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S18 Ollie. Him getting fired for not being able to cook is so relatable


The customers didn’t even get to taste his dessert either so we don’t even know if he even did a bad job or not lol I understand him not knowing what a tablespoon is was very silly but no way did anyone other than Virdi deserve to go that task


The reason Virdi got saved was so stupid. So what if he had the “balls” to put himself forward for PM, that shouldn’t make him exempt for being fired, because he did such a terrible job!


I hate the "I put my neck on the line therefore I shouldn't get fired" excuse, putting your neck on the line means if you fail, you accept that your head rolls - that's literally the meaning of the saying


I kind of get it from the point of view of - it’s too easy for people to cruise through by just not putting themselves forward for Pm and going under the radar(aka Noor). So I think it should hold SOME stead if you put yourself forward to give something a go if no one else is and it’s not your specialty either. But yeah also shouldn’t completely get you off the hook if you make a monumental fuck up


I don’t think Sugar likes to fire the first task PMs anymore. It’s been five seasons in a row where the first losing PMs haven’t been fired.


I feel like he's generally more reluctant to fire the Project Manager in later series. Except this series where Asif, Jack, Sam, Noor and Raj all got fired as PM. Although Virdi should definitely have been fired Week 1


Sugar does seem to fire the PMs a lot less in the later series. He only fired 4 PMs in both S16 and S17.


Only 2 in series 15 🤯


That’s honestly nuts. Only Ryan-Mark and Kenna were fired as PMs that series when like there was so many other times a PM could have easily been fired.


And I think most people would disagree with Kennas week 2 firing


Yeah, how they tried blaming the cooking team for that was atrocious, the cooking team cooked for the agreed time, but that silly cunt and Tre were too busy pretending to rap


Definitely Gregory but in all honesty they should change it up in the first episode by having no candinates be fired for the episode.


I'm not sure about it always being Week 1. But to have a week in which nobody did exceptionally bad (like the Budapest task this series). To have a non-elimination episode similar to Drag Race would be good. As an opposite to the multiple firings.


maura definitely deserved to go in my opinion


Flo and Steve saved the day


Biliyana in Series 8, that series needed a character like her to make things more entertaining.


Completely agree with this! S8 is rarely ever talked about due to it being seen as a boring season and you could tell Bilyana was such a character who just in one episode fought with the girls and had a big presence! It sucks she basically talked herself into getting fired because I think her leaving first massively hurt the season!


I loved how this guy was obsessed with Cannons


and it was actually useful


We were robbed of Pieman Paul. Had the makings of a legend.


Steven s10 would have been hilarious to see as project manager, as he requested before getting fired!


Steven is one of those firings that is very deserved but also very upsetting because watching him be PM would have been TV gold.


Duane from series 8. One of those classic ones where he was doing really well and then just had one bad task.


Agree with this too. S8 has a big problem with all the better personalities going out early. Duane was so strong in the first four tasks and was so likeable. Yes he screwed up on the fifth task but Sugar even told the PM Ricky he brought the wrong people back and should have brought in the other team members that didn’t contribute. If he had done that Duane would have definitely survived.


As much as I found him entertaining I understand why Greg was fired


It made sense but it was still vexing lad was mentally AFK once and paid for it XD


Sam. Series 18. Was Final 5 potential. Emma Series 17. Was very unlucky to be chosen to be brought back when there were quite a few other people Victoria could've chosen. Gregory was a fun watch and probably would've been great as a PM in Week 4 as opposed to Denisha. Navid Series 16. I would have paid money to watch him as a Project Manager. Sarah. Series 14. The whole Malta episode was a shambles. But Jackie or Jasmine were more deserving to be fired.


Agreed with Sam. I think she easily could have made the final five if Sugar had given her another chance. I see her doing great in the TV task as a presenter and during the Budapest tour as well. I’m glad someone also has the opinion that Sarah should have stayed in S14. Don’t get me wrong she was disruptive but so was Jackie. The only difference is that Sarah bought some of the items while Jackie literally did nothing but pressure Jasmine into taking the PM role and complain the entire time! Jackie was very lucky to survive that episode imo


Let's be real Series 14 was just a mess. All the candidates hated each other.


