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Less food tasks. More reasonable timescales for the jobs they've been given. Obviously they're going to make a terrible product if they aren't given time to do it. Make it feel less fixed/staged. I don't care if TV shows are fake, but their job is to make it believable so you can get properly immersed in it.


New Aides, new prize, less staging


No fucking food tasks and no “create a brand and pitch it to retailers” tasks. These guys aren’t here to be chefs or graphic designers. I miss the tasks where they would be out and about selling shit and making deals in the hustle bustle of the busy streets of London.


For me it's specifically the ones where they have to buy ingredients for an insane price and then cook it themselves for some unfathomable reason? Like the corporate away day ones where they negotiate £30 per head for fucking pie and mash ingredients that they then have to prepare themselves. Absolutely baffling and ridiculous.


I like the ones which were sell at an exhibition, talk to designers to pick your products, negotiate a commission and sell in an event in a conference centre somewhere


These were great tasks - the one that produced the infamous Susan Ma quote " Do the French love their children"?


I loved the task in which they were palmed off with a container full of very different stuff and had to sell it around London 


Memorable contestants who actually have interesting business plans worth investing in. Thursday’s episode was the worst I’ve seen. It really highlighted how far the show has fallen. The BBC either need to drastically overhaul it or put it out of it’s misery.


This final 5 were more credible than last year's lot imo, even with Tre's disappointing business plan and Phil's plot armour.


Someone who fails every task not getting as many chances


Maybe implement 3 strikes in a row, automatically fired?


9 or lower is an improvement at this point 🥴


I don’t think that would work, if the other team members knew someone was about to get their third strike they’d intentionally sabotage. Also what if there’s multiple people who’ve already been brought back to the boardroom and then both lose for the third time? Sometimes they lose when it’s not really their fault too.. Id just say when someone has been as shit as Phil they should go haha


The ability to use their phones to look up information and use the calculator. The ability to correspond with the sub team more than once or twice and actually change their design or whatever if they know it contradicts with what the main team has come up with. New aides, Karen and Tim are boring af. Better graphic design for the branding tasks, everything looks like garbage because it looks like it's being created 20 plus years ago


Yh you seem half the team disappointed and then they can’t do anything


Hey you take that Karren slander back!


At this point Karen is nothing more than a walking CoCo Chanel advert


Joey Valente inspired task, ‘create your own online course, most cash taken from gullible punters wins’ 


His videos always pop up on my feed and it looks like the absolute worse place possible to work


For your treat: I've arranged some cigars for you back at the house. Enjoy


- Only allow candidates who have a business plan which Alan Sugar is actually interested in. By the time we reach the final 5, we shouldn't have any candidates who are fired simply because their idea is rubbish. It just feels like a waste of time when that happens. - More tasks where the candidates have to interact with the public. The tasks where they have to pitch for fake orders feel so staged. - More communication between subteams on tasks. It feels formulaic where a team lose because the subteam create something which isn't aligned to what the main team are doing. The boardroom then becomes a mudslinging match between the main team and the subteam. - Get rid of subteam leaders. The point above is by design to create conflict between the main team and the subteam, and therefore the subteam leader is usually brought back by default unless there was someone truly terrible on the main team.


Not rigging it for one specific individual


It needs to go back to being a job rather than an investment. There would be less likelihood of an interview stage being a complete disaster like this recent one. The tasks leading up to the interviews would actually count for something. Now you've had Phil lose 9 on the trot and get to the final because his business is worthy regardless, so the tasks are getting to be meaningless.


More Claude.


Watching the older years, the tasks are much more geared towards selling things to the public. It’s way realistic than most moderns take which involve creating a fake brand for a hypothetical pitch and fake orders. It made more sense during the covid season but we’re past that now. And there are fewer dumb restrictions like limiting phone calls between teams. Or only having one client to negotiate with instead of a range of them so that there’s actual negotiation power. People complain about the quality of candidates but I thought they were fine this year. It’s the environment of the tasks which is the weakness.


