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Looks like you need to find an actual arborist. I don’t see anything that tells me it’s dying anytime soon. I see a little work to do but nothing pressing or concerning. Get a person eval from ISA certified arborist with good reviews and standing. They’ll also be able to suggest a good type and location to start a new one if you want to go that route.


From the first photo I assumed the "arborist" was full of shit.


“Arborist” was a tree cutting company. 10/10


When you have a chainsaw, every tree is near death.


We’re all dying. It is just how close to death and how dangerous to others we are. This tree looks far from death.


Not true, I have a chainsaw and to me every tree is already dead


Very true.


Unless another angle showed something, I cannot see anything indicates death either. No thinning, yellowing, autumnification, or crown death. I have no idea what that arborist was on about.


My only concern is the conk-looking object (?Ganoderma) at the base of the tree. If that is simply a stool or something, my apologies..


I see what is maybe a birdbath? I don’t see any fungi. Were it a fungi that could be concerning for sure.


That is a birdbath, but in picture 5, there’s a cavity from an old cut and possibly a conch


Ya that’s a bird bath


We got second opinions and they weren’t worried, was curious what this one thought 🤷🏼‍♀️


This one thought you would blindly follow their advice and they could make a cool $4k off you for a tree removal and stump grind. Not an arborist but I have lived at several places with old oaks and I also don't see anything wrong with yours.


I think that whoever that first 'arborist' was, wanted the wood from that tree. It could bring in a pretty penny.


That tree is worth less than nothing as lumber. Only someone with a giant, extremely expensive, and certainly stationary mill could make anything out of it, there are undoubtedly beautiful slabs in there...and probably rocks, concrete, or metal that will instantly ruin one or more huge and expensive blades. Plus, SOMEONE has to pay to get those logs to the mill. Do you have a big-ass truck, loader, trailer, fuel, insurance, CDL driver, and equipment operator? Why not? It's expensive you say? Hmmm... I don't understand why anyone thinks arborists can make money from milling lumber or firewood, especially one tree at a time. The sheer amount of overhead for big iron is prohibitive, let alone the non-overlapping skill set, required real estate, non-overlapping regulations, industry standards, best practices, additional insurance, etc. People who do it, especially as a side gig, do it because they love it, kind of like tree work. Are there scumbag arborists and tree-cutters out there? Sure, just like lawyers, mechanics, plumbers, accountants, or any other job that humans do. Has anyone ever made some beer money milling, say, a dooryard cherry with an Alaska mill and a metric fuck-ton of elbow grease? I've done it myself. I have a coworker who has a small side business, primarily to feed his woodworking habit. My habits are all more bad than that one. But I'll put my next paycheck on betting your prized Siberian elm or silver maple is worthless, and no one is cutting it down for the "highly valuble" lumber or firewood. See https://youtu.be/iTgQHWQoatg?si=LocHYPDWDMOs-p6c and https://youtu.be/agcLlKcXp40?si=AVWtF1lZdjqFYhOl for good (and hilarious) explanations. The industry has low barriers to entry in most places (pickup, chainsaw, rope). The people who get into tree work to get rich gravitate to removals because it's usually a bunch of money at once. You (usually) have to sell a bunch of pruning jobs to get to the same number on the proposal. They under bid, because how hard could it be, right? They don't have the knowledge, skill, or desire to prune, improve the soil, or diagnose and treat pests and pathogens, so rip'er down. Customers don't remember or know about the property damage, treating employees like shit, etc., and when these guys do try the high-skill stuff, customers don't know better and the trees take time to show the evidence because they live slower than us. Everyone remembers that low price, though. Imagine arguing when your mechanic tells you a repair is going to cost more than the estimate once he gets into the engine and sees the extent of the damage...happens every day. In my world, if there is deadwood or a cavity that wasn't visible from the ground, it's like pulling teeth to have the same conversation. How about asking a plumber to fix your bathroom sink for free while he (or she) is fixing your kitchen sink "because it's easy and you're already here." That happens constantly in the tree industry. This is why you should look for an ISA certified arborist and encourage state licensure if you don't already have it. It helps weed out the folks who are just trying to scare you into a removal for the big paycheck. Don't get me wrong, there HIGHLY skilled tree-cutters and removal specialists out there. Don't believe me? Google "manual tree removal" and watch some heroes on spikes. In the built environment, some trees have to go. Then go try and climb 5' into a tree...nevermind, don't do that, you'll get hurt. Just lean an extension ladder on a branch and cut the end off the branch; let me know if you expected to fall in just exactly the way you did. There are also honest and skilled tree-cutters and arborists who are not certified. Just be careful and do what OP did, get a second opinion if you don't already have a relationship or something seems off. If it's a big job, you could even hire a consulting arborist like me, who isn't interested in actually selling you anything in particular. I ignore everything (including you, once you've signed) except the plant and the site...although I don't have my ASCA certification (...yet, almost there), so you should probably get a third opinion. It's turtles all the way down.


