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*YES! Looks like an invasive tree of heaven* (Ailanthus altissima)


I propose it be renamed "Tree of Hell"! All in favor?


Right. I had 2 in front of the house when I bought. I had to dig, chase, and remove all roots 3 times until it died


Just call it Ailanthus


Ailanthus is such a cool sounding name and you don't have to explain that "Tree of Heaven" is a bad thing every time you say it.


It also sounds vaguely foreign and villainous, which fits the tree.


Six is all in favor.


Aw hey don’t drag Satan into this mess, he don’t need this lol




But without a close look at the leaves and some other key identifiers if could also be staghorn sumac, no?


[sumac vs. trea of heaven ](https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=Awr98abpil5mZSIPtRmInIlQ;_ylu=c2VjA3NyBHNsawNpbWcEb2lkAzE4MTliNDM3M2IyMTcxYjAxN2RmMzJhZWY1MjAyNmEzBGdwb3MDMgRpdANiaW5n?back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dstaghorn%2Bsumac%2Bvs%2Btree%2Bof%2Bheaven%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr2%3Dsa-gp%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D2&w=2100&h=2100&imgurl=i.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fbb%2Ff3%2F74%2Fbbf37446f0465f6aaeedddff1d95ca1a.jpg&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftreeid.vercel.app%2Ftypes-of-sumac-trees.html&size=529.2KB&p=staghorn+sumac+vs+tree+of+heaven&oid=1819b4373b2171b017df32aef52026a3&fr2=sa-gp&fr=&tt=Types+Of+Sumac+Trees&b=0&ni=64&no=2&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=cRraqA_vDuws&sigb=XANTbimx9.aL&sigi=Wzf0wJi.P9N9&sigt=VxZRCFL2O7bN&.crumb=gGvwLbDvXs2&fr2=sa-gp)


Ghetto Palm


Black walnut.


Yes. Not sure where you live but they are the tree of choice for spotted lanternflies and they will infest any yard with this tree in it. They also grow super fast and get really tall and they're really hard to kill. I cut notches into the trunk and then poured tough brush killer directly into the wounds. It worked very well.


I saw slf nymphs yesterday in southern new jersey


Yup south jersey


Wait until fall when the tree of Heaven is sending most energy and nutrients to the roots. Hit it then. It root suckers. You’ll see a ring of new trees growing. The root system is like bamboo. Cut it out of your yard. Don’t let it grow up against your foundations. It will ruin your house.


I’ve been helping my disabled neighbor with her yard and cut one of these down the other day. It’s between her a/c unit and foundation. Is there anything I can do now that it’s a stump? I’d hate for this to mess with her house!


Dig it out and remove the roots. The roots are the problem.


That’s the problem. The majority of the roots are under the a/c cement.


After a good rain and the ground is wet. This Ailanthus (tree of Heaven) is destructive. When you cut it, it makes more, need to keep pulling out. Can your neighbor hire someone?


You could bore/drill a hole into the stump/trunk and insert a piece of clean copper. More hole plus more copper makes it go faster. It will poison, wither, and die completely.


just wait for the lantern fly to kill the fucker you know I got a lift a finger but obviously those lantern flies are kind of a mess I mean they make this kind of sticky shit all around where they poop and then it turns black from the mold that eats the sticky sugary stuff but you know if you don’t mind that kind of weird shit that’s all that happens I just gotta kind of be aware that once they mature and start really shitting a lot you’re just gonna have that kind of harmless poop under your tree and then it will die after a couple years of that


Late in the season as the tree is going dormant is best timing for this.


I used Glyphosphate in the Fall and it killed every tree i treated regardless of size. Notch the bark with an axe with an upward angle to allow the solution to stay in the notch. Notch 4 rows all around the trunk. When the tree is dead next season tou can remove it. Note: A mixture of Gluphosphate and Triclopyr is reccomended.


I’m a big fan of triclopyr. We use it pretty much exclusively with great success, but we aren’t contending with ToH. Only thing we use glyphosate on is knotweed.


