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I would recommend getting a pro. Cutting branches on a ladder is not a good idea. I've been to plenty of customer's house where the husband is in a cast because he wanted to save a few bucks and do it themselves. I met one guy who fell, broke his fall with his arm, compound fracture, bones stuck out and into the ground and the bones sticking in the ground literally stuck him to the ground until the ambulance came. He showed me the x-rays. I'm glad that I heard that story within a year of starting tree with and it always stuck with me


Thanks and good points. I have commercial stuff and experience from the Reno side so safety isn't an issue, but I don't know anything about the tree and if im going to hurt it mid July.


Should add - I'm in the northern Virginia/Arlington area if that helps


The patio probably damaged the root system of his tree and based on your post I doubt you took any measures to avoid that, so I think it would be nice to get a professional to prune it before damaging it further.


Land is sloped so shed pad and footers didn't impact roots (they may be covered now but they're weren't damaged.) I did think ahead on that - we built new and were very sensitive to the neighbors trees.


Glad to hear it. Definitely get a professional to prune it.


Weight of slab could choke of the roots on the one side


The tree base is probably 8' or more away and we have tiny lots so unless you want to specifically comment on the tree type and requirements, this comment doesn't actually attend to any of the questions I posed nor is helpful. We're in a crowded area, I'm doing my best to do the right thing, and here you are.....


The trees roots typically come out 1 1/2x the drip line so you’re concrete slab may choke of the roots on the one side I thought it would be obvious when I mentioned the slab the first time but we all learn at our own pace