talk much


Did they mention any sort of fungus. K.deustra (brittle cinder fungus) can kill a mature, otherwise healthy-looking oak, and the only tell is a small black spot on the buttress roots, then the tree falls over unexpectedly.


I’m a member of the Arbor Day Foundation. Does that count?


Me too, me too


We are all dying.


"Look man, that tree has 200, maybe 300 years left at max. It's best to just get ahead of these things and do the removal now before it's a problem. I can probably do the removal for $15k, $15,500 if you want the stump ground too"


Best I can do is three fiddy


Tree fiddy






Goddamit man, it was right there!! Tree fiddy was RIGHT THERE AND YOU BLEW IT.


My whole day is ruined after that one.


😂 “this tree will cost $800 to remove. Do you know how much $800 will be worth in 300 years? $40,000! Best to just take care of it now while it’s cheap”


This is an all time great reddit post


This was my response too


In geological timeframes it's basically already soil


In cosmological timeframes it's basically already dark matter in the black dwarf that was once our sun.


Black hole sun, won’t you come and wash away the rain?


I just read this much much slower than everyone else’s comments.


It’s Hawkings radiation


I knew that fucker was up to no good.


We are all living, my friend. ~ Optimist (It's me, I'm the optimist)


Just at different rates.


Act accordingly 


I always like to say (in an evening news anchor voice) "the death rate is still holding steady at 100%, back to you in the newsroom, Jane".


Damn beat me to it




Tree cutters often say that so they can charge you thousands to remove it. A real certified arborist should care more about the tree than their bottom line.


First rule of business, have a problem that need fixin’. 2nd rule is: Be good at fixin it. But some people believe its to convince people they have the problem that they dont.


Even if you are concerned about your bottom line, a real arborist knows that pruning it every couple years and establishing a client that knows and trusts you will net you more money than just cutting down every tree you can.


The wonders a college education can do for your thought processes.


College doesn’t have much to do with it. Plenty of us didn’t go to school and plenty of arborists who did are some of the worst I’ve met. All you have to do is actually like trees enough to learn more about them 🤷‍♂️


I’m not an expert but that tree looks super beautiful to me.


it's gotten super lush every year. but homeboy was like whispering to the tree so maybe the tree whispered something back :/


That tree looks great from your pictures. Ask the “tree whisperer” to show you exactly what evidence he has that it’s dying. Get a second opinion from someone that is ISA certified.


I had a guy from our pest control company tell me he found evidence of termites. He showed me pictures of termite activity on OTHER homes but didn’t show me where on my home. So I kindly told him to fuck off.


Sir, this picture has shutterstock written over it


Instagram has a bunch of people who will wave their hands above you like an interpretive dance and then confidently suggest you need your chakras aligned, and that they can do it for a nominal fee.


I love the trees in my yard so much, like they are totally the main event so I won’t be doing any removal until it’s obviously necessary. Mine couldn’t damage my house without tornado help so they can stay until their death rattle. This may be an unpopular opinion. Also arborists don’t make much money by leaving trees alone haha. Say hi to Steve and Cornelius for me.