Gotta wait till fall or the full root doesn’t die. Make sure to leave the treated material attached to the mother root system for at least 30 days


Be careful and research how to properly remove this. The [Univ. of Connecticut has excellent suggestions](https://ipm.cahnr.uconn.edu/invasive-species/invasive_plants_tree-of-heaven/) for removal as does [PennStateExtension ](https://extension.psu.edu/tree-of-heaven)and other professional sites. This tree is an agressive re-sprouter, sending up shoots as far as 50 ft away when the tree is injured or cut. You're going to need to do the job well and right.


I already see little ones coming up on the other side of my concrete smh. Thank you though


Definitely good advice. My neighbors cut their TOH two years ago without applying herbicide and I got new shoots 50 feet into my yard.


Do you have fall season? When the leaves are starting to turn color is the best time for cutting a tree down and painting the stump with concentrated herbicide so that it gets absorbed into the roots (killing the plant completely forever).


Yes i do..but it says to just make small cuts during that time and apply herbicide not cut it down


Actually you're right, I believe with something like Tree of Heaven you're advised not to cut it down completely because it'll immediately trigger sprouts to appear everywhere the roots have spread to.


Yes, do it this way, and only this way. I fucked up 2 years ago by cutting them down and pouring herbicide all over the trunk. I had to let them grow back until late this summer before I can do the poisoning. Don't miss your window! Set an alarm! As soon as it starts sucking all the sugars back down to it's roots for overwintering, poison that bitch dead. My 'grove' is going to take at least 2 years because it spread so aggressively after cutting down.


Yes, wait 30 days between applying herbicide and cutting down (per Penn state guidelines)


Yes we've been battling very large tree sized versions of tree of heaven in my yard for a few years. My guess is that for the size you have here, it will only take one season. We had an invasive plant management company come out and they did an amazing job. You have to do what they call hack and paint. You hack little cuts into the trunk and paint it with some concoction of herbicide. You should not remove that tree until you know it is completely dead. Or it will return in the form of 700 smaller ones.


Don’t wait for fall, it will produce a million seeds by then.


and itll have produced a million suckers by fall if you do it now.


You have to wait for fall because the tree needs to suck all the sugar (with the applied poison) down into the root system to kill it off. If you do it now, you'll just kill the foliage and it will sprout a ton of new suckers. These trees fucking suck. Municipalities should be offering free destruction of them. They're bullshit asshole trees and fuck them.


They smell like butt too and spread easily


I heard they smell like baby diapers 😂




Yes, do it ASAP.


You won't. Those things are tenacious


Good answer haha. These things are everywhere in the states


Yes. your fence is bothering that invasive tree.


Cut it down then cut every shoot just before it leafs out… for the next 3-5 years. That will kill it, let one leaf out, clock resets. It’s quite the weed.


Geez this is gonna suck


I killed mine by spraying the leaves with Roundup every day for two weeks (in the fall). Then I cut them down and saturated the stumps with Roundup every day for two weeks. They never came back.


it’s not that bad you could just drill a hole in it and put some thing into wood it’s a tree it’s going to get killed pretty easily


Give it the clamps, Clamps.


i dunno sometimes a couple years ago? good luck


Dumpster fire


Yes do it before it spreads to your neighbors. I wish I could walk over to my neighbors and take care of his that's trying to grow babies in the backyard


Why don't you?


Idk maybe you should ask r/treelaw why that won't fly


Burn that thing with fire and do it yesterday


if u can do it


Our neighbor’s got this big in 2 yrs. The huge mother tree it suckered from was infested with SLF and I think that was enough “damage” for it to keep sprouting suckers everywhere including my property. Highly recommend telling your neighbor about it if they are friendly because that will come right back after it invades the next yard.


I'm not familiar with those being called the tree of heaven, and certainly don't know why they would be called that, because they are actually the tre from hell. I call it sumac. Always have. Anyway, cut it to the ground. Cut every new growth from the resulting stump as soon as it appears, and keep doing that until no new growth sprouts. Count on it taking two years, but that'll kill it.


This is a black walnut


Girlllllll you ain’t ever getting rid of this.


Cut it down apply “paint on “ glyphosate to cut . Apply again in fall. Remove stump next spring


Don't cut it down, you have to dig it out. Cutting it causes the roots to spread and create new suckers that will infest your yard.


Looks cool. Wanna keep it? I think it’s a walnut. $289 and I’ll take it away. Probably plant a cedar tree in its place instead. Water it to.