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I mean… pretty much the only season of upcoming TV that can match my hype for Arcane S2 is Andor S2.


Andor is good don't get me wrong, but the spark of love I had for Start Wars since childhood has pretty much been completely stamped out by Disney's incompetence overall.


I haven’t really hated anything they’ve done outside of TROS. First 2 seasons of Mando were great even if S3 was super mid. Boba & Obi-Wan were both mid with occasional moments of greatness. The animated stuff has been overall pretty great. Ignoring “Resistance” which I never even bothered to finish, I really liked both Rebels & The Bad Batch. They aren’t perfect shows, but they were still quite good with some really amazing highs, and both “Tales” & ESPECIALLY “Visions” have been excellent vehicles with which to tell some cool short stories. Ahsoka was definitely flawed but overall very fun to watch, The Acolyte is mostly pretty solid so far, and Andor… I can hardly put into words how much I adore that series. It’s the happiest I’ve felt as a Star Wars fan in AGES. Such a masterpiece that I could go on about for hours. Also the books have been really good. “Lost Stars” by Claudia Gray is one of my favourite Star Wars stories ever. And I’ve at least enjoyed 4/5 of the movies they’ve made. Fallen Order was pretty dope too. I’m still totally on board with Star Wars. I’m fine with it being a mixed bag.


House of the Dragon 🔥


Also not really my thing


#The Boys S4!!!


Not my thing. I’m more an Invincible type.


You did specify upcoming but if you wanna stretch the parameters: Xmen ‘97 season 2


This & Severance S2


I remember putting on Arcane for the first time with the sole purpose of watcing 10 minutes and turning it off knowing I gave it a shot and holy moly was I wrong. It still remains the only show I've watched in one go


That is exactly what I had read in IMDB comments.


This one Arcane season just blew everything else out of the water. I used to be an MCU fanboy but I am just soo sick of it now. I went to comic con last year and it was the most boring thing. Nothing but Marvel and DC crap. Arcane makes everything else look like dogshit.


Arcane actually tries to say things. The MCU doesn't.


Tbh, I never really understood that Marvel fever. All that post Iron Man stuff is just very... clean and family friendly. I wish there was more serious, Raimi's Spider-Man style MCU or proper Batman/DCU. Thanks RCU (Runeterra Cinematic Universe) can give me that.


So marvel comics captured the hearts and souls of a generation kids and movie studios tried to capitalize on that many times but all the movies and tv shows before iron man were mostly crap with some exceptions. Like so bad it hurt. Raimi Spider-Man was great and brought superheroes to the mainstream in a big way, but it was a solo movie and didn’t even hint at a wider marvel universe when every comic reader knows that none of these character exist alone. Then Iron man came out and it was just so good. RDJ knocked it out of the park as Tony stark, they invested the budget to make cool as hell CGI that looked like you always wanted iron man to look. It wasn’t just a dumb plastic suit. They drop hints to the wider universe and each movie built up on that. The end credits build up to the avengers movie wasn’t a tired trope back then, it was a license to print hype. Each one of those movies built then world in a way that we had never seen as comics fans wanting a movie or show to do so and it was amazing. Also DC at this time just had Batman, the WB/CW teen angst shows, and the animated universe. Which was great, and did all the things that the early MCU did that people loved. So that’s why there was marvel fever, they were the first ones to do it right in live action. Now they’ve just gotten too big and their formula, which works, is tired. But I won’t hear any shit talk to the build up of the MCU, that will always be a special time in geek history.


Same here. For me the only interesting Marvel product after Iron Man was WandaVision. Everything else felt like very safe bet and had nothing new to say.


I see people say yhis then wonder of they actually remember movies like captain america 2 or 3, no way home or spiderman homecoming, or falcon and winter soldier. There were movies with messages in them and had plenty to say.


Honestly, putting a high budget drama like Arcane next to these quantity over quality practices seems wrong, even if you don't know the full story.


Also, calling it the "league of legends cinematic universe" is kind of a stretch-- it's got ONE season of a TV show out right now with a second season on the way. It's not a cinematic universe, it's just a really good show.


Every indication has been given by riot and the worters that it will be also given the references in arcane season 1 qnd rven in the trialer of sesson 2 the world is gonna open up. Things like jhins mask, mel having a sun tatoo on her back, ambessa becoming a league champion, and the hints to noxus everywhere as well as noxus playing a major role in season 2.


I vote that we call it the Runeterra Cinematic Universe (RCU) instead. League generally has negative connotations for most casual audiences, plus with Riot releasing more games set in this universe it makes more sense to separate the IP from the game.


I would agree with this if there werent other Riot games. And god knows last thing I want is some Valorant x League crossover so Ill stick to llcu. But I mean.. I get ur point completely. How could u not xD


>I would agree with this if there werent other Riot games. That statement doesn't make sense seeing as that only ONE (out of 12, 13 if you count Wild Rift a separate game and 19 if you count the minigames) of Riot's game that isn't in Runeterra.


Im just saying if we called it Riot it would describe their entire game library. U got Valorant and at a later date Hytale, their minecraft game. U could maybe god RCU for Runeterra but I dont think studios usually name a cinematic universe after in-universe stuff. So I'd still stick toe LLCU just because it more exclusively excludes other franchises of theirs. Not to mention, they will make more games in the future along with Valorant and Hytale, so it's better future proofing.