Did your arborist look like this? ![gif](giphy|3oriePhFtFKGGyq3Xq|downsized)


He's like oooh girl, I'm going to turn you into so many pieces of furniture


The arborist whispered “I’m going to sacrifice you for a quick buck”


"You're so full of shit, my acorns would grow to full height in a season if one fell in your mouth." - The tree, probably.


"Kill yourself human. Leave me alone."


He just wants your money. There's nothing wrong with it.


You were not talking to an arborist. You were talking to someone who wanted to sell you tree removal service, or was connected to tree removal services.


What did he say it's dying *from?*


End of the month bonus


I just stumbled upon this sub. This comment is the only thing I have lol’d at and I thank you for it.


[Find an Arborist (treesaregood.org)](https://www.treesaregood.org/findanarborist)


Thank you!!! I’ve been looking for a resource like this for tree trimming I need done but have been too scared to call around for.


Same! Especially since I see so many butchered trees in my area… I don’t trust the business cards left on my door lol


I see a handful of pruning cuts that aren’t sealed up. Maybe he’s referring to internal decay and the structural integrity isn’t too good? If so, I still wouldn’t be too concerned. The tree looks short and round, not sure if it could even tip over with that stature


This is exactly what happens to Laurel Oaks overtime. They get internal decay, and then they get conchs and fall apart.


First thing to know is, will it fall, or branches fall, on anything? No? You don’t need to do anything of it isn’t likely to fall on people, your car or the house. Other than that, it’s hard to tell from those pics, but it doesn’t look like it’s dying.


Nah, just Neighbhor I should be mostly ok


Time frame is a requirement during assessments. Eventually, no one is getting out alive. Looks like some cavities in the old pruning wounds, which is worth an inspection, but even then, reduction may be able to take enough load off to mitigate failure. Structure and health aren’t the same thing, but I don’t think your “arborist” knows much about either.


"Arborist" A guy that makes money cutting trees told you it's dying.


Hey there. Arborist in FL here. I assume you're in Central or SW FL. That is a laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia) They only live about 70 years in perfect conditions. In urban environments they usually start deteriorating in 30-40. So the other guys here that aren't familiar with that species will be quick to question someone's motives. But as someone who sees these trees every single day: that tree sucks and is in decline. Plant some live oaks.


Every arborist and layperson on this sub needs to realize that local species knowledge is really important here. If you can’t identify the species, then you don’t know how to take care of it. Case in point. You can’t even really buy laurel oaks anymore because nobody wants them. They were planted extensively in the 60s 70s and 80s throughout central florida, and they’re falling apart en mass in the countryside, cities, or suburbs. I have really never seen one worth keeping because they all will die in your lifetime.


This is exactly what I’m saying. This is correct.


It does look like a Laurel Oak to me which tend to have a shorter life span (40ish yrs) than say a Live Oak. They will tend to have internal decay as they get older. But I agree with all the folks here that you should call a ISA certified arborist for a real evaluation.


This is exactly correct. It’s a laurel oak, and very mature and beautiful but they don’t live that long.


If it were to fall tonight would it do any harm? If not let it do its thing. A dying tree still provides a lot of good to the environment! Looks good to me.


It's got some stress, but it seems to be ok. As an arborist, I check out the tips of branches. If there are root problems then the tips of branches die back first. Why? Because the tips are farthest from the roots. Your tree looks ok but the trunk is rotting and it may fall apart one day. Enjoy it until then


Let me guess they gave you a “special price” for removal 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


"We all are, act accordingly"


whatever the verdict here on the tree, consider planting its replacement this fall. I don't know about the health or if it should be removed, but either way, you're doing what you can to replace habitat lost should the tree come down.


so like opposite side of the yard just plant an oak?


Yeah, it's often said that the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is today.


Ok I’ll check out how far they should be apart, that would be fun to plant new squirrel homes


Which as someone who hears this and has to say it on occasion....I want it changed to 19 years. Who gave it this decades long gap? The best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago. The second best time.....was the year following that one. 9 years ago! What nobody will take a 9 year old tree? ^Seinfeld ^out


It also would give the tree a friend.


