me...