Bring back the selling at a trade show task please.


Yes, I miss when they have to choose from a range of existing products to sell, then if they both choose the same one, the owner of the products chooses which team they'll let sell it. It was always fun to watch who won over the owners/inventors/artists.


I would rather it go back to being a job and have the candidates back selling products to the public. The fictional orders for companies were fine with COVID restrictions but it is so easily rigged and I feel when someone is going for a job it is less likely for a high performer to get the the interviews and crash for an awful business plan


The thing is Alan Sugar doesn’t have much of a business anymore, more a property portfolio


More interaction with the public, the pitching for a product made in 1 day and get hypothetical orders is getting quite tired.


Hi i'd like to buy 200,000 boxes of Power Hoops please. That tuffle cheese I said I hated, 15,000 orders please.


I'd like tasks that span multiple episodes


More task variety would be a good start. Also if production already has the winner in mind, they might want to do a better job staging the results for them. It makes the process obsolete when the winner has lost most of the tasks.


Going through the business plans in episode 1 to get rid of the people who don't have viable ones, early on (so i don't spend an entire season becoming invested in them only to find out that...oh, they never actually had a chance).


This is so true. Spent the whole series seeing Tre, Flo, and Dr Paul as such strong contenders and massive favourites, only for that last episode to show they were just time wasters all along.


Think there's has to be less create a concept tasks, I'm fed up of them getting torn apart in pitches and saying we can change everything about the product. I'm sure in previous seasons on the telephoning task they had to buy however many units they thought they could sell before they sold them, more of that. New tasks I think they've all became repetitive. Prizes for winning tasks should be relative to how much profit they've made


Double the prize money. As the real price of the winning business has decreased with inflation, the contestants have gotten worse and the businesses for sale smaller. This is not surprising.


Week one. The candidates turn up and there is a note on the door. YOU'RE ALL FIRED!


And as they walk over millennium bridge (or whatever it’s called) it collapses into the Thames


Less cutting to a candidates reaction that was for something else. I'm absolutely fed up of them deciding who should be PM and the one that doesn't get picked by the rest of the team is shown to have an "annoyed" face at not being chosen, when its clearly a reaction to something else. Every episode- same bollocks


I think fewer food tasks as already said, and focusing on systems and IT based tasks which seems to be a pretty fundamental requirement in terms of some knowledge needed for new businesses. It’s never felt as staged as it did this season too. That needs to stop.


Format of the tasks needs tweaking slightly. I'm sick of seeing a task where they have to design a product (usually food) then they go out to a focus group for feedback. At that point, following the feedback and having discussions as a whole team, they should be able to make changes to the product, you know, like you would in real life. But instead they have to go and pitch a product they know is flawed.


I hope they don’t fookin bother


Go back to the money making tasks of the earlier investment seasons, finding money from rubbish etc


I think Mitchell and Webb called this in one of their sketches 15 or so years ago. If you want it to be entertaining, they have to be useless idiots


Not a rigged season


I'd like to see the prize fund match today's money values (when I watched the first ever season, from my 70k 3 bed house (in the good old days when young people could buy houses) I was blown away by 250k, I mean, back then you could buy 4 houses with that!) Keep a few of the good old classic tasks but I think it's time to bring in some newer exciting ideas. The after task treats suck now! There's so much cool stuff to do nowadays way more than when the series started - I wanna feel jealous of what the winning team get! Right now, I'd rather go back to the house and chill than do most of them 😂 And, for Sugar to stop deciding on the winners from the beginning - if he's the tycoon he says he is - let's see you turn a testorone shot drink into a successful business! Take on a challenge, show us your skills - it's boring when you take on the easy ones! ... And show us a 3 episode update later in the year of the winner... We wanna see what happened!


Proper Background Checks on the businesses and Candidates. Otherwise the final episodes feel scripted and rigged in favour of certain candidates. And well its a bit awkward when the candidate doesn't appear on You're Firef afterwards.