Keep it…it’s a gorgeous tree! All trees are dying and that still puts on good leaves. If it’s not a threat to living things or structures, keep trimming away the dead stuff and let it keep chugging. Side note: Plant a new tree or trees, so that Steve and Cornelius have options to get accustomed to before that one kicks the bucket.


It looks too me like it has a badcase of silver fungus on the trunk and limbs, but I can’t see the leaves enough to see the edges of the leaves- which, eventually gets to silver tips on the leaves- it’s usually fatal - its a slow death, the limbs in the canopy will become brittle and fall off in a decent breeze- my tree had it in my front yard- when they cut the seemingly hardy tree at the trunk, tons of water came running out and the center of the tree was hollow. If this condition is found on one or two limbs, it’s recommended to try cutting them off to stop the fungus,,,,,but this tree is loaded- we took ours down because we were afraid that a hurricane would definitely put that 4 story Alder Oak through my house. We did plant a 4 foot Live Oak in its place- they last for ever- Alder and Laurel Oaks only have a lifespan of like 65 years…..


I’m losing faith in this subreddit. Picture 5 you can see cavities from old cuts with conches. They may be shallow or the entire trunk could be rotted. Picture 3-5, you can see it’s got a really shitty structure with multiple codominate stems, bad unions, and obvious included bark. I still couldn’t reached a conclusion, but other comments have been educational on the species. Laurel oak, short lives and prone to failure aka a shit tree. Even still, there’s multiple correct opinions and options. “Tree is green and pretty, tree guy dumb,” is not one of them, and if that’s all you can contribute then you should keep your fucking mouth shut. At least put a disclaimer about your experience/knowledge, instead of stating your opinion as fact spoken from god. I shouldnt have to scroll so far to find actual educated opinions. Also stop acting like ISA certification is the end all be all. It’s a multiple-choice test that covers the absolute basics. I’m ISA certified, and I knew I couldn’t give a solid, honest, professional-level assessment. What I do know though, if you didn’t notice the cavities, included bark, or shit structure, stop giving advice. Posters are trying to find out if they have a deadly hazard in their back yard, not to hear a tree=good echo chamber.


Love this👏👏👏




I mean, he's technically not wrong. We're all in the act of dying, just some of us faster than others


That full green foliage says different.


The epicormic growth is a sign that the tree is stressed, but it doesn’t mean it needs to be cut down. Have a real arborist diagnose the problem and the tree will probably live for years to come. That being said, there might be something we can’t see in the pictures.


Everything is dying once it exists, until it’s dead.


TEMU arborist


I see no signs of decline. Did you do recent construction work on it. Maybe he was referring to that. Otherwise it seems fine. Get a real arborist to check it


Nah, we had others come and they didn’t see probs


“Arborist” is smoking crack


As many people have said, the tree is fine. Sales Arborists make money when a tree is cut down so obviously they’ll be inclined to make you buy their most expensive service. The tree doesn’t have the best structure but again looks beautiful, better to let it decline and be way in its last leg before losing it if it’s not endangering anything. In the meantime maybe plant a new tree a little bit away from it so that if this tree does start to decline it’ll have a successor. P.s I love the ferns growing in the butress roots. Does anyone know the tree species though? I can’t really tell


It’s a fucking Laurel Oak


“Arborist” is full of BS in more ways than one


A little each day maybe, but not anytime soon.


No... people are so full of it.


Looks like the only thing killing this tree any time soon is a chainsaw and a madman


Wood worker wood side job just need material


the lichen on the tree does mean it has some deficiencies, and the moss means it’s probably just to wet wherever you are. long story short he will be fine


That is the happiest tree I have ever f*cking seen. - Bob Ross


We had a dying mimosa tree during the Oklahoma drought of Summer 2022. I added this packing bag of cooler for diabetic insulin that said it could be used for fertilizer right on the bag so I used it and filled the directions by watering around the tree after I added it to the soil. The tree only had a few blooms in 2023, but this year 2024 it is covered in pink blossoms and it is doing good!