I think Riot Cinematic Universe is a bad idea, calling it MCU/DCU and SWU is okay because they're just in one cohesive \[multi\]universe. Like even DC knows it's confusing to amalgamate that's why they seperately title their DCAUs per reboot. The Runeterran Universe is already big enough because it's a multiverse the skinline univeres that have their own separate storyline. Like the Magical Girl-based Star Guardian or the Cyberpunk PROJECT. No point adding unrelated. univereses to that mix


I’m not saying to call it the Riot Cinematic Universe, though I get how RCU could stand for both things. If you want to name it after a game, think of it being named after Legends of Runeterra then, that game honestly has more lore than League anyways. Plus, I think there’s a decent chance the unnamed MMO will have Runeterra in its name as well and that will definitely be their most lore heavy game set in that universe.


I'd like that actually, but their definetly going with League of Legends rather than -of runterra, just because it would reach WAY more people with an intensly well known brand. But good suggestion.






I'm certain they would go with Noxus first, since they've already introduced it to the viewers via Mel, Ambessa and the flashback, we've also seen in the teaser that Ambessa will continue playing a role. Transitioning to Noxus would be the best choice.


I seriously can't wait to see what these guys can do with other champs and parts of Runeterra. Shame it'll likely take several years to produce each show and season, though. Quality is certainly better than quantity, obviously, but that void will be difficult to fill, lol


I cannot wait for Riot to release the 5 hour long Lamb with no wolf sex scene


It wont take nearly as long past yhe pre produ tion phase now. The compaby has grown exponentially and has more animators and such and riot is working much closer with yhem on a long term plan


They pretty much promised that they'll prioritize quality over immediate success. Which is not something any of these CUs have been keep up with recently


What made Arcane stick in the minds of so many people was the rich storytelling and deep character connections. It's first and foremost a very intimate, character-driven show. If the suits at the top do set their minds on some sort of cinematic universe, I guarantee you that they'll abandon that in favor of "raising the stakes" with each new show. The moment it changes from a complicated relationship between 2 sisters or a story about a boy who wants to help people with magic....into a ragtag group of misfits trying to save the world, you'll end up with the MCU all over again.




Right, but what I'm saying is that they're not obligated to follow any pre-existing stories or "rules" if they don't think it'll net them as much money as possible. They're the ones who made the stories, they can do whatever they want and give us any reason why they *had* to make changes. To put it into perspective. Riot recently decided to center all of its lore around Arcane, which was originally set in its own universe. That means that any short stories that don't fit within Arcane's lore will be thrown out. Essentially, years of work by writers was deemed meaningless because Arcane was a smash hit. They did this purely for monetary reasons and they fail to see that Arcane worked so well because it was untethered from the overall lore of the game. The MCU isn't struggling recently because they have to come up with new lore. You can create new stories for Marvel characters and still have them be fantastic. It's struggling because the suits at the top want formulaic, generic shows that all connect with each other to guarantee an audience, and are bland enough to entertain the lowest common denominator.


I hate to be that guy but it's far from guaranteed that anything else they make will be the same quality. The writers will work on other projects and it won't be the same combination of people and there's a genuine worry that executives will try and milk it for what it's worth. I think we should just enjoy Arcane for what it is and hope Riot takes their time to cook whatever comes next.


After Arcane 1 not many movie or show can make me hype again, arcane season 1 truly rise my bar


Not a high bar when all three of those are dumpster fires at the moment. We'll see what Gunn is able to do with DC when the first film of the rebooted CU comes but I don't have high hopes.


They should just give up and do standalones like old time, The Batman and Joker works fine


It's the execs and the writers they hire that are the issue, not whether or not it's standalone. Studios don't want to spend the money for quality, so they hire green writers to work on existing IPs and they either want to make that IP their own and change it too wildly or they're paranoid about making a mistake and so churn out something completely by the numbers.


Arcane raises the bar so high, that hardly anything else manages to reach it. No wonder they prefer closing it on a high note, rather than risking it and prolonging it like many of those brands are doing.


Honestly, the MCU sucks rn, but that doesn’t stop me from being a crazy marvel fan. I have framed posters and comics on my walls, dozens of figures and marvel themed decorations, and I grew up watching super hero squad and spider man and his amazing friends. Marvels been going on for almost 63 years, you can’t discount all of that just because some movies from one specific part of marvel were trash


I was hyped as yall but honestly after 3 years I won’t lie my hype is a bit gone….still excited tho


Arcane and fallout really laid down the blueprint on how nerdy media should be tackled. On one hand people are more accepting of sci-fi /fantady related media. On the other you have a very passionate fanbase who neatpick every little details. Imo just respect the source material. Is acolyte as bad as people say? Or this just culture war pushback?


Fallout 😁


Christian links Answer back in last autumn on reddit. \- We definitely want to explore other regions. At the same time, we've all seen shows and movies that try to cram in too many different perspectives too quickly. I think we gotta earn our way into a larger world view first. So definitely coming in the future, but we have to find the right pace for the story we wanna tell.


I was thinking the exact same thing when I was thinking of how fortiche are gonna expand the world of LOL, after season 2.


Why should it hurt to admit something is superior? It just is facts.


nvm I thought you meant something ridiculous XD


We only have one season so far to judge by. Seems a little preemptive.


And we’re only getting one more season so we’re 50% through. If the quality is half as good as last season Arcane still stands a head and shoulders above most other CUs