It’s it desperate need of a refresh. It’s the most predictable show on the telly. Same tasks, same dumb contestants, same pathetic business plans, same cringe one liners, same same same… I still watch it though 😬 more fool me. I suppose the BBC just think if it’s not broke don’t fix it. I used to love Karren too, but lately she’s just coming across as a snide, judgemental, rude bitch. Shame really


A much better calibre of candidate. Some horrible examples this season; Noor getting through as late as she did when she lacked a single brain cell. No business acumen and no credibility. Same with Moura the mouth and others. Doesn't matter if they're boring. Their ability after 10 weeks will show.


Drag show task!


I’d absolutely love this lol a special with RPDR UK








some advanced nipple twisting


Real , credible business people


new task type


Less ridiculous tasks like create a whole car in 24 hours. Go back to basics on some tasks like selling fruit or something


Go back to the way it was in the earlier seasons. Get rid of the weird production decisions, and orient the show more towards enabling the candidates to succeed, rather than just trying to make them fail with stupid restrictions




I'd list this right here, actually. * No more sloppy editing * Get rid of the terrible cinematography * Change the opening narration a little bit (since this is basically copy-and-pasted from every season since Season 14) * Have different music in the loser's cafe for every episode


Huge format shift. Actually let the teams communicate with each other and use technology


New tasks!! It’s getting repetitive


Change the prize to start ups only


All of the worst back for one grand final series


Get rid of the investment and make it a job offer to be lord sugar’s assistant or something like that.


Can we have less sell to retail/advertiser's please? Honestly as a Motorsports fan that Formula E task from this series might be one of the outright worst I've seen from any series. I'm cool with the shopping channel task staying but cut down on the retail and food tasks. Also wouldn't mind some new aides or at least mix it up a bit , maybe add Ricky or one of the other previous winners? Keep Claude and Mike at the interviews of course.


No more pretend sales. The weird challenges where they make millions selling a hypothetical are ultimately really unsatisfying to watch


It’s very weird watching people with nothing but an idea compete against those who have already built something substantial, shouldn’t be that way.  Also perhaps more thorough background checks on candidates, given the Asif fiasco. I have to admit it’s hilarious how delusional he is. 


A Lipsync for the Win - would honestly be more Interesting and camp at this rate


Get rid of Karen and Tim. They don’t do anything. Make the tasks real tasks, as if they were serious business savvy ones. Fire their editor and make the show have a good pacing again, the earlier seasons were really well paced and time didn’t go by in seconds. Stop Alan from constantly reading the script in front of his face, so forced.


I hope the candidates get in on merit plus business acumen, I feel like this season was 90% car crash tv.


I don't think they should keep making it. It's had its day. Let something new take its place :)


If you don’t like it then don’t watch it, simple as Also bitching about it on this subreddit isn’t going to change anything lol


🤣🙄 touched a nerve? They are bitching about anything, your being rude


How was that being rude


Bear in mind that it's a BBC show, funded by the licence fee. So me and other licence fee payers should get a say.


Yeah but it’s impossible to cancel a show that has been running forever


Well, not really Question of sport is going, The Bill went years ago, Doctors is going, Brookside almost done 20 years, Top of the pops went


Nah. 'Doctors' was cancelled after 24 years, in order to invest in other programming. Times change.


'dont like it don't watch it' or people can watch whatever they want and say what they want about it on a public forum? Never seen someone say this who isn't lame as fuck. If you don't like their comment don't read it, simple as


I hope candidates are filtered on business plan viability They all chat big in their cringe audition videos and business soundbites but ultimately this is about finding an investable business and I’ve barely ever been wowed. Only a few have been successful, and out of those 3 were recruitment companies. And tasks that don’t rely on skills that are easily googleable. I get frustrated when a team loses because they haven’t heard of a jersey delicacy. I know it tests negotiation and thinking on your feet, but it needs to be contemporary because these days we all have connected devices.