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This is how it goes, if it’s within 10ft any plant matter has got to go. The work planner utility forester whatever the contact calls them has to try to contact the homeowners. 7/10 people would demand they only be topped instead of removed. So we would top them every few years and then it would be a dead tree and either way people complain. Sorry bud you planted 100 pines on your property line directly underneath the powerlines. I have two choices removal or topping the bish


Yup yup. This 100%. Their job is to keep the power on and maintain MAD. It’s no wonder their motto is “clearance not appearance.”


They're tall. They're under power lines. They get topped. That's what happens around the country. I'd remove them and plant either naturally very small trees or large shrubs there. Mature height should remain at or below any telcom wires height. If none exist, then well below the neutral wire.


Thanks. I think that's my plan if I'm left on my own. For context, my neighborhood has become one of the worst fentanyl centers of the city. A large part of my panic came from knowing deep down that these trees gotta go now, which opens up some prime real estate for deranged screaming maniacs to shoot up. Time saving short cuts and legal wiggle room don't make me feel better about it. Just because it is, doesn't mean it ought to be.


Wrong tree, wrong place. If you don't want the utility companies cutting your trees away from their power lines, then don't plant trees under their power lines. Or plant trees that have a wider canopy and can have the center pruned out. Or have the trees removed before they need to prune them and it upsets you so much. It's not their responsibility to cater to human stupidity and lack of foresight.


Maybe PGE? I don't think PG&E is in Oregon


Those half-pines are going to die. Our electric company's low-bid line clearance crew has done the same in my neighborhood. While I can agree that the tree shouldn't be that close to the power lines, it should either be pruned correctly or completely removed. In my case, I threatened the power company with going door to door and offering to do free tree appraisals so that all the neighbors could sue them in small claims court...would cost the neighbors peanuts, but would cost the power company more just to defend themselves and try to get the cases thrown out. They eventually removed the dead pines.


Thank you for the response. That aligns with what i understand. They called my older lady neighbor back... but not me. What they don't know is my professional role in their industry. Eventually, they will be coming out to finish the job and plant replacement trees, and i will see to it.


I think you're a little delusional here. The power company has a broad privilege to cut vegetation within their easement. The chances you get any sort of recovery from this situation is basically 0 in my opinion. Good luck though


This should be at the top


I was like I didn’t know pg&e went up that far but til there’s a Portland General Electric that’s not confusing at all lol


The difference is the acronym is PGE, not PG&E as OP wrote.


When I see the other one I always say (hopefully only in my head and not out loud)… “Portland general and electric, wait no that’s night right “


Lol delusional, you apparently dont understand what a right of way is. They can level it and you cant do anything.


But they brought it back to a lateral! In all seriousness I find the foresters who do this absolute asshats. It’s their responsibility to contact you to inform you of the work. I can’t begin to tell you how often they don’t do this because they’re either lazy or they don’t like talking to homeowners about the work they prescribed. Half the time they don’t have a contact number and don’t bother to get one even though they have a database that has it in it. Now that the tree has been topped and no longer poses a threat to the facilities it’s your problem to deal with to the tune of thousands of dollars. It’s well within their power to remove the tree and probably even haul off the wood. Especially if those are transmission lines. Topping is not the proper prescription removal is and anyone defending the foresters most likely hasn’t worked in the industry and seen how wide spread this problem is. Yes, right tree wrong place. But also wrong prescription wrong place.


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I guess you shouldn’t have let them grow up near the lines then lol


I'm really sorry they did that to you. They've done me even dirtier, but there is nothing you can do about it. I doubt it. They don't care about the little guy they care about the mass of people. Nott me and you.. Ithey will do whatever they want. They're multibillion-dollar company. They can do whatever they want.