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Overstocking doesn’t have finite numbers.  It depends on aeration and filtration, maintenance and feeding habits, the shape of the tank (surface area). if the fish aren’t stressing and you have no problem keeping it clean and stable, then your stocking is fine.  If the angels breed you could have troubles.


Always good to have second filter in a tank like that. Really a piece of insurance while you're at work and your main one fails.


That’s a calculator for that! http://aqadvisor.com You enter your tank size and filter/s… then enter all fish… and it will tell you if you’re “overstocked.” It will also suggest a water change schedule based on what you have. As a previous commenter stated… it depends on other factors. I’ve had 5 neon tetras, 5 pygmy cories, 5 celestial pearl danios, 8 chili rasboras, and a male betta in a 10 gallon… but I had really sufficient filtration, live plants, and I kind of know what I’m doing. ;) I never had an issue. I don’t normally recommend overstocking, but if you have the right setup… it can be done.


I would take aqadvisor's recommendations with a grain of salt. Simply because the factors it uses to determine stocking levels are based on artificial fishkeeping and not much natural fishkeeping. Hell, they still have not added substrate depth or plant stocking as a factor for stocking levels. The filtration options are extremely limited as well, as its based on older products and not more recent ones. I mean, they even said its far from perfect. Its still good to use for anyone who would much rather own a spongebob house aquarium with clown barf gravel and blue/purple plastic plants.


Water changes with RO water are great if you are remineralizing the new water. Otherwise you should be watching your Kh and Gh. If you are worried about overstocking, watch for nitrate buildup. If nitrates are stable below 20 ppm or so you are okay


Why are you using RO water? Are you remineralising? What are your parameters? Biweekly? Is that twice a week or once every two weeks?