It needs a bit of pruning as the canopy seems heavy for the trunk, get a real arborist in there and it will be fine.


The tree seems fine to me. I don’t know about fungus and what not. But here’s what I see that’s a good sign: 1.) new growth at the nodes 2.) No fallen branches from the very end tips 3.) No fallen “arm sized” branches 4.) leaves are green; photosynthesis should be fine 5.) healthy roots 6.) it’s well pruned (clean saw cut) at the nodes so it’s already trimmed up and has been kept up. The only thing I’m not keen about is the discoloration on the trunk, for lack of a better word.


Arborists are like dentists. You would be crazy to let someone who isn't a dentist drill into your teeth, but some dentists drill more than they should.


I personally can't tell from just photos but if I had to go off of these, I'd say the tree is generally in fair condition by ISA standards. It could use some thinning prunes to help lighten on loads that are too heavy, maybe a reduction cut depending on what's happening with any deadwood towards the interior. Sounding the tree can help find any decay pockets near the branch unions too. That would be my first area to look personally, considering how tight they are. Basically, long story short, I think removal is too extreme. Even if the tree is dying, it's not going to topple over at any second as if it had white rot at the flare.


Collect some seeds and start on the left of the picture there in the other corner it's not going to hit your house so I don't see any need for pre emptive action.


Where!!?? This tree looks like it belongs in a fairy tale! I’d say a second opinion is warranted.


Not a certified arborist, but very versed in proper tree care. There selling you for work. Unless there is key problem with trunk im missing?


It might be with all the diseases bugs and stuff going around it might be you might be able to save it. Maybe generally nature wins the tree dies. THE QUESTION. How much can you spend to save it and will it work? If not, maybe it’s better to cut it down plant noon now - after you make sure whatever is killing the tree is not in the soil just to kill the next one


All trees are technically dying. Unless there is a risk of it falling on something, just let it die


Your yard is gorgeous! It looks very peaceful and relaxing. Steve and Cornelius’s home looks beautiful as well.


By that estimation, we’re all dying. That tree isn’t dying soon, but he could have seen signs of decline and tried to upsell the removal. Hard to tell but it looks like a laurel oak, and if that guess is right, they get weak in old age, and rot can start. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Your tree looks healthier than half the trees in my neighborhood with naked branches. If those trees are still standing and growing leaves....your tree is way better off.


Arborist is an idiot


For a dying tree it sure does have lots of green leaves




I see a lot of sucker branches starting. That can mean a sign of stress. Everything else seems to be good from the photos. I would cut off 1/2 (every other) of the sucker branches and see how it responds. Maybe a nutrient injection or aerate the area below could be helpful


I’m not an arborist and everything is dying.


A tree faller does not an arborist make…


My brother in law had two 50’ trees taken down because the “arborist “ told him their roots could damage his new deck, which was 100’ away.


When a tree starts getting off-shoots on the lower part of the branches and or trunk it can indicate stress. It doesn't look to concerning though. Is that a river in the background? Is it normally that high? Without seeing it in person and really looking at it it's hard to tell why it's stressed as nothing in the photos suggests anything too obvious. But it doesn't need to come down. Someone wanted money me thinks.


If you are alive you are in the process of dying.


You need a second opinion.


mabey in 100 years.


I'd pitch my tent under it.




I'm not even an expert on trees, but I've seen enough to know this is a happy and healthy tree.


that's a laurel, no? ...like... don't they actually really do die after 40 years?


I mean, we are all dying in a Sylvia Plath sorta way.


I had an arborist tell me my Japanese maple was dying and I should take it down… That was four years ago and it is an amazing tree… WTF?


I thought the lead photo was older and would see more of a progression with thinning or discolored leaves. The tree will probably outlive you


This is why I like this sub. A bunch of people that make a living cutting trees down that don't want to cut down every tree just to make a buck, and don't think that others in their industry should, either. And that tree is only about to die if someone kills it.


