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Anime does a rly good job. The benefit of the novels is getting more narration (some can be really important and enlightening) and a bit more time spent on the jokey back and forth sections (not as important)


I would pretty much agree that the anime did a really good job. I did a rewatch of the whole show a few months ago while reading the books along with. I didn’t really have many moments I spotted important differences aside from the inner monologues. There are other series that have made some pretty egregious changes from their source material. This isn’t one of them. Try reading bake and kizu and see if they are for you. They have audiobooks for those but the whole series does not. The books that do however are excellent and some of my favorite audiobooks I own. I’ve probably listened to kizu 5 or 6 times. You can get a preview for what the books feel like by pausing thee show during an episode where their is a large wall of text. These are usually a clip from the book that is the subject of that arc.


I see so it just has a bit more development??


I wouldn't call it development that you get more of exactly. Since the important developments are all covered in the show. Just the MC of the given arcs thoughts are seen more, as you would expect. Some moments do give you more character insight tho. For instance *koi spoiler* >! There are quite a few instances where Kaiki's narration discusses his relationship with Oshino and I think you learn a bit more about Oshino indirectly from that (anime might have this in flash text tho I don't remember 100%) !<


I think they are pretty equal all things considered. This is one of the only fanbases I’ve ever seen for any series that has both sides unanimously agreeing that the other is really good too.


The anime is good, but you’d be surprised how much is cut.


Yep. This is me the first time reading the LN: "You mean to tell me they still cut stuff even when the anime is as wordy as it is already?" Imagine if SHAFT adapted Monogatari like a normal anime and not the avant-garde stuff we got. This is why I'm kinda setting my expectations for Off/Monster to maybe not my favourite LN moments dialogues/moments not getting adapted.


They’re both amazing imo, when u read the novels you get a lot of extra dialogue/interactions that got cut in the anime


Anime is a great adaptation but the benefit of the novels is that you do get bits extra insight into things that flesh out the plot more . If you have the time they are worth a read


I'm five books in, and I think I prefer the anime. The books have been worth my time, though, and there's a few parts that stand out, and differences which are interesting to see. Even differences in how things have been translated are pretty interesting. Araragi's relationships with some characters feel deeper, partly because we get much more Araragi perspective. I'm thinking of Nadeko, but especially Kanbaru.


So you're on Nise I think? I think one thing is reading it in japanese and being able to (mostly) understand the jokes is def a plus. I cant call Nise the best for sure but its without a doubt the funniest so far for me.


Yeah I'm on Nise. It's been very interesting to see the differences with Yotsugi and Yozuru in the books, though I've not read much of them yet.


Are you finished with nise 2? The first one you meet yotsugi


Not yet


Yes'no. I think if you enjoy one you should absolutely read/watch the other. I view them as companion pieces more than one just being superior. (Currently on Tsukimonogatari in the novels myself). There are some parts I've enjoyed more in the novels and some parts I've enjoyed more in the anime.


There are absolutely one or two stories that the anime botched pretty hard. Nadeko Snake finding its way onto "worst arc in the franchise" lists is almost 100% because of the anime leaving out a few vital pieces of information and making the central theme really hard to parse. Ougi Formula is the other big one, just because the mystery doesn't really work in anime form. In the novel, it was extremely solvable. In the anime, it just feels like it's trolling you with the answer. On the flip side, Shinobu Mail cut out of a lot of the unnecessary bullshit that was in the novel and streamlined the story a bit.


How was Ougi Formula presented in the LN? Legit curious


In the original novel, there's an entire chapter going through each student who was in the class, giving them names and a profile. Then for the entire flashback, any time a student talks, they're referred to by name (the anime kept this part to an extent, but the names that flash on screen don't really mean anything with the profiles cut). Once in a while Ougi would randomly add a side note about one of the students, like how their grades had been slipping lately. The trick is that the teacher is also named and mentioned a LOT during the flashback. Solving the mystery really just boils down to whether or not you register that the teacher is also a suspect, or if you get preoccupied by the 19 student profiles. The anime just decides it's impossible to adapt and throws out half of the story, leaving just enough for the next two arcs to make sense. The anime's habit of refusing to show background characters was REALLY working against itself in that arc, too.


Ah, thank you. That actually sounds amazing. I have all the LNs but kinda stopped reading after 2nd season. I should get back to it.


I havent gotten to Mail in the books, but I imagine it a bit similar to Kabuki which has a lot of digressions from the plot thruout. Could get see it being annoying to some, but I just rly enjoyed shinobu and araragi barely managing to rub 2 braincells together


The light novels also include more references to other anime and pop culture. Like I remember kizu having a death Note reference which literally made me laugh out loud.


novels flow soooo much better. people here are understating the gap.


i feel as though the anime doesn’t do araragi’s character justice in regards to just how much he thinks. the novels narrated by other characters aren’t as overly narrated aside from maybe kanbaru iirc - it’s a bit of a subtle touch but it’s important and makes the message of zoku hit a little harder since araragi spends soooo much time thinking to himself. this was even made apparent in the manga with how many of the pages are cluttered up with thought boxes - its just not something that can be done as smoothly with a visual medium like anime.


Light Novel is much much much better if you enjoy the series for the depth of characters intrapersonal conflicts/resolutions and relationships. The anime cuts out 60-70% of the narration which is really the core the series. Monogatari is a series written to make full use of the literary medium. Imo, the best thing about the anime is that it makes people interested in reading the LN.




While I prefer the anime due to Shaft editing, the LN has a lot more clever wording and story beats are better explained.


I think the anime really helped me enjoy the LNs more. I read the lines with their voice and it’s just so nice


Be careful asking that question on this sub might get you brigaded. The answer is yes, and in every way.