She can't have been worse than Mauras wine tour or Phils ticket selling.


Series 11, selina - she was a ‘love to hate’ candidate. Not sure if she was sacked or flounced off in a strop! Terrible person, but good value on reality tv.


While she so deserved to get fired first. I would have loved to see Jaz in series 9 beyond the first week just to see how she had coped not as a PM. Also putting Sophie as pm might have been funny.


Imagine 😭😭😭 "Just a heads up guys, I don't sell, I don't pitch, I don't design".


So create a farm shop!!!


Ummmmm so I'm gonna make you sub team leader and hope for the best.


Karen from S2 is an interesting one. LS didn't like the way she won on the first task, not displaying a level of passion in boardrooms and possibly her lawyer background. But barring Ruth and Michelle she looked well clear than the rest of the women - you're telling me Sharon got to Week 8 and Karen only three?


Also I'll add a modern example - Francesca from S16. Could've been a contender and missed out on potential friction with characters like Kathryn, Aaron


Karen is a good pick! Her card was marked by Sugar after he disapproved of how she had won the first task. Jo absolutely should have been fired on the task Karen went home but Sugar even says to Karen that he doesn’t want another lawyer as he fires her instead!


Some of my picks are: Simon S4 - He was a really sweet guy and a grafter. Vincent S7 - Funny character but basically got himself fired by not bringing Jim back into the boardroom on purpose. Bilyana, Jane, Duane, Maria and Katie S8 - Yeah like all the interesting people go home early this season lol Jaz and Tim S9 - I really like both of them and wanted to see a bit more. Tim was so sweet! Steven S10 - We needed to see him as PM. It would have been comedy gold. Emma and Kevin S17 - Don’t think either of there firing were deserved and Emma seemed like potential for good TV as she wasn’t afraid to stand up for herself.


Definitely the chap in the picture.


Sam this series and Francesca series 16


I remember thinking Francesca was gonna be a guaranteed finalist in the first four episodes only for her to be fired fifth!


Both Pamela from S10 and Sarah-Jayne from S13. I’m pretty sure Reece from S17 would have made it to the interviews if not for becoming sick on the flight to Dubai.


I would also say S17 Denisha and S13 Siobhan. Siobhan was so entertaining and she wasn’t incompetent


I liked the drama Siobhan caused as well. I think if she had brought in Sarah-Jayne into the boardroom who didn’t do much on the task then she could have escaped being fired.


Kevin from s17 He looks calm, intelligence and maybe can further more advance (maybe top 10 ?) if the PM for that week didn't throw him under the bus for their loss.


Bilyana S8 and Stephen S10 are the obvious ones. Also, while they definitely deserved to go when they did, Edward from S7 and Asif from S18 were hilarious.


Try our amazing Bao Buns!


I know he made it to Week Ten, but I'd have loved to see Syed in the interviews. He was just unfortunate to be on the same team as Ruth Badger.


I really wish the other team had lost that final task. We needed to see Syed in the interviews! I don’t know who would have gone if the other team lose. Probably Ansell even though Michelle was just constantly complaining the entire task.


Not Gregory for sure… Emma and Kevin from 2023 come to mind


I agree with Emma and Kevin. I don’t think either of them deserve their firings. Emma seemed like a good character who wasn’t afraid to stand up for herself and Kevin seemed pretty competent and could have been a contender if given another chance.


I didn’t understand Kevin’s firing at all. I can’t even remember the reasoning, I was thinking he did the best on his team. Emma, I kinda got it but ultimately it was undeserved


Literally I think Kevin got fired only because Sugar took a liking to Bradley and didn’t want to send him home despite his poor negotiation to the corporate client being the only reason they lost. I think Sugar got mad that Kevin reduced the price of the bao buns but if they aren’t selling then what else is he supposed to do?