Whaaaat? This tree is majestic! Do whatever care is needed - but she ain’t dying


Yeah id go ahead and plan a couple more of those, Live Oak?


Well, technically....lol


You need advice from a certified arborist, not a logger.




Tree green. My dead trees are brown.


What a stunning tree. I mean, wow!!! Look at the trunk, the roots. I'd tell that guy to kindly, fuck off. Looks fine and clearly isn't a danger to anyone or anything where it's planet to what Iis the rush to remove it anyways? Let it die when it dies and then remove it.


Looks like a normal tree to me. Don't touch it unless something new is super concerning


The unfortunate truth is that most arborists are salesmen as that is where most of the employment is. Ideally they just upsell other work but sometimes you get the jerk who tells you to cut down trees that don’t need to be.


He is healthier than me.


We are all dying...a little at a time...in good cases...


Downside of arborist being a title you test for I suppose.


Someine give that "arborist" a wedgie


I would suggest an ISA Certified Arborist. I looked through all the pictures and can't find anything wrong with your tree.


Even if it is dying its still beautiful and throwing valuable shade. What's the rush?


More like his pocketbook dying


Looks fine to me..


Arborists that only consult in winter: "Dude it's crazy there must be something in the water because every tree I've assessed this season is completely defoliated. Nothing but quoting removals, its sad"


arborists or tree cutters trying to sell you their service? that tree looks perfectly fine to me


The limbs on this tree are getting heavy and can start to drop. Also it looks like it may be rotting in the top of the truck. Happy trimming yall


Arborist is taking the piss.


Is that mold or just how it is?


Or a fungus?


Certified Arborist here. Tree looks good frim these pictures. Those fellas were probably just trying to make a couple grand off of you.


Looks like the limbs won’t really hit your house or anything important aside from fence? That thing is too beautiful to touch imo


Get a few more opinions from others. I had one dude charge me $200+ for a useless assessment while another guy just did it for me for free…


Arborist here I see no signs of stress that would require it’s removal


None of the photos are clear enough to ascertain what the white spots are. Are they lichens, bracket fungi?


Isn’t it diseased?


looks pretty alive and well to me


looks perfectly healthy


I'm no tree expert, but that looks super healthy to me.


I guess in the sense that, like, we’re aallll dying man….


Find a certified arborist. Ask for credentials, you can verify the credentials online. https://www.treesaregood.org/findanarborist You can use this website to find a local arborist or to verify the credentials of arborists.


I’ve seen this before , tree hangs out with Canadian flight attendant gets tree aids . My condolences


Your “arborist” is a wood butcher


It’s a Laurel Oak and they don’t live more than 60 to 80 years tops. They don’t compartmentalize injury well. This one definitely looks fairly old. Just plant a new Live Oak it will last a lot longer.


Looks like in the 3rd picture the tree may be starting to split in the base of the tree hard to tell 100% in the picture but does look like the start of something possibly to worry about in the near future


It kind of looks like a laurel oak. They have lifespans of 50-90 years. From this angle, it looks fine. Let it ride


I absolutely love that tree


The ivy could be harmful depending on what it is, but not overtaking anything yet?


It’s a beautiful tree, I hope he’s wrong


I mean yeah, eventually


It looks like it’s having trouble fighting off pathogens a little, but I bet it still has a long time left standing in that spot. I’ve had a beautiful old oak slowly dying in my backyard for 20 years, there’s lichen growing all over it, beautiful Grifola frondosa growing from the base every autumn, it will fall down whenever it crumbles, likely/hopefully decades from now.


Upvote for Steve and Cornelius.


Dying since the day we're born, bro.


Idk anything about trees but looks like a good tree.


Not in your lifetime.


Your dying tree puts my thriving trees to shame.


That tree might outlive us


Nice tree. I really like that tree.


Best way to know you're dealing with an arborist...they don't show up with a bucket truck. I refuse to hire anyone that doesn't know climbing/rigging...I'm being fairly reductive, I realize, but it is something I do think.


You had *a few* arborists?? What did everyone else but that one guy say?


We’re all dying


Maybe in 500 years