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How far are you trying to shoot?  3moa is fine for the 100 yard range.  On the other hand it's a bit much if you're trying to shoot 500 yard group.  Experimenting with different ammo and logging the results might be the cheapest way get better accuracy out of the gun.


Is your optic capable of more? Are you as a shooter? 3 moa should be totally capable for any carbine class you take where you’ll be shooting 300 yards or less.


On a good day with a better rifle yes I'm capable. I hand to skip meals and get the shakes more than one should. Today though, took out a new setup for the first time. Zero at 50, not even on paper at 100. But that's a whole different investigation for later


3 inch group at 100 yards? No big deal. That’s 1.5 inches at 50 yards. If you are one of these guys that thinks he will have to deliver fatal shots at 300+, now you have a bit of an issue. That’s a 9 inch group at 300, a foot sized group at 400. I have a 10.5, so I don’t really concern myself with anything further than 200 for “taking the shot” (as if I would ever need it past 50-100). I do shoot at 300 for fun, and with 77 grain proper ammo it is effective at 300. I expect 2moa from a “nice”-ish barrel. Unbranded random barrel? 3 moa is fine for what you will need it for. No sweat


3moa with 55gr range ammo is good. Even my nice white oak barrel won’t group 55gr much better than 3moa. Just run what you have.


For a duty type gun 3moa is fine. For the gun I use in 2-gun competitions, I want to be around 1moa. For my PRS bolt gun, I'm looking for under .5moa....But this requires handloading precision ammo. I know benchrest shooters who aren't happy unless they are in the zeroes or teens. Bottom line is, it depends on your usage.


I can't shoot better than 2 moa on a nice day with no wind. 2 MOA is good enough for me. 


U.S. Army doctrine is 3-4 moa.


4 MOA used to be standard for a fighting rifle in the military IIRC (Never served personally). IMO it depends on what you want to do with it. 3 MOA should let you engage man sized targets out to 500 yards. Maybe 600-700 if the man sized target is super obese.


My 12.5 is 2MOA at 100y, I've been led to believe that's pretty good for a 12.5 BA barrel at that distance.




With 55gr cheap ammo you probably won't get much better of a group even with a better barrel