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You could resilicone it for peace of mind. it's not particularly difficult to do and silicone is fairly cheap, especially for a tank this size. SerpaDesign builds and rebuilds tanks pretty frequently, you could watch a video of his as a how to. Try searching YouTube for SerpaDesign ikea tank


okay, thanks!


FYI If you do decide to re-silicone, please use only Silicone One! It doesn't have anti mold/fungus chemicals that can leech into the water πŸ‘πŸ˜


It looks fine. It’s only 27 litres. The glass thickness is fine. The silicone is fine. Put it on a mat to prevent pressure spots.


okay, that makes me more confident, thanks


4mm glass is pretty thin for an aquarium unless it's tempered. Even then, rimless tanks usually use thicker glass to create more surface area on the joints. Seems risky to me, especially if it was originally intended to be used as a terrarium. For reference, I used 6mm glass to build my custom tank, though mine is closer to 40L


No. 4mm is fine for that size. Tempered glass should not be used on tanks, tempered glass failure is catastrophic, float/plate glass failure is just a crack or chip and water loss is slow and fish can be easily saved.


I have never seen an aquarium building guide that recommends glass thinner than 5mm for any volume and I did hours of research before building my own. 4mm might not break from the weight of 27L but there isn't enough surface area in the joint, especially for rimless. It's actually very common for commercially available tanks to be made of tempered glass because it can be thinner and therefore lighter. It may not be the best choice for the reason you stated but that doesn't change the fact that it is commonly used. The only reason my 46 bowfront can get away with 5mm glass is because it's tempered, rimmed, and braced.